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Why don't you spend more time booking that first date...regular_smile
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 863 reads

than surfing TER like you've been doing for years now.

You'd be better off at this point getting up the nerve to finally pull the trigger on that first date with a lovely lady. I'm looking forward to hearing more about that from you.

ATF  shouldn't be taken literally! A lady can be a guy's ATF for a while but life changes a lot in this P4P world, IMO then more so than IRL. She could retire or their P4P relationship could change, who knows?

Sorry if this seems harsh, but you've been here pondering things for a while...how some guy feels about an ATF and how many he does or doesn't have
is his personal business.




-- Modified on 11/6/2014 2:09:16 PM

LB4443532 reads

The simplicity of ATF is just that, All Time Favorite. This implies singular not plural. It is amazing how many men in here have 5 or 10 All Time Favorites...... Just a pet peeve.

I only have one, but in a world of things to be peeved about this just ain't a biggie.  It's like being literal about awarding more than one 10 because you believe "once in a lifetime" can never be topped.

All time means all time, and once in a lifetime means once in a lifetime to me. It has always drove me nuts to read "one of my ATFs," and also to see review histories with so many "once in a lifetime experiences." However, I know I'm not going to change anything so I don't start threads anout it. :)

LB4441221 reads

Let the attacks begin........ It is similar to those that "go hard" for 30 minutes straight. Uh Huh...

Because you certainly can have many experiences with women that are "once in a lifetime" and quite different from each other.
For example, I once did a session with a rather dumpy looking submissive, mainly because I'd never tried it. I was generous in giving her looks a 7 and almost didn't go through with it.  But she turned out to be such a freak and taught me so much I had literally never had an experience like it.  So she earned a 10 in performance.
Then there was Gina Rollins who was a different, but equally freaky, "once in a lifetime."
I could go on but you get the picture.  And these are only two examples.  There are more.
Also, if you study TER's numerical ranking system, their formula produces 10s quite easily if you add together the right number of services provided.
So the problem is the terminology, which is flawed.
Bottom line: lots of ways to get to 10.

-- Modified on 11/6/2014 12:15:47 PM

Different experiences may garner "once in a lifetime" ratings, but you can't have more than one "once in a lifetime" same experience. :) I don't have a problem with someone giving more than one 10 in their lifetime, but there are many out there who give mostly 10s. Those I have a problem with.

As to the ratings vs services offered, offering services does not guaranty any lady a certain score. It only makes her eligible for a certain score.

I think we all agreed long ago that this number system is flawed anyway.

I strongly agree the numerical system is fundamentally corrupt.

the real problem.

Guys hand out a 10 for a gal that is breathing.

What's a "lifetine"?  Where is Conan?  Is Santa going to be here soon?

Posted By: inicky46
I strongly agree the numerical system is fundamentally corrupt.

That's epsilon's job. :D

Posted By: Dr Who revived
the real problem.  
 Guys hand out a 10 for a gal that is breathing.  
 What's a "lifetine"?  Where is Conan?  Is Santa going to be here soon?  
Posted By: inicky46
I strongly agree the numerical system is fundamentally corrupt.

It's that little tine on a lobster fork that always gets bent out a little so it can be used to perform an emergency tracheotomy. But only in the skilled hands of Dr. Who.
Our mutual friend, Mikey, has a habit of punching people in the trachea, so Doc's skill often must be called upon.

I was with a great gal called Elli King.  A buddy who knew her found out she'd never done an MFM and wanted to, so he enlisted me.  Under TER's guidelines she clearly did all the things that qualified her for a solid session and it also included BBBJ, DFK, more than one guy and anal.  So if an 11 was possible, she'd have earned it.
Point being, just because TER uses the term "once in a lifetime," multiple 10s are certainly warranted based on their scoring system.

Posted By: LB444
The simplicity of ATF is just that, All Time Favorite. This implies singular not plural. It is amazing how many men in here have 5 or 10 All Time Favorites...... Just a pet peeve.

so I found ATF #2.  She too has retired so now I have a new ATF.  Only one at a time but yes, I have had more than one ATF.  Hope this is OK with the OP.

Even when he's really talking about a current favorite, using "ATF" implies that she's an experience that he recognizes as rare and one that he'll never forget.  

Yes, you can have more than one ATF if you meet someone new who provides an experience that supersedes the previous one(s). The previous one is then your former ATF, but for the sake of brevity,"former ATF" just seems unnecessary to type out if the context of the statement implies so.  

Don't be the semantics police, have fun with language (and listen to some hip hop)!

It's likely you will have several favorites, so I understand what others mean when they use this term in plurality.  Seems like a rather trivial pet peeve to me...

than surfing TER like you've been doing for years now.

You'd be better off at this point getting up the nerve to finally pull the trigger on that first date with a lovely lady. I'm looking forward to hearing more about that from you.

ATF  shouldn't be taken literally! A lady can be a guy's ATF for a while but life changes a lot in this P4P world, IMO then more so than IRL. She could retire or their P4P relationship could change, who knows?

Sorry if this seems harsh, but you've been here pondering things for a while...how some guy feels about an ATF and how many he does or doesn't have
is his personal business.




-- Modified on 11/6/2014 2:09:16 PM

JackDunphy981 reads

Its his way of telling the world without having to get hammered for the "fell in love" stuff.

So having multiple ATF's makes sense to them, as they fall in love way more than once.

-- Modified on 11/6/2014 4:41:01 PM

I'll admit it, now I'm hooked on reading your responses, whether I like them or not!



JackDunphy1123 reads

likes the bad boy.  

And if you were just 30 years younger....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

I can dream, can't I?

and if she were 30 years younger she might not have been as good as she is now. She gets higher scores now than she did when 10 years ago. Like a fine wine some women improve with careful aging. LOL  

Posted By: JackDunphy
likes the bad boy.  
 And if you were just 30 years younger....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...  
 I can dream, can't I?

JackDunphy1014 reads

They just shrivel up and make you run to the head more often.

Although...oh never mind, you know what I'm thinking! ;-)

-- Modified on 11/6/2014 10:06:49 PM

Posted By: JackDunphy
They just shrivel up and make you run to the head more often.
Ahhh, but if they have maintained their skin they remain as smooth-skinned Plums.

The young hookers that have to see the old tricks with their fat guts, the sagging sacks nearly to their knees, the balding, the hair in the ears, and their wrinkles (sorry old men with wrinkles are not distinguished looking, they are old with wrinkles). The thing that stops them from running away is the money, the main reason they are there.

So dis the older hookers all you want, but never forget  what might be running through that 23 year old head because you guys can live in denial as long as you want but you know the truth, the real truth when it all comes down to it, SOME hookers are dreading the thought but are smiling as if you are the best thing they have seen all week.  

You are an ATM on two legs. The minute the money runs out, so does she.

But I've got to respect his enthusiasm.  He fell in love again tonight several times.

Skyfyre724 reads

It depends on individual hobbyist the same way GFE is defined differently by individual providers!  

IMO a singular ATF is simply too limiting. Like somebody already mentioned for some of us there can be ties for the top spot.

The way I see it my ATFs are like my All-time All-Star team, LOL.

But I have a Favorite Favorite, which I suppose, is the same as what a lot call their ATF. I also tend to have a Current Favorite, which for months has been the same as my FF. But CF, FF, ATF, it means something different to different folk. For those who can't have a favorite of any kind without falling in love, that's sad. It's like not being able to have a song that keeps coming back to you all day without wrestling with emotional turmoil.

Maybe I'm very lucky in that my FF is easy to talk to without vamping it up on me. So the friendship is relaxed enough that the fascination aspect stays in the hotel room.

Probably, due to many hours of laborious research, my experience has been much happier than most hobbyists. Judging from the complaints and bemoanings of those who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on disappointing sex, I sometimes feel I've come out so unscathed that I'd be wise to quit while I'm this far ahead. Next best thing, stick to the half dozen favorites I always have good times with.

An expansive discussion of the term... ATF?  Really??

What about BFF? I mean, if you had a BFF, and they like behind your back like called someone else their BFF, how would that make you, like, feel?  Would you get all like pissy and unfriend him/her?

I think we should have that discussion next.

(But what the hell, I'm as bored as anyone else, so I'll take the bait and add my 2 cents to this inane discussion - if you can have lots of different favorite foods, then sure, you can have lots of All Time Favorite gals, and maybe even one or two Super Duper Special Humdinger Ladies.  Can't get much better than that!  I'm still looking for my SDSHL).

Go around and ask the people what flavor they're eating. In an ice cream place you can do this. It's okay etiquette-wise. Then, after they tell you what they're having, ask them what their favorite flavor or favorite ice cream treat is. Probably won't be the same answer. Let me know if your results differ, this demands peer review. Same with favorite women.

Or just answer the question, "What's your favorite city?" Then construct an excuse for why you're not there.

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