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Well maybe with your ability to find dollar store hookers...
JackDunphy 570 reads

coupled with my incredible negotiating skills, you and I just might be able to get some ass for free. :D :D

As you know, no sword crossing for me. I'll pound that pussy first, and you can slide into my sloppy seconds. AFTER I have long left the premises.

Sorry chief, but with your fking atrocious interpersonal skills, that's my best offer.

I just got warm pop at the dollar store which was in a 1.5 litet bottle pop corn at the dollar store is 2.16 oz vs the old 3oz bag I notice many providers expect you to pop in A S.S time now. Is this really worth to these people selling these services an items or is just to make the sale.?

JackDunphy482 reads

A warm pop? A cold one? You are taking this thing to a whole nother level bro. I am always concerned with how MANY pops I can get in, not the thermostat the hooker has the room set to.

And who even knew hookers were setting up shop at the dollar store?  

I really need to get out more

Posted By: JackDunphy
A warm pop? A cold one? You are taking this thing to a whole nother level bro. I am always concerned with how MANY pops I can get in, not the thermostat the hooker has the room set to.  
 And who even knew hookers were setting up shop at the dollar store?  
 I really need to get out more.  

JackDunphy571 reads

coupled with my incredible negotiating skills, you and I just might be able to get some ass for free. :D :D

As you know, no sword crossing for me. I'll pound that pussy first, and you can slide into my sloppy seconds. AFTER I have long left the premises.

Sorry chief, but with your fking atrocious interpersonal skills, that's my best offer.

And I bet where you're from everyone drives Chryslers and tells you what their make and model is before booking, right?
Whoa! What was that?? Oh.. It was just your mama screaming. She says get off the computer and go to bed. Key clicks are interrupting her sleep. Be a good little boy and get off your mama's computer:)

Posted By: mtdewking2015
Posted By: JackDunphy
A warm pop? A cold one? You are taking this thing to a whole nother level bro. I am always concerned with how MANY pops I can get in, not the thermostat the hooker has the room set to.  
  And who even knew hookers were setting up shop at the dollar store?    
  I really need to get out more.  

But God damn Mo Fo.. I wasn't that bad at even 15.. Do you want me to get you in touch with my ESL teacher.. Jesus...

Sorry a little inebriated

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But God damn Mo Fo.. I wasn't that bad at even 15.. Do you want me to get you in touch with my ESL teacher.. Jesus...  
 Sorry a little inebriated

You must be from the midwest/northwest if you refer to soft drinks as pop.

Posted By: mtdewking2015
I just got warm pop at the dollar store which was in a 1.5 litet bottle pop corn at the dollar store is 2.16 oz vs the old 3oz bag I notice many providers expect you to pop in A S.S time now. Is this really worth to these people selling these services an items or is just to make the sale.?

I'm surprised the term "tonic" isn't in there however.

I knew a gal from Nebraska, and that's the only term they use for soda as far as she was concerned.

yes I can actually understand what he was trying to say. I don't get why people complain about someone misspelling a word or two if you're reading comprehension skills are average you should be able to grasp what word he was trying to say. I don't understand the people that get their panties in a bunch because one letter is missing out of a word because a person is typing fast. It does not mean English is not his first language he could be like me and just types super fast and doesn't have the need to go back in and re fix it.
   I can totally see what words it was supposed to be.
   I dont get how a few letters missing from a word annoys certain people. Cant they still comprehend the words?
  What other word could quanty be. I mean when used in that sentence.
     I just glance and see it was meant to be quantity.
   I dont see what the big deal is this isnt a high stakes scrabble game. It is for me just a fun activity.
   Its not that serious to all of us. Just a chat room.
Exact spelling for me isnt required for me to read. That dont bother me.

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