TER General Board

Which part Mr.Solo? eomregular_smile
HalfHour 206 reads


GFELoverxox1959 reads

discretion is key we all need to be aware of the ppl around us when playin here.
So I had a client come to my hotel room incall today.
He did not listen to the instructions what so ever.
wandered around the hotel lost with his seeing eye dog of course like he couldnt have been discrete if he wanted to.
Went the wrong way wrong floor...
so he finally gets to my floor, ppl, write the room # down if you have to.
I told him, walk on in as if you live here the door will be unlocked so just push it open and I told him to be quiet there were maids all over the place.
Oh no like a lost guy with a seeing eye dog in a hotel isnt enough he is loud walks up and down the hall 3 times past the door now the maids are asking him where is he going...if he needs help. Nope he just keeps walking and bangs so loudly on my door I wanted to kill him.
I have never been in a situation so difficult that didnt need to be like this one.
If you require hel assistance or will stand out not discrete you need to be forward and let us know.
This was not the hotel for someone who had an issue blending in I would have not seen him in the first place if I knew there were so many issues here.
Another property with less action going on or another time of day perhaps when the maids are not all over the place and it would have been better. He should have told me there were issues.

I go to great lenghths to be discrete and not draw attention to myself with the hotel staff.
This guy was so off the mark I called it a day right after him his antics cost me the incall for the day. I was so close to making him leave soon as he got there.
Please pay attention to your surroundings
write the room # down so theres no mistake.
Be quiet and mindful of other guests.
If you have a certain issue, handicap or anything that makes you stand out I think its best to inform the lady beforehand.
Discretion is always key.

is as clear as your posting, I don’t why he had OMG any problem OMG following OMG such OMG clear instructions.

GanjaKing383 reads

All providers would not be understanding of my handicap .

I was at the wrong Hotel .

greedyclit306 reads

Did he lay good pipe? I've always wondered about some handicap folks myself; and never had the experience, I had a deaf gentleman call me and send his requests through a relay call! Stimulating! It was like phone sex with a guy, a computer, and an operator. So more like an orgy phone sex call!

Anyways, if he told you he was blind, why didn't you meet him outside and guide him in? Sounds like you drew unnecessary attention to yourself! And what do the maids care? They're trying to get paid just like you and were being way more compassionate to the gentleman's needs. So you just took his cash and cancelled all the NON appts you had for yourself? So classy!

BTW did you charge for the free show his guide dog got? Just askin...

GFELoverxox275 reads

No he did not tell me. Didn't tell me he was vision impaired, not blind.
Either way I never knew about his handicaps the dog the driver which he told me knows all about me and that he was seeing me. Personally I don't like that.

He was loud in the hall and he drew attention to himself.

By the way I give great instructions on how to navigate through the hotel if I knew about all this hoopla no I most likely would not have seen him.

How much of a circus an appt becomes I prefer to limit.

You needed to be much more explicit then.

If you had told me that we were going to play circus time I would make sure I brought the elephants and popcorn.  And don't forget, the clowns.

So you're still pissed he only brought the dog?

AggieFan01192 reads

Posted By: GFELoverxox

How much of a circus an appt becomes I prefer to limit.  
So I guess the bearded lady won't be getting any bi action from you  j/k

DCpolitico243 reads

Don't worry about the operator, the driver, - surprising number of folks have assistants, drivers, body guards (senior embassy officials), police details (think Spitzer), secret service escorts (Clinton) who are trusted and used to being discreet - it comes with the territory in DC.  heck, many diplomats in DC can hobby without fear thanks to diplomatic immunity (the attitudes towards prostitution are much more lax in other countries).

Posted By: greedyclit
Did he lay good pipe? I've always wondered about some handicap folks myself; and never had the experience, I had a deaf gentleman call me and send his requests through a relay call! Stimulating! It was like phone sex with a guy, a computer, and an operator. So more like an orgy phone sex call!

Anyways, if he told you he was blind, why didn't you meet him outside and guide him in? Sounds like you drew unnecessary attention to yourself! And what do the maids care? They're trying to get paid just like you and were being way more compassionate to the gentleman's needs. So you just took his cash and cancelled all the NON appts you had for yourself? So classy!

BTW did you charge for the free show his guide dog got? Just askin...  

GFELoverxox298 reads

hes not the only one going to wrong rooms wrog hotels loud in the hallways  looking lost and confused walking by maids drawing attention to himself.I would not have seen him at that hotel in that time frame later on in the day, sure.
He was in no way discrete what so ever.
I dont like the idea of another person, his driver knowing where hes going and who hes seeing and why.

you guys go in see the girl and leave, she sees many clients while occupying this one same room. Discretion lies with staying as under the radar with hotel staff as possable
a guy like this as a client raises redflags, its not my style.


Aside from the blind fella not writing down the room number (by the way, thanks BigP as I did spit up my coffee reading your reply :) ), now you are suggesting that "others" can't find you as well and create more disturbances!  Maybe take a class or two on how to "effectively communicate"!

It's just too bad that the gals here aren't asked to take a test to confirm that they at least are smarter than a 5th grader.  From the sounds of your posts I am hoping that you will get to that level in another couple of years.

Unfortunately in your case I don't think "discretion" is going to fix YOUR problem.

That makes as much sense as anything else in her rant, if you can even call it a rant.

Maybe it's a case of anyone stupid enough to call HER, is too stupid to find the room. If her clientele is that fucking stupid, I think it says more about her than them.

the couples rate :)

But he balked and said the dog just isn't into the whole scene.

And obviously that pissed her off!  She saw that the dog had at least 13" :)

or maybe since the dog was able to see what she actually looked like, even the dog wanted to "take a pass" lol Of course you can turn the lights out on ugly, but you can't hide fat, not even from a blind man. lmao

HalfHour283 reads

Posts like this pose an interesting question regarding authenticity. Here you have an unusual story, that in some ways is quites extrardinary.

After the first read, one must ask, "Is this story real?"

Without giving my opinions on the details or why I think one way or the other, I'll just throw this idea out there: The writer is either a moron or a genius, which would depend on whether the story is genuine or fake.

After several reads, one must say "WOW!...wow." and make the determination for themselves.

I won't attach either label with the legitamacy of the story. I'll just leave my comment out there for pondering. Moron? Genius? and WHY?!?

Either way, I LOVE THIS POST!


On romeos threads there is a prize for the eventual winner.  Not what I would have liked to have seen, but a prize nevertheless!

I just asked Mitt Romney what he thought, and he suggested that s(he) could be both.  

Moron...because only a moron would continue to do the same stupid shit and expect different results.

Genius...because only a genius could dream this shit up and make it sound almost plausible.

So if I win...my recommendation is that the board trolls pay for a four hour session on MY behalf so I can spend it with the provider of my choice.  In lieu of that, I guess I'll just ask scoed to post a hot pic.

HalfHour236 reads

I contacted a very young but reputable and reviewed provider for a first time visit with me. After my references cleared, she called me back to chat for a few minutes, as I had requested.

I like to get a feel for the lady before I book that all-important first session. I casually bring up a few things as we talk to make sure we are a good fit, we both have similar interests and that there are no concerns surrounding our meeting.

Since she's a full time college student at the school one of my spawn attends I'll mention a few names to see if she knows them. (no defiling the kids' friends for me!) We talk about helplessness, control, the  sensual nature of all 5 senses and the removal of some of those, the synerjism of pleasure and pain, trust and adventure, her size and my size, emergency response, bacon flavored lube, pvc tape and some other minor things of common interest.

One thing I alway ask is how a lady feels about the substantial age difference. That was fine she "loves older guys" as is so common with young ladies who are experienced and professional.

Then I also ask about how she feels about possible physical issues that can arise with 'very mature men.' To this she tells me that this is no problem, (yes!) and that she has one very sweet regular who is wheelchair bound. (omg! she's a gem! Maybe I'll propose marraige! Or propose adoption!) SO I ask her if she would like me to tell her about my issue now, and she says ever so sweetly "No. It's not important. We'll have a great time not matter what." (nice! time to book a loooong session)

Before I can respond she says in a serious tone: "You don't use a seeing eye dog do you?"

"No, I don't"

"Great! When would you like to see me?" she said with a smile I could hear through the phone.


ps the two misspellings are puns, grammer-assholes

I've seen a lot of funny flubs guys have made just from the combination of being nervous and excitied the first time. I had a guy recently who I guess was dazed and confused after our romp, when he went to leave he walked in the kitchen and opened my pantry door thinking it was the front door lol.

In Boston, there is a major hotel with two towers, and the room numbering repeats in each tower; I bet a lot of guys end up banging on the wrong door.  (And maybe banging the wrong person too?)

I recall years ago being at a Doubletree just outside of DC.  I was waiting and waiting for a gal to come over. Then she called me saying she's been banging on my door for the last few minutes.  It wasn't my door however.  This town had two Doubletree Hotels in it.

Wish I would've thought of it!

Guys. We gotta do this! Next time one of you comes to NM we'll make an appointment with some BP girl for a MFM session, take my dogs, and roam the halls being loud and very non-discreet.

While one guy is on top of her, the other can be walking around the room bumping into shit, knocking shit over and so on.

Come on, it'll be fun!

Who is the one jumping on the grenade? Who is the one getting to have the fun of running around bumping into shit and not breaking out hysterically?

I'd do it. I'd be the one asking where the bathroom was, tripping over the bed, knocking shit over, 'feeling' my way around.

My dogs would follow me, and if one of them took a shit or a piss, even funnier.

I can just see the look on the poor girl. Two blind guys come in for some MFM, two shepherd crosses, too much shit going on. Two blind guys feeling around, canes and 'seeing eye dogs', bouncing around the room. Just the idea cracks my shit up and I'd love to attempt it!...

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