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Well done...
harborview 10 Reviews 471 reads

The hustle & scams are too common.  Perhaps it is rare but it should not be.  It really does not make sense to work for 2 hours...  possibly to the point of exhaustion...  & not get there.  

I like to see favorites & become friendly...   until or unless they treat me badly.   What you did is nice & kind on a personal level & makes good business sense as well.   He will be back.

I recently had a 2 hour session with a regular.
At about the one hour mark it was very apparent that..  Things weren't going to work.  
Meaning, he was simply exhausted (2 12 hr work shifts in 2 days & 3 hours sleep on his part) and his equipment was simply... Uncooperative.  

At this point, I offered to terminate the appointment, charging a 1 hour rate, and handing back the difference from the envelope.  
In my eyes, there was simply no needed to continue when the "goal" couldn't be reached. No need to charge more or work fruitlessly...

A day later, I received a very kind & thankful email, saying how much he appreciated what I had done...  
And stayed also, this wasn't the norm with us ladies.  

I find this hard to believe and somewhat even uncompassionate. Not to mention, bad business.  
It's true, I could have stayed to burn the clock & charge for it, but why cut off my nose to spite my face?  
I like repeat business. And I even consider my regulars to be friends (most of them! Lol) I ended up staying anyways, just so we could shoot the shit & compare our Clash of clans game. Hey, it's a common interest. And he gave me some good tips! But really, why wouldn't I give a partial refund?  
Are all the ladies such ball-busters?

Is this really such an anomaly??

And as we're all aware, some providers just don't have any business sense or are in it only for a quick buck.

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 7:39:07 AM

The hustle & scams are too common.  Perhaps it is rare but it should not be.  It really does not make sense to work for 2 hours...  possibly to the point of exhaustion...  & not get there.  

I like to see favorites & become friendly...   until or unless they treat me badly.   What you did is nice & kind on a personal level & makes good business sense as well.   He will be back.

AFICIONADO13376 reads

It should never be expected, but I would be shock if that ever happen to me. That is what a bottle of wine and conversation is for.

I commend you on doing the right thing, however I don't see the need to gloat over it.  

You know, all your visitors from here on out might expect a prorated encounter.

o if an escort does something good, don't talk about it, ask questions, or else it's gloating? Gotttccchhhaaaaa. Riiiggghhht.  
I'm gonna refrain from all the glib jabs I could make, suffice to say, duly noted and taking with a grain of salt.
You're a FINE ONE to be giving advice.  

BTW, I doubt any of my clients will come anticipating prorated sessions with intentions if NOT finishing.  
That's a very defeatest perspective.  
And if they ever did, they won't be prorated the first session.
Nahhh. Set the tone for cheaper rates on top of my already competitive prices? Hardly

Don't take my advice and see where it gets you.

GotItWhereItCounts431 reads

You obviously have empathy, good sense for maintaining ongoing friendly arrangements, and a sincere regular.  But, if you look at the 'Blow-and-go' and Negotiation threads floating around there are lots of guys out there just angling for a discount of any kind.  Was told a story recently about a client who tried to retrieve part of his donation because he 'could tell how hard he made her cum.'

But yes, there are still other good providers who will make financial, scheduling, etc adjustments for clients they like.  Those type of clients would hopefully know that it was a personal decision and not to go out crowing to the community about the great break they just got.

I've had one lady give me a large refund and another a free session due to their flaky behavior. The free session I paid just under half her normal fee (but she didn't even hint of wanting anything).

I feel as you do.  Some circumstances warrant a change in the agreement.  I believe time with a provider should be wonderful and fulfilling, not frustrating and unproductive, to be time well spent.  My feelings and ethics might be a result of my work life experiences and as a lover, but it only seems fair.  Karma has rewarded me for these kinds of actions so I'll keep at'em.  It helps offset my bird shooting in traffic.

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 12:01:52 PM

bigguy30412 reads

Also your pictures are very sexy.
So I may have to make my way down to NC in the future! LOL

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 8:54:36 AM

HandleWithCare597 reads

Again, it all depends on the provider and client and what they're into, but, rather than offering to terminate the appointment (as a 2nd option), the provider could gently suggest they do other things for the remaining hour. I can think of any number of pleasurable activities for that other hour... a relaxing massage, kissing and caressing each other all over (maybe the provider does most of it if the client is too tired), taking a bath together (with kissing etc.), and many more.

I've been in this situation before, but in that case it was an overnight date with dinner and it turned out we were BOTH too tired for our equipment to function at peak efficiency. So we snuggled together, kissing and caressing and talking, until we both feel asleep. The next morning, refreshed, we made up for lost time.  :)

Sometimes we just have bad days.  That would definitely bring me back to your door.  Is it about business?, of course but sometimes just being a human being is much more rewarding.  Very cool move on your part Roxy, and even though I dont know you from a hole in the ground, you definitely earned some respect points from me.  Bravo.  :-)

I had a guy show up and not feel well. I sat him down, made him some tea, chatted with him till he felt better and then told him to go home. No fee. He stayed just over an hour and we had a nice chat. He is now a reg who I adore!

What you did was very nice, and like some others have said, I'm sure you gained a repeat client (if he wasn't already).
Is this common? Not so much. Did you owe him a partial refund? Definitely not. His performance or exhaustion is on him and not you. If you were unable to perform that would be a different story. Also, all the ladies say we pay for their time, not specific activities. If he had his full time, you didn't owe him anything. What you did was a nice gesture and probably good business.  

I had a provider a while back give me a partisl refund because she was late. I had booked a 2 hour date. She was one hour late, but we didn't cut our time short. I had all evening free. We not only did the 2 hours. We actually did 2.5, then an OTC dinner. I tried to tip her above her already discounted fee. Not only would she nit accept the tip, she actuslly pulled money out of the envelope and gave it back to me saying how sorry she was that she was late. Did she owe me that. Nope. Did I expect anything back? Hell no! (I was actually trying to give her more for service above and beyond!) Was I appreciative of her gesture? Hell yes!

If he's a regular, the fully magnanimous thing to do is give him that hour another time.

Plus... If you gave him a refund even though you stayed...  Kind of confuses the idea that you're selling time, not services.

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