TER General Board

Why don't you just take her on a weekend trip to a city nearby...
donbecker54 19 Reviews 1622 reads
1 / 49

Unless something goes wrong, I'll be taking a provider I know to Europe for two weeks. I've already asked a bunch of questions, but I have more. So here goes.

She's 35 years younger than me, and neither she nor I have been to Europe. Is it required for both guests to sign in at the hotel, or just the one paying for the room? If for some reason both have to sign in, how have others here dealt with having much younger guests? I expect we'll be attracting at least some negative attention, particularly since we're going to a very socially conservative area.  

Any advice on how to pay her fee? 100% up front? Some percentage up front, and the balance during or after the trip?

I'll ask here about how much personal time to allow her (and me), but that's probably something I'll need to work out with her. Advice is appreciated, though.

Is it safe to assume that while we're on this trip we're a couple, and that she wouldn't have involvement with other guys? I realize I'm going with a pro, but I think I'd feel insulted if some other guy popped into the picture.  

I'm sure I'll have more questions.

priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 712 reads
2 / 49

You are the only one who will have to sign in at the hotel. You can put her (government name) on the room (if she gives it to you).

I've found even conservative Europeans to be very liberal about relationships and sex so I doubt anyone will frown upon you. Outside of say, Vatican City, no one cares. Also, most hotel staff know not to ask questions like this in general because they are far too personal. What someone is doing is none of their business.

When I travel with clients I require 50% up front + the travel expenses and have it paid directly to me, I collect the rest when we meet at the airport or otherwise. This is something you should discuss with her, and she should tell you what she prefers.  

The personal time, I would allow her about 4-6 hours to herself for rest and exercise and whatever. I assume you all are sharing a room (I personally typically prefer to book my own). But give her 8 hours to sleep and the 4-6 hours alone to get ready for the day and/or do as she pleases. If I am with a client and we are sleeping in the same room, I just need time to call my family/friends, exercise, meditate, etc. She may want to have a meal, coffee, or tea on her own. You want to give her plenty of time to get her attitude together and just really recover her pleasant attitude. Trips can be difficult... even with friend! Imagine someone you don't know early as well.

If she's with you she likely won't see any other guys during the time unless you want to invite other people to the bedroom. But again, clear that with her. I have been on open ended trips with clients where they were working and I only saw them maybe 2-4 hours... so I would be "working" if anyone was interested in seeing me. But assuming this is a true trip together, she probably won't.  

Excuse any typos. It's margarita day- I'm at a bar!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 651 reads
3 / 49

If a few other guys popped up, you could ask them to chip in on the fee.  Better yet, YOU could subcontract her out at a higher rate and make a profit since your cost is already agreed on.  

Sorry, I can only provide a little levity on this question. I taken dozens of providers on trips, but never paid for their time, only expenses, but I make it a first class experience for them.  

One serious point from dating OTC.  You should take her out locally a few times before hand and see how she handles the stares she will get being with a guy 35 years older.  Girls 30+ usually have learned how to deal with it, but sometimes the younger ones are uncomfortable and don't have a good time as a result.  Make sure you do some touching and hand-holding where people can see so they know its a romantic situation and you're not taking your daughter to lunch or dinner.  Some would argue that its good if she doesn't want to leave the hotel room . . . . more sex, right?  But in an exotic location, you want to be able to get out and about as though you were a legit couple.  If you're going to stay in the room, you could have just gone down to a local hotel for a few weeks.  

Today, I took a hot under 30 provider to a busy upscale restaurant in downtown LA for lunch just to see how she deals with the stares and negative attention of being with a MUCH older guy.  She's been bugging me for a trip somewhere, so I do this first a couple of times as a test-drive to make sure they can deal with it.  Actually, she handled herself quite well.  

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 3:35:43 PM

VOO-doo 420 reads
4 / 49

Except for the last part. If you're paying a rate that you've both agreed upon, I'd say that you can safely assume she'll be yours, exclusively, during that time.  

Personally, if I'm traveling with a guy, it's a safe assumption that I'm only planning to be with him for that time. Only if *he* specifically tells me that he's fine with me booking some other dates while he's in the office, will I even think about advertising for that location. Even so, I'd feel funny. I probably wouldn't. But that's just me. I guess it depends upon the rate. If he's paying a very low rate but allowing me to "work" to offset losses (what I might make if I'd stayed at home)... then I *might* think about it, but I'd probably be more likely to just stay home if the fee is that darn low.  

Every hotel I've been to in Europe is like the ones in the US. Only one person needs to sign in. You can add her to the room if you know her full name. You can also simply request an extra room key.  

Some days, I need more 'me' time than others. So 'me' time is flexible. As it probably is for you... I'd say play it by ear, and abide by common sense (not everybody has it, but hopefully you do, or she'll speak up). For instance, I do need a workout every day, or I tend to go cranky/ballistic. So I'd speak up if the guy didn't allow me that time. I'd say communication is key.  

Have fun!!!

VOO-doo 604 reads
5 / 49

I forgot to say... LET HER SLEEP.  

Sleep deprivation is actually a form of torture. Like, if she's just about to fall asleep at 1AM, and suddenly gets poked. Then you neckbreathe her for 45 min after falling asleep next to her head. She moves away to try to get some space, and you embrace her, wrapping your arms and legs around her. She waits an HOUR for you to start snoring. Then, she wriggles away and hides in the bathroom for 3 hours reading news articles and emails. Paying bills, caching up on celebrity gossip. Researching a new manicurist. Reading recipes. Liking Facebook posts. (Maybe even checking prices for early flights home). She goes back to bed at 3-4AM and finally falls asleep, only to be poked again at 5AM. A few nights of that, you might get bitten at some point.  


-- Modified on 2/22/2017 5:16:50 PM

ValuedCustomer 481 reads
6 / 49

If all you want to do is get laid - honestly, taking hookers to Europe is like taking coals to Newcastle.   For what it's going to cost for you to take her - you could have two young nubile women sharing your bed twice a day.   So - rationally - the only reason you would want to take her is that you want some company and someone to share the trip with.  

From what you described, I don't think you have traveled with her at all.  You need to really think about how well you know her and how well you can function as a couple with her.   If you don't know her well enough to ask her about these questions, and have a good idea of what the answers will probably be - then you might not know her well enough to spend two weeks with her in Europe.  

Try a long weekend with her someplace in this hemisphere first.  Figure out if you can function with her as a couple.  No doubt she's a delightful lass to schtupp.... but you'll be spending a lot more time NOT schtupping her - and that part has gotta work.  

You'll find out if its an issue for you to be traveling with her.   She needs to find out if traveling with you is an issue.  If that doesn't work - it's a much shorter trip home.  There is nothing more miserable than traveling with an unhappy woman...

donbecker54 19 Reviews 488 reads
7 / 49

For me, the sex is secondary. I doubt we'd have sex every day. I really enjoy her company, and love just being with her. She gave me a good price for the trip because she enjoys my company.

I really can't think of anyone else I'd like to do this trip with. Originally I was going to go by myself. When I asked her, purely out of curiosity, how much she'd want for the trip, it was very affordable.  

I'm asking questions here because I don't know if there are any customary procedures (on payment, for example). I'll be discussing all of this with her.  

I'll see how we both function together in public.

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 5:18:25 PM

donbecker54 19 Reviews 488 reads
8 / 49

I know her real full name, etc. I like her stage name better, though. ;)

GaGambler 453 reads
9 / 49

because if I have, I take it all back as you nailed it this time. I honestly could not have said it better myself

The OP is talking about taking a relative stranger to a different continent for an extended period of time. That can stress even the most solid of relationships, much less a paid one.  

I think VC gave some great advice. Risking a few grand and a couple of days of your time to insure you aren't going to have weeks from hell sounds like a good insurance policy to me.

VOO-doo 381 reads
10 / 49

hopefully you like the 'real' her better than (or at least as well as) her stage persona!!! Because you're going to be seeing a lot of 'her' :-)

donbecker54 19 Reviews 393 reads
11 / 49

I've pressed her on her personality, asking her if she's pretty much the same person in real life. She said yes. I know I'm the same.

I would take another trip as a test, but finances are making this the only trip I can do. I'd wait and try a trip next year, but it's very possible I may not live that long. So this may be my last major trip.

VOO-doo 320 reads
12 / 49

Here's hoping for a great trip, and many more adventures for years to come ;)

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 533 reads
13 / 49

Before I was a professional, I once had a 56 year old boyfriend when I was 26.

Hotels there would call me Mrs. (his last name) with no hint of snark whatsoever (and also no reason to think I was actually a Mrs.)

Dr Who revived 610 reads
14 / 49


You're welcome!

Why in the hell would you pay a hooker to eat, sleep and shit on your dime?

As well...there's no shortage of hookers in Europe.  But if you take a MissTravel companion...then no need to pay for hookers.  Although that site isn't an escort site  LOL

JackDunphy 531 reads
15 / 49

...that many girls would go to Europe with him for two weeks and wouldn't expect to get paid on top of it?

Nah...I am sure that is one of the many questions he has yet to ask.

I'll wait till then to respond.

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 485 reads
16 / 49

then you will have all your questions answered and will know how things will go on your overseas trip.  Gentlemen who take girls on trips, paid or not, always go on short weekend or daylong trips before they even consider a long trip overseas...you never know what people are really like until they get tired of pretending....
I hope this helps.
Sweet naughty kisses,

ed2000 31 Reviews 302 reads
17 / 49

VC gave excellent advise.  

In regard to hotels, regardless of "sign in" procedures, hotels will insist on seeing and recording both your passport and her passport. You both need to be extremely comfortable in knowing each other's personal life details or else not do this. Don't set up some sort of false cover story. Worst case scenario, something goes sideways and you end up getting questioned by LE just remember that the U.S. Constitution is meaningless where ever you are going. You are just 2 good friends traveling together. Thirty-five years age difference should be no big deal to anybody. I'm trying to imagine what you meant by "very socially conservative area" but attempting something other than I suggested could easily give off a "hinky" vibe.  

Also, you guys need to be in good agreement well beforehand regarding things like personal time requirements, all aspects of finances, etc. If everything's not on your dime then what extras are not included? Meals only or more? If it's all on you then do you have a budget?

donbecker54 19 Reviews 359 reads
18 / 49

I thought that it was SOP for hotels to ask for passports. I know her real name, address, phone number, birth date, etc. She knows all that about me. I have no intention of trying to lie.  

I'm paying for everything, including some spending money for her. We'll talk about how much personal time we each need.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 271 reads
20 / 49

is mid-20's and the man is near death?  Kudos to you for being mature enough to handle it.  Its always nice to see a younger woman with an older gentleman who can afford her.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 421 reads
21 / 49

There was a time when I spent many weeks of the year in Asia and Europe. While I thought a time or 2 about taking a pro with me, I always talked myself out of it. For me, this was the correct decision. There have, however, been a few times when I met with a pro whose company I greatly enjoyed, and we mutually made the decision to extend the date to a few additional days -- typically travelling around China, but a few times in England also. Each time I was glad to have a local lady with me.

One thing to be aware of is that many European hotels will require you to present both passports upon check-in.  (They will immediately give them back to you, but will typically make a photocopy of each.) If this is bothersome, you might want to consider getting a 2-bedroom/2 bathroom suite -- and introduce her as your "associate" as they will know she is not your wife by her passport, but they will be polite as long as you are. (One now-retired English lady who I know well always requested that I arrange for a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom suite, and I gladly obliged when possible as it made the trip more comfortable for both of us, while also allowing each of us personal time.)

This should be FUN... but if you think it will be stressful, then I suggest trying the local talent!  :)

donbecker54 19 Reviews 406 reads
22 / 49

that makes no sense. Many, if not most, if the comments here have addressed the issue of compatibility. This provider is the only person I think that I could be with for two weeks.  I couldn't be with my best friend that long, as he gets to be obnoxious pretty fast.

Why would I spend time and money on a trip with a "free" provider I'd likely become irritated with, just to get out of paying another provider's rate?

I know you get some good deals, but this seems like the wrong thing to skimp on.  As it is now, she's giving me what I think is a good price (two weeks for roughly 7 times what I pay for four hours).

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 320 reads
23 / 49

civvie girls in the personals section 20 years ago that were willing to be a traveling companion and sleep with a guy for all expenses paid.  I do this with hookers.  I've taken many, and I make it a luxurious experience for them, a lot more than they would spend on their own dime, but I never paid a penny for their time.  If I wanted to go somewhere and couldn't find a willing hooker,  I would just ask a civvie girl.  She would have to shave her pussy, but these days, most younger girls do anyway.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 487 reads
24 / 49

is an EXCELLENT deal.  It works out to paying for a two hour session a day and getting the rest of the time OTC, which is what I do with a lot of my regulars.  I piggyback OTC time for dinner or other activities with a two hour session.  Its a win-win for both of us.  

With that said, as long as you're certain you've considered the compatibility issue several have mentioned, No reason why you shouldn't have a good time.  I think others were thinking the same as me that you were paying 14 times her overnight or 24 hour rate.  Financially speaking, its seem perfectly reasonable to me.  Is she okay being a romantic interest in public with a much older man as I mentioned in my first post up top?  That has been an issue for a few of the really young ones I've been out in public with.  You get some stares and snarky looks, and WE can handle it, because we look like lotto winners, but the girls sometimes can't deal with it.  Its one thing to be with an older guy at an incall, but holding hands with a guy older than your dad in public can be uncomfortable for some.

triage 428 reads
25 / 49

I think he was referring to hot non-providers (sugar babies)

donbecker54 19 Reviews 402 reads
26 / 49

I've considered the compatibility issue as much as possible, without actually taking a trip. As I said above, there isn't money for another trip just to test, and I don't think this can wait until next year.

I'm not really big on public displays of affection, probably because my ex wasn't. I'll discuss the subject with her, and we'll do some lunches or such. She's been on trips overseas with customers, so this isn't entirely new to her. I don't know the age of the customers she's travelled with, though.

I'm editing this to add something that I hope gives a clue about me and this topic. I had an ATF I saw many, many times over a period of three years. I really enjoyed being with her, but there's no way I would have taken her on a trip like this. I knew that the personality I was getting in the hotel room was not the real her. With the provider I'm considering now, I'm pretty certain she's telling the truth about herself. She's very genuine.

-- Modified on 2/23/2017 7:35:53 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 323 reads
27 / 49

If girls are hot, they usually become providers. When not so hot, they become sugar-babies.  If you go onto sugar-baby websites and look at the photos compared to many of our providers' website photos, while there are exceptions, I think overall, my statement is correct.  

GaGambler 374 reads
28 / 49

I have been with quite a few SB's that I have found from the SA website and if some of those girls had posted glam shots like the TER hookers do, they would have been off the chart. Several of the SB's I have met would be getting solid tens for appearance here.

The major difference between hookers and Sugar Babies is not appearance, or performance. The MAIN difference between a hooker and a Sugar Baby is that the hooker is more honest with herself about fucking for money, most Sugar Babies really haven't come to terms with the fact that when you "fuck for bucks" you lose any right to look down your nose at hookers.

CDL, I think you are too spoiled by the K-Girl world, where virtually all the girls are hot. Try going to any random day on the photo board, scroll down and look at every pic on any given day and then get back to me about how all hookers are hot.

JackDunphy 367 reads
29 / 49

Off the top of my head I can think of 4-5 girls who would GLADLY accompany me to Europe as long as I paid there expenses.

It may be hard for some of you to believe but hookers are people too. They actually do go on vacation. It also may come as a shock that not all of them are wealthy or even reasonably so.  

And despite them saying on their websites that they swim in the waters off Bora Bora and ski in Gstaad, some of them do live "pay check to paycheck" or "john to john," if you will.

An all expense paid trip to Hawaii, Europe, Australia, etc would have MANY p4p gals leaping at the opportunity if all they had to do was have sex with my ugly ass 4-5 times a week. lol

GaGambler 397 reads
30 / 49

but thinking back on it, the MOST I ever gave a girl in actual cash to go with me somewhere was $500 a day in spending money. I really can't imagine paying any more than that personally, but others are free to disagree. and I am POSITIVE most of the ladies are going to disagree, not that I blame them of course.

Here is my reasoning where it comes to multi day dates. If I am going to spend multiple days with a woman, I am going to make sure she at least "likes me" I have ZERO desire to spend that much time with a woman who only looks at me as a paycheck. Now what is the surest way to tell if a hooker likes you? Take away the financial incentive of course. If a hooker is going to go away with me for a few hundred bucks a day in spending money and of course a GREAT vacation, you can damn well bet she enjoys my company or she'd stay at home and make several times the money.  

I don't need the woman to have actual feelings for me, I just want to be sure she at least "likes me" because no one can put on an act day after day with a guy who disgusts her. At some point on an extended vacation her true feelings are going to come out, and I don't want to be thousands of miles from home in the middle of a great vacation only to find out that the woman I am with would rather be anywhere in the world than with me. lol

As.Good.as.It.Gets 473 reads
31 / 49

You won't have TER, P411 or other tools to screen out potential troubles. Since it will be very hard to keep many things secret during a trip, you can get into a lot of trouble (like blackmail) if you are not careful with who you go with.

If I am only interested in sex then I probably won't bring an escort with me. Like you said, there's no shortage of hookers in most part of the world if you know where to look, but it could cost a lot more if you don't. A good traveling companion is more than good sex. A good traveling companion can enhance the total travel experience (breakfast while viewing sunrise, sightseeing during the day, interesting dinner conservation, etc.) if they are a good match or total waste of money if they are not.

ValuedCustomer 428 reads
32 / 49

that level of misery is just not available to the unmarried....

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 264 reads
33 / 49

I wasn't spoiled.  OF COURSE, I'm spoiled.  I've tried a few commercial SB sites a few years ago, and didn't find anyone who could un-spoil me.  So my comment is obviously biased from my perspective.  OC has the largest Viet community in the US, and I have done pretty well lately turning nail salon girls INTO SB's for awhile.  Some of those are hot enough to be hookers for sure.  Financial maintenance is minimal because its the first time fucking for dollars for most of the ones I've corrupted, and they have no frame of reference where the market is other than comparing it to what they make doing nails, so still plenty of dough left for Kgirls.

-- Modified on 2/23/2017 10:55:09 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 411 reads
34 / 49

spending is about right when you have no agreement to pay for their time directly.  You WANT them to have a great time so they will accept the next invitation to go with you.  I took a Kgirl last summer to Hawaii and spent $12,000 for the week, when anyone knows you can do it for $3000.  Making it a first class luxury experience is what brings them aboard next time.  We had a room on the water at the four seasons Maui, and did our dinners served on a platform they had erected for special occasions out over the water's edge.  A couple of helicopter tours, a round of golf one day,  a couple of catered picnics to remote idyllic spots where you can just put a blanket down and fuck under the sky, and a shopping day for HER in Lahaina makes it a memorial trip for any hooker.

GaGambler 414 reads
35 / 49

I defy you to keep saying hookers are on a different level looks wise than SB's after viewing every single pic on the photo board and then being honest about how many of them you would fuck, even for free.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 274 reads
37 / 49

I've considered this before, but in the end thought it was not a good idea. I don't really vacation in the same manner as most and I can't envision many ladies at all interested.  

JackDunphy 273 reads
38 / 49

Please don't egg him on.

NO MORE DICK PICKS! Between him and Jake from State, I have had more than my fair share of unsolicited dick pics from those two fkkers! lol

ninamontale See my TER Reviews 330 reads
39 / 49

Hi there, I've taken a few overseas trips with gents and have found that booking my own room and book my own flight to be the best course of action to ensure discretion. In terms of compensation, every provider is different. A digital deposit (50% up front then cash later) is an option or meet first and deliver the agreed upon donation in person.  
The clients I have traveled with I've known for some time and we have much mutual trust and respect for each other. I've never felt that there was a chance I'd be stood up, flaked on etc. That being said, choose your travel companions (hobby related or not) carefully! And... Have a blast!

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 345 reads
40 / 49

and it worked out. But only because I meet the gentleman first for several times before for short dates, we start gradually from 90 minutes to weekend trips and then we went to a week trip overseas.  
Yes, my fees are paid before the trip, all cost during the trip are on him. I did ask to have few hours for me, private time, to put myself together, walk alone, do a bit of shopping, or just simple sit alone meditating.  

As far as hotels, there's no issues, we have 2 different keys, it worked perfect because in 2 ocassions he was at work meetings and that was my "me time", and when he was done with work we have some fun. We did some tours, restaurants, museums, etc.  

He's not much of a planner, and he's always on "work mode" so I was the one that schedule the trip and organize everything on his off work time.  

We went to Italy, London and France.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 251 reads
41 / 49

back to the photo board since GaG started that thread.  Who knows what other dicks are lurking there?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 296 reads
42 / 49

Women adjust to luxury much more quickly than men.  I think its in their genes.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 231 reads
43 / 49
GaGambler 435 reads
44 / 49

but that doesn't mean it's safe to go on that board without an ample supply of eye bleach.

starquarterback 392 reads
45 / 49

Have you used this? How does it work in terms of sharing a room or bed, etc?

Bowman1138 30 Reviews 288 reads
46 / 49

Most hotels will ask for your passport when you are checking in. If you both are standing there at check in, they may ask for her passport as well.  Do not object, it is normal and required.  Some hotels may ask for her to sign in, but most do not. I travel to Europe quite a lot, and if you need to know more, ask me.

Of course, needless to say, you MUST know her real name, since you will be traveling together.  As far as payment, that is between you and her.  If she knows you well and trusts you, she may even take payment over time.

I went to Europe with a provider I trusted.  I gave her money to buy her tickets (she was flying to meet me from a different city), and I met her at our destination airport.  There was no specific discussion of length/quantity of sex, etc, and I did not ask.  It was as normal and natural as it could be, and we had as much sex as she and I wanted.  Its not a sex marathon, but a trip together with benefits.

Ask her what she needs, and what she wants to do. If you are going to a location with a relatively liberal sexual attitude (Germany, Amsterdam, Prague, Paris), you may want to take her to an erotic show.  In Germany, you can even go together to a FKK club (look it up).

Have fun!

client_number_9 465 reads
47 / 49

And to the OP, for God's sake man, please read this entire forum before making a decision: https://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/messageList.asp?boardID=54

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 326 reads
48 / 49

send her packing ... and revert back to Mongering 101

donbecker54 19 Reviews 243 reads
49 / 49

Germany is maybe #4 or #5 on my places to see list. If it would come down to me going by myself to Italy, there's a provider in Rome I'd really, really like to see.  

I still have a trip by myself reserved. If for some reason the trip with this provider doesn't come through, I can cancel and still take the trip by myself.

I'll reiterate what I think I've said before: I'd really like to take this provider with me. She's the only person I've ever really considered travelling with. She's funny, she's fun, we get along great (hence her very affordable rate offered to me), and I think it would be the greatest experience of my life. Sex is secondary, although I find it hard to keep my hands off her. It would be her company that would make this a fantastic experience.  

If things would go south for some reason, I'd just say, "let's meet up at the hotel at 8 pm for dinner", and leave it at that.

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