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Well I will add my .02 since I have seen you...
Coach1437 89 Reviews 1031 reads
1 / 21

I have been on a string of good luck lately.  The last few ladies I have met have been awesome!   In fact, after a couple of hours of very enjoyable sex, I have found myself losing track of time.  When I visit a lady at her incall, I am very conscious of being sure not to overstay our agreed upon time. I feel it is my obligation to be the "clockwatcher" because putting that on the lady is awkward for her and simply not fair.  I'm sure most of us would agree.   In these last few instances, the dates have been outcalls and my comfort level has seemingly caused me to lose track of time.  It got me thinking...when a lady visits me, is it still my obligation to watch the clock, or is it more up to her?  In each outcall case, I apologized for keeping her past our time, and in each my date was gracious in letting me know it was no big deal.  I am wondering if that was just confirmation that she was aware of the time and had no other place to be, or if I had dropped the ball and they didn't want to make a big deal of it?  I am curious what people think...

sdottaylor 19 Reviews 346 reads
2 / 21

but I always assumed if it's incall, since it's her home/hotel room that you're being invited to, it's her responsibility to keep track of time but during outcall, since it's your home/hotel room it is your responsibility to keep track of time.

maxwell44 23 Reviews 301 reads
3 / 21

Let's pretend we are not discussing escorts, and instead we are discussing... um... plumbers:

So a plumber quotes you a price to fix your faucet and then he fixes it, then afterwards you and him start having a stimulating conversation about baseball or something for the next 30 minutes.  I don't think you'd have a big issue of being disrespectful of his time, he could have left anytime he wanted.  If you really want him to leave, you would of course say something.  If he is really wasting his own time by not leaving as scheduled, that is his problem.  You never agreed to watch his clock for him anyway.  So as it goes with plumbers, it goes with everything else that is outcall related.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 238 reads
4 / 21

I never feel the need to watch the clock in an incall.  They always throw me out when the time is up, same as a civvie girl.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 240 reads
5 / 21
Zangari 314 reads
6 / 21

Posted By: Coach1437
 When I visit a lady at her incall, I am very conscious of being sure not to overstay our agreed upon time.
Ok, you're fine so far.  You definitely don't want to overstay at her incall.  
Posted By: Coach1437
  In these last few instances, the dates have been outcalls and my comfort level has seemingly caused me to lose track of time.  It got me thinking...when a lady visits me, is it still my obligation to watch the clock, or is it more up to her?
 Now she's at your place.  There are a couple of variables here. Are you having sex with her after the allotted time. If so, then you're pushing a boundary.  You should pay her for that extra time.  

 But let's say the sex is over within the allotted time.  Now the two of you are just tipping beers & chatting, and you go over the allotted time.  That may or may not be a problem.  If you're doing most of the talking and she's passive, then that's a problem.  But if she's actively engaging in conversation and bringing up new topics, then she may enjoy your company.  
You're going to find out when you contact her for another appointment.

  If she enjoys the time she spends with you, then she will contact you.  Congratulations, you've just met Miss ATF.  --z

will645 19 Reviews 250 reads
7 / 21

I  once had a young lady (from  Backpage  not that it matters)  visit me at my vacation place. We finished our hour and talked a bit. I told her I was leaving the condo with her to go to the very close by bar for drinks and she said that if they had the hockey game on (playoffs), she'd love to join me. We watched the game,  ate dinner and drank (quite a lot) and walked back to my place (where we left her car.) She asked if she could sleep at my place and we went in,  had another drink,  fucked, and went to sleep. She had said she needed to leave by 10. When I woke up at 9:30, I roused her to tell her the time. She said, " Fuck it,  you don't look like the kind of guy that let's a girl sleep over without getting some in the morning." So,  we went at it again,  showered and went to breakfast before she left.  I only paid for an hour. Do you think I should have charged more?  

Posted By: Coach1437
I have been on a string of good luck lately.  The last few ladies I have met have been awesome!   In fact, after a couple of hours of very enjoyable sex, I have found myself losing track of time.  When I visit a lady at her incall, I am very conscious of being sure not to overstay our agreed upon time. I feel it is my obligation to be the "clockwatcher" because putting that on the lady is awkward for her and simply not fair.  I'm sure most of us would agree.   In these last few instances, the dates have been outcalls and my comfort level has seemingly caused me to lose track of time.  It got me thinking...when a lady visits me, is it still my obligation to watch the clock, or is it more up to her?  In each outcall case, I apologized for keeping her past our time, and in each my date was gracious in letting me know it was no big deal.  I am wondering if that was just confirmation that she was aware of the time and had no other place to be, or if I had dropped the ball and they didn't want to make a big deal of it?  I am curious what people think...
-- Modified on 5/2/2016 8:40:57 PM

jimmymack100 5 Reviews 221 reads
8 / 21

First of all congrats on that date hope you kept that number.Personally I don't feel it's ever my job to watch the clock escorts are very good at it.Sometimes things click they spend a little more time with you because they enjoy your company.Usually escorts are just plain money motivated but not always.

Posted By: will645
I  once had a young lady (from  Backpage  not that it matters)  visit me at my vacation place. We finished our hour and talked a bit. I told her I was leaving the condo with her to go to the very close by bar for drinks and she said that if they had the hockey game on (playoffs), she'd love to join me. We watched the game,  ate dinner and drank (quite a lot) and walked back to my place (where we left her car.) She asked if she could sleep at my place and we went in,  had another drink,  fucked, and went to sleep. She had said she needed to leave by 10. When I woke up at 9:30, I roused her to tell her the time. She said, " Fuck it,  you don't look like the kind of guy that let's a girl sleep over without getting some in the morning." So,  we went at it again,  showered and went to breakfast before she left.  I only paid for an hour. Do you think I should have charged more?  
Posted By: Coach1437
I have been on a string of good luck lately.  The last few ladies I have met have been awesome!   In fact, after a couple of hours of very enjoyable sex, I have found myself losing track of time.  When I visit a lady at her incall, I am very conscious of being sure not to overstay our agreed upon time. I feel it is my obligation to be the "clockwatcher" because putting that on the lady is awkward for her and simply not fair.  I'm sure most of us would agree.   In these last few instances, the dates have been outcalls and my comfort level has seemingly caused me to lose track of time.  It got me thinking...when a lady visits me, is it still my obligation to watch the clock, or is it more up to her?  In each outcall case, I apologized for keeping her past our time, and in each my date was gracious in letting me know it was no big deal.  I am wondering if that was just confirmation that she was aware of the time and had no other place to be, or if I had dropped the ball and they didn't want to make a big deal of it?  I am curious what people think...
-- Modified on 5/2/2016 8:40:57 PM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 192 reads
9 / 21

But seriously ladies and germs,

I think there is a shared responsibility to keep track of time to some extent, at least to acknowledge the fact that time is nearly up.  Some gals are so frightened that they'll offend the guy if they do, that they let some guys walk all over her.  So, I point out the clock, and if they gal wants to stay longer, or have me stay longer, then that's super; but at least we are doing so as a shared decision, and not taking advantage of one another

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 245 reads
10 / 21

I find with some gents especially if we have met before an hour appt is just not enough time in my opinion.
Especially if you want to talk and have a drink first.If it is an outcall I feel like it is on the provider to keep track of the time.If you go over by a little no big deal.Anything over 15min should be compensated in my opinion.
If you are visiting a lady I would think it would be her responsibility to make sure there is enough time.
Just my .02

resource101 108 Reviews 169 reads
11 / 21

I always take off my glasses and watch. I mention that to the lady advising them that in the interest of safety, I take my watch off (once scratched a provider) and, of course, when I take my glasses off, it wouldn't even matter if I wore my watch. The point is I mention it. Now, the onus is on her, although I will try and keep track. Once, while with a visiting lady who I met downtown for a two hour-and pretty expensive-appointment, I noticed we had gone ten or so minutes over apologizing as I got dressed. She mentioned how I should pay her more. That one statement made me sad as I thought we were both enjoying our conversation. That's all we were doing-talking. But she was young so, what are you going to do. Life happens. Let's not squabble over a few extra minutes of simple conversation. Jeez!

Dallas_texan 252 reads
12 / 21

That is Apples and oranges my friend. Let me tell you why. A plumber, like an mechanic, know exactly what a job cost. If he's installing a toilet, he knows it takes exactly 1 hour to do it. If he's installing new pipe and routing to a different room say, he knows that's a 4 hour job. He's gonna give you that on paper and tell you in the estimate what the job cost 99% of the time. Just like an auto mechanic would to do a brake job.  
If and when y'all talk about baseball during that time makes no difference. Whether it be at the beginning,middle or the end of the job. I believe. That's all assuming you're dealing with a reputable person in either case.  

Now, as far as I calls and her time, in NO WAY should we ever put a provider in that position to have to ask us to leave. NEVER! That would be so uncomfortable for her. And we hear it here all the time. They don't like it and don't want to do it. At the very least it should be brought up every few minutes until the provider makes it clear that they are totally cool with us staying longer. Simple stuff.  

Out calls give the provider the opportunity to leave when they want. And even then she should be asking us if it's cool that she stays.  

It's called responsibility on all parts. We all owe to each other to be respectable about one another's time.  

Posted By: maxwell44
Let's pretend we are not discussing escorts, and instead we are discussing... um... plumbers:  
 So a plumber quotes you a price to fix your faucet and then he fixes it, then afterwards you and him start having a stimulating conversation about baseball or something for the next 30 minutes.  I don't think you'd have a big issue of being disrespectful of his time, he could have left anytime he wanted.  If you really want him to leave, you would of course say something.  If he is really wasting his own time by not leaving as scheduled, that is his problem.  You never agreed to watch his clock for him anyway.  So as it goes with plumbers, it goes with everything else that is outcall related.  
 That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Nailit 158 reads
13 / 21

I went way over by a couple of hours, I asked her if it was ok and said it is fine. So I slipped my dick in her and fucked her slow for over an hour or so. Could have fucked her all afternoon she had nothing else to do. It was one of the best sessions ever.

Coach1437 89 Reviews 157 reads
14 / 21

Posted By: jaydalee
I find with some gents especially if we have met before an hour appt is just not enough time in my opinion.  
 Especially if you want to talk and have a drink first.If it is an outcall I feel like it is on the provider to keep track of the time.If you go over by a little no big deal.Anything over 15min should be compensated in my opinion.  
 If you are visiting a lady I would think it would be her responsibility to make sure there is enough time.  
 Just my .02
One hour with you is never enough!  Be well...until next time:)

ShillBill 149 reads
15 / 21

Posted By: Nailit
I went way over by a couple of hours, I asked her if it was ok and said it is fine. So I slipped my dick in her and fucked her slow for over an hour or so. Could have fucked her all afternoon she had nothing else to do. It was one of the best sessions ever.    

AnastasiaKane See my TER Reviews 224 reads
16 / 21

I tend to not like to do outcalls to private residences for this very reason. I don't know you and it sounds like you have good intentions. But in my experience, most gentleman who want outcall to their private residence want it for the sheer fact that they can manipulate you into staying way over the allotted time. It has been my experience that most gentleman who want outcall to their private residence hide all the clocks in the house and I've even had an experience where he set the clock back so he got more time.  

I'm at the point that I don't do private residence outcalls unless I know the person really well or we have an overnight. But to answer your question,  I think it's your responsibility to keep track of time. If you are in a hotel room, clocks are in plain sight. But you have complete control over your domain so she may not know where to look to see what time it is unless she wears a watch.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 180 reads
17 / 21

Posted By: Coach1437
I have been on a string of good luck lately.  The last few ladies I have met have been awesome!   In fact, after a couple of hours of very enjoyable sex, I have found myself losing track of time.  When I visit a lady at her incall, I am very conscious of being sure not to overstay our agreed upon time. I feel it is my obligation to be the "clockwatcher" because putting that on the lady is awkward for her and simply not fair.  I'm sure most of us would agree.   In these last few instances, the dates have been outcalls and my comfort level has seemingly caused me to lose track of time.  It got me thinking...when a lady visits me, is it still my obligation to watch the clock, or is it more up to her?  In each outcall case, I apologized for keeping her past our time, and in each my date was gracious in letting me know it was no big deal.  I am wondering if that was just confirmation that she was aware of the time and had no other place to be, or if I had dropped the ball and they didn't want to make a big deal of it?  I am curious what people think...

wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 135 reads
18 / 21

All providers are different. Incall or outcall. Some are more generous with their time and don't mind going over. As has been said here, you can tell by how participatory a conversationalist they are. Some girls, it's over right on the dot.

But in all events, I keep track of the time. I always want to avoid any awkwardness, and I want to know how much time I have left.

ziggy440 84 Reviews 192 reads
19 / 21

1. I often have trouble coming these days (not getting any younger). About 10 minutes before a date is supposed to end, I begin to focus on finishing, and then with about 5 minutes to go I either am done or give up. At least that is my plan. And that used to be how it worked almost every time. But over the last year or so, I am running into more and more ladies (both regulars and new) who do not want to stop until I get off. Of course, I am happy to continue when it is offered. Maybe this is a trend, maybe I am really nice (I do love DATY, so they have had their turn, I guess), or maybe I am picking my dates differently. Whatever the reason, I have been encountering this a lot lately, after hardly ever seeing it over the prior 4-5 years. Sometimes I offer some extra money in this situation, other times not. But they usually indicate they do not want my money when I offer. All of which seems really strange to me.

2. There is a weird, fine line between being respectful and businesslike and being unfriendly. Generally speaking, I understand that the ladies are here for business and we are here for the simulated romance, but it is polite to be friendly and appreciative, too. So I do not think I would ever say to a lady on outcall, "Time's up, time to go." Sort of feels like being thrown out. Yes, I do whatever I can to wrap up on time and make it easy for her to go, but I also try to make it comfortable for her to stay if she wishes (most do not, and that is fine, unless they are still trying to finish me as noted above). We aren't friends, but we might become friends and we should be friendly is how I think of it. Of course there are times when I am on a tight schedule, but I will tell her that at the beginning so she knows, not wait to the end and rush her out.

The rest I agree absolutely. Most of my dates are incall, and I much prefer to be told "No rush, do you want a shower or a drink" as I begin to prepare to leave, than "Time's up a while back, get a move on." There are a few providers who have given me 5 or 10 minute warnings before the end of a date. I understand why a lady might do that, but it is rude and there is no chance I will see her again if she does that. I assume they have had some negative experiences, but by doing that they create just the negative situation that they think they are avoiding.


Zangari 190 reads
20 / 21

Posted By: jaydalee
Well I will add my .02 since I have seen you... find with some gents especially if we have met before an hour appt is just not enough time in my opinion.  Especially if you want to talk and have a drink first.If it is an outcall I feel like it is on the provider to keep track of the time.If you go over by a little no big deal.Anything over 15min should be compensated in my opinion.  If you are visiting a lady I would think it would be her responsibility to make sure there is enough time.  Just my .02
Coach1437:  Ah, ok.  Something remarkable just happened.   A provider who has actually been in a session with you is directly replying to your question. I quoted her post in its entirety because it's the only one on this thread that really matters now.  
 After reading her post, I think you should book at least 90 minute sessions from now on.  Or you might consider the sugarbowl, where time isn't a factor.  This isn't a flame--you're a guy who needs extra time, that's all.  Good luck.  --

Coach1437 89 Reviews 176 reads
21 / 21


Thanks for the post.  I think, however, you have misread my post and misinterpreted Jaydalee's reply.  As I note in the original post, both of these instances occurred after "a couple of hours" of enjoyable sex.  I did not mean the word "couple" to imply the compilation of two sessions but, rather, each session itself was an agreed upon two hours.  I do understand why you would have read it the way you did.  Also, the sex had long ended when we were relaxing and talking.  Thus, we/I lost track of time, not because we were having sex, but simply due to the fact (on my part) that it was so enjoyable I think I subconsciously "forgot it was service" as it was that good.  The clock was in plain sight and both ladies either lost track of time as well, or simply were not in a rush to leave.  All of this is simply background and context for my initial question regarding any differences for tracking time between incall and outcall.  I firmly believe it is on the client when visiting a lady, but was just curious about what others think regarding outcalls.  As mentioned earlier by another poster, it would almost seem awkward to say to a lady..."ok, time is up!"  As for Jaydalee's reply...all I can say is that I have had both a one hour session with her and two hour...neither is enough!

-- Modified on 5/3/2016 12:26:50 PM

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