TER General Board

Why 18-24 year-olds make for the best hobby experiences
BobbyTZ 6272 reads

Several reasons:
1. They have the hottest bodies.  Soft skin.  Flat tummies.  Perky tits.  Perfect asses.
2. When they get into it, they REALLY get into. Doesn't happen often, but when it does -- wow!  They never guessed this old, fat guy could give them pleasure.  They can get those little hips moving! Older providers might deliver GFE more consistently, but many have a routine that never varies.
3. Getting nasty with an all-american, co-ed-looking girl is such a turn-on
4. The little tatoos above their asses are hot.

Agree?  Disagree?  Let me know.


Another reason is many of them regardless of how mature they come across are still nieve and want to learn, their more open minded and willing to try things a more mature Provider won't.  As you said the mature ones offer a better GFE but are very set in their ways.

Does not mean all of them but most past 30 tend to think they know it all.


-- Modified on 10/3/2005 9:07:35 AM

I'm sure that you're going to get a barrage of replies in defense of MILFs and older providers, but I agree in a general sense. The problem is that there are always exceptions to that rule: Some younger providers are terrible while some older ones put the younger competition to shame. It just depends on the girl. But, like it or not, it is a business where the younger girls set the standard for most guys' expectation.

BobbyTZ2355 reads

I agree.  That is why I said best experiences, not best providers.  There is less hit and miss with mature providers.

when I was that young, if you didn't look like Jon Bon Jovi --you didn't score..

you just spent money on me

the older you get, the more you realize you have in common with the less attractive men and I still am a size 3 with no kids

the younger your hobbyists are

I know a lot of 20yr olds who won't date a 40 yr old because their father is that age

I am turning 30 in dec so my father is 65.
most hobbyist are within my age

28-40 year old providers are consistently better than the younger ones.  There are exceptions to the rule, but the regular providers I see (in the age range) are relaxed and confident in themselves, know what they want and how to get there, and generally very HOT.

I know the young spinners can be fun - been there, done that - but they're just too hit and miss.  I rarely miss w/ 28-40.

Just my .02

-- Modified on 10/2/2005 11:22:15 AM

trustno202784 reads

I'll agree that the visual part is often superior and I consider myself a visual guy. But in my personal experience with the under thirty provider is spotty at best. My only no-show experiences have been the under 25 crowd. Also, my ATF experiences have been with women closer to forty than thirty. That's not to say I haven't had mind blowing experiences with 26 YO providers. Carmella in LV and Mena of Ft. Meyers are two examples. But both of those ladies have the same thing in common, they both spent years on the dancer circuit and developed a mature outlook on the erotic entertainment business.

I believe there are two factors that might explain this. First, if they are still in the business after thirty, they have much more mature outlook on the business. In my experience that translates to a very professional work ethic and a desire to please the client. Not to mention that after see that many men over time, you would expect her skills to be better.

The second reason is simply maturity. Is it possible to be 25 and be mature? Sure, but it's also equally as likely to be still acting like a teenager. Is it possible to be 18 and mature? Not in my experience it's not. But then again, this is only my experience. YMMV.

lv2daty4800 reads

i have had my best experiences with girls over 30.  imo they are more mature simply because of more life experience and their views on it.  i think sexually they know more about their bodies and that makes it better.  
i can't agree more to trustno20 last paragraph.  
i also must say that as the girls get older, it's harder to find the body style i like, thin and petite.  so when i find what i like, i stick to it.  i definately try to stay at least over 25 but that doesn't mean i still won't try all flavors.  just my preference is over 30.  just my opinion.

OVer302782 reads

I have had a session with young providers (20 ~ 30ish) all over the world and I have settled with my mature AFT (40ish).

I do not think we could generalize the quality of providers based on age group, though.

I am in mid 40's. I do not feel any major generation gap w/ those young providers but I feel much more confortable and satisfied with the mature providers.

Also, those young providers (18~25) are to close to the age of my children. That is no-no to me.

lets say someone like Toni from S. Fla. LOL love it.

I have never really had that great a time with the young hot bodies. Could just be me. But the ones I have seen are in and out, not cash and dash, but not looking for the GFE or provide along the line I want.

Toni is one of the very best.  I know you recently saw her and it sounds like you are just as smitten with her as I am.

She's a perfect example that 28-40 beats the hell out of 18-24.

I think the best women are the ones close to my own age, and I'm at an age where most of the providers fall into that group.

I'll agree that the younger women are often the best to look at, but they often don't have the experience to know how to do things best.  The older women will probably leave you better satisfied.

So, personally, I like women who are mid-twenties to forty, preferring the middle of that range.

MsColdHeartedBitch4062 reads

perhaps you have an issue with women of your own age range ? Do you feel incapacitated with mature women  ? How was your relationship with your mom ?

whenever I read things like this I have to remember how awful men can be, does the fact that one of these 'hottest bods' might be your daughter ? does that side of it ever enter your head ? opps the big one. perhaps you want to do your daughter and some dim moral aspect prevents you and this is the next best thing.

Find someone of your own age. What on earth would you talk to them about afterwards ?

xoxo, CHB

-- Modified on 10/2/2005 2:43:42 PM

BobbyTZ2587 reads

No issues with women my age.  No desire to be with my daughter.  This is not about having a normal relationship. It is about having a hot, sexual encounter.  If that makes me an awful man, then I am in good company.  This is what all men want.  We just have different tastes.  Is the desire to have hot, passionate sex with a beautiful, early 20s model-type really that horrible?  I have heard of much worse on the pages of TER and elsewhere.

 this one. I like woman off all ages,and I plan on seeing a well know Milf next week. However, I prefer younger woman in general. Why? Because I can! If I'm gonna spend that kind of money, eye candy, and a hard tight body are going to enter into the equation. Sorry CHB,I'm not buying into that freudian crap about secretly harboring desires to do my daughter, if I had one. If I wanted to only see woman my age, why the hell am I hobbying? There are plenty of civvies that would love to date me.

Ben Dover3130 reads

My relationship with my mother is great, my father too. I have good parents that love me and are happly married and have always been "stable" in their relationship - I can't blame them for how I turned out! LOL!

  I have no daughter, so there's no reason for that thought to enter my head, If I had a daughter, I would not want to "do" her, it would never cross my mind - But I'd fuck her college room-mate in a heart-beat if I could!

  I don't want to "talk about" anything when it's over! I just want to pay and leave! About the only thing "of intrest" to me I would want to ask her when I'm finished is if a "second cup" was available!

 I'm not intrested in a girl "my same age" - I want one "half my age"! --- I'm finally old enough so that's legal!

 I'm NOT intrested in "children" - I like "young adults" - 18 is the age of adulthood and that is young enough for me!

 Usually by the time they are old enough to be in a bar for a few years, the "attitude" starts to kick in and I start to lose intrest,,, FAST!

BILL183562732 reads

first of all I have just as good a converation with a 20-30 year old as I do any 40+ woman. My relationship with my mom is fine as most of the woman I have either dated or married were much younger and she thinks Im perverted yet still loves me :) Most of the women I see are younger than two of my daughters, they nor I have no problem with it, the only ones that seem to have a problem with it are my sister in laws that are scared to death when I bring my dates to family events because their husbands keep drooling all over them. Now that I think of it so are my nephews. lol

Bottom line is I go with what attracts me and if she is 20 or 50 makes no difference to me. I find the older they get the more they complain, the more baggage they have the less likely I will give them much thought to see them a second time.

Now if I start seeing 80 year olds you can feel free to ask me how my relationship with my mother is

Ben Dover2921 reads

But I absolutely agree with it!

I have been "mistaken" in the past for someone who is mean and disrespectful to the "mature" providers - And that simply is not true! I'm glad they are in the business, and I'm glad they have a strong following and that men are lined up around the block to get an apointment with them, I take no issue with anyone who prefers the MILF/GILF experence,,, If that's your thing, then by all means, enjoy it to it's fullest!

As for me, I happen to find 18-20 yr olds that are less than 110lbs. to be what I'm "attracted to" (with a few exceptions)
 I don't need a "GFE" a "wild nymph" or an "experenced" provider to "rock my world" - I rock my OWN world just fine! What I want is a hot, young, tan (or ebony) piece of "eye-candy" to stimulate my sex-drive to an extra-ordanary level! All she has to do is show up, and and be "cooperative" - I'll handle the rest!

I have other reasons for liking the "young ones" as well. I like seeing girls from WAY outside my peer group, far less likely I will "happen to run into them" in my "regular life" and also I have no problem finding women of my own age - What I want from a provider something I CAN'T get for free...... Something that is a "special treat"!

Am I a "sick bastard" or a "selfish prick" for knowing what I like and then getting it? - Sure, I don't mind the title! I "reward" myself and "treat" myself often - I am openly and admittedly "self-indulgent"!

Nobody actually "needs" sex to survive! It is a "want" in life, but not a "basic need" in life what-so-ever!

That's my opinion, I'm sticking to it - flame on!

-- Modified on 10/2/2005 2:59:11 PM

Not difficult for me to see what the attraction is there.  In my mind, they don't always make for the best session, but they sure are nice to gawk at.

I met a girl that was just under 18 when visiting a satellite office of a former job.  She was very cute, and the local manager kept going on about "if she was only old enough..."  She picked me up at my hotel to give me a ride the 2 miles to the office.  Talking to her, I kept thinking it was a really long ride.  I don't think I'd ever want a long date with a young provider, because the talk would probably be strained.  A snack between meals is another matter...

skisandboots3815 reads

...and especially about the tattoos (to me, those are turnoffs not turnons).  Most of the 18-24 yr olds in the biz don't have that "co-ed look".  If they did, that might improve your position some.  Ironically, I have seen providers who are going to college (i.e. "are co-eds") and have the "co-ed look" and they were older than 24 (granted not by much) and yes, they were great.  I wonder what they were like "professionally" before they reached that age.  I somewhat suspect that they didn't really attain their star status until they aged out of the 18-24 bracket.  Now don't get me wrong, I bet their b/f's got their brains fucked out by these 18-24's, but I doubt they were able to "deliver professionally" until they figured out the mental aspects of the biz.

BobbyTZ4537 reads

Understand your point.  I do avoid the 18-24 year-olds that don't have the look I like.   Only a few have delivered as I described, but when they have, boy has it been great!

It's the grownup women who really do it for me.  These are the ladies who give you the sly wink, the big grin, the "get over here NOW!" nod.  These are the ones, it seems to me, who REALLY know what it's all about.  Tattoos on the ass and perfect tits?  Courtneyhottie from Hawaii has both.  (World-class rear end, too.)  Speaking of tattoos, how 'bout Netmichelle?  Hot little body?  Felicia Foxx.  I've had some great times with some younger women (Avalon Rose and Playmate Megan come to mind), but my general preference is for the more seasoned sirens.  You can TALK to them, too.  You mention "Ronald Reagan" or "Iran-Contra," they don't look at you like you're speaking Latin.  (Don't get your backs up, Rose and Megan, I don't mean YOU here.)   De gustibus, I guess, but bring me a woman who's not still under warranty.  Come to think of it, bring me a couple. :)

Ben Dover2727 reads

You are a man who has found what he likes and endulges himself in it! - and I respect anyone who just says what they like and why, and could give a damn what "popular opinion" says!


Though I do like some variety with various ages (legal ages that is) races, and tits sizes bringing a smile to my face and firmness to my loins.

myeviltwin2869 reads

but she may very well be much older.  This biz has taught me that (1) men are piss-poor judges of a woman's actual age and (2) some women look amazingly younger than they actually are.

I don't think a woman truly owns her sexuality until she's over 30.

Ben Dover2065 reads

The summer after high-school, I dated a 19yr old for 2 years, when, I was 21, I started dating an 18 yr old, for less than a year,,, as I got older, I continued to "trade-up" to always keep my S.O. in that 18-19 range - now I'm "too old" to make that happen any other way than "the hobby" - I'm glad this community is here, BECAUSE I'M PETER PAN AND I NEVER WANT TO GROW UP! HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

MissAnonymous1718 reads

I frequently am around my nephew's college friends--male and female.

You men would be drooling over the girls--they're really cute--slender, fresh faces, soft skin, tight jeans, the whole works.

But after conversation (with both the girls and boys), after about twenty, "Dude! My teacher sucks!" Or, "Hey, do you have enough gas money to get us to the mall?" comments, you can hardly wait to talk to someone with something meaningful going on in their life, LOL.

I can see where a guy might be happy to f**k a college co-ed, then get the hell out so he doesn't have to actually talk to her.  :)

-- Modified on 10/2/2005 8:04:44 PM

To much generalization going on here for me.  I have a 60 year old friend who could pass for 40, is a size 4 and has the spirit of a 20 year old.  There is a whole spectrum of attitudes, openness, looks, (which is the last thing I care about.) and maturity.  The very large range of opinion about this should tell us something.

How on earth to afford a dozen 24yr olds, much less eighteen of them!? Perhaps just a pair or two, much less all 18...

How on earth to afford them ALL?  And is there still room to squeeze me in with them all in the shower, or do I stand outside and squeeze one out?

-- Modified on 10/4/2005 5:14:41 AM

jadeelynn1385 reads

Entirely Agree! That's the experience you'll get with me, except it's often that I REALLY get into it!!

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