TER General Board

WB, I like the way you write
macai523 3070 reads
1 / 49

In my hobbyist lifetime I've only been short of money twice.  Each time my provider, who I had seen multiple times before and always had given a very good tip, wouldn't accommodate me.  They said to go home and get the rest of the money.  Now last week I booked my Korean ATF for 2 hours.  I usually go once a week for an hour. The rate is 140 per hour plus a tip if you want to.  I could only scrape up 240, 40 short.   When I got there and  I asked her about it, she thought for a second and then said okay. that's fine.  Now here's the best part.  After getting dressed, I gave her the 240 which she put under her outfit.  Then she took out 20 and handed it to me and  said" here, you need it more than I do". Now that is not love, but it sure created the feeling of love for me.

Sooo...YouWanna 992 reads
2 / 49

Get your shit together before you get yourself blacklisted. Lawd.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1180 reads
3 / 49

You go to  a provider knowing you're light, then try to bargain her down?  And you're already seeing bargain basement girls to begin with.  What a miserable, cheap little toad you are.  And then you come here and brag about it?
I don't think anyone has come here and made themselves an object of derision so quickly.  Not even Rod.  I mean, he's a dope but at least he seems like a nice dope.  You?  Not so much.

lopaw 29 Reviews 673 reads
4 / 49
ROGM 904 reads
5 / 49

You should call ahead and say you're a bit short on her Donation Price. If she agrees to see you, then all well and good. But to show up without the full or agreed amount and then negotiate when you get there isn't cool. Lucky you she agreed to see you and gave you some Money back.

macai523 1037 reads
7 / 49

So one girl out of 200 gave me a break. damn if I didn't make it up to her 10 times over.  What happened to humanity.  this review board is full of mongers and providers who think they are undeniably perfect.  I'm with the guys who admit they are now dating or have dated providers.  I've listened to their stories.  They are real.  They are a bunch of people whose situations Just about all have ended badly because they blew a lot of money on the girl and didn't get the love they wanted. At least they had the guts to admit it.

inicky46 61 Reviews 732 reads
8 / 49

and will probably try it again.  The good news is, this kind of behavior will result in his being neutered.

macai523 912 reads
9 / 49

all she had to do was say no and I was gone.  it wasn't a negotiation. and she gave me the extra 20 voluntarily

macai523 669 reads
10 / 49

i'll bet you are not sexy and you never made the tips that I give out.  You are just part of the negative pathetic people on this board who are just plain full of crap.

macai523 1085 reads
11 / 49

you have got to be kidding.  I know you providers have no redeeming social value but this one did.  If she wanted to call me a cheapskate  she would have thrown me out.  If she did I would have given her twice as much when I got back.   You people are so buried in your miserable lives that you can't see the good in anything.  This lady was nice.  Deal with it.

GaGambler 772 reads
12 / 49

Isn't that what a waitress says to the cheapass who says "keep the change" when giving a fifty dollar bill on a tab of forty eight dollars. I think "you need it more than me" is synonymous with "fuck you, you cheap bastard"

macai523 846 reads
13 / 49

Just another person on this review board whose negative out look on life shows up on a review board

JackDunphy 1226 reads
14 / 49

I can't believe I am agreeing with you. Maybe I was drunk, passed out, and I am dreaming that I am typing this at this moment.

But in my semi twilight state I believe I am in right now, I have to say if a john wants to negotiate a hookers price down, he should at least have the minimum decency to allow her to say no BEFORE she opens her door. Long before she opens it, too.

This douche is putting a gal in a very awkward spot by doing what he is doing. In addition, how does he know a "handler" isn't nearby and will take care of his shortage issue with a little in person convo before he gets to his car. Those type of meetings tend not to be in the johns best interest.

DamienScott 707 reads
15 / 49

Coming from the asswipe who was lamenting the 'tone' of this board the other day. What a jagoff.

Posted By: macai523
i'll bet you are not sexy and you never made the tips that I give out.  You are just part of the negative pathetic people on this board who are just plain full of crap.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 898 reads
16 / 49

in his defense, there is no evidence of him being such a cheap bastard....

Oh you are so full of it... You just said in the post down below that last yr you spent 20K on hobby. That's over $1800 per month. That's at least 6 appt @ 300/hr every month. Which is more than 1 appt every week.  

You are a pathetic liar and child seeking attention..

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 10:07:58 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 742 reads
17 / 49
GaGambler 944 reads
18 / 49

Bragging about it, perhaps, Whining about it, never.

I blow as much money as I choose, and I never blow more than I can afford, and i NEVER thought I was buying love, That's just stupid talk. You can buy sex, you can even buy affection, and to a limited extent, you can even buy good will and gratitude, but you can NEVER buy love. Only an idiot would even try, but that word describes you to a tee. The only thing is, you are old, you are miserable , you are cheap, and even if you wanted to be generous, you can't afford it even if you wanted to.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up your miserable life?

cashorcredit 803 reads
19 / 49

I'm not sure how you see it as love, she felt sorry for you that's why she gave you the 20 back lol.  

If she loved you, you'd be fucking her for free, and not struggling to pay her rate..... LMAO pure comedy tonight

GaGambler 642 reads
21 / 49

black people not only have to claim the Turdster, but the Dungbeetle as well.

I guess we all have our crosses to bear.

BTW I don't think the OP has ever claimed to spend $300 hr on his appointments, he seems to prefer the AMPs, but can't even seem to be able to afford the rather modest donations even there.

So yes, pathetic seems to be an understatement.

ROGM 760 reads
22 / 49
inicky46 61 Reviews 603 reads
23 / 49
inicky46 61 Reviews 548 reads
24 / 49

She shit on your head and you didn't even know it. Sad.

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 919 reads
25 / 49

As for why she did not throw your ass out - i can hazard a guess,

Your cheap ass blocked 2 hours of her work time and showed up with less $ than you should have.  So you "love" could take business loss of $40 by accepting your appointment or $280 if she threw you out.  She simply cut her losses.

Obviously afterwords she could not resist and do the universal "FUCK YOU CHEAP BASTARD" by giving you $20 back,

I bet I know what she was thinking as she was giving you that twenty "Damn where is that penny when you need it"

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1125 reads
26 / 49

Posted By: macai523
So one girl out of 200 gave me a break. damn if I didn't make it up to her 10 times over.  What happened to humanity.  this review board is full of mongers and providers who think they are undeniably perfect.  I'm with the guys who admit they are now dating or have dated providers.  I've listened to their stories.  They are real.  They are a bunch of people whose situations Just about all have ended badly because they blew a lot of money on the girl and didn't get the love they wanted. At least they had the guts to admit it.
-- Modified on 8/31/2014 9:41:41 PM

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1062 reads
27 / 49

in your posts are Kspa ladies and love…or the lack thereof. I call major bullshit. Weren't you just lamenting on you 5 8" gal who you were gonna compensate SOOOO well for a weekend? Where your money go boo?
I bet you wouldn't sleep a wink. She'd wake up to you staring at her with a hunger sex can't fill.

You better hope these two don't talk. You've crossed the creepy fuck with yellow fever line into human lampshade territory. You're wearing a bra right now. I can feel it…wait…yup, sitting in front of a vanity mirror struggling with your false lashes.

Recalling you telling the one "who speaks very good English" that you want to hold each other…excuse me I just barfed…in each others arms all night makes me feel real and actual sadness for every woman that has had to stomach you for cash.

Why didn't you just book one hour and tip her. Who exactly is missing any socially redeemable whatever the fuck you said? You had a chance to be a good client and person in general and you chose to be a fucking wanker.  

Let me save you some time. No woman will ever love you again. It's just not in the cards for you. Sure there are a billion + women but you like them pretty so…no cigar.

When a 100 bucks an hour woman reaches back into her stash to give YOU a twenty you should abandon any illusions that your time here on earth was remotely successful.  

Now repeat after me and your lipstick will even out beautifully on the P.

Put that 20 to use Buffalo Bill.
Posted By: macai523
In my hobbyist lifetime I've only been short of money twice.  Each time my provider, who I had seen multiple times before and always had given a very good tip, wouldn't accommodate me.  They said to go home and get the rest of the money.  Now last week I booked my Korean ATF for 2 hours.  I usually go once a week for an hour. The rate is 140 per hour plus a tip if you want to.  I could only scrape up 240, 40 short.   When I got there and  I asked her about it, she thought for a second and then said okay. that's fine.  Now here's the best part.  After getting dressed, I gave her the 240 which she put under her outfit.  Then she took out 20 and handed it to me and  said" here, you need it more than I do". Now that is not love, but it sure created the feeling of love for me.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 869 reads
28 / 49

Bet she thought that was what you were doing.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 12:05:02 AM

ROGM 1182 reads
29 / 49

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Bet she thought that was what you were doing.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 12:05:02 AM
This is the case with Regular Clients. I get a discounted rate.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1080 reads
30 / 49

On who's terms?  

Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Bet she thought that was what you were doing.  
 -- Modified on 9/1/2014 12:05:02 AM
 This is the case with Regular Clients. I get a discounted rate.  
-- Modified on 9/1/2014 12:54:20 AM

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 998 reads
31 / 49

1. desperate lonely women will pay you, at least for a first date = financial problems gone
2. offer a BFE and some clients will take it to the extreme and maybe fall in love with you = love problem gone
3. you will be rich, have found love, moved to some remote island with your woman, and left this board for greener pastures = everyone's problem gone

hey, it's just so crazy it may work :)  that is unless you've already tried it!

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 6:24:34 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 718 reads
32 / 49

But the pattern of your thoughts, IMMHO, reveals something more serious.

Whether the provider gave back $20 out of pity, or because she was a kind person, who knows? But it wasn't love. Once when I was driving cab I helped a guy lug half a dozen suitcases upstairs to a 3rd floor apartment and he gave me a handful of change as a tip. I tossed the coins on the pavement and drove away. Don't confuse every exchange of currency as a sign of love.

But there's a more serious issue regarding how you view things in the past few OPs that needs to be addressed. You do not have a relationship with the KMP woman, and pretending that you do can lead you into a progression of actions that can end up with both of you being seriously hurt, physically as well as emotionally. And, BTW, being hurt emotionally is not a sign of love's intensity. That's another sack of BS you get from the romcoms on the media.

You have forgotten how to play. When you were a child you might have played cops and robbers with your p,aymates, pretending to be like the guys you saw on the crime shows, but not wanting to shoot each other, arrest anybody, and taking care not to hurt each other seriously, even though you were quite in earnest about being cops and robbers. Or you might have pushed toy trucks around in a sandbox pretending to be hauling granite or lumber or whatever. You would suspend your disbelief in what you knew to be meaningless and get into the fantasy you were creating. After playtime was over, you went back to the mundane world, had lunch, brushed your teeth, did your homework, whatever.

Now you are playing with adult playmates, and when you are pretending to be a great lover and she is pretending to be a fascinating seductress you again suspend your disbelief and for the moment fall in love. But then, when playtime is over, you seem to have trouble just going back to the mundane world and leaving the fun behind you as you did as a kid when you got out of the sandbox and brushed the sand off you.

Sometimes playmates turn out becoming friends, but you've already crossed a line with this particular K girl, and that's out of the question now. If you deceive yourself into thinking that you have a love relationship with someone where none exists, you are going to act towards her under a POV totally incongruent with hers. Look at it. The reality you see her in is so remote from from how you appear to her in her reality that she has no idea at all as to what you're up to. You have to stop pursuing her. Cold turkey. Just find another game to play until she's not around in your thoughts anymore.

Seriously. I only refer to people as friends if I'm quite certain they would hide me in their home if the authorities came looking, and that likewise I would hide them. But I can say that I am telling you this out of kindness and respect.
Posted By: macai523
In my hobbyist lifetime I've only been short of money twice.  Each time my provider, who I had seen multiple times before and always had given a very good tip, wouldn't accommodate me.  They said to go home and get the rest of the money.  Now last week I booked my Korean ATF for 2 hours.  I usually go once a week for an hour. The rate is 140 per hour plus a tip if you want to.  I could only scrape up 240, 40 short.   When I got there and  I asked her about it, she thought for a second and then said okay. that's fine.  Now here's the best part.  After getting dressed, I gave her the 240 which she put under her outfit.  Then she took out 20 and handed it to me and  said" here, you need it more than I do". Now that is not love, but it sure created the feeling of love for me.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1220 reads
33 / 49

... and more important, I like what you have to say.  
And also said out of kindness and respect to the OP  I truly hope you are a troll.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 500 reads
35 / 49
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1101 reads
36 / 49
skarphedin 827 reads
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lopaw 29 Reviews 1097 reads
38 / 49
hbyist+truth=;( 1094 reads
39 / 49

So quit trying. The money gives you a really good act of "love" from some hookers but make no mistake, you are ;looking for love in the wrong place.

Sooo...YouWanna 874 reads
40 / 49

Just another cheap creep, ruining the fun for everyone else.  

1) unless you paid her back the money 10 times over, I PROMISE you you did not make up for shorting her. And the other women you shorted? What did you do for them? You can either pay to play or not. Don't take time that a real paying customer could have used.  

2) she didn't give you a break, she pitied you, and decided to cut her loses on yet another asshole. There is a huge difference there and being delusional about it isn't going to win or do you any favors.  

3) this is not match.com. Literally every website you will ever read makes that clear and your pathetic grasp of the English language does not change that. And news flash dummy, boyfriends don't continue to blow a ton of money on their provider girlfriends the way you seem to think. Again, get your shit straight. It is very, very clear that you don't know anything about anyone in the community, let alone their personal lives, or else you would never come here making such idiotic statements about looking for love, imaginary stories from imaginary friends, or how nice it is that you routinely cannot afford the entire donation.  

We all think you're an asshole. Congratulations, you have united the board.

macai523 1073 reads
41 / 49

who's talking about love.  I'm talking about a good person,but you people don't know what that is.   Your ignorance is only exceeded by your perversion.  go, you rabid dogs. sit by your computer with your tongues out and wait for the next word.  I seriously doubt if any of you have a life outside of this ter.  I actually feel sorry for you.  You are the scourge of the earth.  Your little lives are just too pathetic for me to even pay attention.

Posted By: macai523
In my hobbyist lifetime I've only been short of money twice.  Each time my provider, who I had seen multiple times before and always had given a very good tip, wouldn't accommodate me.  They said to go home and get the rest of the money.  Now last week I booked my Korean ATF for 2 hours.  I usually go once a week for an hour. The rate is 140 per hour plus a tip if you want to.  I could only scrape up 240, 40 short.   When I got there and  I asked her about it, she thought for a second and then said okay. that's fine.  Now here's the best part.  After getting dressed, I gave her the 240 which she put under her outfit.  Then she took out 20 and handed it to me and  said" here, you need it more than I do". Now that is not love, but it sure created the feeling of love for me.

macai523 1082 reads
43 / 49

you are the closest thing to human that I've  found on this board.  It is very true that I am hung up on this girl.  We have a great time together.  What people do not seem to understand is that I think she has a soul.  Why do I think that.  Where I go, the rate everyone pays is 140/hour.  It is not published.  It is just understood.   The FIRST time I saw her I had such a great time I pulled out 200 dollars.  She said Just give me 140.  This lady is a lady.  No matter what everyone on this board thinks.

VIP_Boston_Companion 772 reads
45 / 49

This is really a terrible post. Not so much that it happened but that you are suggesting a good provider will accommodate a client who is short on money. The fact is you put this girl in a really awkward position and took advantage of her! And now you are posting about it as though this is an okay thing to do.

This is not okay. If you are short, ASK WHEN BOOKING. She only said yes because you were already there and she couldn't fill that spot with somebody else. Some money is better than none I guess.

macai523 810 reads
46 / 49

Since you actually made an intelligent comment, I will try and explain.  First of all, I never said it was okay.  I don't think it's okay.  As far as putting her in an awkward position,  I've been doing this for 30 years.  It's only happened to me twice before.  In both cases, the lady refused.  This was not intended to put anyone in an awkward position.  I was fully prepared for her to say so long.  There was no pressure.  I was as surprised as anyone that she did it.  But I will tell you this, and as God is my witness,  this is the truth.  In total she saved me 60dollars.  I have a huge nest egg for this activity that I couldn't get to in time for this visit.  I never tell the ladies. Why should I.  I don't like upselling. When I came back the next time, I gave her 600 DOLLARS.  That's right. SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS EXTRA  That's how much it meant to me.

Please keep on communicating.  It is exciting for me to chat with someone ( I hate to say this ) who seems like a good person.

macai523 974 reads
47 / 49

wow. now I can't sit down for a month  even Catholic school wasn't this bad

macai523 745 reads
48 / 49

I understand where you are coming from, but I am not who you say I am.  read my posts.  I never said what i did was okay.  I don't believe what I did was okay.  But I did very much appreciate what she did for me.  I shorted her a total of 60 dollars.  on my next visit I gave her 600 EXTRA DOLLARS.  THAT'S Right 600 EXTRA DOLLARS  I am not bragging this is fyi.  It was my mistake.  it was not intentional. I am not horrible.  I am not pathetic.  I am not who you say I am.

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