TER General Board

Why would you go off on a rant without knowing who the person is? Get real! eom
Do The Math 3307 reads


Her posts are so intelligent, playful and sexy.  The fact that I havn't seen her yet can only be attributed to a lack of good judgement.  I intend to change that soon...

All the best,


ImOffonaRant2483 reads

Whodafuck is Dominick Dunne?, and how does he rate with the likes of NetMichelle??   PLEASE no flames! I really don't know who this Dominick Dunne yahoo is. For the sake of everyone here (especially NetMichelle) I hope he is some sort of visionary leading Vanity Fair magazine to new hights and not just some self-absorbed nancy-boy fudge packer trying to garner as much name for himself as his fifteen minutes of fame will allow.
  If your comparison is with the visionary reference in my rant...Cool!, I fully agree; NetM IS a great positive force.  If it is with the latter then I take issue with you #6


-- Modified on 6/9/2004 7:45:25 AM

DD is one of Vf's best writers- the guy who really peeled back the OJ thing and showed you how morally bankrupt the SC RB was in reality!

Great writer-

ImOffonaRant1836 reads

Then #6 was making a favorable comparison of our beloved NetM.

  Thanks for the 411 SULLY


not quite as cool as when the rim can't stop shaking, but dime dropping is fun!

nM and I got off to a rocky start, but we're getting along much better these days.

Why not do some research before spouting off randomly?

Let's not resort to the Rush Limbaugh school of blaming every ill in society on dirtbags such as Clinton and OJ. Frankly, there are a few scoundrels such as the Rush man himself who have found themselves under the same microscope and can't take the heat. Give it a rest, the guys starting thread was in my opinion a compliment.

Although Dunne looks a bit goofy with them circled glasses of his...he's had quite an interesting career.Mr. Dunne is like the Audie Murphy of Hollywood..."To hell and back "seems appropriate.
This recent interview says it all.

and BTW, Nobody boinks and soinks like NETM.


-- Modified on 6/9/2004 8:16:08 AM

...then I support ya girl. Go for it. Personally, I've seen your pic's I like ya just as ya are. wish you ladies would come out to Indiana for a change. What is a mid west boy to do...look at pic's of goddess all damn day? Not get none?

At any rate....go get 'em sexy.....and take me prisoner when ya do....ppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeee!

xxx ooo
Bob (ozzy335)

Maybe when the tits sag and I can't keep 'em out of the mud, I'll have earned my chops. I am still a young whippersnapper. Thank you for the compliment. My only aspirations are to pay my rent, pay off those pesky student loans and eventually get a Unabomber type of cabin in the middle of nowhere and pull the plug.

You'll still be an inspiration for all hobbyists who enjoy smart providers who can hold a tune, dance a jig, and lay out a few lines to explain the profundities of sex, love, women, and men in simple down to earth and "experienced" language. If you ever like to barter, I could turn into a decent writer in a few lessons. Writing is mostly formulaic and why the Dunne brothers do so well, is with writers, like other viruosos learn, and that is, styles are created and perfected from experience. When you have a story to tell ( I am sure you have a few) it's not to hard to dance and jig and make people take notice.

John Gregory Dunne, a truely wonderful writer.  In any case, the comparison is fair.

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