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What personality Traits Do You Like In Escorts?
Skyfyre 476 reads


Or more precisely, NO STUPID RULE! Hm can that be considered personality trait?

Somewhat quiet and deferential?

Very talkative and outgoing?

Bitchy as hell?

Something else?

GaGambler612 reads

It all depends on my mood what kind of woman I want.  

also some women can pull off different personalities and get away with it, and others can't. Especially the "bitchy as hell" women. I can actually have a lot of fun with "the bitch from hell" but I have to be in the mood for it. Other times I want quiet and demure, something like straight missionary sex, followed by a massage. other days,....well I am sure you get the picture.

I spent plenty of good money to get away from one.  I don't need to pay to have another.

I'm fine with the first two, but I like someone who can carry on a fairly high level conversation.  Just general chattiness has no appeal to me however.

But my favorite is the nurturer who will cuddle with me till the cows come home, and then some.

Tantrikas are often like that, which is why I gravitate to them

Senator.Blutarsky431 reads

...it depends a lot on my mood. It varies from wild biker chick to the classic refined mature ladies.

When it's action time, I want a nasty slut. And during the down time I'd like her to just be herself. I can imagine that it may be tough to turn it on and off like a light switch, but I've had ladies who've done it, guess they spoiled me.

Alan_Nimm383 reads

They have a knack for knowing how I'm feeling and what I need and acting accordingly. Sometimes I "feel like a nut" so I like a lot of joking around and witty/playful banter, and imaginative sex. And sometimes I need a lot of cuddling with less talk. And everything in between. And they have the versatility to do any of that and do it well.  

Bitchy is not something I look for n a provider. In fact I avoid that like the plague. But bitchy in a tongue-in-cheek way, that's ok.

Fuck that all they need to know is where the pillow is, so their knees don't get sore while they are blowing me. I'm a nice guy, I'll bring them a towel to clean up with.

Alan_Nimm342 reads

You go get those "nasty sluts" you want, I'll stick to the empathic, versatile women who can do a lot more than a great blow job (finding a pillow included when needed).

I love women who aren't afraid of getting messy with me. Think it would be great to shower together afterwards (hasn't happened yet). I think it makes it more "real".

 Openness needs no explanation.

Tall is a personal preference even though there is nothing wrong with being "short" - after all, the only real "must" is "the legs must be long enough for the feet to touch the ground". :-)

Skyfyre477 reads


Or more precisely, NO STUPID RULE! Hm can that be considered personality trait?

I have a variety of limitations when it comes to partying, so I absolutely need a girl to be dependable.

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