TER General Board

A Socioeconomic Revolution......we might be on to something here
junior457 4185 reads

I have read through the "Econimics of Prostitution" and I am frankly a little surprised by the responses. There were many critical responses such as "mind your own business" etc. Which is fine I can understand individuals not wanting you to pry into their business, hey I'm not going to sit here an post my 1040's. But what hit me and I didn't see anyone else comment on it is this;

Who is the most money hungry mongrel whore among us...?

Easy the U.S. government. They are constently looking to stick their teeth into anything that generates revenues for them. What more of a poignant reason for the legalization of prostitution than that. Prostitution other than drugs (I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole) is without a doubt the highest form of "illegal" income un-taxed in the country. Perhaps a true study as to the tax related revenue that the legalization would provide would for once actually turn a few heads in Washington as to legitimate reasons for legalization.

Now comes the fun part. Let's say it happens...poof !! Prositution is now legal. Here are my questions, would the providers rather have the government dip in their pockets for up to 35+% of their income for the safety of knowing what they are doing is now on the up and up? No more LE fears.

Would it be inconsequential because you would just increase your rates to make up for the additional costs?

Would the hobbiyst be willing now to pay $$$ for what was only a $$ provider yesterday. Keep in mind the higher the original dollar amount the higher the proposed increase!

Would sites like this TER be a thing of the past since the discussion could now take place in the office around the water cooler, no longer the need for all the abbreviations, alias's etc.  

Would a black market of escorting develop on the tax evasion "cash only" basis to elude the higher rates and tax consequences?

What would the world be like with a legalized prostitution state?

Some food for thought, I look forward to both provider and hobbiyst response.

As always be well and stay well my friends..............(by the way for any of you fine individuals who may work for the federal government or in that fact for the Internal Revenue Service I would publicly like to commend you for the fine job your doing and as a proud tax paying citizen I hereby tip my cap to all you fine individuals. Futher I would like to say I am in no way implying that any of you are "money hungry mongrels, I'm honestly disgusted with myself for using that term. If it weren't for the fact I am so far into typing this I would just delete it all and make it go away. But I'm this far so I must go through with it.)

The IRS & US. Attorneys office would love to see some responses to your post.

the first to dive into this potential inferno.

Would it be inconsequential because you would just increase your rates to make up for the additional costs? - Don't know. I don't have a ---, am not hot and no one would pay me $2 for getting in bed with them.

Would the hobbiyst be willing now to pay $$$ for what was only a $$ provider yesterday. Keep in mind the higher the original dollar amount the higher the proposed increase! - I am a looks a figure guy. Any woman that have top 10 looks and a great figure will have me pay her price. The short answer is NO, the increase would not deter me.

Would sites like this TER be a thing of the past since the discussion could now take place in the office around the water cooler, no longer the need for all the abbreviations, alias's etc. - Even in the "legitimate" business world there is a need for watchdog groups like Consumer's Union. Sites like TER will still play a key role.

Would a black market of escorting develop on the tax evasion "cash only" basis to elude the higher rates and tax consequences? - There will always be people that try to beat the system, that is why there are jails....OOPs, let me reword that one, there will be people that will work to evade paying taxes even if prostitution becomes legal. Just think of Enron, selling energy is legal but that did not stop some people in that company from hiding income and engaging in other forms of book cooking.

What would the world be like with a legalized prostitution state? - Think of countries like the Netherlands and Germany. I do not know whether it will be better or worse. My guess is better for providers and hobbyists.

Gotta go. I am a GEEK with a science project waiting and times a wasting. Gee, I hope that a pen does not slip out of my pocket protector while I am licking her.

City_Hobbyist4088 reads

Why just check out Nevada? And the EU for legalized prostitution? You can the the socioeconomic revolution there.

foo1439 reads

Nevada's a poor model.  Scarcity drives up the prices a lot.  In simpler terms, there's very, very few legal brothels in the US, so the few that exist in Nevada can charge an exorbitant price.

Typically, black markets charge a premium for their goods and services, because they are illegal.  You've got to give enough incentive for people to break the law to service you.

The premium is directly proportional to how likely they are to get caught.  Buying drugs on school property?  Pricey.  In prostitution, the parties are unlikely to get caught...at least the kinds of providers on TER are unlikely to get caught.  So there's not all that much of a premium.  So if prostitution became legal, I think prices would stay about the same.

As for the tax burden, most providers are already paying their taxes.  The IRS has powers normal LE does not, and they can be quite vicious (remember who caught Al Capone?)

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 1:29:23 AM

The general consensus was no one seemed to want it legal because of all the government red tape, taxes, etc., that would be thrust upon it.

I remember one post referring to the legal brothels in Nevada and that's what we'd have to look forward too (trailer park style sex, which, frankly, I think everyone should try once.)

But America, God bless it, seems addicted to using individual morality for political tokens and until it can reverse that I don't think we should hold our breath.

Kimi_Lixx4727 reads

I already pay the whatever percent it is for Federal Income Tax, Social Security Tax, self-employment tax (social security), FICA, State Income Tax, City Income Tax, City Property Tax... how would this be any different? Why would I need to raise my rates to cover the stuff I already pay? If a "sin tax" is levied against the purchase of my services that's a sales tax and would reflect a percentage of my rate, not an increase in my rate. (thus, unless it's a 50% sin tax nobody's rate would go from 200 to 300)

AnotherNYCProvider4047 reads

As for the tax part, I pay my taxes.  Granted, I dont declare all of my income, and pay cash for most of my things.  But I dont live beyond my means, meaning I live within what I claim.  And paying taxes for most of my income allows me to invest and save my money for the future and if i were arrested, the fact that I pay taxes would look good for me (I hope at least).  Any smart provider should do this anyway.  

Im not sure I would want it legalized though, Im cynical of the goverment and i think if it were legalized I would have to declare myself as a "prostitute" and everyone would know (I would think anyway).  And just because something is made legal doesnt mean peoples negative idea of it would change (just look at abortion in this country). But it should definately be decriminalized, where LE would just look the other way and not arrest. I think drugs should be decriminalized but thats another topic.  

And with this, I think it should be off the streets (street walkers should be illegal) and in the privacy of a room where its safe. Interesting to think about though.  The US is definately behind many "Modernized" countries in a LOT of ways.  With Independence day just passed, are we truly free, especially now with the law 2257?

InLA1681 reads

Are you saying that if the hobby becomes legal my wife will think it is OK for me to join in? I don't think so.

CumToThinkofIt3486 reads

I think to focus on just the surface "economics" part of   AintFuckinRocketScience's Quote from the "Econonimics of prostitution" thread is myopic on everyone's part. The "social" ramifications and their effect on the Judeo-Christian/Muslim ideals of patriarchy, monogamy and their multi-millenniums worth of social engineering is where the most profound "revolution" would be experienced.


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-- Modified on 7/6/2005 9:41:55 AM

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