TER General Board

What choices? To fuck a woman who crawled into my bed? I waive consecutive translation. eomteeth_smile
2236707 3 Reviews 415 reads


Has anyone here ever check out the NY board, if not please do.

Please tell me I am not the only one who feels that many of the men on the NY board are either ball-less twerps, spineless wusses, real life pussies or just basically a carpet mat for people to walk on.

We had a thread where some guy basically lied on the review giving a provider high marks and then running off to a private board and admitting he didn't have the balls to write a accurate review because he fear repercussion from said provider.

We had another thread where some guy literally has sex with a tranny, thinking it was a actual she when it turned out he had a sex change.  The TER profile of the provider was incorrect but it was obvious to her clients. He asked the board about it and then decided not to expose the provider and admitted that it was his fault but not hers.

And then we had a current thread were some men came to a lady defense when she posted a nonsense thread.  Some guy attacked her on her rates, and then these guys came to defend her and her rates and how they would love to see her BUT BUT they won't till she gets some reviews.  So you would defend her and her rates and how beautiful she is but won't have the balls to TOFTT??

Please tell me I'm wrong and those men aren't really the losers pathetic excuse of a XY chromosome they are.

As the saying goes, "we can't help you until you help yourself."  With that being said and in all due respect, sir, I'm pretty sure that by going over there we would cause more drama and rift to post comments towards the social ineptness and insecurities of those guys (not to mention you).


-- Modified on 6/13/2015 9:15:38 AM

FYI, I don't post in NY much but have had nothing but positive experiences with the men I see there, and if you do a search of my posts you'll find I am not one to sit back and be silent in the midst of utter stupidity. Let me recover from jet lag and a hangover, then I might go help ya out bwhahahaha.

Nah, say it ain't so London, lol

NY board beware, hell hath no furry like London scorned, I presume.

GaGambler554 reads

I did briefly check out the NY board, and the OP is doing a valiant job against the usual alias cowards, BSU candidates and BSC hookers aligned against him.  

I might do this one pro bono.


Not so sure NYC could handle both me and Gambler lol. We may have to take a trip. :)

Like you want the big guys on here to run over there and chastise them or something. Seriously you giant tattle tale shriveled ball sack, you need to back it up and shut up your whining.

Geez H+T.  You gonna give up a chance to go over there and bust some man nuts.  You're not going all limp clit on us tricks now, are you?

Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

GaGambler527 reads

I don't always agree with what you have to say, but I still like you. lol

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't always agree with what you have to say, but I still like you. lol

I like people who always speak their mind and own their words even when their words may not be so popular.

And so I retract my choice of words, sometimes I agree, sometimes not so much. But the proverbial head of the nail was hit squarely by the proverbial hammer on this last one.

Bahaha! Love it ; )

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Like you want the big guys on here to run over there and chastise them or something. Seriously you giant tattle tale shriveled ball sack, you need to back it up and shut up your whining.

bigguy30742 reads

It's a tough city but some of the guys on that area broad make you wonder about them.
The thing is it's not only the  NYC area broad either.
So all you can do is call them out and move on to the next thread.

I don't get the guys sleeping with a TS and then referring to them as a woman.
If a person was born a man then it's a man.
Just getting plastic surgery does not change what a person was originally.
I know some people will disagree with me and that's fine.
My thing is it's nothing like a real woman.
Who was born a female to have sex with and enjoy.
Some men like myself still enjoy straight sex only!


Posted By: MidAgedCEO
Has anyone here ever check out the NY board, if not please do.  
 Please tell me I am not the only one who feels that many of the men on the NY board are either ball-less twerps, spineless wusses, real life pussies or just basically a carpet mat for people to walk on.  
 We had a thread where some guy basically lied on the review giving a provider high marks and then running off to a private board and admitting he didn't have the balls to write a accurate review because he fear repercussion from said provider.  
 We had another thread where some guy literally has sex with a tranny, thinking it was a actual she when it turned out he had a sex change.  The TER profile of the provider was incorrect but it was obvious to her clients. He asked the board about it and then decided not to expose the provider and admitted that it was his fault but not hers.  
 And then we had a current thread were some men came to a lady defense when she posted a nonsense thread.  Some guy attacked her on her rates, and then these guys came to defend her and her rates and how they would love to see her BUT BUT they won't till she gets some reviews.  So you would defend her and her rates and how beautiful she is but won't have the balls to TOFTT??  
 Please tell me I'm wrong and those men aren't really the losers pathetic excuse of a XY chromosome they are.

ever hear of the ignore button?

if i HAD to read something that grossed me out so much, i would just ignore the person..

bigguy30767 reads

So we already went over this on the LV broad. Lol
If the truth bothers you so much.
Then that is something for you to work out.
It's nothing wrong with disagreeing on that subject but you can't change the facts either.

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
ever hear of the ignore button?  
 if i HAD to read something that grossed me out so much, i would just ignore the person...  
-- Modified on 6/13/2015 7:17:34 AM

but that's just for fun, of course that doesn't change the fact that the two people arguing in this thread are simpletons.

Posted By: bigguy30
So we already went over this on the LV broad. Lol  
 If the truth bothers you so much.  
 Then that is something for you to work out.  
 It's nothing wrong with disagreeing on that subject but you can't change the facts either.  
Posted By: Alyssa Marie
ever hear of the ignore button?  
  if i HAD to read something that grossed me out so much, i would just ignore the person...  
*Edited accidently responded using an alias.

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 7:17:34 AM

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 7:47:18 AM

When did I ever tell you that you have to change your likes and dislikes?

Just ignore the people that you don't like.
It's so simple.

I don't like to hear people whining, but until I make my own board where I can kick people off.... Well, I guess I will just have to see people whine!

Boooo hiss!

dakine18666 reads

- "never wrestle with a pig....you'll just get dirty and the pig will like it."

bigguy30554 reads

We disagree and if you can't handle it too bad!

Posted By: dakine18
- "never wrestle with a pig....you'll just get dirty and the pig will like it."

how do you know? Did you reason this out the way the ancients reasoned that the sun revolves around the earth, or were you man enough to try it? What makes something like a real woman?  If only biologic females were "born to have sex with and enjoy" is that because God designed it that way?  What does God say about two lady providers doing it together in a MFF session?  Is God going to squash all of us here like bugs for fornicating? Or is prostitution "natural" whereas TS etc is not? Someone else a few days ago was worried about what if he screwed a sex-changed woman and didn't know it, and I'm still puzzled as to why he should care if he couldn't tell.  

When I was in college a "woman" I had never met came into my bedroom in the dark, passionately fucked the hell out of me, and then we cuddled and talked. When the light came on she certainly looked like a woman. What if she had been transgender, would I have to blot out the memories of the past hour or go to confession? (Bet that would have got Father Buttfucker jerking off like a rabbit in his little hutch!) Guess I will never know for sure what she was.

I dunno, my philosophy is to cut everyone's sexual proclivities on these boards some slack seeing as how the moral majority (when not behind their own closed doors) would like to brand Scarlet A's on ALL of our foreheads and then throw us ALL in jail.  :-)

GaGambler692 reads

I have no idea if I would enjoy fucking a post op tranny. (yes I said tranny, sue me), but I don't think I would ever knowingly do so. OTOH, I don't really care what other consenting adults do BCD. Nor do I spend any time obsessing about what other people do.

Where I do draw the line however is this new PC speech, where us "breeders" are expected to use terms like "genetic girl" or "cis" anything. Sorry, but I absolutely REFUSE to use those terms, just like I refuse to use the term "African American" to refer to an American born black person.  

You want equal rights, fine. I am all for "equal" rights, but I am not coddling any group of people and agreeing to change the English language just to make a VERY small percentage of the population feel better about themselves.

When a DNA test will prove that a person born a man is now a woman, I will start calling trannies "real women" until then, just be happy you have equal rights in this country, and stop trying to MAKE the rest of us "accept" your sexual identity confusion by changing the definition of "normal"

about political correctness etc. Then I thought about it a whole bunch, and about a young person in my community who reportedly has suffered enormously with their identity, and I concluded that learning a few new terms that facilitate precise and unbiased discussion is not so bad. What's the alternative to cisgender? "Straight" isn't parallel; it can mean different things such as simply not attracted to same biologic sex -- in fact I read somewhere that Caitlyn Jenner is attracted to women, so Caitlyn is straight!  "Normal" is even more vague, besides prejudging any discussion.

Or an easy way out, instead of a person dealing with what ever internal issues they are facing. they simply identify with a made up persona, like a different gender.

I am no more an expert than you, but my belief is that our brains have some kind of biologic switch that says "I am male" or "I am female". If your brain is telling you that you are a male but you have a female body, or vice versa, that's gotta be tough especially in our society.  Just like I imagine being gay has been a ton of tough til maybe recently in our society (but not a big deal in ancient Greece; so much for any consensus on what is "normal"). Look, Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is annoying as hell with that idiot reality show, but s/he's not escaping or taking an easy way out. Tried so hard to change her internal issues that Bruce pushed himself to be an Olympic champion, the top of the masculine pyramid. Didn't work. Sounds to me like the tug of that biologic switch is as undeniable as gravity.

I said easy way out... Not something that is easy to deal with, I would imagine it is very hard to deal with. I believe there is something in your brain telling your body that it is male or female. I also believe your brain works in unison with the rest of your body's organs.  

I don't base my opinions/observations on what society/history/media says. I still believe that TG and being gay, is a diversion tactic to avoid some other issue, what ever that issue may be.  

However I do address these topics because society brings them to my attention

bigguy30550 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I said easy way out... Not something that is easy to deal with, I would imagine it is very hard to deal with. I believe there is something in your brain telling your body that it is male or female. I also believe your brain works in unison with the rest of your body's organs.  
 I don't base my opinions/observations on what society/history/media says. I still believe that TG and being gay, is a diversion tactic to avoid some other issue, what ever that issue may be.  
 However I do address these topics because society brings them to my attention.  

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I said easy way out... Not something that is easy to deal with, I would imagine it is very hard to deal with. I believe there is something in your brain telling your body that it is male or female. I also believe your brain works in unison with the rest of your body's organs.    
  I don't base my opinions/observations on what society/history/media says. I still believe that TG and being gay, is a diversion tactic to avoid some other issue, what ever that issue may be.    
  However I do address these topics because society brings them to my attention.    

GaGambler500 reads

None of this is new, certainly not to a guy like me who was born in SF and raised in the Bay Area. I am sorry, but I treat trannies, gays,  straights et al all in the same manner. I don't judge any of them,  but nor do I plan on coddling them.

I can't help it if some people suffer confusion about their sexual identity, but I am not going to change my definition of "normal" where it comes to sexual identity any more than I am going to start calling people who are not insane some other term besides "normal"  

I am sorry, but when less than one percent of the population suffers from a "sexual identity crisis"  I am not going to call the other 99% of the people on this planet "cisgendered" just to coddle a very small minority. That minuscule minority is just going to have to learn to deal with it.

I am "normal" or at least I am where it comes to sexual identity, gay is gay and confused is confused, what is so hard about this?

For the record, I have known more than a few people who suffered from "sexual confusion" one of them was actually very close to my GF, close enough that "he" would go into the women's dressing room as one of the girls when I took her shopping, and "he" never asked to be treated like he was something "special"  I treated him just like I would anyone else, no better and no worse, except I suppose he was the only man I would ever allow to go into the dressing room with my GF to help her try on clothes. lol  If he had asked me to call myself "cisgendered" I most certainly would have told him to GO FUCK HIMSELF!!!

And she is attracted to women, she is a lesbian. She is not straight. However to those who still feel Caitlyn is a man via DNA, then yes Caitlyn is straight

bigguy30496 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And she is attracted to women, she is a lesbian. She is not straight. However to those who still feel Caitlyn is a man via DNA, then yes Caitlyn is straight

GaGambler466 reads

I have heard nothing about any surgeries he/she has had other than a series of facial surgeries. Nothing I have heard or read says a thing about actual "sexual reassignment" surgery or CHOP CHOP. lol

So I suppose "he" is still straight if he still prefers women. Weird, but straight. lol

and after all of this "discussion" does anyone still wonder why I refuse to change the English language, just to suit the likes of "Caitlyn"???

bigguy30558 reads

The real question is how does a straight male not make sure or even ask before fucking.
Also here is another hint smart guy don't sleep with someone if you are not sure.
It's not about a moral high ground but a personal choice for me.
Why so many of you so called straight males don't get it is your problem not mine.


Posted By: dani987x
how do you know? Did you reason this out the way the ancients reasoned that the sun revolves around the earth, or were you man enough to try it? What makes something like a real woman?  If only biologic females were "born to have sex with and enjoy" is that because God designed it that way?  What does God say about two lady providers doing it together in a MFF session?  Is God going to squash all of us here like bugs for fornicating? Or is prostitution "natural" whereas TS etc is not? Someone else a few days ago was worried about what if he screwed a sex-changed woman and didn't know it, and I'm still puzzled as to why he should care if he couldn't tell.    
 When I was in college a "woman" I had never met came into my bedroom in the dark, passionately fucked the hell out of me, and then we cuddled and talked. When the light came on she certainly looked like a woman. What if she had been transgender, would I have to blot out the memories of the past hour or go to confession? (Bet that would have got Father Buttfucker jerking off like a rabbit in his little hutch!) Guess I will never know for sure what she was.  
 I dunno, my philosophy is to cut everyone's sexual proclivities on these boards some slack seeing as how the moral majority (when not behind their own closed doors) would like to brand Scarlet A's on ALL of our foreheads and then throw us ALL in jail.  :-)

GaGambler641 reads

and right on cue, he did. lol

Yes, I am sorry but I don't do any "checks" on the women that crawl into my bed at night. If the person that crawls into bed with me has a dick, I think I'd notice rather quickly, but aside from that I don't foresee having a problem with too many post op trannies crawling into my bed unannounced.  

I will have to confess that I too only desire "real women" to have sex with, but until this country starts becoming like Thailand, I think I am pretty safe,  well as long as I stay out of SF, West Hollywood, and maybe P town that is.  

See, that was my point to begin with, transgendered people are just too small a minority in this country to be spending this much time and energy rewriting the English language for. Sure thy deserve not to be abused, beaten up or killed because of what they are, but other than treating them with the same respect that I would treat any other human being, I just don't plan on altering my life to "make them comfortable"

It seems a few of us are changing the monikers of the guys who have "big" in their handles. It started with bigvern=fatvern and now we have bigguy= fatguy and possibly  bigpapasan=fatpapasan.

bigguy30622 reads

Just like the true clown he really wants to be in life.
I know your older GaGambler but it's never to late to pursue a new career. Lol

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
It seems a few of us are changing the monikers of the guys who have "big" in their handles. It started with bigvern=fatvern and now we have bigguy= fatguy and possibly  bigpapasan=fatpapasan.

He has more wit in his little toe than you do in your considerable bulk. Roll on by.....

bigguy30757 reads

When you fall for bullshit like the last couple comments from people like dani.
Then it's nothing more to say to you.
Also running the fatgirl line is so old like you.
So go back to assuming wrong and making a ass out of yourself. Lol

Posted By: GaGambler
and right on cue, he did. lol  
 Yes, I am sorry but I don't do any "checks" on the women that crawl into my bed at night. If the person that crawls into bed with me has a dick, I think I'd notice rather quickly, but aside from that I don't foresee having a problem with too many post op trannies crawling into my bed unannounced.  
 I will have to confess that I too only desire "real women" to have sex with, but until this country starts becoming like Thailand, I think I am pretty safe,  well as long as I stay out of SF, West Hollywood, and maybe P town that is.  
 See, that was my point to begin with, transgendered people are just too small a minority in this country to be spending this much time and energy rewriting the English language for. Sure thy deserve not to be abused, beaten up or killed because of what they are, but other than treating them with the same respect that I would treat any other human being, I just don't plan on altering my life to "make them comfortable"

bigguy30448 reads

Posted By: anonymousfun
He is probably not going to change.

as I will never see these "women"

bigguy30536 reads

I proved my point and this is funny.
Just don't worry about it and move on man.

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 8:50:38 AM

And to think, that's the advice that I always give you. ;)

As someone who comments frequently on said board, I'll toss in my three pennies, in descending order.

The recent thread you refer to was originated by a provider commenting about her experiences with clients trying to haggle down her rates.  She, like many ladies, thought this was distasteful, and rather humorous.  I added my commentary in general support of her position, and some other hobbyist chimed in on my post stating basically that her rates were way too high, that $$ would be his final offer, then with hostility descended into denigrating AA and Asian ladies as being dime-a-dozen that he could score with for free or minimal $ at will.  This resulted in a train wreck, which was to be expected.  Your contributions were, as always, negative, and added gasoline to the fire.

The TS post?  Never read that one, but why would I?  This subject is of no interest to me.

As for the post whereby you called out someone on whatever private board you referred to, I do not have access, but I agree with your position that the dude should have posted an honest review.  Hope you posted a problem report here, and received your free 15 days.   The reviewer who lied should be banned, if that can be proven.

Nothing more to say on this.  Regardless as to how others on our home board feel, my position is that you are entitled to state your opinion.  All viewpoints are welcome.

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