TER General Board

We finally agree on something, 100% no snide remarks either
GaGambler 938 reads

Most of what goes on here is just fun and games, THIS is no laughing matter, and even a natural smart ass like me is not going to belittle what happened to this poor woman by making jokes on this thread

but once again, Pimples shows why he is beneath contempt.

I hate every last thing about it. I hate that I can't name names. I hate the fact I feel I must write it. I hate the topic I am going to write about is even needed. I needed to protect this site from me. Ask MP how pissed I was yesterday and how he spent over an hour being the calm one and talked me down from so really stupid ideas I had in my head. I hate the fact good people were hurt to make this thread necessary. I really hate this thread, in every possible way.

This thread has three parts. The first part is a sad but true story that I wish I give more of but I must do what I can prevent further pain and stay in board rules. The second part a newbie primer to help prevent the story form repeating and a plea. The last part is an angry rant about the hobby. This in not a happy thread and I will do my best not to get too emotional but no promises. If MP is the calm rational one in a conversation at 3 in the morning you know how messed up I was.

Saturday I was camping with the family. I love camping as it gives me time to think. I got a phone call in the mid morning from a friend who happens to be a sex worker. She was very distraught to the point she wasn't making sense. After about a half hour or so I gathered she needed a ride to the hospital and wanted me and/or my wife and she needed to talk. This friend needed me so I dropped everything and went to get her. When I got to her home she was a mess. She was nude, crying, on the floor bleeding, tons of fresh bruises everywhere even around her lady parts, and money hanging out her you know what. It was plain what happened. She was raped.

I helped her get dressed. She wanted to go to the hospital to have a rape kit done and wanted to press charges. She was scared and hurt and wanted someone she trusts to be there for her to give her strength so she could do this. I wish this was the whole story but it is not. Two cops interviewed her so is to get the case started. I wasn't allowed in the room so I have know idea what was said, but I didn't go far I was right outside the door in the hall. When the loser cops left after the door shut one cop said to anther "You can't rape a hooker as you can't rape the willing." I was pissed. These cops are sworn to protect. My friend needs protecting. She needs justice. She gave them all the facts. She was clearly raped. She was raped because a fucking loser thought because he was paying he could do whatever he wanted and when she said no to anything without a cover he raped her. It was fucking rape. And these loser clowns wasn't giving her the protection she disserves because of the fact she is a hooker well........

......It didn't sit right with me. I almost punched a cop and wound up in jail myself.  

I found out the rape kit will likely sit for years after talking to a cop friend. http://www.good4utah.com/story/untested-...2yOsqaMIiQ This pisses me off more. I am livid. Rape is one of the worse things one human can do to anther. I did report the cop for all the fucking good it will do.

The second part is a newbie primer on how to prevent this. My friend I must be clear did not deserve what happened and is not blame. 100% of the blame goes to the evil son of a bitch that did it to her. That being said she allowed herself to be in the position she was in that allowed him to do so. She failed to screen properly. This clown was on the blacklists for being degrading and aggressive. She did not get references or real info. She also failed to have a safety call person. This is called having a silent alarm. Here is a link on how it works. The link is for BDSM play but the principles work for escorting as well. http://www.bcwsd.com/backroom/library/ar...afety.html Now the public meeting isn't going to happen often but the rest works the same.

Now for how to screen. First I would suggest you ask around on the ladies boards as I am only giving the basics. There is a few ways to do this:

1) Make them join a verification service. Get real full name and check blacklist and sexual predictor list sites. Not what I would do but works. You can also read his review and contact those ladies about him.  

2) Get there real full name, real age and a traceable phone number (not a hobby phone) and run a back ground check with that also checks for known employers. Also check the blacklist sites. Call him on that phone. Check ID at the door. I know a lady here in Utah that has had great luck with that method.  

3) Get there real full name and employment information. Call and check to make sure he really works there using a made up story and ether talk to him at work or make him show you ID. Check the blacklist and sexual predator lists as well.

4) Get and check a minimum of two references from providers that you know or are known and have excellent reputations. If you do not get verification for at least two I would stay away.

There is likely other was to do it that I don't know about, ask on the ladies board. I would also suggest talking on the phone a bit to get a feel for him and always trust your spider senses with any of the above. There is now perfect screening method not even the reference system but the above should weed out many of the bad clients.  

Everyone needs to screen everyone in this hobby. If my friend had done her homework she would never have been in the room with the rapist piece of shit and never been raped. Guys we need to screen too. I have been robbed once because I failed to screen. I don't care where you meet the lady you still must make sure she is legit.  

Here is how I do it. First does she have reviews here or on other sites, if she does read them. If not as a newbie you should stay away. Then look at who wrote the reviews. Is he an experienced hobbyist? If so that is a plus. If no one you know reviewed her take them with a grain of salt. If those that reviewed her don't have many reviews be a bit leery of using them as your only screening method. Contact some of her clients that have reviewed her see what they have to say. Run the photos through tineye.com and Google image to see if they are stolen. Google her phone number and email to see if any red flags come up. Check her ad history is she new to the seen if so be a bit more careful. Does she advertise else where or have a website if so check them out. Then and only then do you make an appointment. Listen for clues on who you are dealing with in you communication with her. And always use your big head and if something seems off run.

Now for my rant. I hate to say this but a provider told me part of me hates the hobby. It pissed me off at the time but she was right. I hate the demonizing that goes on. My friend will likely never see justice because she is a hooker. My wife refused to go to the cops for the same reason. I hear dead hooker jokes and people laugh. WTF? And even here I have seen some classes of sex workers devalued, like "safety girls" or "Backpage girls". Fuck that pisses me off every fucking time I see it. A woman is a woman, whether she is a hooker, a mother , a nun, or anything. And just because she advertises of Backpage does not make her less worthy of respect. MY FRIEND EXOPSED HERSELF TO RISK OF BEING OUTED TO GET JUSTICE THAT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN BECAUSE OF THE DEVALUEING OF HER AS A PERSON BECAUSE SHE IS A HOOKER. Some fucking loser raped her for the same god damn reason. Fuck. All I can say is FUCK!!!!!!  

As I said I hate this thread. I hate every last thing about it. I am seeing red so I will end here. FUCK!!!!!!!!!

Second Scoed, your number 2 point about getting real info, you will hear the cries of johns reverberate from the very walls about this one but this is exactly why I do it. BTW, I have no issue giving my personal info right back, I am an equal opportunity hooker.

I expect about the exact same treatment from our assholes in blue so that was not a surprise at all.  

A very sad risk of this job that we ladies deal with every time we let a strange guy into our space. Thank the universe this type of incident is rare, considering the numbers of hookups we read about.  

Mind you what we don't hear about bothers me too. I am sure there is stuff that goes on that is not reported because of hobby names, phone numbers and emails, what the fuck do you tell the cops even if you wanted to?

-- Modified on 7/1/2014 5:03:53 AM

Recently I have had an appointment go wrong.  He pretty much stated what this guy did I am paying I should get what I want. I could not get to my taser it was across the room.  Just so I did not get beat up as your friend I lay there and prayed that when he was done I would live.  It became how I got through it all just thinking over and over in my head how I would get out the room with my life.  It took guts for your friend to go to the police, I did not for fear of the same thing they did to her.  I knew they would say some BS such as I was asking for it.  My heart goes out to her. I do hope she can find a way to be whole again. She need to make sure not to lose herself its very easy to go into deep depression over it and stop trusting everyone.  I have changed much since then.  Honestly I have stuck to only clients I know except for 2 new ones and it has been months.  

Remind her she has to survive and recover not just physically but mentally too.

Please tell me you got his real info and that you placed him on every asshole list there is? Is there any way you can get his info out there so another escort does not have to deal with this maggot

yes I have but it will only help those who know to look it up. by the way came from Pfour one one

Unfortunately, if you contact Gina she might remove him and there goes his info. If there was a way to put up his ID so that ladies can look him up and avoid. If he has okays I would contact those ladies and let them know what happened as I am sure some other hooker will use them as references and they need to know what type of guy this is.  

Please email me his ID  at staysafeladies at gmail dot com. Thanks and please take care of yourself and talk to some one if you need to. Don't let this destroy you.

He did everything right didnt ask questions at all just set the appointment I confirmed he had seen others and that their profiles were current.  I should have known something was up though when I arrived for the outcall called said I was there he stalked me from lobby into elevator which by the way was not the first time a gent has done this and Im here to say guys its not cute its actually very creepy.

This may or may not have been the first time he has done this. Now you know why we will not take references years back. And this is another reason why the smart hookers want real info. This guy possibly just uses P411 info.

Have no idea what the procedure is to get his personal info he gave to P411 in order to actually get to him to press charges.

1st, I think the expression you're parroting here is "foolproof," and no, nothing is foolproof. Most likely, the person was approved because he wheeled and dealer in much the same way that you wheel and deal with screeners when trying to avoid giving your real name, phone number, etc., because you don't like giving out any personal information to a woman who you obviously neither trust nor respect. But who you really want to be intimate with for an hour or two.

Not all wheeler-dealers are rapists, but how do you expect a woman to know if the stranger emailing or calling her is a rapist or just a cheap, timid asshole like you?

look up some synonyms to the word "full"

I can't imagine that telling your story here is easy, but these stories need to be heard and I admire you greatly for your courage.  

I wish that I had the right words to say to bring you some solace. I will tell you this: you are alive today, which means you did everything right. You are a true survivor.  

Posted By: AlannaAckerman
Recently I have had an appointment go wrong.  He pretty much stated what this guy did I am paying I should get what I want. I could not get to my taser it was across the room.  Just so I did not get beat up as your friend I lay there and prayed that when he was done I would live.  It became how I got through it all just thinking over and over in my head how I would get out the room with my life.  It took guts for your friend to go to the police, I did not for fear of the same thing they did to her.  I knew they would say some BS such as I was asking for it.  My heart goes out to her. I do hope she can find a way to be whole again. She need to make sure not to lose herself its very easy to go into deep depression over it and stop trusting everyone.  I have changed much since then.  Honestly I have stuck to only clients I know except for 2 new ones and it has been months.    
 Remind her she has to survive and recover not just physically but mentally too.  

I'm glad your friend had someone to go to, and you both were able to keep it together enough to do things "by the book". I'm fuming at the attitude of the cops though. Many sexual assaults go unreported, and when someone steps up to press charges it should fucking be taken seriously and the victim should be treated with respect. I know people who've had to go through this sort of thing and far too often the result is "Well, guess I'm on my own, then."

And go all Eileen Wournos on some tricks, unfortunately, some poor guy who does not deserve it will get the chop. Or hopefully an asshole gets what he deserves, life underground.

A provider and her boyfriend robbed and beat the hell out of her client. They were arrested for a variety of assault charges. He was later arrested for a misdemeanor charge of patronizing a prostitute.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And go all Eileen Wournos on some tricks, unfortunately, some poor guy who does not deserve it will get the chop. Or hopefully an asshole gets what he deserves, life underground.

I guess when a hooker beats up a john, they take that differently than the other way around. A bad day for that john...a beating AND an arrest. At least those two asses that beat him will get their day in court.  

Then asshole that this OP is about is still running around waiting for his next victim.

She and her boyfriend decided to rob a client. The boyfriend pulled out a gun and a struggle ensued. During the struggle the gun went off, killing the boyfriend. Under Illinois law any death that occurs during the commission of a felony can be charged to anyone involved.  

Prosecution view is that by planning the robbery, they had the intent required for to charge her with murder one. I disagree but I don't have a vote. She is looking at life.

I feel bad for the lady mentioned by the OP. Like life in general there are bad people on both sides of the equation.

... and no one is going to change the world.

GaGambler1278 reads

I am the furthest thing from a Capt Save A HO, but anyone that can read this and not be seething inside about the injustice of it has to have something wrong with them inside. and by "anyone" I mean YOU. Please don't try to defend the indefensible yet again. This is real life and unfolding now, it's not something that happened in the distant past, and it's certainly not something to be joking about. So for once in your life, just STFU

What happened to living in the real world? I set my expectations to that of the real world.

Gambler, didn't anyone screen this client?, what went wrong? why was this guy allowed in the room?

Posted By: GaGambler
I am the furthest thing from a Capt Save A HO, but anyone that can read this and not be seething inside about the injustice of it has to have something wrong with them inside. and by "anyone" I mean YOU. Please don't try to defend the indefensible yet again. This is real life and unfolding now, it's not something that happened in the distant past, and it's certainly not something to be joking about. So for once in your life, just STFU

The lack of screening on her part DOES NOT mean she is at fault for getting raped.  Anyone that would think otherwise is clearly lacking emotional intelligence.

That's like saying a lone women walking home late at night deserves to get raped, or a woman who has had a bit too much to drink is asking for it, are you for fucking real?

The disgusting vile man is to blame and so are the police for not doing their job by upholding their oath to protect the community.

My heart goes out to her and i hope with the love and support from family and friends it will help heal her xx

Jca / Pimples really sank to a new low.  Talk about saying the absolute wrong thing at the absolute wrong time.  We always knew he's clueless and dumb but this just set a new record

He made it pretty crystal clear what he was mad at. And no he can't change the behavior of a few degenerates who prey on ladies but he can express his feelings and warnings. Keep being a db and I will think it was you who did that and come find your fat ass.

I honestly don't care what you think, nor do I have any respect you.

What do you think this thread will do? not a damn thing.

I was addressing scoed's disdain for the the local LE.

Not that I like LE, but they are responding to a crime, that was enabled by the victim committing a crime. That might get frustrating after a while, especially if they respond to a lot of these calls.

89Springer1653 reads

Not that I like LE, but they are responding to a crime, that was enabled by the victim committing a crime.
Can we assume you're not an attorney? The victim didn't "enable" the rape. That's like saying that a drug dealer who was murdered "enabled" the murder by selling drugs to the person who killed him. You think the cops would let the killer walk on the murder charge?

Sometimes laws are written with the sole intent to protect the individual. I would think that is the main reason the law was written. Obviously it doesn't work the way it was intended.

We aren't talking about selling drugs(illegal) or murder(illegal).


Sober-up, or get a clue.

89Springer1613 reads

I was using the acts of selling drugs and murder as an analogy (look up the word here: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/analogy). You said the police were responding to a crime that was "enabled" by the victim committing a crime. What's the difference between that and another criminal (i.e. drug dealer) being murdered by another criminal (i.e. drug buyer)?

Were you born an asshole or did you have to take night classes for that

All I care about is how I feel about myself, not what some fat assed trick thinks on a fuck board.  

So you think she enabled the rape, by what being a female, showing up to an appointment?  

So when a hooker steals your shit and gets her pimp to beat you up I guess you are enabling that beating by soliciting prostitution. Hope that actually happens and that you remember your asshole post on here about this woman enabling her rape. Well done you fat f*&k, you have just sunk to an all time low.

Stop calling me fat, I like food.

That's how LE looks at the law. Convince them.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
All I care about is how I feel about myself, not what some fat assed trick thinks on a fuck board.  
 So you think she enabled the rape, by what being a female, showing up to an appointment?  
 So when a hooker steals your shit and gets her pimp to beat you up I guess you are enabling that beating by soliciting prostitution. Hope that actually happens and that you remember your asshole post on here about this woman enabling her rape. Well done you fat f*&k, you have just sunk to an all time low.

But I have some self control. You might try it. Or is impulse control hard for you? Have that same issue around women FAT Vern? Maybe that's why the subject of rape gets to you. Ever been charged for sexual assault FAT Vern?  

That is how YOU look at it FAT Vern, not all law enforcement. Like a poster said, they do prosecute the person who kills a drug dealer in an illegal transaction gone bad.

hotplants1571 reads

She enabled the crime? You think LE might get frustrated with having to respond to women reporting they've been raped?  

Boo-fuckin-hoo. It's their job. HER JOB is sex work. That does not, in ANY WAY imply that she is advertising for some asshole to rape her, or that she enabled or deserved to be raped because sex work is illegal.  

I have no idea what kind of redneck, DNA challenged, educationally bereft, morally bankrupt, knuckle-dragging, Neanderthal backwater you hail from, but your comments are truly vile. What in the holy fuck is wrong with you Vern?

The fat bastard has possibly been charged with some form of sexual assault and thinks he didn't deserve it.  

No FAT Vern, you just can't throw a woman down when she is screaming NO!and try to poke her with your 3 inch pecker you had to dig out of your fat rolls. You actually need consent to try that

I think you may be on to something here. I used to think that he was just dumb/morally bankrupt, but I'm starting to think that he's just a straight up predator. What a sick fuck.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
The fat bastard has possibly been charged with some form of sexual assault and thinks he didn't deserve it.  
 No FAT Vern, you just can't throw a woman down when she is screaming NO!and try to poke her with your 3 inch pecker you had to dig out of your fat rolls. You actually need consent to try that.  

Vern has proven time and again that in his mind, rapists are never responsible for their crimes.  

What he clearly doesn't understand is this: it's not anyone's responsibility to prevent their own rape, it's everyone's responsibility to NOT RAPE ANYONE.  

Posted By: hotplants
She enabled the crime? You think LE might get frustrated with having to respond to women reporting they've been raped?  
 Boo-fuckin-hoo. It's their job. HER JOB is sex work. That does not, in ANY WAY imply that she is advertising for some asshole to rape her, or that she enabled or deserved to be raped because sex work is illegal.  
 I have no idea what kind of redneck, DNA challenged, educationally bereft, morally bankrupt, knuckle-dragging, Neanderthal backwater you hail from, but your comments are truly vile. What in the holy fuck is wrong with you Vern?

I am trying to warn those that don't screen to do so, so maybe they can avoid something similar happening to them. And yes I am pissed. If something happened like this to someone you care for you would be too, at least that is if you have someone you truly cared for. Given your pro rape comments pimp lover I doubt that. I would say what I really think but I don't want this pulled. Your attitude sickens me.

We all have the capability to make small incremental changes in the world.  Stand up for what is right.  Take a stand against some of the evil fcking shit out there.  Hold a candle in the dark.  

Yeah, you can't change the entire world, but by God, DO FUCKING SOMETHING POSITIVE!!

The more I talk to pimples, the more I'm convinced that his train of thought is flawed. I'm not even sure if his brain functions properly. Aside from keeping him alive, the part of his brain that handles logical reasoning, common sense, and ability to distinguish between right from wrong are defective. Somebody reboot him!

I've never raped anyone... or anything.

I hope someone takes matters in their own hands. That's just insane.

-- Modified on 7/1/2014 9:05:55 AM

89Springer1722 reads

If it was a child rapist, the cops would look the other way at a severe beating. I've seen that many times. They show up, the rapist is beat to a bloody pulp, and the cop says, "looks like he gave you a hard time."

In this case, the cops likely wouldn't look the other way. It might (stress the word "might") help to talk to the officers' lieutenant or captain and try to get him/her to pressure the officers to take action

Why would a LE officer risk their career with smacking around a POS rapist.


... and I agree rapist should be stoned to death.

89Springer1620 reads

You misunderstand. Here's an example. In my ex-mother-in-law's neighborhood, a six year-old girl was sexually assaulted by an older guy. The neighborhood guys went looking for him, found him and beat the hell out of him. When the cops showed up, they just made a comment to the effect that it looked like the rapist put up a struggle. Wink wink.

As for "risk their career", cops beat the shit out of people all the time, and sometimes for absolutely no reason except for kicks. I've been fortunate with my run-ins with them, but my brother wasn't. He was in the hospital for a long time for facial reconstructive surgery.

Who was terminated for busting up a child abuser.


Refer to my last response to you.

Re this and other comments:

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Who was terminated for busting up a child abuser.  
 Refer to my last response to you.

Dear Ms. Ova:
Would you say after this incident Ms. Ova this customer hobbying is over? Also how would we go about making a citizen's arrest on the offended provider for the sake of the community? This would be critical if an only if the provider in question would stand up and confront and identify her offender.  I am wondering if she would have a friend that would do this on her behalf.  Also I wonder if she would know any other young women that would help her with her screening process? This would be the most critcal skill that she can accrue because she would be able to weed out the undesirable hobbyist easier. Not that it is full proof but at least it is a start.

I screen the heck out of providers I choose or only work with highly trusted agencies - and I have no problems giving real information.    

I want providers to screen - for their own safety.  I think that this is beneficial to me as a client as well.  She is not likely to attract unwanted attention - and she is more likely to be comfortable seeing me from the outset -

thorough screening - both ways - is a win win.  

I will offer joss to Kuan Yin for your friend, and send good energy her way.  Healing will come, but this is a devastating thing to experience.  It never really goes away.    

That is why if it were up to me very bad things would happen to rapists....

GaGambler1169 reads

but I can sympathize with those guys that do have such issues. While an argument can be made that having your life ruined is not as bad as having your life ended, the fact remains that not all women can be trusted with a clients personal info, and simply being well reviewed doesn't protect a man from a woman going BSC on him.

While this is a terrible tragedy and I share in the outrage that this poor woman was victimized twice. I still don't see it as a compelling argument for a married man, or a man who's life could be ruined by a vindictive prostitute, to give out the ammunition that could end his career or his marriage if he were to do something as mundane as giving out an 8-8 review to one of the divas that are so prevalent on TER.

IsorokuYamamoto1525 reads

What GaG said.  

Posted By: GaGambler
but I can sympathize with those guys that do have such issues. While an argument can be made that having your life ruined is not as bad as having your life ended, the fact remains that not all women can be trusted with a clients personal info, and simply being well reviewed doesn't protect a man from a woman going BSC on him.

While this is a terrible tragedy and I share in the outrage that this poor woman was victimized twice. I still don't see it as a compelling argument for a married man, or a man who's life could be ruined by a vindictive prostitute, to give out the ammunition that could end his career or his marriage if he were to do something as mundane as giving out an 8-8 review to one of the divas that are so prevalent on TER.

You guys have every right to do your research just as we do. I think that's perfectly fair.

Pisses me off the hookers that turn on guys for a review score lower than what they feel they deserve. They should have more sense and realize what they are doing to the rest of the ladies who are not divas and who have no intention of trying to ruin a guy. God assholes on both sides huh?

This then makes the decent guys gun shy of providing personal info and lets assholes like the dicks that hurt these twp women undetectable.

GaGambler1423 reads

The stalker, ripoff, violent guys make things harder for the rest of the men, and the vindictive, manipulative, BSC hookers make it hard for the rest of the ladies.

Unfortunately because of this, there is no perfect solution. I guess all each one of us can do is to TRY to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

How do these chicks get away with that stuff? I would imagine that word would get around if Sally Silly were blackmailing or outing guys based on something as trivial as a review score. You'd think that her business would be destroyed if she gained a reputation for something like that. The way I see it, she'd lose out on a lot more money if guys found out that she engaged in that type of behavior than she would by getting an 8/8.  

Posted By: GaGambler
but I can sympathize with those guys that do have such issues. While an argument can be made that having your life ruined is not as bad as having your life ended, the fact remains that not all women can be trusted with a clients personal info, and simply being well reviewed doesn't protect a man from a woman going BSC on him.

While this is a terrible tragedy and I share in the outrage that this poor woman was victimized twice. I still don't see it as a compelling argument for a married man, or a man who's life could be ruined by a vindictive prostitute, to give out the ammunition that could end his career or his marriage if he were to do something as mundane as giving out an 8-8 review to one of the divas that are so prevalent on TER.

Shootfighter1250 reads

that land guys there are bogus. The sites whole business plan is to blackmail guys into paying to removing their profiles.

What gets guys blacklisted? Being rude, ncns, sending too many emails (harassment), writing reviews that expose B&S providers, the list goes on and on.

Some of the sites have guys pictures, work and home address, etc

And I hope that her recovery goes well.

As for the cops' attitude, I'm not sure that it was that much uglier than it would be with any woman. In many cities, a 2-year backlog of rape kits is pretty common. Facilities are understaffed, due to budget problems, and our society won't soon cough up the funds because it would mean taxes would go up. Apparently, rather than spending eight or nine dollars a year at tax time, most Americans would rather allow women to be denied justice and rapists go free to roam the streets.

Still, I can understand your anger and the pain over this happening. I think she was fortunate to have you and your wife as friends.

You want to raise taxes? That won't end rape, or bring about justice.

The criminal justice system, isn't about delivering "justice" their main function is to produce a profit off of the citizen.  

Posted By: WickedBrut
And I hope that her recovery goes well.  
 As for the cops' attitude, I'm not sure that it was that much uglier than it would be with any woman. In many cities, a 2-year backlog of rape kits is pretty common. Facilities are understaffed, due to budget problems, and our society won't soon cough up the funds because it would mean taxes would go up. Apparently, rather than spending eight or nine dollars a year at tax time, most Americans would rather allow women to be denied justice and rapists go free to roam the streets.  
 Still, I can understand your anger and the pain over this happening. I think she was fortunate to have you and your wife as friends.

You must have started salivating when you saw a rape thread.  I hope it's just a fucked up persona you've created to troll with, because if your comments in this thread and the rape thread from earlier this year reflect who you really are, you're a miserable excuse for a human being indeed.

Unfortunately I know all too well what's she's going through. After it happened, I began to mistrust everyone. I still have trust issues and I'm thankful to have a support system in place...or else things could've ended much differently. I had an unfortunate incident happen to me in March 2007 in which a client had put the date rape drug AND crack in my wine bottle when I wasn't looking and when I woke up, my clothes were in the shower wet, my wallet and most of my money was gone. I had $75 in a hidden pocket and I was able to take a cab home. It happened in Amityville, NY at a very well known motel on Route 110. I went to the hospital and the guy got nabbed. He had posted my personal information on Craigslist...it was a mess :-(

I like to use as many screening methods as possible but the following is what I have found to be the most effective simply due to the fact that REALLY bad dudes will give false information and will acquire "safe" references in order to continue seeing ladies...
My method is simple: READ the person's actions by being hyper aware of how you feel.
It's easiest to read people when you have more information so I have potential clients write me a short narrative about themselves and what they're looking for. While reading it I pay very close attention to the words they choose, what possible (realistic) motives they could have, how they talk to me (Do I feel respected? Do I feel disposable?) and I look for emotional manipulation tactics http://www.heartless-bitches.com/ran...easyways.shtml MOST important of all I'm very aware of how I feel when I'm reading it because therein lies to key to reading people; Your instincts don't lie to you, when you are in danger you have a gnawing, uncomfortable feeling that is unlike anxiety in the way that it's not usually like a warning bell but rather like a string tied around your wrist and pulling you away from the situation. When I notice changes in my emotional state after reading contact from someone, especially subtle emotional changes, I go back and re-read the message a few times and logically analyze the situation.

The single most important resource I have for learning how to read people is the book The Gift of Fear which is an informative book geared towards teaching you how to pick out potential predators. http://www.amazon.com/The-Gift-Fear-Gavin-Becker/dp/0440226198 It also helps to take a couple of Psych courses (available online for free from MIT.)

I also use Privacystar.com to check phone numbers and then I google any info I find there along with any phone, email and handle they give me.

Cross referencing as much information as possible is a key to keeping you safe

Very impressive. You must have been very tuned in to those subtle senses from childhood. I wonder how effectively they could be "taught" to adults. Haven't read the book, so hopefully I'll find that adults can get in touch with those senses.

I feel I am adept at sensing danger and reacting in time to quell the risk, but amazingly, many people aren't.

If she isn't in Nevada, and I assume she isn't, she doesn't have the option to work in a safe legal brothel where that won't happen to her.  Those things did allegedly happen in Joe Richards's brothels when he ran them in Southern Nevada but those days are thankfully over.

There is NOTHING more valuable to me than my safety and knowing I am protected.

What happened to her is horrid and sick and terrible and exists ONLY because she must work outside the legal system.

I really would like to see women given the option in their home states to work safely.  Its a human right they are denied and the cops just doesn't care.  They use it as a justification for what it is illegal instead of realizing that it exists because those kind of sick bastards figure the victim won't be reporting it.

I send out healing energy to her - though I don't know her she is a human being and I feel for her.  It could happen to any of the ladies

bonordonor1145 reads

She needed to have a gun instead of a taser, she could have fucking killed the bastard and that would have been a defensible action . Rape is one of the most hideous crimes there is. But let's not forget, this piece of shit is a rapist! I suspect it wasn't his first rape and not necessarily all hookers.

I'm not so sure it happens more in the hooker world than IRL, like date rape, roofies, etc. because of the screening and the potential that there are others involved behind the scenes in the transaction.

The problem with over-screening is losing legitimate business. There are a lot of married men and others that will not give personal information because they have too much to lose.

I have always thought the best thing an independent can do is, as soon as the client arrives, text "somebody" even if it is "nobody" in his presence. That way they know, that there might be somebody close by.

The cops handling her case fucking suck.  

Again, I feel so bad for your friend. I know it will be with her every day for the rest of her life

I really don't even know what to say.
Thank you first, for helping her, for caring, and for sharing what happened.
We all are in this ugly boat together.
I hope that your sharing this story helps others to somehow understand the significance of our situation when we put ourselves in a room with another person who is a stranger.
Lack of screening is a HUGE issue for all of us.  
When standards are lowered bad things happen and even sometimes when they're not.
In addition, we are teaching each other here with the way we do things.  Be careful what you teach.

The things I hear come out of your mouths here guys is just complete nonsense sometimes.  
It's pure hate mixed with filth.  
It hurts to even read it.   Those of you writing hateful things are simply breeding hatred in a much bigger way then maybe even you know.    

Our thoughts become words and our words become actions (sometimes others actions).  
We can only create what we think and speak about.  

I for one needed a break from this place last month just because of these terrible sorts of situations that are so common honestly, and my inability to exact any sort of change here.

I'm so tired of hearing all the lies that are propagated to young/new providers who in turn believe it and put themselves at risk because of straight-out made-up bullshit.

My heart hurts for her and everyone of our beautiful ladies that have a spirit rich enough to share intimacy with others WITH the fear that things like this can and do happen.
I pray for her quick recovery.


I'm sorry to your friend what pain she must be going through, but be gentle with her, don't point out faults .... Have her speak to a rape counselor or someone who can help ease her pain..  

This documentary & her website may help...  

We all need to be safe & take precaution on screening but the nicest person can turn on you... cause rape!!! 😢😢😢😢

This was an assault...  not just sexual.  She was beaten AND sexually assaulted.  NO amount of money pays for that.  Assault can go either way (I've know men who were abused, but they usually have the means to get out.  One friend had the lawyer come to HIS hospital room...  And then her was endlessly harassed by her father who was a Police Sargent.)  
Never in the hobby but a few times as a much younger man in civie dating...  things got pretty far & she said stop so I did.  One, told her brother I "tried to rape her".  I didn't want to bad mouth her but I explained I naturally had expectations when she joined me in bed.  When she said no, we got dressed & I took her home.  
I want to like any woman I'm with...  we are as "friendly acquaintances".  I can't imagine it being any other way.  

The gal is fortunate to have friends...  friends can help...  but this level probably exceeds what friends are able to do.  I hope you can continue to support her & encourage her to get the help she needs.  It is a sad day when the Police would rather harass her than do what needs to be done.  I had friends in Law Enforcement and might have believed this in the past...  I thought we were beyond this.   I would urge her to seek out women's resources which might be more attuned to helping her.

The emotional scars will be far worse than the physical ones.

I have to ask, was a female officer there for the interview?


Who thought it was funny a hooker getting raped. Those cops have been reassigned and now the two cops working it seem much less assholish and one is a female. I have little hope though as the processing of the rape kits are backed up. God only knows when or if that will happen. Without that you can't prove crap.

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