TER General Board

Welcome back, Red! :) (eom)
iibmon 6902 reads
1 / 49

I can never understand why anyone is interested in dinner dates with providers unless someone is filthy rich and has money to throw around. Even if I did I'd still probably not be interested. I couldn't believe when I read a review of a provider with all 9 and 10s, easily one of the best in the country, and the reviewer wrote he was in her room and she looked incredible, they passionately kissed, and then they went out for dinner. Are you kidding me? I would have been on the bed with her so quick that the last thing on my mind would have been dinner. Are people looking for some kind of psuedo-romance? Lets face it, it is fake romance. How romantic is it when you know you are just one of dozens or hundreds. Tonight you, tomorrow night someone else, big deal. And don't start with this ATF nonsense, romance has to do with exclusivity and the reality, or at least the possibility, of true and lasting love. Puzzling also are comments such as it felt so good to have her on my arm and everyone looking at us with envy. How vain, narcissistic and egotistical is this?

Don't you think handing over hundreds of dollars for sex is enough without handing over hundreds more for a so called "date"? Does it make these people feel like big important men or big spenders? If it's because you don't have a true relationship, then maybe it's time to work at establishing one. Even worse if you are in a relationship or married you better start examining what's wrong and why you have some need to spend hundreds to take out a provider. If you have kids you should ashamed that you are blowing your money when you should be taking care of them. To spend $300 for an hour of sex is one thing, but $800 plus expenses for dinner then sex (which is all being with a provider is about anyway once you cut out the self-delusionary crap) is quite another. If you do have $800 to blow why not save the extra $600 (or more including expenses) for  time in a room with this or another provider. Or am I missing something here, is it about sex or is it about eating a fancy dinner and acting like a big shot?

redheadedbbw See my TER Reviews 3366 reads
2 / 49

A dinner date is a nice treat and an awesome warm up. The best sex starts in the brain.Some men find that banging away is not everything that foreplay and after play are as good as getting what they desired, for some maybe even better. Dinner and or drinks can be very sexual exciting with the right person. Building up to what is to come later.I say on my site that foreplay is a lost art.Many forget those touches and kisses that curl your toes.Making you desire so much more.

hiddenguy 4869 reads
3 / 49

All of your comments are logical and rational, they make perfect sense and any rational person would agree. BUT!!! this is not a rational hobby and we are all just a little nuts, and obviously lacking a little something in our own lives. I have my ATF and yes I know it's all about the money with her, but I still really enjoy being with her, going out to lunch (off the clock)talking about kids, etc.

If it's not for you, I fully understand. But don't knock it for those guys who want and need something more from this hobby than just sex (but the sex is still #1) JMHO

hiddenguy 3946 reads
4 / 49

You said it better than I did.

redheadedbbw See my TER Reviews 3541 reads
5 / 49

You desires arent what someone else desires.That is what makes this great you can do as you like and others can do what they like.Isn't right or wrong.

Mr. Oneeye 3 Reviews 3099 reads
6 / 49

I am sorry, but how I choose to spend MY money is entirely up to me, and whilst your opinion is just as valid as mine, perhaps you might have chosen a slightly more diplomatic & less confrontational way to express it.


SirPrize 4163 reads
7 / 49

That says it all.

I agree, all the points made by the original poster make sense. Even so, some guys will still go the dinner route.

We are all looking for our own thing in this hobby.

toast 9 Reviews 3544 reads
8 / 49

have all been multiple hour.  Yes.  It is fantasy.  But there is a touch of reality as well.  I enjoy nothing more than watching a woman heat up.  And to heat one up right... it takes time.  

If it isn't for you, fine.  But don't knock it for those of us that understand that intensity takes time.

trek 43 Reviews 4030 reads
9 / 49

To me, what goes on before the actual sex can make those subsequent acts much better.  To be out to dinner with a wonderful, attractive woman who is intelligent, is well read, and is witty totally enhances the evening.  One need not spend a couple of hundred dollars on dinner.  Wine is nice, but it is not a requirement, but the good conversation between two mature adults allows each to get to know one another much better.  

Then there is a walk or short ride back to the venue for the sexual encounter.  It too enhances the thoughts of what is about to occur.  The sex which then ensues is so much better, and so much more nuanced, than a simple "hi there, followed by a kiss and quickie sex."

In short, the dinner is extended foreplay.  There may be touching, but the looks, the conversation is just a gradual buildup to a wonderful orgasm for each of you.

Recently, in August as well as in September, I had this experience a couple of times with a visiting woman.  Those two evenings were two of the most enjoyable times of my life.  I look forward to seeing her again.

Turkana 3555 reads
10 / 49

going into the glass house construction business?  

Honestly, how can you make the implicit judgment that spending a few hundred on sex is okay, but that spending it on dinner is shorting your children?  How can you possibly pass judgment on the quality of someone else's relationships and personal needs? Do you also criticize men who wear Armani suits because they cost six times as much as something from Sears and they wear them just so they can feel like a big shot?  If you're going to be so self-righteous and judgmental, why not get really serious and recommend that we all stop hobbying and send our money to the International Red Cross for work in Darfur, where it will really do some good?

Having said that, now let me answer your question:

I get my rocks off watching women I have paid to chew food.


-- Modified on 11/2/2004 5:18:22 PM

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 3479 reads
11 / 49
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3141 reads
12 / 49

thereby rendering a response virtually unnecessary (file this one in the "If you have to ask..." file), as you don't even have any reviews of your own, the inferences towards established reviewers preferences are insulting.  

I may not be in the "high roller" category, but I have improvised this scenario a couple of times with incalls at my place, and it is something I would do every time if I could.  Are you familiar with the word "foreplay", the phrase "the brain is the largest sex organ", and the concept of "communication = the response you get"*?  Just because it is not a "relationship" doesn't mean that it has to lack romance, or that it can't be memorable for something besides physical gratification...at least for some of us.

Chips can be surgically removed from people's shoulders.  I suggest you look into it, as you seem to have one against financially successful people.

* (copyright, she knows who she is)

-- Modified on 11/2/2004 6:49:39 PM

Luscious Laurel See my TER Reviews 3835 reads
16 / 49

are fun, too!

What you wrote is true.  It IS foreplay, and it sometimes gets me so warmed up that I can't wait to get back to the room.  ;-)

It sounds as though you found a special lady, and I wish you continued wonderful times.

-- Modified on 11/2/2004 6:35:33 PM

SeekingGFE 10 Reviews 3227 reads
18 / 49

I also think those comments about walking through the restaurant and "all eyes were on us" are ridiculous, however, if two consenting adults want this and it makes the "buyer" happy then who cares?  

If you talk to the ladies you'll learn that some of the guys don't even want FS or BJ.  Some just want to talk, some want other things.  If they both agree and no one gets hurt then I think that's great.  Whoever said money can't buy happiness was wrong to at least to some degree.

-- Modified on 11/2/2004 8:59:22 PM

-- Modified on 11/2/2004 9:00:18 PM

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 3703 reads
19 / 49

strange to me.  I mean putting postage, used or new, up on a pedestal and worshipping it like that?  What's that all about?   Why don't we just tell it like it is here!  All postage is really good for is licking and sticking and getting the job done.

My Grandfather was a stamp collector and taught me the basics.  I mean his collection was huge.  When he died there were all these little pieces of art, carefully mounted and pampered.  It really was a sight to see.  Gentle love and a huge body of history.  I wanted to take it home and preserve the tradition.  But my Mother took it away and started using the old stamps to send letters and pay bills.  I cried like a baby when she sent me a birthday card with a mint condition 1968 United Nations First day issue.   But it taught me to be a man and get with the program.

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3498 reads
21 / 49

Let me tell you about a typical evening when a lady is a guest in my home (sometimes they're on the clock, and sometimes they're not):

01. Boxed red roses, one dozen.

02. Maybe a Vermont Teddy Bear (this is usually one per customer).

03. Fruit, cheese and light snacks with a chilled, before-dinner white wine.

04. Dinner either personally prepared or enjoyed at a quiet, little, up-scale restaurant where I'm well-known.

05.  A bubble bath accompanied by scented candles and Brahms or Bach, along with champagne and strawberries.

06.  A full-body massage complete with more scented candles and similarly scented body cream (not oil -- too slippery).

07.  Lots of kissing, gentle touching, and careful attention to detail.

08.  Yadda-yadda.

09.  Breakfast in bed, usually consisting of either eggs benedict or my special almond-flavored French toast.

Cost (in addition to any fee for companionship, if applicable):  About $200 to $250.

Results:  Well, to be honest; sometimes they've been disappointing.  But usually, the responses range from simply having a very easy time arranging for second appointments to developing close friendships -- friendships which, in several cases, have turned from business to social.  

I never set out to "win over" anyone.  But by just being a gentleman; by really CARING that the lady has a delightful time; and by giving her a chance to truly feel special, appreciated and respected, you'd be surprised at the results.

As I see it, everyone wins.

Your points on priorities, however, are well taken.  A man with the blessings of children and a loving wife should spend his money on more productive endeavors.  But, I'm widowed and my son is grown.  I don't do this too often anymore -- I guess I've been kind of retired.  To be honest, I've been involved with enough civilians and providers-turned-friends to keep busy.  But lately, I've been thinking about an occasional diversion.  If so, I expect I'll continue to do things as I have been.

FreedomRider225 3521 reads
22 / 49

At least though I understand that the more you make it a "date" the better it will be for all concerned.

   A Yugo gets you to work the same as a Turbo Bentley. It's the experience that differs. If all you need is to blow your nut then a $20.00 crackwhore(Yugo)will suffice. If you wish a much better overall experience then you go for an hour with a good internet provider(MB 500SL). If you really want to go in style and can afford to do so then you go for the multi-hour dinner dates and/or overnighters(Turbo Bentley)

  As much as I hate elitism I find class resentment just as tasteless.


Autumn666 3438 reads
23 / 49
Slimroot 7 Reviews 4316 reads
24 / 49

Because sometimes it isn't just about the physical act. Because getting the chance to spend time with someone and learn a little about them takes the physical act to a higher level. It has nothing to do with ego, vanity, narcissism, or feeling like a big shot. It has more to do with the percieved quality of the overall experience.

While you raise some interesting (and valid) points, I feel that your interpretation of romance is a little narrow. Romance is many things. It is mysterious, fascinating, adventerous, and erotic. Romance can be intense, short-lived, and blindingly brilliant. It isn't necessarily exclusive nor long-lasting. It's about details and little things.

The review you read about the highly rated provider -- have you read any reviews of a poorly or average-rated provider where the reviewer mentioned whisking her off to dinner? I doubt it. The reason some of these ladies consistently get 9's and 10's is because they know how to bring romance, whether illusionary or real, into just about every encounter. Yes, sometimes the romance is real. Every once in a while we _are_ their type. We trip their trigger, blow their mind, or make their panties ripple. It doesn't mean they are going to fall for us or us for them, it just means that there's a mutual spark.

I can't speak for others, but except for a few really top-notch ladies reviewed here, I wouldn't take someone out to dinner the first time around. The ones I'd make an exception for usually have an involved screening process where one of us would bail if some level of comfort wasn't reached prior to the date. Of the ladies I have seen before, there are only a couple I spend extended amounts of time with. They are funny, mysterious, alluring and all that. There's something about them that piques my interest and excites me. But the clincher is that the feeling is mutual.

I think the part you are missing is that we're not dropping $800+ on an unknown quantity. It's a different kind of experience than the tear-your-clothes-off-and-ravage-you-monkey-style encounter that 60 minutes affords (though that's pretty fun too.)

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 3228 reads
25 / 49

If you're angry enough with someone to bite their dick off, then you shouldn't have to put up with having little bits of him stuck between your teeth all night.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 3307 reads
26 / 49
johnrichards 8 Reviews 4894 reads
27 / 49

If you want to spend the money I think whatever you want to do with the girl is okay. However, I think the men who do multiple hour dates drive the prices up resulting in higher prices from the providers to other customers. All of us are twisted in some way to do this. Regardless it is all business. And we are all similar in the fact that we cannot seduce attractive women for free. So let us  embrace the commonality that binds us together as hobbyists and not fight and criticize each other.

Danielle Dubois 2856 reads
28 / 49

....ok, I think you need to stick with street girls since all you are interested in is sex. Yes, that is part of the whole package of an internet caliber girl, its the extras... you want to have a sexy, beautiful, intellegent, girl to have a wonderful (and total) expierience with. It builds up to the moment of eventual sex. Its just the same as any other "date" with someone you re truly attracted to--- you want to have a good time-- not just sex. A nice meal, a stimulating talk, a few people staring at you for having tasty looking arm candy, and strolling proudly to your room with her leaving everyone wondering and wishing!

And yes-- I have many clients that have busy schedules and tied up lives, but are still interested in having a lovely night with a lovely lady. They have no time for a wife, and kids or even a girlfriend-- because of thier schedule that would keep a SO very unhappy, but since they have the money, they can just pay to have everything they want-- the connection, the conversation, the looks, and eventually the feel-- of a real date with a great girl.

I mean plus-- why keep spending money on a civillian chick? Taking her out, buying her gifts, doing things with (and for) her and you have no clue whether or not she will give you some? THAT to me is dumb-- at least you KNOW there will be a happy ending to the story if you take a provider out to dinner!
Oh and some girls dont always charge extra if they like you-- but I think you would be very difficult to come to know, or end up actually enjoying-- youre a lil rough around the edges and you seem to have some issues there... someone needs to pat you on the back and let you know its gonna be OK...

Oh and finally, I would like to quote the only intellegent thing Bobby Brown ever had to say-- "Its my prerogative"... let it be-- whoever does or wants to do that isnt bothering you-- if thats there bag let them play in it... and live your own life!


ElleWoods 4142 reads
29 / 49

but guess what?  Many men do and it doesn't bankrupt them to have a wonderful evening with a lady.  It has absolutely no impact on their bottomline and many spend that golfing with buddies so why should it bother you so much?

I see the green eyed monster at work.  Get a better job and get rid of your frustration of living the beer budget life

zinaval 7 Reviews 3064 reads
30 / 49

I'm too tired to find the review, but she has done some brazen and delicious things over dinner, and beneath the table.  Excellent if you could stand the stress of public sex.  I wish to see her sometime...

I wrote a recent review like this. So perhaps you mean my review?  If you read it carefully, the woman and I had agreed to tease each other till the right time.  

There's at least one good practical reason to have dinner with a provider: because you get hungry. Especially if it's an overnight or a multiday session.  You've got to eat sometime, and so does she.   But you're still paying for her time.  The dinner expense  is slight compared to the total expense of the session.  The clock does not stop while she's with you.  Yes, you could have dinner yourself and starve her, or have her fend for herself, perhaps bring her own brown bag.  If you have a taste for the quality of sex you'd have after doing that, then, by all means go, for it, but don't plan to see her again.    

So, why pay for her for that length of time with that overhead?  Perhaps for the freedom of having sex with a beautiful woman as many times I want and as long as I want over twelve hours, of course.  I could misjudge my stamina, then it's my loss...            

BTW, perhaps some of us don't have families or SO's and aren't interested in having them?  You don't give a good reason as to why I should establish one, unless you mean to say it's cheaper sex and therefore, more acceptible?  

Of all the warped, weird notions of obscenity, yours is wrapped up, not in simple sex, but in the excessive exchange of money.  Too much money is changing hands, and so you are full of innuendos about how a pervert like me must be depriving his destitute wife and children.  You present yourself as a protector of families, here, echoing the most censorous prudes.  Actually, what's threatened is your economic manhood, and what's challenged is your status above providers.  Heaven forbid some other client might feed her!  Your pro-family moral objections are a smokescreen for this.      

Actually, my behavior means that some providers have more money for their families.  No, it doesn't make me feel bigger or more important.  No, I don't see myself as generous because of this, notwithstanding the money I spend for sex isn't wasted, doesn't disappear, and it goes to the children of women that I like, or to the things they find important, and generally things that I find interesting about them.


-- Modified on 11/3/2004 4:58:22 AM

Infrequent 64 Reviews 3442 reads
31 / 49

is that you seem so angry. It almost sounds as if you think that the hobbiests who can afford and enjoy dinner dates with providers somehow make you look bad.

Lighten up.

While I am not well-off enough to do the dinner thing without cutting my hobbying in half, I don't begrudge anyone else indulging.

Lots of hobbiests are not married and don't want to be. And I know that many do not "date" in the normal sense. So they enjoy the female companionship a dinner date with a provider affords them.

Live and let live iibmon.

jacksonlips 56 Reviews 5393 reads
32 / 49

but long ago this became about so much more than getting laid.  

Read my review of Farrah Leah.  I think that may make you rethink your position.


-- Modified on 11/3/2004 5:37:38 AM

Dani-Banani 3637 reads
33 / 49
bobb3950 8 Reviews 3604 reads
34 / 49

Unlike you, I find that i want to spend time with a beautiful, sexy, intelligent woman.
The reason for an extended date, including dinner, is to have the time to enjoy each others company, get to know a bit about each other.
Unlike you, I find that being able to relate to my lady of choice, makes for a much more intense relationship.
I would guess that the majority of ladies out here would tell you that they enjoy the time and attention given during an extended date more than a slam bam session.
And yes, I know that you think it's all about the money.
If all you want is sex, you are right.
But by looking at these ladies as just a piece of meat, you miss a big joy of this hobby, the attention and affection of some wonderful women.

Just my opinion...

-- Modified on 11/3/2004 3:13:46 PM

salivate 3 Reviews 2940 reads
35 / 49

I find that when both parties develop a comfort level before proceeding to sex, the experience is incredible. The brain needs a bit of foreplay too. So I'd rather see someone for 3 hours than have a series of one hour sessions of physical acrobatics while playing beat the clock. Also, for me personally, I get great pleasure being with a beautiful, intelligent woman in all settings. In short, hours of constant stimulation versus a quick pop or two. In those terms, it's a bargain. And the women appreciate it as many seek some companionship themselves over the one hour quicky where no hint of a connection is made. As much as the women who contribute to the boards "talk" sex, I think they love to be treated and appreciated as a woman and not solely as a sex object, despite the service being sold.

xtopia 3 Reviews 3243 reads
36 / 49

If you use your logic, you should just look at the pictures and jack-off. This  would save you from ever having to dip in to your wallet.
Truthfully, it sounds like you're an angry housewife that found this web site on your husband's computer.

magnaccione 10 Reviews 5331 reads
37 / 49

if I want to get out to dinner I know attractive women to go out with. I have no need to pay a provider to go out on a dinner date, no matter how beautiful she is. I really don't care to have a fake date with someone who acts happy and interested, but in reality she is only interested in the green stuff.

-- Modified on 11/3/2004 5:14:42 PM

Jadie 5027 reads
38 / 49

“And yes-- I have many clients that have busy schedules and tied up lives, but are still interested in having a lovely night with a lovely lady. They have no time for a wife, and kids or even a girlfriend-- because of thier schedule that would keep a SO very unhappy, but since they have the money, they can just pay to have everything they want-- the connection, the conversation, the looks, and eventually the feel-- of a real date with a great girl.”

While I don’t disagree with the logic of your post this seems very sad to me.  The consequences of being too busy to develop relationships outside the hobby may not always be rectified with money.

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3825 reads
39 / 49
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3442 reads
40 / 49
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 9024 reads
41 / 49
spinner39 35 Reviews 4574 reads
42 / 49

that if someone books a one or two hour sessions with a provider their not getting the same quality as if they were to book her for a dinner date plus .... now I know you don't mean that ... I would think a provider should provide the same excellent quality no matter how short or long the date is, sure she may not reach the same comfort level with that person, but providers are professionals and are able to reach down for that extra that may be needed ... I must agree I have never understood why someone would want to pay for the extra benefit of dinner then sex. Now if dinner is off the clock which I have done on numerous occasions then I have no problem with that....

Chloe Adams 4081 reads
44 / 49

I can understand your point of view that you don't want to spend your money to go on a "pointless dinner date". But what you don't understand is that this is entertainment! It's not NECESSARY but it's fun! Many people ENJOY spending their money on entertainment!

jim62040 11 Reviews 3941 reads
45 / 49

I have always loved dinner dates maybe because I am lonely and am a hopeless romantic.  But to walk in a nice place with a lovely lady on your arm and have the other guys checking her out is a turn on in my opinion.  It also helps you get to know the person you are with and makes the rest of the evening so much more enjoyable.  

Yes maybe I am a fool but I bring small gifts such as flowers, candy or wine for my friend and yes we do become friends.  I tend to enjoy the company of the same few women and I think they have learned or seem to enjoy my company as well.  It makes it more than a money exchange and none of them have ever rushed out saying your time is up.

My humble opinion of course from a helpless romantic Irishman.

Stempy 3197 reads
46 / 49

Although you cannot see the point in it, to many of us here a dinner date is a nice and relaxing prelude to the night-ending pagan sex. Sometimes it is not about MSOG, etc., but the pleasure of a young women's company. There are so many women here that I would just love to spend time with let alone have sex with them. With a dinner date, you get the best of both worlds. If you ever did experience it, then you wouldn't be bringing the subject up.

Besides, I take great pride that the beautiful ladies I have seen, I love to be seen with!!

Old One Eye 3168 reads
47 / 49

...bite off Old One Eye's old one eye would ya?? That aint right!

Dani-Banani 3225 reads
48 / 49

...but its true, I actually have had some very serious, hardcore, ruthless, stop-at-nothing, businessmen sit across the dinner table from me, and you can hear it when they speak to you its almost like they are at a business meeting when they are trying to relax.

It can be kinda sad... but then again its thier choice like the hwole subject of the responses to this original topic...But thats why I lightend up and said what I said about Bobby Brown!


CelticLass 3270 reads
49 / 49

Dinner Dates definately have their own place in this industry.

I personally didn't charge for time spent during dinner or shows. I took the opportunity to sit and talk and enjoy the gents company and decide at that point whether or not we hit it off in any way. I generally tried to take care of that long before the date, thru phone calls and e-mails.

I don't think dinner dates are a waste of time. I think for certain hobbiests, when traveling or having a lot of spare time on their hands, they find the company of a woman intriguing. And if it is a woman they have fantisized about and know the date will lead to more amorous activities, well the anticipation gets sweeter. And it sure beats the hell out of a host anounouncing loudly "Table for ONE?"

I do believe some girls take full advantage of the "dinner date" rule. Spending a majority of the time in the restraunt and then only 20 minutes of private play time is a complaint I heard on this board and thru word of mouth for 4 years. To be honest I liked going to nice restraunts and shows, and if my date was paying, I didn't feel as though he should pay an hourly rate on top of that. That saved money was better spent on private activities and extra time alone.

If you don't like the dinner date scenario, then by all means pass it by. The reasons why guys hobby, why girls become providers and how this all works out in the end is incredibly diverse. To explain any aspect of it is like explaining Evolution to a Creationist. It just doesn't work.

Be happy with what you like, go forth and hobby safely as my old friend used to say and just have a great time.


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