TER General Board

Why is it of any importance?
Blowing Chunks 2701 reads
1 / 72

Just my dumb and possibly ignorant observation but I'm guessing it's somewhere about 60%~70% genetic/hereditary and 30%~40% outside factors contributing to the final orientation of the guy or girl. Reasoning is that if people are strictly born that way due to genetic/hereditary make up, why is it that woman are much more likely to be B/L than men who carry the exact same genetic/inborn traits?  

Also, there are a number of verified cases that have successfully turned straight, many of them for religious reasons. Does one's level of faith in religion play a bigger role than genetics when it comes to orientation?    

I have a close highschool friend who was straighter than straight and we'd ogle at the same hot girls back in the days. But then he started seeing both guys and girls starting from college where he explored various fetishes and what not. He's a tough masculine guy who's had a few brush with the law, in and out of the cell a few times. At one point, it freaked me out when he hugged me for a prolonged period of time while getting hammered together. I'm hetero so my natural instinctive response is of discomfort and even some disgust when a dude gets all cuddly like that far too close into my personal space. But, considering he's a life long friend, I figured a friendly hug with an arm around my shoulder isn't all that bad so I let him hug despite being about 10 minutes long each time lol.  I don't get a boner out of it so I'm pretty sure I don't want to "try it out" a dude.  

However, this sounds like other factors could very well play some role cuz as far as I can tell he used to ogle only at women when we were much younger. Either that or he kept his attraction toward men in the closet.  

Oddly, I have never met anyone from same national origin as me who is bi or gay even though I have a line of work where I get to meet a lot of people of various races. Either they are in the closet or there really are very few who are B/L/G. All the ones I know who are B/G/L are different race. It's also not common to find a far east asian girl who's into greek. Seems that cultural background / race plays a significant role in ones orientation as well but who knows.  

I'm not trying to be some ignorant ass, just trying to understand the origins of gender and "sexual orientation".......... the same as how uber geeks are into the origins of the universe.  

So your opinions are definitely welcomed.... but I prefer they are backed with scientific evidence.  

-- Modified on 8/16/2014 5:08:08 AM

Epsilon_Eridani 1227 reads
2 / 72

all of this rambling from a drunken Asian is not scientific.  

yet you request from everyone else to produce scientific evidence for any rebuttals to your stupid post.

you're doing a good job living up to your alias name.
Posted By: Drunken Asian
Just my dumb and possibly ignorant observation but I'm guessing it's somewhere about 60%~70% genetic/hereditary and 30%~40% outside factors contributing to the final orientation of the guy or girl. Reasoning is that if people are strictly born that way due to genetic/hereditary make up, why is it that woman are much more likely to be B/L than men who carry the exact same genetic/inborn traits?  
 Also, there are a number of verified cases that have successfully turned straight, many of them for religious reasons. Does one's level of faith in religion play a bigger role than genetics when it comes to orientation?    
 I have a close highschool friend who was straighter than straight and we'd ogle at the same hot girls back in the days. But then he started seeing both guys and girls starting from college where he explored various fetishes and what not. He's a tough masculine guy who's had a few brush with the law, in and out of the cell a few times. At one point, it freaked me out when he hugged me for a prolonged period of time while getting hammered together. I'm hetero so my natural instinctive response is of discomfort and even some disgust when a dude gets all cuddly like that far too close into my personal space. But, considering he's a life long friend, I figured a friendly hug with an arm around my shoulder isn't all that bad so I let him hug despite being about 10 minutes long each time lol.  I don't get a boner out of it so I'm pretty sure I don't want to "try it out" a dude.  
 However, this sounds like other factors could very well play some role cuz as far as I can tell he used to ogle only at women when we were much younger. Either that or he kept his attraction toward men in the closet.  
 Oddly, I have never met anyone from same national origin as me who is bi or gay even though I have a line of work where I get to meet a lot of people of various races. Either they are in the closet or there really are very few who are B/L/G. All the ones I know who are B/G/L are different race. It's also not common to find a far east asian girl who's into greek. Seems that cultural background / race plays a significant role in ones orientation as well but who knows.  
 I'm not trying to be some ignorant ass, just trying to understand the origins of gender and "sexual orientation".......... the same as how uber geeks are into the origins of the universe.  
 So your opinions are definitely welcomed.... but I prefer they are backed with scientific evidence.  

-- Modified on 8/16/2014 5:08:08 AM

sitaradevi See my TER Reviews 1253 reads
3 / 72

I've made an observation over the years that I have no scientific proof for...only my own experience around this topic.

This is specific to the Indian/South Asian LGBTQ community-

I've noticed that often times if someone is GAY/LESBIAN then it is likely that in their family tree there are a handful of others with the same sexual orientation. Be it the persons direct sibling, cousin or even aunt/uncle many times there are several people in their family tree that have the same disposition of being attracted to the same gender sexually.

Its really just an observation I've made over the years speaking with several Indian friends from various backgrounds..nonetheless I find the commonality really amazing.


OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 1676 reads
4 / 72

No criticism intended, curiosity is one of the great gifts of life, but I am continuously surprised by the importance attached to this subject.

I suppose that once we accept that people are what they are, we will stop asking why they are...


Blowing Chunks 986 reads
5 / 72

Why the constant hostility?    

And thanks for acknowledging that I'm a drunk.  I take that as a compliment.  roflmao

hbyist+truth=;( 1184 reads
6 / 72

Is to thwart any suspicion of their gayness. The more macho they seem or the more "into" women they act, detracts from what they really want and keeps their secret safe until they are ready to face it themselves.

Also some "straight" men who are so grossed out by homosexuality are actually quite gay themselves and are disgusted by it but have no clue how to deal or again use it as a cover.

OR, straight guys are really just straight guys and do find the notion of sucking a cock and taking a load quite disgusting.

-- Modified on 8/16/2014 7:49:01 AM

DanBernoulli 1295 reads
7 / 72

A really good place to look for such answers is the Kinsey Institute.

lopaw 29 Reviews 1011 reads
8 / 72
SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1157 reads
9 / 72
Epsilon_Eridani 1347 reads
11 / 72

especially original threads like these that really don't contribute much to the forum.

Majority of your posts are self-absorbed meaningless rants.  

Do you talk about yourself much?
Posted By: Drunken Asian
Why the constant hostility?    
 And thanks for acknowledging that I'm a drunk.  I take that as a compliment.  roflmao

GaGambler 931 reads
12 / 72
Epsilon_Eridani 770 reads
13 / 72

we know that there are at least 2 morons... you and perfect.  

Name the rest.
Posted By: GaGambler
A LOT more

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1728 reads
14 / 72

and only male-male or female-female relationships were considered socially acceptable, would you be one of those degenerates sneaking off to meet up with women as vile and twisted as yourself?

Or would you just live out your life as you were taught, and spend time with other boys?

Or do you assume that if you had been born in such a society you would have,of course, grow up gay?

-- Modified on 8/16/2014 11:35:23 AM

Dr Who revived 940 reads
15 / 72

Where's your evidence?

I've been to Epsilon_Eridani...and you're not from there.  But I'll bet you have a baby's arm and speak 5 languages.  
Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
we know that there are at least 2 morons... you and perfect.  
 Name the rest.  
Posted By: GaGambler
A LOT more

Blowing Chunks 1237 reads
18 / 72
Blowing Chunks 1151 reads
19 / 72

Still trying to figure out how to send you a PM  lol

Blowing Chunks 1295 reads
20 / 72

And do you really think I don't accept how people are the way they are?  I'm a very laid back chill guy, anyone who knows me well would attest to that.  

There's a difference between accepting and understanding at a deeper level.

hotplants 1494 reads
21 / 72

What you have not figured into your observations, DA, is that people who are LGBTQ have EVERY reason NOT to behave any other way than as a “normal” heterosexual; regardless of what our sexual/gender orientation is. The fact that ANYONE ‘comes-out’ is mind-boggling. But, obviously, we do—even though we have every reason not to—-other than the fact that: we can’t be happy living a lie in secret.  

There is not a single person that I went to high school with that would have suspected I’m a lesbian; not even me (although from a very young age I sensed something “different” about myself that couldn’t put my finger on). I was very sexually active in high school and I only dated boys. I didn’t know anyone who was gay. Nobody did. Not that they weren’t there, of course, hiding in plain sight.  

I was lucky in that neither of parents were particularly concerned about the fact that I was sexually active ‘girl’ -—other than the obvious concern that I would get preggo. BC pills took care of that. Which is to say: my home environment was not sexually repressive. My parents weren’t particularly religious. They certainly weren’t socially conservative.  

The outside world, however, was (to a large degree still is) virulently homophobic and socially conservative, and the clear message was that, being gay topped the list of every “bad” thing a person could be. Worse than criminals by a long shot. I heard that at home, I heard that at school, I heard that at church, I heard that on the radio, on TV, at the movies, from every single person I knew; family, friends, strangers. Subsequently, that’s what I believed as well.  

When I finally realized I was “GAY”…holy crap. Once I had that ‘Ah HA’ moment, all of those little things about me that had not quite made sense, now made complete sense. There was no going back. And it was devastating. Not only was I someone, who, up until that moment had been in some seriously deep denial about my sexuality, I was scared shitless about how I was going to live the rest of my life. And, the kicker is: every single bit of that socially and culturally constructed hatred of homosexuals was in my very own head. I believed that I *was” this terrible, sick, perverted person I had heard about my whole life.  

Peoples attitudes and understanding of ‘deviant’ sexuality has changed dramatically since I ‘came out’. (about a million yrs ago now).  But there is a reason why suicide rates of LGBTQ youth is still statistically greater than the avg youth population. Believe me, I ‘get it’.  


As far as homosexuals being successfully turned heterosexal? It’s nonsense. On “reparative” therapy for homosexuals:

1. From the World Health Organization:


2. From Dr. Robert L. Spitzer. The guy who started the whole nonsense. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/19/health/dr-robert-l-spitzer-noted-psychiatrist-apologizes-for-study-on-gay-cure.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0

3. Dr Spitzers apology to the editor of the Archives of Sexual Behavior for the nonsense he started: http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_changing.html

I also don’t know what your background is, other than ‘Asian’. But, trust me—-LGBTQ Asians are out there with the rest of us. If you really don’t believe me, go to a gay pride parade

russbbj 89 Reviews 1194 reads
22 / 72

I'll start by pointing out two very important things. First, I'm not gay and so I don't have any personal knowledge to share on this subject. Second, I'm not a,mental health professional and so I do not have any professional knowledge on this subject. And so, this is simply partial observation, partial opinion. I think that somewhere around 85-90% of claimed gay and lesbians are genetic. The other 10-15% I think are claiming to be to get attention, the shock factor.

I personally don't care what sexual orientation anyone is, it's simply none of my damn business. I had a discussion recently with a bible thumper who is an adamant adversary of gay and lesbian. I asked him point blank how someone being gay or lesbian effected his life, liberty or happiness. So because he didn't have an answer, he started proclaiming how it's an abomination of god, so I picked up a stone and handed it to him and quoted a phrase supposedly spoken by the prophet of his religion, Jesus Christ, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Now of course he, just like all his fellow Christians went on a rant. Their pointing out of sins only apply to those sins that they personally don't commit, and this somehow makes them feel better about themselves.

I don't feel that gay couples or lesbian couples should make out in public, but I also don't think heterosexual couples should make out in public. There are things that are best left for behind closed doors and that level of intimacy I think is one of them.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, we should celebrate our differences. This would be an awful boring existence if we all thought or felt the same way about everything.

lopaw 29 Reviews 1506 reads
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Blowing Chunks 1523 reads
24 / 72

So you're saying religious people converting to hetero are non genuine conversions?

Blowing Chunks 1486 reads
25 / 72

I haven't thought of it that way but that could be possible.

yellowfever1250 10 Reviews 1535 reads
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Posted By: russbbj
The other 10-15% I think are claiming to be to get attention, the shock factor.
hate those, its mostly teenage girls trying to appeal to males, i personally never was into girl on girl action

hbyist+truth=;( 1159 reads
27 / 72
Blowing Chunks 1178 reads
28 / 72

Why didn't you pick "stay strong pretty laydee@ Gmail. Com"?   :D

LoboGris 3 Reviews 1330 reads
29 / 72

've some blanket statements on this board, but this takes the cake...

....must be some serious ranting going on in the worl

GaGambler 1508 reads
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but I have to confess, "praying the gay away" is a ridiculous concept. They may be able to change the behavior, but you can't change the way someone is "hardwired"

In my case I am firmly hetero. Born and raised in the SF bay area, I grew up with gay people all around me, and none of it "rubbed off" You can dress up a man, or a dog or a child or anything or anybody else in as "sexy" a garb as you care to, and I am NOT going to be attracted to them. By the same token I am sure no matter how much you brow beat a gay  person into being attracted to the opposite sex, it's not going to take either.

We are what we are, as russ just said, it would be boring if we were all alike. Besides the more gay men there are, the more pussy left for me. win win. lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 1402 reads
31 / 72

what meaningful threads you've put up.  As for the list of morons, I'll happily join it.  Especially if it includes everyone on this board who thinks the same of Roddy.  Gosh, what great company you've placed yourself in. Keep up the excellent work.

russbbj 89 Reviews 2020 reads
32 / 72

Use some of their prophets words against them and they freak out and go on a rant. You don't get to pick and choose what applies to you and what doesn't if you believe in a religion, a sin is a sin and they are all equal, according to their own scholars. Just as with the Muslim extremists who are perverting their religion, they pick and choose and twist it to mean what they want it to mean.

So this bible thumper that I was speaking with is straight, and since that's not a sin that he commits, he gets all bent out of shape about gays ans lesbians. He is glutonous, but he doesn't say anything about fat people, because he is one.  

Unless someone is doing something that hurts someone else, or is coercive of someone else, then none of us has any right to dictate what anyone else should do, especially if its religiously motivated. I'll always defend someone's right to believe in whatever religion they want to (or in my case to not believe) and for them to follow the edicts of that religion, as long as they don't impose those beliefs on others.

So, do you see my point? I am completely done with religious people who think that everyone else should believe in what they believe in. And especially with those that pick and choose from their own holy books and teachings.

There is a "rant" from a non believer.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1739 reads
33 / 72

Posted By: Drunken Asian
So you're saying religious people converting to hetero are non genuine conversions?
Think about it: you're pressured by everyone you know to be a certain way because (according to them) being gay is an abomination in the eyes of god. If you're someone who's been indoctrinated with that shit for your entire life, it makes sense that they'd want to change it. So the obvious solution would obviously be to just cover it up, work that denial like the rent is due, and get through straight relationships as best as they can. But just because someone claims to be "cured" of homosexuality doesn't make it so. Why do you think so many of these people end up killing themselves?  

By the way, the scientific community has generally come to the consensus that "conversion therapy" is not only ineffective, but actually psychologically damaging.

russbbj 89 Reviews 1471 reads
34 / 72

Besides the more gay men there are, the more pussy left for me. win win. lol

Hell yes man

I can appreciate lesbians, because, well I like eating pussy too, and I can't fault them for liking the masterpiece that is the female body. And as GaG points out, the more gay men there are the more pussy is left to the rest of us. It truly is a win, win.

hotplants 1655 reads
35 / 72

id you actually read any of the info in the links I provided on reparative therapy? You're pretty sure they exist? Since you're pretty sure that sexual orientation can be changed, why are you so convinced that yours can't be changed?  

Better yet, why don't you provide some supporting evidence of these successful conversions you keep talking about?

A person changing his/her sexual behavior, under extreme social/religious/cultural pressure to 'become heterosexual', to avoid the (external and internalized) shame and ridicule and discrimination that can come along with being homosexual, does mean that person has become heterosexual. Many homosexuals live in the closet, get married, have children

hbyist+truth=;( 1470 reads
36 / 72

That "conversion therapy" won't work and nor does the opposite.

Know a woman who was married for 10 years before she couldn't take it anymore and left. She told me she had to get blind drunk to fuck her ex-husband so much so that she didn't remember it the next day. That's how much she hated straight sex.  

If you're gay, you're gay and it saddens me that this world is not tolerant enough to accept what others do in the privacy of their own bedrooms...much like how P4P is vilified.

hbyist+truth=;( 1708 reads
37 / 72

And still seek out the same sex to feel "normal". You (general) are assuming that nurture plays a big enough role as to switch an inherent sexuality to the one most socially acceptable.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1601 reads
38 / 72

You can't "teach" someone to be straight or gay.  We're wired from birth to a certain sexuality.  You can't change the wiring and you should not try to.  You should accept what you are and accept others for what they are.  This does't extend to pedophiles or stalkers or rapists.  Then there are shades of gray, meaning bisexuals.  Then there are transgender, etc.  It's all good, except for the pedophiles. And the judgmental idiots.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1310 reads
39 / 72

Would NOT be altered by the social norm. Until only a short time ago, our society viewed homosexuality as deviant. That's changing, but the pressures must surely still be felt by kids growing up.  

Some pretend, some refuse to admit it, some just wear it proudly.

If the social condemnation was aimed at heterosexuals instead of the other way around, men whose orientation is straight would continue being straight (IMO) irregardless of social training or social pressure.

I'm asking DA if he would stop being heterosexual if the general norm was to be gay, even if the hostilities leveled at gays were as extreme as in the 40's & 50's.

hotplants 1644 reads
40 / 72

One: Pretending to be gay in an environment in which being gay would actually be shocking, is a good way to get your teeth kicked in—or worse. And, pretending to be gay in an environment in which being gay is not shocking, would be pointless.  

Two: that is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard someone say about gay people; actually, in this case, heterosexual people. And, I’ve heard some ridiculous things.  

"claimed gays?"....jeeper

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1514 reads
41 / 72

You seem to just ask questions on this board just so you can read what you own self has written. I think there is plenty of research that you can actually do (you know... read medical articles and facts for example) that would help you understand a lot of how sexuality and all its branches (orientation, behavior ... etc) works instead of asking that question here where people will give you not much more than their own opinions, and then you're just gonna claim you're right about your assumptions.  

If i had to picture how you look physically DA, just purely based on the way you write and things you say.... I can clearly see a teenager jerking off to go daddy commercials or an adult watching Lou Dobbs. Am I in the ballpark people?  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
So you're saying religious people converting to hetero are non genuine conversions?

Epsilon_Eridani 911 reads
42 / 72

are you pissed that you are part of that group named 'morons'? it's your own doing. go ahead and keep on acting like the playground bully that you are.

we =  folks are who are not morons. sorry... you're not part of that clique.
Posted By: Dr Who revived
Where's your evidence?  
 I've been to Epsilon_Eridani...and you're not from there.  But I'll bet you have a baby's arm and speak 5 languages.    
Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
we know that there are at least 2 morons... you and perfect.    
  Name the rest.  
Posted By: GaGambler
A LOT more

russbbj 89 Reviews 917 reads
43 / 72

This is partly observation, partly opinion.

I am convinced that two people I know have "claimed" they are gay, in order to get attention. Of course I cannot be sure, and honestly it's none of my business. But in my family there weren't any homosexuals that any of us know of, and one of my much younger cousins, who has always been an attention seeker, comes out and claims she's a lesbian, she got much attention in the family from doing so, albeit negative attention. So she's been a lesbian for a year and a half now and no one has seen her with another woman. To set the stage for you, she was also a goth girl when that was in it's height of popularity and she isn't anymore. One of my other, yet younger cousins who is a complete follower and who mirrors just about every footstep of the other all of a sudden says she's a lesbian too, because she idolizes the other cousin and she saw how much attention she got, being the first openly gay person in our family.

Again, I have no way of knowing if this is just a shock factor attention getting scheme, nor do I really care. If they are both lesbians, and they are happy, then I'm happy for them. History however suggests differently.  

I have no ill will towards homosexuals, and if you were to re read my post fully and not focus on a few words then you would see that. But if my family contains two young ladies that are attempting to get attention by claiming they are lesbians, then I'd have to imagine that other families have this sort of things happening too. I assure you my 85%-90% numbers are a guess, there would be no real way to quantify those numbers. But I also don't retract my "claimed" remark, because I'm confident that there are some folks who "claim" to be hompsexual, because it's now more socially acceptable and they want attention.

Just to be clear, I don't condone claiming to be something you're not, thought I'd throw that out there so you don't focus on that too much

Epsilon_Eridani 1352 reads
44 / 72

you just didn't bother to read them because the topics weren't worthy of a "train wreck".  

I always do excellent work, do you do excellent work? I kind of doubt it.
Posted By: inicky46
what meaningful threads you've put up.  As for the list of morons, I'll happily join it.  Especially if it includes everyone on this board who thinks the same of Roddy.  Gosh, what great company you've placed yourself in. Keep up the excellent work.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1202 reads
45 / 72

In the same way that someone has no choice in their sexual orientation (the OP's initial question), ask yourself if Fundamentalist bigots really have any choice in how they are orientated about their beliefs. Some minds require that perspective, and if that is indeed the case, their motivations for their behavior cannot be changed. If you ask a bible-beater what he would have to discover to make him change his mind about things, s/he'll tell you, "Nothing." All the evidence in the world won't change him/her. It's just the way some people are "hard wired."

And, yes, this is a frightening observation when grasped in its entirety, because it further suggests that psychopaths are just the way they are (tons of evidence to support that notion), and eventually leads to the conclusion that none of has any choice over "how we are" and that implies we really have no control over "what we do."

I openly despise god-believers, and always have. That's "just the way I am." Any attempt to convert me to anyone's faith is useless effort on the evangelist's part. My way of thinking and feeling doesn't matter, only my actions are subject to social reaction. I'm guessing that's why gays have for so long lived closeted lives. And that concern makes some of them easy prey for conversionists.

hotplants 1176 reads
46 / 72

And what a relief it is....lol..

We also know that he knows lot about gay people, although he doesn’t actually know any gay people

He knows that men can be straight, or they can be GAY. They absolutely CANNOT be BI. This is a proven fact. He knows this because he is repulsed by the idea of homosexuality.  

He knows that women turn BI more easily than men. He fails to recognize the glaringly obvious reason for this illusion. But no matter.  BI women are ALWAYS GOOD.  

He knows that sexual orientation CAN be changed. At least, he’s pretty sure. Unless it’s his. Because that is not possible.  

And, actually READING the wealth of information readily available on sexuality might tell him his erroneous assumptions are wrong. So facts are best avoided

Dr Who revived 1118 reads
47 / 72

You're hysterical.

Keep up the good work.

You seem like a fun troll to play with.
Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
you just didn't bother to read them because the topics weren't worthy of a "train wreck".  
 I always do excellent work, do you do excellent work? I kind of doubt it.  
Posted By: inicky46
what meaningful threads you've put up.  As for the list of morons, I'll happily join it.  Especially if it includes everyone on this board who thinks the same of Roddy.  Gosh, what great company you've placed yourself in. Keep up the excellent work.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1564 reads
48 / 72

I love it when they have to pat themselves on the back like this.  I think he just dislocated both "his" shoulders. ROFL!
Also fun how "he" compulsively comes back on each and every reply.  "He" just can't help "himself."

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1381 reads
50 / 72

Posted By: hotplants
And what a relief it is....lol..  
 We also know that he knows lot about gay people, although he doesn’t actually know any gay people  
 He knows that men can be straight, or they can be GAY. They absolutely CANNOT be BI. This is a proven fact. He knows this because he is repulsed by the idea of homosexuality.  
 He knows that women turn BI more easily than men. He fails to recognize the glaringly obvious reason for this illusion. But no matter.  BI women are ALWAYS GOOD.  
 He knows that sexual orientation CAN be changed. At least, he’s pretty sure. Unless it’s his. Because that is not possible.  
 And, actually READING the wealth of information readily available on sexuality might tell him his erroneous assumptions are wrong. So facts are best avoided.  

Blowing Chunks 1569 reads
51 / 72

So why do you resort to ad hominem attacks?  

I don't recall attacking you here. Can you find one post here wherne I was attacking or insulting you directly?  

Seems to me you're the teenager

Dr Who revived 1242 reads
52 / 72

But he's working hard on his PhD now.  I can guess what this will be for.  

He signed up for his online classes last week and is expecting that doctorate any time now.
Posted By: inicky46
I love it when they have to pat themselves on the back like this.  I think he just dislocated both "his" shoulders. ROFL!  
 Also fun how "he" compulsively comes back on each and every reply.  "He" just can't help "himself."

Blowing Chunks 1236 reads
53 / 72

The topic of this discussion is "to what extent this is genetic".  

The LGBT people are extremely vocal about it being 100% genetic, but this extent also has not been proven.  

BTW, why do you resort to ad hominem attacks.  
I don't recall attacking you

Blowing Chunks 1383 reads
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hotplants 1539 reads
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how people who are comfortable in their sexuality rarely go to great lengths to repeatedly announce they are heterosexual.  

It's hard to find someone more emphatically defensive about their sexuality than someone who is in deep denial. Ask any LGBTQ person......we've been there. Done that.....got the t-shirt....lol...


JohnyComeAlready 1014 reads
57 / 72

Substance use in the gay community.  

Perhaps you could see something about yourself that wasn't visible before.
Posted By: Drunken Asian
Just my dumb and possibly ignorant observation but I'm guessing it's somewhere about 60%~70% genetic/hereditary and 30%~40% outside factors contributing to the final orientation of the guy or girl. Reasoning is that if people are strictly born that way due to genetic/hereditary make up, why is it that woman are much more likely to be B/L than men who carry the exact same genetic/inborn traits?  
 Also, there are a number of verified cases that have successfully turned straight, many of them for religious reasons. Does one's level of faith in religion play a bigger role than genetics when it comes to orientation?    
 I have a close highschool friend who was straighter than straight and we'd ogle at the same hot girls back in the days. But then he started seeing both guys and girls starting from college where he explored various fetishes and what not. He's a tough masculine guy who's had a few brush with the law, in and out of the cell a few times. At one point, it freaked me out when he hugged me for a prolonged period of time while getting hammered together. I'm hetero so my natural instinctive response is of discomfort and even some disgust when a dude gets all cuddly like that far too close into my personal space. But, considering he's a life long friend, I figured a friendly hug with an arm around my shoulder isn't all that bad so I let him hug despite being about 10 minutes long each time lol.  I don't get a boner out of it so I'm pretty sure I don't want to "try it out" a dude.  
 However, this sounds like other factors could very well play some role cuz as far as I can tell he used to ogle only at women when we were much younger. Either that or he kept his attraction toward men in the closet.  
 Oddly, I have never met anyone from same national origin as me who is bi or gay even though I have a line of work where I get to meet a lot of people of various races. Either they are in the closet or there really are very few who are B/L/G. All the ones I know who are B/G/L are different race. It's also not common to find a far east asian girl who's into greek. Seems that cultural background / race plays a significant role in ones orientation as well but who knows.  
 I'm not trying to be some ignorant ass, just trying to understand the origins of gender and "sexual orientation".......... the same as how uber geeks are into the origins of the universe.  
 So your opinions are definitely welcomed.... but I prefer they are backed with scientific evidence.  

-- Modified on 8/16/2014 5:08:08 AM

russbbj 89 Reviews 1123 reads
58 / 72

I'm a non believer, I'm a realist. But I feel if it takes some people to believe in a god so that they'll treat their fellow man with dignity and respect then I'm all for them believing. Of course some people kill each other over the differences in their religious beliefs, and do so in the name of their god, the same god I might add. Other than the despise part I agree completely.

lopaw 29 Reviews 1562 reads
59 / 72
hotplants 1878 reads
60 / 72

Rebellious teenagers (even college kids) with a hard-on for getting a rise out their parents... happen...lol...

In fact, I have a younger step-sister who, not only went  through a goth "stage" in high school, she used to announce that she was a lesbian on a regular basis, usually in front of dinner guests, because she knew this would drive my mother (her step-mother) to near abstract insanity.  

It was pretty funny actually. My mother was not amused.  

But in all fairness here, to say that 10%-15% of gay people (or whatever flavor of deviant sexuality that might be) are 'pretending' to be gay to get attention is still absurd.  

The rest of your message is great. And greatly appreciated. Simple acceptance of diversity would make the world a much more peaceful place. All of this divisiveness over sexual orientation is a whole lot of tadoo about nothing

lopaw 29 Reviews 1351 reads
61 / 72

Definitely genetic.
I had to buy them both dinner too.
Someone owes me $54.98

hotplants 1084 reads
63 / 72

All I have done is repeat back you, what you have said yourself. You started this OP by throwing out a bunch of assumptions. Then you ask for opinions. But you preferred those opinions be backed up by supportable evidence.  

I give you a weeks worth of supportable evidence to read through, and yet you persist with the same incorrect assumptions you started with. Last week for fck sake.  

At the same time you have not provided one single piece of data to support these opinions of yours; other than a link to a satirical article that was making fun of the very assumptions you keep throwing out.  

Is my sexuality 100% genetic? Who the fuck knows. What I *do* KNOW, with absolute certainty, is that it can't be changed. Make what you will of that.  

It is what it is

Robert_BadenPowell 1385 reads
66 / 72

... and attribute the behavior of some "Christians" to all Christians?

I think THAT could be considered a "rant".  You didn't talk with all Christians on this topic.  You spoke with one "bible thumper."  If you think he speaks for all Christians, including me, you're mistaken.

And... why shouldn't two people who love each other "make out" in public?  You don't like that, but many people don't have any problem with it.  Shouldn't we celebrate our differences?
Posted By: russbbj
... Now of course he, just like all his fellow Christians went on a rant. Their pointing out of sins only apply to those sins that they personally don't commit, and this somehow makes them feel better about themselves.  
 I don't feel that gay couples or lesbian couples should make out in public, but I also don't think heterosexual couples should make out in public. There are things that are best left for behind closed doors and that level of intimacy I think is one of them.  
 I've said it before, I'll say it again, we should celebrate our differences. This would be an awful boring existence if we all thought or felt the same way about everything.  

hotplants 1180 reads
67 / 72
hotplants 1346 reads
69 / 72

Whether it's a genetic twist on DNA, a hormonal variation pre or postnatal, an evolutionary dead-end or some yet to be identified evolutionary advantage; whether it's hardwired, or environmental, or some complex combination of any or all of the above, or ....freakin' magic elves----- frankly, it's all irrelevant. Whatever it is, it is immutably and irrevocably unchangeable.  

But, even if it WAS changeable--- even if people CHOSE to be gay, and could CHOOSE not to be gay, this is not something that requires governmental, psychiatric, religious, or social intervention to "fix". There is nothing here to be cured.  

And, LGBTQ people should not have to "prove" that their sexual orientation is predestined by genetics in order to justify not being discriminated against. The fact that people can still be fired from a job in the US for being gay, or that people in some countries outside of the US can be imprisoned, or even executed for being gay is truly surreal.  

And while it is good to share knowledge, the fact that homosexuality is so hotly debated, or still needs to be explained or defended, at all, on a board dedicated to scoffing social/sexual "norms" is a real head-scrather

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1311 reads
70 / 72
Robert_BadenPowell 1291 reads
72 / 72

... and also a serious question: why do some people love to talk about celebrating differences in people, when it's clear they celebrate only when they agree with the differences?

For example:  "I think we should celebrate differences in people, life would get boring without... oh! Ewww!  Don't KISS in front of me!  How disgusting!"

Or how about:  "You're what?  A Christ-ian?  Well... I SUPPOSE I can tolerate that... if that's what it takes for you to treat other people nicely.  At least it's easy to understand You People... you all think alike."

Yes... have to love diversity, and respect for same.

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