TER General Board

Western Union (eom)
Megatha Christie 4740 reads


For the larger sums of $, Would a provider accept a Money Order or a Cashier's Check??

I, for one, don't like to walk around with huge sums of $$$$$.

JustPassinThru3997 reads

I would think the payee part would need to be left blank, thus making the same as walking around with cash if you were to get mugged.

...their are some providers who use their real name...I know if I were to do this with an ATF then I could put her name...

Ask if the provider will accept PayPal.  Or if she uses a debit card, see if she will accept a "reload" card.  You pay cash at the local supermarket and get a reload card with a 20 digit number; give the provider the 20 digit #, she calls her card issuer, who "loads" her debit card with the $$ you paid for the "reload."

does the phrase "anal retentive" resonate with you?  

Perhaps you could stuff those huge wads of cash inside an empty plastic pill bottle and shove them up your arse.  You'd be safe from muggers, AND you'd have the added thrill of acting out a scene from a Turkish prison picture.

Since when was asking a question "anal retentive?"

My other question from the other day only came up because of things I've heard and I was hoping to get some old timer(s) provide me some info but unfornately all I got was a bunch of jackass responses.

And this question is a reasonable one...I've heard of some people not wanting to carry large sums of cash so instead of cash I'm wondering if they use some other form of payment. So what the fuck is so wrong with this question?!

I thought this was what THIS board was for...To inform fellow hobbyist, not to fucking ream them and give them fucking bullshit.

Thanks for nothing.

BILL183565137 reads

lol , oh I see you have met Emma, no reason to introduce you then

Perhaps after your claimed 2+ years in the hobby, your plaintive cries for advice from we "jackasses" has a certain disingenuousness about it that we find a just a mite irritating.

Yes, we all have our agendas, but do try to be a little more inventive about concealing yours.

Emma, I love you for your erudite oral skill ...er, I mean vocabulary

Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm off on holidays, so no more of me for a week. :)

Guz, it is a fair question. I have carried a lot of cash into some multi hour sessions and can see where a lady that has collected several of these donations might be uncomfortable carrying around the total amount. That said I can see why some standard replacements for cash would not be desirable for several reasons. A simple response explaining why the other options were not viable would have been enough.

To be honest, your previous question about gifts did not make a lot of sense to me, but I do not see how it justifies attacking this question.

skisandboots3904 reads

This board is for an open exchange of ideas. We need creative solutions in this day.  I thought Emma's pill bottle solution was "Genious".  However if a pill bottle is too small for your "large wads of cash" try using a Guiness bottle.

...do not try to pay Emma with shiny beads.

Unless they're attached to a pull cord!

if you think $$$$$ = a "huge" sum of money, you are in the wrong hobby, my friend.  Suggest knitting.....  MA

Great Reply.  This is a cash business. After all, it is not tax deductable.  Do you REALLY want a paper trail? Think about it.  Besides, most decent hotels have an in-room safe.

junior4573238 reads

Last week I "gifted" my ownership rights to the Reading Railroad, K&O & Short Line.

For my ATF I think I am going to give her my the deed to my property on Boardwalk, oh I can't imagine what she'll do for that.

I often find The ladies prefer the the orange 10's and blue 20's as well.

If any ladier are interested in owner a Water Co. or Electric Co. just drop me a line and maybe we can make a deal, hey I've got a get out of jail free card!!!

In the past few months Ive spoken to two providers who have been robbed of considerable sums of money and read about other horror stories. Any way of lessening this risk for all should be explored. Guz' question is both appropriate and very timely. There are people who get a thrill out of carrying around money though. Makes them feel good about themselves and important.

foo3547 reads

Well, the problem is a cashier's check/money order/check really isn't going to keep them from getting robed.  The crook will just take the check too, and then attempt to cash it.  Unless she calls the guy he'll never know and thus won't attempt to put a stop payment on the check.

Then the lady would have to convince the guy to send a new check/money order/whatever in order to get paid.

If you're actually concerned about you or the provider carrying around the cash, then you should probably use something like paypal...which has it's own problems (see paypalsucks.com)

Dr. Pfil2865 reads

Visa/MC Gift Cards?

Get American Express debit cards no more than $5,000 in each, then put them in a deposit box

mouth3043 reads

In canada how do you get these american express debit cards. This is not something that i have ever heard of.

 PS for large amounts you could always set up an offshore bank account with debit/visa/mastercard for your atf

go to any bank .Some people call them American Express gift cards.
They're used now instead travelers checks .

I had pretty much stopped posting on these boards a while back.  I still read, use the reviews, and keep in touch with a large number of friends—men and women—I met here, but found I had no particular need for the number of posters who seemed to feel compelled to be insulting in their replies to me while they tried (usually poorly) to display their superiority to everyone who disagreed with them.  When I read this post it retouched this nerve and I felt I wanted to respond.  I expect a measure of caustic replies to this one, but so be it.

First, I think Guz asked a very valid question.  And, contrary to some of the experts on this post, yes, some women take money orders.  Let’s see, I have used this payment option 4 times in the last four months (with four different women).  Two of the women commented they preferred them (from clients they were comfortable with) for exactly the reason Guz hinted at:  a single piece of paper is easier to conceal than $$$$ worth of twenties (or $$$$$$$$$$$ in Emma’s case).  For one woman this is especially true since her clothes are elegant but sprayed on.

Taking it a step farther, there are two women (not the same as above) with whom I routinely pay in advance via MO.  I send it to them a week or so before I will be in their town.  That way none is exchanged on the day, just in case there is an unfortunate legal encounter neither of us intended.  So, even though Emma’s comments postulate MOs are inherently a stupid idea, some women seem to believe otherwise.  If she doesn’t want anything except cash I accept that; too bad she (and others on this thread) don’t seem to acknowledge others can have a legitimate view different from their own.  A polite (yes, I understand that part might be hard) “Not for me, thank you” would have the same effect and seem less pompous.

As to the curious use of the word “barter”, it seems an unusual use of the word.  When I use a check or credit card in a store I have never been accused of “bartering”.  To check I looked in two dictionaries and one thesaurus and couldn’t find that meaning of the word “barter”.

Strange thing about people who like to strut their superiority in areas where there is no single right view; they seem to be the lease tolerant of other peacocks (or peahens) who pontificate “truths” that slight them in return.  I want to make one thing clear:  I am NOT saying Emma’s fee is too high.  I have never seen her (and likely never will) so I don’t know if it’s a fair price or not.  She can charge whatever she likes.  But IF someone DID claim “her price is exorbitant and no woman is worth that much”, I am guessing she would not be pleased.  Both are individual opinions overstated as inherent truths.

As to the comment that $$$$$ is not a huge sum of money, again I know a lot of guys who consider half this amount to be quite significant.  So, if Guz didn’t use the word “huge” do we really think Emma would have been more civil?  Somehow I tend to think not.

I do agree with Mr Info’s comment that this would be better posted on the newbie board.  But then, what counts as a “newbie”?  Contrary again to Emma’s commentary, I felt I still had things to learn 2 ½ years after I started dabbling in this.  Hell, after ten times that I still have things to learn.  Not the least of which is that what is deemed “standard and polite norms” in one part of the world are not in other places.  Unlike some people, my brain didn’t fill up when I was 20, nor do I think everyone else asks themselves (or the board) the same question at the same age.

Long ago in the dark (pre-web) ages I thought this pastime was about enjoyment and pleasure.  Actually, I still do.  When I am with any of the lovely woman I have had the pleasure of knowing (which is nearly all of them) this feeling is reinforced.  I wish I knew why such a large number (fortunately still a minority but still too many) posters feel everyone should have precisely the same definition of enjoyment and pleasure that they do.  Next we are likely to get guidance on whether to sort bills by denomination or by serial number.  Of course these experts usually don’t agree with each other, but that is often the problem with self proclaimed experts.

OK, back under my rock for a while.

Zero.  In 45 years, never.

Perhaps your experience is different. Perhaps you live in a borderline neighborhood and it happens once a month.  

I think I could take a one-time loss of the average sums discussed here, and still count on the fact that it likely won't happen again.  Of course, that could change...  

Unless I walk into a set up.  Do your best to avoid this, and your chance of getting rolled should be very low.    

Meanwhile, I don't think you want to have your name on check after check, money order after money order going to various ladies.  I'm not a lawyer, but using such things to pay for prostitution, if it could be proved, might just be federal charges.  Also, just a cursory glance at the records kept of this activity will tell anyone what's going on.  Don't leave a paper trail.  It's not paranoia to make somebody do more work to get you.

You want to have the same level of security that you get with a fully legal, socially sanctioned transaction.  You're not going to get that.  I admit carrying cash is risky, but unless the hobby is decriminalized or legalized it's the only alternative.      

-- Modified on 4/12/2005 11:00:09 PM

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