TER General Board

What Curly said (eom)
Arovet 62 Reviews 257 reads


Over the years I have read from both guys/gals that they are retiring.  Some phrase it leaving this world.

But it seems that the louder someone yells this battle cry...the louder they are when they make their triumphant return to TER.

I get that some gals find a SD and delete an account...but then some of those same gals post here, apparently seeking some type of attention or affirmation.

And when guys post that they are done here...well, all too often they really didn't mean it.

So folks...is TER tougher to quit than crack (or your drug of choice)?

Each has either been booted off (Tidwit) or melted down and left.  Many, many times. But they always come back.

LtNeilBriggs331 reads

goes by dadadadada or something like that. Can you tell me what kind of stupid handle THAT is? And why is he/she always so angry? Please help!

And it would be more addicting and more fun actually if TER gave us free range to post whatever we desire as long as someone's personal info is not disclosed.  

Let the free market work.. If someone posts stupid shit he will get his ass handed to him. I've posted some stupid shit over years, but juxtaposed against some people's sane shit, it was still better.  

I miss the days before 2012 when Little Phil and GaG moderated the boards, and a certain dude from South Western state would just go apeshit on some posters lol..

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 8:05:12 PM

Over the years, I have gained some good information reading the boards, back channeling, and "staying in the loop" of things. Obviously we all enjoy it to a certain extent, otherwise we wouldn't be on here.  

I would definitely say it's "addicting" that's for sure

But it's easy enough to hop on for a minute when you're on the shitter or stuck waiting somewhere. I would not characterize that the same as being addicted. Is anyone really freaking out when they're not able to connect with TER (talking the boards here, not some pressing appointment issue).

And dear Dr., you weren't always such a sarcastic poster. Perhaps we can chalk that up to your own struggle with TER addiction?

-- Modified on 5/2/2015 10:31:21 AM

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