TER General Board

OldRanger 62 Reviews 493 reads

Do not go there within a couple of weeks of getting a PSA test as it can elevate numbers
Just saying
Save your fun for after the blood test/

I have always been curious about the prostate. In my teens and twenties I never really explored much further than the almighty cock. It always seemed to have my full time and attention. As I became a Tantrika and started exploring further into things I became very aware of the pleasurable response I was getting with external prostate massage. I had been asked a few times about prostate massage but always avoided it because I'd never been there before. Well, I happened to be spending some quality personal time with a gentleman friend of mine. I just so happened to have him restrained, ball-gagged and blindfolded as is how I roll in my personal sex life. So he did not see it coming, but he trusts me and we have a safe word. I had a small bag of light latex gloves in my toy bag. I had been pondering the mysteries of the prostate for a while but kinda felt like a guy that wasn't sure where the G-spot was, and considering the location its not really a place you want to randomly poke around. Anytime I have tried to introduce this taboo area to a man they have tended to clench their asses protectively.  But this time I told myself  Its better to ask for forgiveness than permission. "Im going IN" I felt devilish, dirty and downright  shameless but I went for it anyway. Gently at first, awaiting the response of my companion. When I saw that he was surprised yet agreeable I become more confident in my exploration. I noticed the difference in texture and instinctively focused my touch there. I watched him explode in the most intense orgasm Ive ever witnessed, and trust me Ive seen a few. I feel like I just discovered the male G-spot. What say you? Have you ever been curious about what all the fuss is about? Because let me just say- He said, it was incredible, but if I would have talked about it before hand perhaps he would have not been into it. After the fact though I think Ive turned him into an ass fanatic. I better stock up on latex gloves.....

JakeFromStateFarm496 reads

I've had a couple of "experts" try prostate massage on me and it didn't work.  So now I refuse it, if offered.  I have no interest at all in anyone playing with my ass.  I am happy to play with hers.

To work effectively, she has to access the prostate gland through your butt-hole, not your pee-hole.  Probably just not doing it right.

Three times a week, I'm a gynecologist for an hour or two.  Does that count?

example of why basic anatomy courses are sorely needed in grade schools....

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
To work effectively, she has to access the prostate gland through your butt-hole, not your pee-hole.  Probably just not doing it right.

GaGambler283 reads

I have a question for you RS, did you have your sense of humor surgically removed, or did you simply take a series of drug therapy to repress it.  

Even Droopy Dog (Scoed) will occasionally make a joke or laugh at one, you are seriously one very angry tranny.

getting under our little desks in case of nuclear attack.  

Can you imagine if we were lucky enough to have had that anatomy class preparing for ... children, it's time to practice in case of a prostrate attack. Boys, drop your drawers and touch you toes, girls ... wooohooo!

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 7:54:26 AM

IMHO, most people have no clue what they're doing because as with most things revolving around sex, people are just uninformed and inexperienced (that goes for providers as well). theres also the necessity of comfort, trust, and excitment. if those three things aren't there, its probably not going to be an enjoyable experience.

JakeFromStateFarm243 reads

I my case, the first time was with a highly experienced woman who was totally hot and I liked personally.  We clicked in every way, except this one area.  So I don't think it was a matter of trust.  I also have no objection to it personally or psychologically and was certainly open to it.  It just did nothing for me.

GaGambler277 reads

Count me as one of them.  

I am absolutely NOT into ass play, at least not with my ass. I am also not into sucking cock, and just like with sucking cock there is no right way, right person, or right circumstances that is going to change my mind on the subject and NO,  I am not even the least bit "curious" about either sucking a dick OR having anything other than perhaps a warm soft tongue anywhere near my butthole.

JakeFromStateFarm285 reads

You've had your head stuck up your ass for decades. LOL!
C'mon, Wu, you didn't seriously expect me to let that one slide, didya?

I find there are times it drives me up a wall  
... in a good way and other times I literally  
don't feel a thing. It seems my aszhole has
an on and off switch that I don't control.  
Wish I could ... it's freakin amazing when the
switch is flipped on.

Maybe your big head was in the way of your prostate. We all know your head has been up your ass forever.

souls_harbor310 reads

But the literature is full of cases of guys turning up at hospitals with pencils and other instruments lost up the wazzoo.

Some providers have been too aggressive with it, so I demur usually.

but certainly not all the time for me.  

Better to wait for a time when you're in that "devilish, dirty and downright shameless" frame of mind.  

Never planned, just shared in the moment. ;)

Way before the prostate.  Pre first knuckle deep - make a "come here" motion with your finger to tickle it :)

Anal pleasure is an acquired taste for both men and women, and if your teaching the prostate they've acquired it.

A fine line between prostate massage and prostate abuse, so unless I'm certain a provider knows what she's doing, I will politely decline if offered.  

Do not go there within a couple of weeks of getting a PSA test as it can elevate numbers
Just saying
Save your fun for after the blood test/

my doctor does a prostate check each time I'm in for a general exam, and then I get lab work done that includes a PSA test.   I wonder if that elevates it?

No, but your Dr. Is a few years out of date. DREs have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Some medical studies say PSA tests shouldn't be given either.

Was wearing a ball-gag, what good was a safe word going to do him?  He clearly didn't think that one through, did he?

BTW, you don't need to stick up in latex gloves.  They have this new thing called hand soap. Works really well. OTOH, are you a nail-biter?

-- Modified on 4/11/2017 5:57:25 PM

A fingernail can do damage to a vulnerable little butthole, especially if said hole is shy or protesting.  Furthermore, a nicely lubed condom or glove-covered finger creates an especially pleasing slippery experience - or so I have been told.  :)

little butthole protesting you, but some of the bigger assholes here might give you some shit.  (Pun intended,)

When one is wearing a Ball-gag, then the safe word becomes an agreed upon gesture. In this case a very distinct head shaking side to side indicating  a NO . Everything about BDSM is consensual, as far as Im concerned and have encountered.  It is based on communication and respect. Boundaries will be pushed but you always check in with your submissive on that. Gloves are mandatory, for hygiene and ease of insertion I have found. Delicate, delicate area. This is all my personal private playground. i just thought it would be interesting to take a poll and see how men felt about it in general.  Im delighted and amused but your responses. Both for and against. Where else could I possibly bring up such a subject and get this insight. If I only knew then some of the things I know now....

Mr.M.Johnson476 reads

I was shopping for a "normal" Provider and I stumbled across this massager.  I read the 1st review and the guy was so glowing and said it was better than fucking.  The next buncha reviews were similar, so, I scheduled the session.  She had all  10's for performance - they all said "most intense orgasm EVER" just as OP says.  And, massaging is all that she does, so, I figured, 'why not, I can try something new/different.'

So, game-on.  It did absolutely nothing for me - zero.  I had to stop her after a while - I couldn't even get it up.  Musta been me 'cause everyone else loved it.  I could certainly tell she knew what she was doing, but, again, didn't work for me.

She said "round peg in square hole" and "to each his own."  We talked for a while and she left.  No-harm - no-foul, but, I'm sticking w/fucking thank-you-very-much

You made me laugh! I've tried the prostate massage a few times with providers advertised as skilled in the art.  Never did anything for me, except make me go numb. With the first provider I had a massive discharge, but I didn't experience it as an orgasm. It was clinical. I thing each person has their own physiology. For some the effect is panacea. For others, nothing but a massive spillage of semen. The second provider just made me numb.

The prostate differs in sensitivity from person to person.  I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from because I have the same issue of going numb if my g-spot is stimulated for too long or too hard, and the same with my clit.  One technique that I have used when someone tells me they are going numb, is to stop all activity for 5-10 mins allowing them to go totally flaccid and then starting again.  Communication is key...a provider should not be afraid to ask questions of the client to help her determine what happened and prevent over stimulation  a second time.  I have touched someone and had them go off like a fountain and other times had to stop, slow my roll and adjust accordingly.  But, it is one of my favorites!  This is something a gent with ED or people who cannot maintain an erection because of heart medications or diabetes should look into.  If done properly, it is an amazing orgasm!

First square hole she ever tried to do it on.  Is that a war injury, or what?

Mr.M.Johnson241 reads

No war injury - but, I haven't shit the same since!  ROFLOL

She sanitized me w/baby wipe, had me get on my hands and knees.  I didn't like it from minute one...and it went downhill from there.  Maybe 'cause I kept thinking "why in-the-hell would any lady - or man LOL - wanna lick someone's asshole..."

Good-thing that this wasn't my 1st sexual experience - if it was, I'd still be a virgin!

Mr.M.Johnson215 reads

I don't hava PhD in Biology from Harvard, so, I gotta ask: I'm very good at fucking, so, that means my prostate is functional, right?!  LOL

...but only for those men who are comfortable with that kind of play and exploration. It is MOS DEF a YMMV experience and a lot of the variance is incumbent upon the provider, their experience level and the feedback between the client and provider.

When done well, it's been a great "round 2" technique to help get me across the finish line. Combine that with a well-done oral session and CIM -- yeah, it's awesome stuff!

-- Modified on 4/11/2017 5:55:29 PM

We were all warmed up and relishing each other when she said..."you're going to love this.".... as she slipped a condom
over her finger, lubed up, and gently inserted it. She kept busy with her mouth and other hand and my orgasm was one for the ages. Awesome experience. Hasn't happened again since.

-- Modified on 4/11/2017 10:02:15 PM

I agree that the unexpected part was key. Whenever I have teasingly mentioned anything to do with a mans ass, I actually feel their butt cheeks clinch protectively. Like the story goes, I was feeling shameless,devilsh and downright dirty. Already having him in a vulnerable position simply made pushing the boundary that much more inviting. If I would have gotten any feedback of discomfort I would have pulled out. Sometimes you just don't know until you try it, too much talk before hand ruins it. Ive had sex before with a man I was certain I wasn't. going to then one thing leads to another and my legs are in the air....

But, that's human bodies for you. So many are the same and so many are different.

Have fun.

She was doing a BBBJ.. and started doing a prostate massage.. wow.. ! I stopped her because I didn't want to blow too fast.. BUT... now I keep thinking.. I want to go back and just focus on that.. it felt so great.. I wish I had not stopped her.. so next time I guess.. the problems with one and done.. and age..  


I gotta big tax bill to pay first.. sob.. so now I must wait

Because it was probably the most intense orgasm that I have ever had.
It's funny..I didn't ask for it.She and I were just having a great time and it just happened..
To me it was like flipping a light switch on and off..there was no stopping that rush!

for me, it doesn't always flip on. Wish it did?  

For me, it's better when spontaneous although I eagerly anticipated the possibility with a younger gal who loves anal play, so I was prepared to "take the plunge?" if the moment arose. It did and it was amazing.

In my experience, most men have a turbo charged orgasm when there is pressure on the prostate. Some like a gentle rub (yes with a glove or finger cot) and others like a dildo as fat as a beer can. I've only met one person like you, Jake, who just didn't get anything out of it at all. He didn't seem uptight about it, just not at all turned on let alone turbo charged. The fantasy that goes with the request run the gamut from simple stimulation to "do you think you could fit your foot up my ass?" If you decide to try it, find a person who stylistically matches your fantasy. I would definitely find a tantra practitioner for a gentle first time exploration. It's part of Tantra training.

do you trim your nails? I certainly enjoy an intense O.  

You might consider changing your NAME to  
DoraTheExplora lol

First time I experienced it I wasn't getting hard.  She suggested trying to massage my prostate. Boom, huge orgasm. 2nd time I couldn't get hard I suggested it to her. Same result. Third time I was having a tantric massage an knew this would be part of the session. Amazing experience.

Better if you use latex gloves (to don't hurt with the nails), with lubricant you must to use your finger like a hook. Softly you look inside for a little ball, the size like a nut. And touch gentil while suck and masturbate the dick. If you can't feel a great sensation, you have ice in your veins!
If the size is bigger the guy should visit the doctor ASAP. This is not only a sexual service, this is a social service taking care of your healthy! hahahahahaha

The first time i had one it was from a girl friend who had read a cosmo sex tip.  We had to try and get cum off ceiling i exploded so hard.  It was pretty hard to stop laughing and i think we just told the landlord it must be a leak from upstairs.

I was with a girl a month or so ago.. I had seen her a few times before .. and she started a BBBJ.. and in went her finger.. Wow !! I had to stop her before I got off because these days I have been one & done.. and I wanted  to hold off.. but since.. I have been thinking .. I should really make plans to get back to her and just let things take their course.. and not ask her to stop..  I found it a big turn on..

I have never been interested in traveling to the Greek islands, nor have I ever had an interest in anyone playing around with my back door. I refuse any prostate play of any kind. It actually makes me uncomfortable. Everybody is different. I don't get big O's from anything a woman does to me physically. I get off when I'm mentally engaged. Aside from her looks and how she dresses (I'm very visually stimulated) I will get off the best when the girl I'm with enjoys me enough to close her eyes and focus on getting herself to an orgasm. Being with someone who enjoys me is more stimulating mentally than receiving something physical. Maybe in the case of the guy you're describing, mentally, you doing that to him and brought him to that place. I kind of think that everybody's G spot is really in their mind, It's just a matter of someone beening able to get to that place to have that explosive O.

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