TER General Board

What's with all these half questions today? e
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1125 reads


macai5232791 reads

My ATF is an exceptionally beautiful 5'8" Korean girl with a terrific personality and a wonderful sense of humor.  She speaks good English, and she says she likes me a lot.  We communicate very well.  If she's faking it, she's the best at it I've ever been with.  I don't love her.  She doesn't love me.  I've been divorced for 15 years.  The only girl I really ever loved was my wife.  I just want that feeling of being loved by her.  We can role play loving each other for a weekend and enjoy each other's company.  That is not stalking.  If she agrees, I am not going to make her do anything she doesn't want to do. She has asked me, when we get in bed, what are we going to do. My answer is, we'll make love before going to bed, lay in each other's arms while sleeping, and then make love again in the morning.  She has no problem with that. Don't ask about the finances. She will be very well taken care of.  I know the guys are going to jump all over this.  But ladies, in similar circumstances, would you go along?

a great Asian gal, such as the beautiful mistress of your's that you describe, needs a Great Asian American hobbyist...  I think  I know someone, but if he is busy please let me know if a Great South Asian hobbyist will do? I know the latter one is not busy at all..:D

macai5231187 reads

if you're talking about a stud, that's exactly what she doesn't want. she wants a nice, caring guy like me who will treat her exceptionally well.

The great Asian American hobbyist can be too.. unless he is blowing chunks after a night of heavy partying.. And chunks in NOT is dog BTW..  :D

macai5231267 reads

AS I said in my original post I knew the guys would give me a bunch of shit on this.  That is why I am ignoring their posts.  It is the ladies comments that interest me.

by responding to my posts.. Oh you guys are so easy and fall for every single bait...lol

macai5231087 reads

I don't know you  that is why you are on permanent ignore-  a new feature of ter  now, if you're a lady and you wish to communicate in a sensible, manner then I'd love too do that

macai5231164 reads

Willing to pay.  That's funny.  I've probably blown 20,000 in the last 2 years.

GaGambler1080 reads

No wonder you are constantly confused. lol

and yes, the ladies seem to be coming to your defense in droves.

GaGambler1148 reads

Or I suppose if it takes you two days to recover from jerking yourself off, it must take you even longer to recover from actual sex. Yes, I am sure she is "all wet" just thinking about the possibility of a life with you.

GaGambler1185 reads

Somehow I doubt that any of the other ladies here are going to being standing in line, jumping up and down screaming "Pick me, Pick me!!!" lmao

Are you related to ROGM by chance, and please don't tell me that you are asian. Once I found out that ROGM was asian I knew exactly how the black dudes on this board must feel knowing that not only Dungy, but the Turdmeister is "one of theirs" lol

In fact she either turned you down twice or two different ladies turned you down once. I think you are missing something here.

Steph-not the editor, whatever that meant.

macai5231371 reads

One lady turned me down.  That was my last visit to her.  I went to a different spa and found this Korean beauty. We've talked casually about doing this.  I am just feeling her out.  I really do want/need the feeling of being loved by her in the manner that I mentioned.  Steph, would you go along in this situation

Posted By: MatureGFE
In fact she either turned you down twice or two different ladies turned you down once. I think you are missing something here.

Steph-not the editor, whatever that meant.

GaGambler1193 reads

As TER's official linesman, I set those odds as "Off the board" lmao

We need to create a new category for the SPOTY's, How does an award for the "most unintentionally funny post of the year" sound  to the rest of you?  I am still literally LMFAO over this one. Can anyone else picture Steph and this loser doing an overnight together, with Steph cooing into his ear "I love you" all through the night.

I am sorry, but I am at a bar right now watching football, this one calls for a shot of tequila, BARTENDER!!!!

macai5231337 reads

You're smart and I think you are a genuinely nice person so I respect your opinion.  So, please tell me.  Is my situation something you would go along with?  It's okay if you say no.  At this point my chances of succeeding seem  very small anyway.

Making love is a state of mind. There are lots of girls that can provide a very high quality and intense GFE experience that will FEEL like making love. SO if that's what your looking for it shouldn't be hard to find. However, if you're looking for someone to tell you they love you over and over again, well, that's just weird. Sorry dude.

macai5231468 reads

yeah, I know it's fucked up.  But it is what it is.

Posted By: FatElvis
Making love is a state of mind. There are lots of girls that can provide a very high quality and intense GFE experience that will FEEL like making love. SO if that's what your looking for it shouldn't be hard to find. However, if you're looking for someone to tell you they love you over and over again, well, that's just weird. Sorry dude.

And it will be what it turns out to be. You probably don't have free will anyhow, so the outcome is predetermined. It's futile and pointless to advise you on what to do. We can guess about what's going to happen, and that can be fun, but I've found that such amusements aren't as appreciated on this board as elsewhere. Have you considered pestering some other ship of fools? That's a possibility.

Posted By: macai523
yeah, I know it's fucked up.  But it is what it is.  
Posted By: FatElvis
Making love is a state of mind. There are lots of girls that can provide a very high quality and intense GFE experience that will FEEL like making love. SO if that's what your looking for it shouldn't be hard to find. However, if you're looking for someone to tell you they love you over and over again, well, that's just weird. Sorry dude.

macai5231565 reads

My present ATF is better than all the rest I've been with.  So I want her to tell me she loves me and make me believe it.  She's the only one.  If she a great actress and is only fucking me for my money as everyone says, so be it.

You're over thinking it. Enjoy what you have. If you push it.too far you're going to fuck it all up.and end up disappointed. Just enjoy the ride...it's better that way.

macai523714 reads

I have " ridden " 100 girls.  This lady is by far the best.

I thought he was saying he made friends with a provider who plays along with his girlfriend fantasy in the bedroom, but is a good friend when not in that mode.

You're looking at it as he's trading cash for a woman PRETENDING not only to be his GFE in bed, but his sidekick over on the sunny side of the street.

So which is it? Or does anybody know? Does the OP know? Does the K girl know? Are we in a remake of Suzie Wong's World?

If she was gfe instead of a kspa girl and you built a real trust and bond I'd back you but…dood it's her job to be smiling and sweet and caring and most kspa girls do that ten times a day. Literally.

The whole she really likes me I can tell because this one's English is good is just creepy yellow fever to me.

If you want to feel love go out into the real world and be a great guy to a good woman of your own fucking age and actually lay the groundwork necessary for someone to love you or at least be genuinely loving towards you.

K-spa girls get about 100 a pop and most make a g a day. You're offering for her to only have to fuck one guy for the same or more for two days in a row. Tempting I'm sure. I'm also sure if she's asking herself if you are really a nice guy or will she wake up in heaven.

Also nothing in your post says anything about her. What does she like? Any activities planned? Are you going to let her eat or watch tv or fuck around online or is she confined to the bed with you the "cuddle monster". For a woman who's used to seeing you for an hour and doesn't actually love you this could be torture.

I love overnights and weekend getaways, but trust me I turn down 99% of those offers. I'm not an actress and if I'm grossed out or counting down the days hours and minutes until I can get going you'll know. I can only spend that kind of time with guys I actually genuinely like.

Faking love for an hour=professional
Faking love for a weekend=stockholm syndrome

macai5231698 reads

I don't know what you look like, I don't know how you feel about me, but I don't care.  Your level of illumination has me.  Call me on my private cell.  I want you for this weekend.

macai5231136 reads

you are smart and helpful  but you just said it I want to be  a guy she actually likes  trust me if she's with me for the weekend, we need to have sex  she has to tell me she loves me  after that she can do whatever she wants  why can't you ladies accept that

Posted By: sophiaLA
If she was gfe instead of a kspa girl and you built a real trust and bond I'd back you but…dood it's her job to be smiling and sweet and caring and most kspa girls do that ten times a day. Literally.  
 The whole she really likes me I can tell because this one's English is good is just creepy yellow fever to me.  
 If you want to feel love go out into the real world and be a great guy to a good woman of your own fucking age and actually lay the groundwork necessary for someone to love you or at least be genuinely loving towards you.  
 K-spa girls get about 100 a pop and most make a g a day. You're offering for her to only have to fuck one guy for the same or more for two days in a row. Tempting I'm sure. I'm also sure if she's asking herself if you are really a nice guy or will she wake up in heaven.  
 Also nothing in your post says anything about her. What does she like? Any activities planned? Are you going to let her eat or watch tv or fuck around online or is she confined to the bed with you the "cuddle monster". For a woman who's used to seeing you for an hour and doesn't actually love you this could be torture.  
 I love overnights and weekend getaways, but trust me I turn down 99% of those offers. I'm not an actress and if I'm grossed out or counting down the days hours and minutes until I can get going you'll know. I can only spend that kind of time with guys I actually genuinely like.  
 Faking love for an hour=professional  
 Faking love for a weekend=stockholm syndrome

What do you see the outcome being if you met a woman in your mundane life who, despite the shape the world's in, wanted to have a relationship with you. And you with her, etc., etc.  How do you imagine your arrangement with the K girl going on? Would breaking up be easy for both of you? Or would you continue on with your ATF on the side?

If it's just relief from loneliness, I don't see any harm in it. We're none of us living in very hopeful times.

macai5231305 reads

You hit it right on the head.  I am lonely- very lonely.  This girl is beautiful.  But that doesn't mean anything to me.  The point is that I love her -not really.  Sure I'd want to keep it going.  Yes, I am flawed.  But I am sure that  everyone already knows that.

I mean, there have been threads about people's kinks ranging from sticking vegetables in places Mr. Greenjeans never imagined, to getting pissed on, licking assholes, and being in handcuffs the whole time.  No problem.  Not an eyelash is batted.  And why should it - to each their own.  

But this poor OP just wants someone to be such a good actress that he feels the illusion of love for a little while.  Hey, isn't that fine too?  Sounds like he knows it's not real (well, sort of - I am not sure what the 'it's my only shot' part means but let's let that go for now - I'm on a roll).   That's his fantasy.  As long as he can distinguish between fantasy and reality no one gets hurt and we all move along.  

I think he would get less grief if he said he wanted her to piss on a cucumber and then have someone stick it up his ass while whistling Dixie.   Not that there's anything wrong with that, but aren't we all living in an equal opportunity fantasy land here

macai5231095 reads

You know, This girl has given me so many compliments that I'm out of my mind.  I am hooked, I am stupid, I am out of control, I am everything I shouldn't be .   I know it and you know it.  So why is it that I can't stop thinking that I want this to happen

macai5231047 reads

kiss me, hug me, fuck me tell me you love me and convince me you mean it is better  than any cucumber or handcuffs. thanks for your comments

macai5231032 reads

I apologize but your post is even more amazing

I think you just answered Scarsdale's question.  And not in a good way.

Yes, I'm afraid I have to agree.  Silly me.

Posted By: inicky46
I think you just answered Scarsdale's question.  And not in a good way.

Please look at his responses. I think he's got some issues with anger. And he won't be able to leave the fantasy when it's over.

oops... no, I missed it but maybe i should have read it... apparently I was absent that day ;) It looks like I need to get a beer (or 6) and read it though.  Thank you for sharing, we need a better cross reference system for lazy posters like me.

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 5:24:52 AM

If some of the greatest minds alive struggle with the question of what is real and what isn't, do you really think the degenerates and whores on this board have all that figured out? No, of course not. We're all splashing around in fantasies so we can avoid unendurable reality at any cost. Any cost.

So the wisdom of the OP proceeding down this particular path into madness with this particular woman really boils down to will it give him enough pleasure to justify the inevitable mess he's making of his life. If any of us care I'd be royally surprised, but speaking from my perspective, I say, sure, wtf, it's better than letting him drive around alone and lonely and going crazy behind the wheel. The K girl is no more in danger than the pedestrians who wouldn't see his car jump the curb and plow into the patio seating of the local Starbucks.

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