TER General Board

Well that took a whole 2 minutes and 23 seconds...
LB444 2870 reads
1 / 49

Since I personally do not like to read long posts, I will keep this short. I have been officially separated now for many months. I would not say last night I set out to have a date but while my "wife" and I have been dealing with problems for quite some time, we each had friends that we talked to. One of my neighbors was one on that short list. I invited her over for a casual dinner and relaxation by the fire pit on the patio.  

Great dinner, wonderful company and perfect crisp weather for a fire. I have a large rubber exercise mat that I like to lay on out back and read while by the fire. At one point, we accidentally I feel bumped into each other and it was one of those moments where we went from a laugh to a stare to a passionate kiss. It was our first kiss other than on the cheek.

I will close by saying we kissed, hugged, caressed, and talked for the next three hours. The only thing that interrupted us was me putting more wood on the fire and getting her wine. No sex, nothing more than what I shared and the occasional brush by on the outside all over the bodies.

I just had to share as I did not know at my age in my mid 50's that I could be that aroused in all ways while not having sex. I have no idea where it goes from here but oh what a feeling........

inicky46 61 Reviews 893 reads
2 / 49

Sorry.  Couldn't help myself.

!_! 714 reads
3 / 49
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 979 reads
4 / 49

First of all,f course you got aroused passionate kissing and hugging should lead to being aroused.

Does she know your wife? Are you legally separated? Any chance you want to marriage to survive the separation? Dating a neighbor can get really messy right now.

Pull the damn trigger and see a lady in the biz that will stratify your need for intimacy with NO messiness (hopefully).

Steph xoxo

LB444 1150 reads
5 / 49

Dinner to the accidental bump was simply center cut pork chops and the sides with a $25 bottle of wine in which she had two glasses. Once the cuddling began the rest of the bottle was consumed so let's go with a rough estimate of $48.12................ :)

LB444 901 reads
6 / 49

No worries Steph,  

We are legally separated, she is actually living in another part of the state as this was in the making for awhile. Our kids are grown and married, we are not getting back together. We are quite happy now that we are separated. Not sure either of us wants to know what the other is doing. My neighbor is single, she divorced 5 years ago.  

As for pulling the trigger, you are absolutely correct. I need to do so.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 700 reads
8 / 49

But nothing wrong in receiving some unexpected pleasant surprise..

Its not like he kissed her husband for crying out loud...... :D

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 11:55:38 AM

talknboutTSic;) 516 reads
9 / 49

beautiful. Thank you for sharing.  
We are all people here with feelings, unless of course you're one of those who prefers a cyberbot, which I suppose, some do here lol. I think it's just a copout personally from dealing with true human emotion.

Good luck on the journey. The journey is the best part...not the finale.
Posted By: LB444
Since I personally do not like to read long posts, I will keep this short. I have been officially separated now for many months. I would not say last night I set out to have a date but while my "wife" and I have been dealing with problems for quite some time, we each had friends that we talked to. One of my neighbors was one on that short list. I invited her over for a casual dinner and relaxation by the fire pit on the patio.  
 Great dinner, wonderful company and perfect crisp weather for a fire. I have a large rubber exercise mat that I like to lay on out back and read while by the fire. At one point, we accidentally I feel bumped into each other and it was one of those moments where we went from a laugh to a stare to a passionate kiss. It was our first kiss other than on the cheek.  
 I will close by saying we kissed, hugged, caressed, and talked for the next three hours. The only thing that interrupted us was me putting more wood on the fire and getting her wine. No sex, nothing more than what I shared and the occasional brush by on the outside all over the bodies.  
 I just had to share as I did not know at my age in my mid 50's that I could be that aroused in all ways while not having sex. I have no idea where it goes from here but oh what a feeling........

LB444 892 reads
10 / 49

It is indeed about the journey, which is why I have not pulled the trigger yet in this world. Well I guess it is not the only reason but a major part.  

I have no idea what happens, if anything next but no expectations on my end. It ended with me walking her home at 1:15 am and a long embrace and kiss outside her garage door.

JohnyComeAlready 792 reads
11 / 49

Two isn't always better than one.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But nothing wrong in receiving some unexpected pleasant surprise..  
 Its not like he kissed her husband for crying out loud...... :D

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 11:55:38 AM

!_! 727 reads
12 / 49

Now that you've posted a mini, Are you going to post a TER review? ;)

JohnyComeAlready 807 reads
13 / 49

This post sounds like the opening act, of a Lifetime psycho-drama-mentry

talknboutTSic;) 509 reads
15 / 49

Interesting that you are posting on a forum in a world that you don't technically participate in...yet.  
Why is that if I may ask?  

But don't be fooled by what most state here...this world is  more about 'emotion' than anyone will ever lead onto believe. That I can guarantee. But don't ever expect a single soul to ever admit it. Especially on here. The world of companionship is a wondrous thing....welcome should you choose to pull that trigger. Not sounding like that's where you're headed however. Good luck whichever journey you partake in.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 769 reads
16 / 49

legally separated, not trying to see if marriage can be fixed, wifey lives out of his area.

It makes less likely for a disaster except for one thing. if he takes it to the next stage with his neighbor it might get complicated if her intentions and his don't match. Then he's living near a woman possibly scorned.

I've found that people going through a divorce are not in their right mind for about a year AFTER the divorce is final (me included). They often look back years later and think, "WHAT was I thinking doing THAT?".

But he can just "party on" anyway he chooses! ;-)


-- Modified on 10/22/2014 10:23:08 AM

LB444 949 reads
19 / 49

I have no participated as of yet because I was married and although not happily for the past year or so I was not willing to step out. I am legally separated and we both agree we like it this way and do not want to get back together. Being married for over 20 years we know each other very well so the chance is slim we will get back together. I am not one to say never but is as close to never as it gets. Although I am legally married, I am no longer committed.

I have been reading in here for several years now but just came "alive" in here in the past month. I will embark, I have been hesitant but I am mentally ready, I just haven't found the perfect set up for me to take the plunge.

Thank you for your thoughts and care.

LB444 819 reads
20 / 49

Even now almost 12 hours later, we have had no contact. I of course have no idea what she is thinking and I know last night could have been brought on by mutual attraction and perhaps a little wine but....... We shall see but for now, it was a fantastic evening that I will always have no matter what.

LB444 803 reads
21 / 49

The shooting and tingling were amazing. I can't begin to say how stimulated emotionally and physically I was. I am actually very happy it never went further than it did. It was a great evening.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 804 reads
22 / 49

Just be on the level with her, etc.

Thanks for sharing this.

GaGambler 701 reads
23 / 49

Now that you state that you are separated from your wife, I guess I can't go down that road.

My advice is live your life the way YOU want to, none of our opinions here, including my own, are really that important. Enjoy the moment, I mean WTF, enjoy all the moments that you can, life is too short to have regrets about "what could have been"

BTW P4P is not for everyone, if you find a "special" woman that makes you feel like a kid again, there really isn't any need to fuck hookers just because the rest of us do. BTW Don't read this as me having any second doubts about P4P. I absolutely LOVE fucking hot hookers, but I am a shallow pig who isn't looking for anything deeper in my life. lol

talknboutTSic;) 935 reads
24 / 49

But a word of caution...

This forum and the actual world of companionship are two totally different things...

Just keep that in mind as you do move forward.

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 10:04:02 AM

JohnyComeAlready 629 reads
25 / 49

What leads you to believe he is looking for a steady traditional relationship?  

The opposite sounds more likely.

LB444 769 reads
26 / 49

Speaking for myself only I did not plan for this to happen at all. Is she beautiful? Yes indeed. Is she intelligent? Yes Sir. ....... To answer your question at this point all I can say is I am finishing this conference call and then going to call her to simply say thank you for a great evening. The flow of the conversation will steer us to see where it goes

talknboutTSic;) 575 reads
27 / 49

he's already put forth the time and the thought process process prior to leaping. I think he's good. And that's if he ever does. He doesn't need schooling from this peanut gallery on what to do or how to live his life. He seems pretty together to me.

Signed...your favorite 'emotional' lady here ;)

Boo...trick or treat

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 10:25:45 AM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 519 reads
28 / 49


ChiTownHeaux 731 reads
29 / 49
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 963 reads
30 / 49

Finding someone special, even in extreme and stressful times, gives a new reason to live, to keep going. People still need each other.

Since you're here on this board, I assume you have also been enjoying the company of women in this enchanted life of P4P. I am not advising anything, but it will be interesting for you to watch yourself as this new relationship develops. Will you forget about play dates and seek happiness with this woman? Or will you find yourself wanting to "cheat" on her with furtive rendezvous? I don't know if you "want" another relationship this soon, but--as the song says--you can't always get what you want.

You'll enjoy whatever happens for whatever it becomes. Congratulations! Be open to her love and all the electric attraction between you.

JohnyComeAlready 563 reads
31 / 49

Posted By: MatureGFE
I've found that people going through a divorce are not in their right mind for about a year AFTER the divorce is final  

inicky46 61 Reviews 742 reads
32 / 49
bigguy30 599 reads
33 / 49

You are a man right and it's nothing wrong with having sex with this lady!  
The two of you are adults and sometimes in life we all get a second chance at something.  
So it's clear the both of you, like each other.
If you moved on from your wife and like the neighbor, then see if it's worth it long term.  
I hate to tell you, you are not getting any younger and you are getting another shot.

talknboutTSic;) 836 reads
34 / 49

pee my pants almost OMG...hilarious. I could almost hear you saying it. hahaha  

Good one. Yes, with some of the boys here, if you speak too fast, they get a lil lost. hahaha

And if you reply with something they don't 'agree' with, they pull the post. hahaha

Right, Nickypoo?

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 11:50:17 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 760 reads
35 / 49
talknboutTSic;) 692 reads
36 / 49

puller hahahahaha. Yes, I can stay away and if you read my post before having them pulled you would've read my comment LOL. Oh geez, some things (ahem people) never change.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 662 reads
37 / 49
talknboutTSic;) 974 reads
38 / 49

a very sweet 'welcome back'. So thank you lol (I think).

mrfisher 108 Reviews 778 reads
39 / 49

These things take time to sort themselves out.

All I suggest is that he do it in such a manner as to minimize the downsides of affairs.

You have to crack a few eggs to have an omelet.

JohnyComeAlready 655 reads
40 / 49

I tend to forget that the majority come here to have an affair.  

Affairs can be dangerous perhaps less dangerous in this venue where at least one party/sometimes both, usually isn't looking for romance.

ChiTownHeaux 614 reads
41 / 49
Senator.Blutarsky 648 reads
42 / 49

the monkey house hasn't changed much... and the inmates are still running the asylum.

inicky46 61 Reviews 473 reads
43 / 49

But I'll let it slide.  I mean why in the world would anyone care if your posts stay up?  Oh, I forgot, about the whole Minnie Mendoza thing.  Gosh, as soon as you come back you immediately set to work lowering your batting average.  I wonder if it's possible to have a batting average that's a minus number? LOL!
You are the gift that keeps on giving.
Now play nice!  We've had a surfeit of BSC girls on the boards and who needs a crowd?  Not looking to start any trouble, you know.

talknboutTSic;) 1082 reads
44 / 49

But I only popped in to say hello real quick. Primates (in that sense) kinda scare me these days so I'll be leaving before they start cornering me in that cage again lol. That wasn't very nice I'm afraid. But a good and hard lesson learned..i think lol. But on a brighter note, the holidays are coming up, so I do hope everyone remembers to give love, peace and happiness, to their fellow neighbors, loved ones, co-workers and fuck buddies (of course) this beautiful holiday season.

 I hope you've been well handsome. xo
Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
the monkey house hasn't changed much... and the inmates are still running the asylum.

talknboutTSic;) 603 reads
45 / 49

But I was only speaking of the post now silly, not sure what your talking about Willis.  

Anyhow, I too...believe it or not, was never looking for trouble. Ever, not from day one. So I suppose it was what it was. Don't worry I have no vested interest to stay and play and get myself in any more trouble again lol, just stopped by to say hello. That was all. I liked this gentleman's post.  

I hope he finds what he's searching for. That goes for everyone. Life is a funny journey, isn't it?

inicky46 61 Reviews 868 reads
46 / 49
talknboutTSic;) 749 reads
47 / 49

Bye Nick.  

Just remember...the holidays are coming up. Do something good to better yourself first, then do for another.  

Don't miss me too, too much.


DamienScott 664 reads
48 / 49

Figures you'd give a crap.  

Posted By: WickedBrut
Finding someone special, even in extreme and stressful times, gives a new reason to live, to keep going. People still need each other.  
 Since you're here on this board, I assume you have also been enjoying the company of women in this enchanted life of P4P. I am not advising anything, but it will be interesting for you to watch yourself as this new relationship develops. Will you forget about play dates and seek happiness with this woman? Or will you find yourself wanting to "cheat" on her with furtive rendezvous? I don't know if you "want" another relationship this soon, but--as the song says--you can't always get what you want.  
 You'll enjoy whatever happens for whatever it becomes. Congratulations! Be open to her love and all the electric attraction between you.

CentralSeeker 756 reads
49 / 49

Posted By: LB444
I have a large rubber  
exercise mat
Totally didn't go where I was thinking it would

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