TER General Board

Videos - Yay or Nay?
DateJessicaK See my TER Reviews 1341 reads

Hi everyone!  
I've been noticing that, in addition to a gallery of photos, some girls also have videos on their website.  I've even considered having a video made for mine.  I'm not talking porn, just a short video.  
So, my first question is: Are they well received (do you like them, love them, dislike them, couldn't care less)?  
Second question is:  Do you have a favorite?  Is there a provider with a video that you really like?  
And third: Is there a videographer you would recommend? (message me, because I don't think you can mention them directly)

I'm a big fan. I think that may be the way to go since this is p4p and we will get to see it live and in person at some point. LOL

As for a videographer, I would be happy to have you negotiate my fee (don't go by what it says on my website. That's all bullshit.)  to accommodate your pocket book. If there is still a balance left, well, we will work something out. ;)

And who better than a perv like me to show your best assets in video form?

What could go wrong?

Skyfyre487 reads

That's the wave of the future. There are more and more 10-sec. videos accompanying the ads on one of the most popular ad sites today -the one that rhymes with Sack Cage (LOL)

A video is definitely a worthwhile weapon in the marketing war. No need for a professionally made video either. A selfie video showing the more the better is just as good

it's just the right length, provocative but tasteful, and dovetails perfectly with how she is in person.

...done right.  I have seen amateur style videos that are turnoff and far from class (cheesy), and at the other end of spectrum you can view professionally made and produced videos.   See link below. All HD.  My favorite is the one of Ms Charlotte Marr.  One other thing...It is difficult to photoshop videos so these are more candid than pictures.  Having met and known you, I seriously doubt you have to worry about modifying pics or clips of yours.  You are gorgeous!

Posted By: DateJessicaK

Or The videos or Jessicaa Joleen are also very sensual yet classy. The challenge is finding a good videographer who shares your vision and you can work with.

stucaboy534 reads

Some 3 second blurry videos come off a providers phone and say nothing.  High end stuff is just boring.  I'd rather be driven crazy by the type of photos you post.

I prefer to leave something to the imagination. Photos - yes, because I am a visual male.  

Can wait until I meet you to see  you move. Save bandwidth, save those electrons!

One of my pals wanted me to play with his Asian GF while he videoed the session.  She was really hot too.

He has other friends he wanted me to play with as well, mostly strippers.  They are so hot.

If you need someone like me to be in your video, let me know here.

There is an agency site that I avoid because several girls have video with loud music that starts blaring as soon as the model's page starts to load.  BAD NEWS IN SOME SITUATIONS!  No autoplay!

Some more polite sites also add a warning to "Check your audio settings before viewing my video." near the video frame.  

Some videos have no soundtrack (a "missing dimension"?), some have what the mike picked up ("Ooh. Stubbed my toe. Ouch!"), but many have a music track that says a lot about the Provider.   Vivaldi and Vavelya send drastically different messages. And the music and action should go together, at least for an Academy Award nomination.

Other than that, go for it

I do not show my face so it would be headless. And I can't see that going ove rtoo well.

-- Modified on 9/10/2015 6:12:30 PM

(I don't know if you're being serious or not.)  

I'll play the serious card instead of the Imp card.  

You can wear a mask, like some of those beautiful, gilded Venetian Party Masks.  If those are still too revealing, you try one of these

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