TER General Board

Why are you here?
ellobo69 5224 reads

I notice many of the same names posting long, complicated, messages. After writing my doctoral dissertation, I was burned out on writing. Why do you do it? Why do you spend so much time here and on chat?

junior4572301 reads

yeah I try to add some levity to the boards. You would be amazed at how many people just don't seem to have a sense of humor though.

stay well............

I never did blow any of my professors in Neuro, damn, maybe I should go back and flex my pyramidal neurons.....

I am here trying to switch back to NYC timezone from LA. Coffee. Need to drop off rental car. Coffee. Where is my tooth brush?

Bizzaro Superdude3470 reads

Netmichelle is a grad student!  knew it all along....  only way to explain the timezone confusion....  need for coffee - and the loss of the tooth brush... with me, it was always those little hotel soaps... never could get enough of them - to say nothing of raiding the research buildings stock of toilet paper - LOL!!!

I spend time here so i know what is going on in the industry. In any state, any city.

Being an escort isnt all about sex. Its all about being safe and staying on top of that.

I feel, being a provider as long as I have, I can give good info and not needless bullshit.

As well, I spend time here to ask questions and gain more knowledge daily.

I feel ter is one of the best sources for all I've described.

You guys are so very sweet !

Thanks for all your BFE Love :)

All my gfe love,
Ciara !

(really,  I thank you for being so kind !)

ellobo693113 reads

I admire your writing and appreciate the time u take to communicate. I joined your group and love your posts!!

Chow Young Phat2710 reads

Kiss ass. Hahaha, just kidding, maybe, hahahaha

ellobo693197 reads

Nice try, Chow. You know and I know Ciara ain't gonna be swept off her feet w/compliments. She likes her men rough and tough. I expect her to chew me a new asshole and cancel my group membership. LMAO

Similar reasons to Ciara's, keeping up with current trends, etc.

Also, I have found no place other than TER that we can share a since of community that is so open minded, caring and nurturing. I do not have the opportunity elsewhere in my life to communicate to somebody regarding the many topics discussed here. I feel I need this forum to stimulate my mind and thoughts that would otherwise never be explored.

... that and I just enjoy a good freak show

ellobo693505 reads

Succinct and profound!

Where else can you keep your mind sharp and you cock hard at the same time?

-- Modified on 6/30/2005 7:43:48 AM

Chow Young Phat1845 reads

You keep your cock hard while you're here on the General Discussion board? Very interesting, however a little more info than we, or at least I, needed to know, hahaha.

" Rock out with your Cock out"......   Now really havent a few of the ladies posts or replies ever given you a bit of a woody?b

Chow Young Phat3208 reads

None of the written post, but some of the link's sure have, LOL. Just messing with you.

2sense3599 reads

...thought it just involved planning and executing experiments.

It does, but that's only a small part - the fun part. Turns out that you spend more time writing grant applications, unsolicited manuscripts and solicited reviews, editing and reviewing for journals and books, and memo after memo. The things I learned in English composition are just as valuable (probably more so) than any of my science classes.

Was certainly surprised to learn that being a research scientist meant that I would have to write for a living.

One other point. If you're going to write well, you have to practice all the time. Writing these little blurbs in TER is like doing wind-sprints in between the real stuff (i.e., mile- or marathon-runs).

2sense2598 reads

...Robert Silverberg, a very well known science fiction writer, admitted in a Playboy article that he couldn't make a living just writing sf. Instead, his best paying writing assignments were for porn. He was paid x cents per word - but no royalties.

Silverberg used his porn earnings to subsidize what he viewed as his more important work - science fiction.

Ben Dover1704 reads

I just wish I could get more of my ideas past the moderator, I don't care if you like them or not, I just like to read myself on the message board and jack-off to it! - over and over and over...............

I'm a compulsive writer, or I've become one since the urge to hobby broke loose in me.  

I always wanted to write on many subjects, but I was a discouraged writer.  My writing never felt important till I got here and some women began to notice...

The long answer will follow in a thread coming to a board near you, or perhaps with a link here to a  blog.

-- Modified on 6/30/2005 3:11:29 PM

ellobo692620 reads

Keep writing. It's nice that you have an appreciative audience. I think that's partly why some perpetual students stay in school...to have an audience for their thoughts.

Likes variety2921 reads

I have written a doctoral dissertation too, but it hasn't kept me from still liking to write and communicate. This place is the bible for those interested in hobbying. You wanna do it, you gotta stay informed.

ellobo693355 reads

I recall a post asking if others raced home to access this board. You'ra a TER DB addict!! I wanted to know why; but no, you had to try for the cheap laugh. Not your best effort, btw. *grin*

Jeez, I'm hearing that more and more these days.

and they answer many of my stupid but real questions. Because this way I know I'm not the only average ugly guy that has to do it this way. Because my twin, jr. and grandfather and other members of my family are here. Because I expect my life to get better and I will see TER girls.
Because we break the laws (of man and god). Because I feel like I get even, to get back at society. Because it's here. Because if I wasn't here I would be somewhere else. Because, because, because. I don't write much and I don't write much and don't write right. Not much time is spent here but once or a couple of times a day when possible. Now the exit is that way and don't let the door kick you in the ass... as they say. (argghh, how I hate to use coined phrases).

ellobo692391 reads

It should be "Because if I weren't here....:

"Now the exit is that way and don't let the door kick you in the ass... as they say."

Fine. See ya.

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