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very well said, this post is eliciting some great responses... eom
russbbj 89 Reviews 786 reads


Bahamia2540 reads

This may seem like a groveling question, but it's not. It just hit me this morning when I woke up, that it seems like I'll never be just seen as just a "woman" to many clients. But rather, I'll be made to feel like I'm being chosen specifically because Im black, and in the same vein, will never meet certain clients because of it.  

In the PAST WEEK, I've been told by 4 clients how much they just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE black women. Although they may feel its a compliment, I don't feel the same way. To me, it just further reminds me that I'm different and that the only nonblack men I'll be able to please are the ones who have ran the gamut of black girls...including the stories of Pilate ball sized breasts, and asses being related to cabooses. Which as a girl of slightly above average measurements, it makes me feel like I have to live up to that image of having A RIDICULOUSLY FAT ASS AND TITS to further attract people.  

May sound like I'm making a big deal out of it, but it makes me feel more different now, than all the years I spent in grade school being completely ignorant of the fact. I don't live in a state with tons of black people...so when I hear things like that, it makes me feel like EVERYONE is fetishizing me. I know as a prostitute (I have to use that word in the context), every woman is going to have something about them that men may fetishize of...but I believe it's so much different when you realize the main reason a client chooses me, is because they specifically love black women. It's like, I'm not good enough to compete with other white women...I'll just be looked right over. I have to get the ones who SPECIFICALLY like black women. Sobering huh?

-- Modified on 9/6/2014 7:06:23 AM

89Springer819 reads

I don't know. Some guys are more attracted to blonds than brunettes. There's the guys who like the K-girls. Latinas.  Some have a hankering for a certain type at a certain time.

Being black is different, as there's hundreds of years of ugly history with respect to blacks in this country, and it's not over. I do think every generation is becoming more colorblind, but it's going to take a long time. There's still tons of racism in my generation.  

I see providers who look a certain way (race, hair, size, etc), and say to myself, "meh." My type is a tanned brunette. Still, I'll come across a really attractive blond, or black woman, or Latina, and want to see that woman because those features enhance her beauty. When I've booked with a black woman, it was because she just looked hot to me. It wasn't because she was black, but because she looked hot, and her skin color and features added to that. That particular woman wouldn't have been as hot if she'd been blond.

I don't see how things are going to change for you in the short or medium term, so perhaps you should consider marketing yourself as other black women do, and using it to your advantage. It would be wonderful if guys saw you just as a woman, and not as a black woman, but I don't see that happening in my lifetime, and probably not yours

That's one of the top 5 funniest lines I have heard in 6 months.

OK now let's get real - for a minute.  This WHOLE hobby is fantasy land (without Mr. Rourke and Tatoo).

Guys paying several hundred dollars aren't looking for love they are looking for (insert your fetish/fantasy/etc. here).  If a guy is looking for love then you are in trouble because he is about to become a stalker.

Compete with other white women.  WTF is that about?  This is about sex.  And being Black is your unique selling proposition.  You know how many White Providers are saying "damn I have to compete with all these young white gals with great bodies".  

Time to wake up and put on your big girl panties.  Better use your blackness for all its' worth because Providing is not a long term business.  Get it while its good gal.

RT Out

Damn RT, who could possibly disagree with your post?... this time!

 The Ageist should take heed, as black women tend not to show their age as women whom are not as black. I find the majority of women to be attractive in their own unique way

every woman I see it is because there is something about her -   reviews first and appearance second - that interests me -

I happen to love ebonies - especially thin fit ebonies.  Is that a "fetish"?   I also like thin fit Asians, thin fit South Americans....

the last thing on my mind in any of these selections is some kind of sociopolitical ideology -  

it's simple really -  in my day to day life I have plenty of opportunity to interact with and often to screw white women.   The same cannot be said for Ebonies, Asians and South Americans as a rule.  With some exceptions...  

When I date an ebony lady I'm not dating her for some racially charged or stereotypical reason -  I'm not looking for more "junk in the trunk" than a white girl or to fulfill some fantasy of crossing racial lines -   I've done that way too many times to have a novelty in and of itself...

For me it is simply about a desire for and appreciation of variety...

If I ran across your reviews / images and decided to see you, it would not be *because you are black*  in and of itself -   but your being black would certainly factor in -  in the same way that it would be a factor with an Asian or South American.    

What's wrong with that?

Yes an actual racist... Sorry, I'm not sorry about this. I say that because I don't find asian women as my go to fantasy when it comes to hot sex. On occasion I can find an AW to be attractive, but that is the exception and not the rule.

I know my opinion is that of the minority - What's wrong with that? Nothing . .

because I am sensing you don't have a strong understanding of the the contributions of Black people to American society.  

Including your own  (after all living in a state with without "tons" of black people).  

While some may think that we have only created hip-hop music and taking rioting to a new level.  

Here are a few facts to chew on:

** Dr. Daniel Hale Williams - performed the 1st open heart surgery in 1893
** Garret Morgan - inventor of the Gas Mask
** Dr.Ben Carson - First surgeon to successfully separate craniopagus twins
** Dr. Charles Drew - if you don't know this one then shame on everybody.  This man's scientific work continues to this day to save millions of lives

Every race on this planet has contributed and are contributing every day. In America, everyone other than Caucasians are branded as follows:

African American
Asian American
Mexican American
Latino American
Indian American, blah, blah

but not

German American
British American
French American

suddenly they all become heritages

But you to other countries, there are no such branding. Has anyone heard of

British Black
British Indian
British Spanish  

or in France

Has any one heard of

Turkish German (yes there is large Turkish heritage people)
Greek German
African German, etc

Why is it so

If you are trying to find yourself or build your self esteem being a provider, it ain't gonna happen. Take a break and reevaluate if this is really for you. The hobby is very superficial. It isn't going to change because you are offended being sought out just because you are a taboo. Are you offended that you are sought out just to be a guys fuck toy for a couple of hours? What is beautiful for some may never be beautiful to others. Your best bet is to fall in line, appeal to the masses perception of beauty, make your money, invest in yourself and a quality education and get the hell out. Are you asking will you always be choosen over a skinny blonde girl? Hmmmm, YES! There are a lot of discrepancies amongst providers of equal "beauty" but if this is what you chose to do, you should get that. Find your niche and work it. If you want to meet specific clients, just market yourself to appeal to that demographic. But guess what? They still may not see you because you are too this or too that or not enough of this. While this is a very personal business, you just can't take it personally. It is what it is.  

When someone truly loves you, it's not going to be all about your physical attributes at all and real love probably won't be found in the hobby world.  

BTW, I luv my big phat ass. :)

Sooo...YouWanna799 reads

We are all fetishized and we are all successful because we are different to some degree. Small tits, big tits, hair color, eye color, height, weight, fair skinned or dark skinned... Literally all of us are here because some pervert (and I mean that lovingly) just can't get enough somewhere else, and we have all had the same comments made to us about one thing or another. Everyone has a type, you don't need to be so surprised when it works in your favor.  

For the most part... They're dudes, they're trying to compliment you or even just relate to you, but they're just not always good at it. Once again, they are just guys paying you to be nice to them. Cut them some slack at work, or you are going to be really, really disappointed with your time here. Now, does that mean you'll never be uncomfortable? Helllll no. But we live in a fantasy land, so of course stuff is going to get projected onto us. Tis the life. Tis not your problem what they jerk off to. If it gets too weird, kick him to the curb like anyone else would. Otherwise, accept that you're dealing in sexual fantasies so some of it isn't going to make all that much sense to you. Beauty is it doesn't have to, you just need to be there.  

We have all had comments like this (four in a week? Pfffft!!), where we sit back and go "now just what in the hell is that supposed to mean??" But bottom line: Are you working? Then you don't have to try to be anything else or compete with anyone else. Yeah, some guys will look you over, but it'll be for the same exact reason everyone gets looked over, you're just not his type and that's what he's looking for. Do your best and I promise there are plenty of people out there for you. You are more like the rest of us than you are giving yourself credit for ;-)

but I think the answer is yes, at least there is the potential.

You yourself belie a certain racial point of view by phrasing the question asking if a "white man" is able to set aside racial considerations rather than just ask if a "man" is able to.  Something to ponder there.

In my own experience I got very close to one AA provider over a course of several years.  We would do overnights, go out on the town, and even take multiple day trips together.  At first I conceded to her and myself that her color was a fetish in the sense that it excited me; but in time I came to forget the fact and was more focused on her as a person, so much so that I became aware of the occasional stare from certain people and could not understand what it meant until I reminded myself - oh right, that  crap.

But for the most part, people treated us very nicely, except for one older black gentleman who accosted us on the street angrily asking:  "What are you doing with my woman?"  A bit shocked I turned to my date and said to her:  "Why didn't you ever tell me you were his woman?"  She burst out in giggles and he slunk off.

As for fetishes, they are a fact of life.  My attraction is often based on wanting to experience these fetishes whether it be a racial characteristic, age, deformity, or something else.  Differences can attract as well as divide.

The only thing that would have been funnier if, you would have said "Woman? She isn't like any woman you know"

factor in seeing someone, whether it's mine or theirs.  No, instead there's something that hooks me in either their look, style, or persona.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I behold many beautiful women of all nationalities.   Would you ever see me as just a man, or would I always be a white man to you?  Would you think back fondly on our time together as "he's a nice man" or would it be "he's a nice white man"?

As you mentioned living in an area where your skin color is a rarity, that's also part of your exotic draw to the vanilla world around you.  Revel in your personal history and genealogy, there is literally no one else like YOU on earth.  Similar, sure, but different in ways that might make all the difference in the world to someone else.

Skin tone is not a major draw for me, however, I'm partial to green eyes.  I love brown eyes, and blue eyes, but green is not common and that's a trigger for me and I'd likely tell that to the owner of those eyes.  It's meant as a compliment, and not to make her self conscious about her body.

If we were to meet and I said I loved your skin my guess is you'd take it to mean color, when I actually would mean the feel of it.  We both bring our own history wherever we go, and take things a certain way based on it.  I'd prefer you ask in the moment what I meant so we could discuss it, good or bad, as I prefer a real connection with someone even if we're actors in a sexual play.

"Loving black woman" is a nutty concept, but yes, a white man can meet a black woman and fall very deeply in love with her.

Some men, when they chose a provider to enjoy a fantasy with, will be guided by images of past love(s). I don't think it's uncommon for a man to have four or five deeply meaningful relationships in his life, and when he checks out the ads, he might well look for traits that remind him of one of them.

It might sound trite find complexion shade a trait that he seeks out, but when looking at pics of bodies and blurred faces, that can be the thing that reminds him of someone he once shared his life with.

OTOH, if you're wondering if a white client can "fall in love" with a black provider, probably only for the length of the session (and maybe the drive home). Or maybe some will tumble a tad harder, but that's another problem.

I don't think you want your clients falling in love with you, but bringing their memories of happier times back to life for a few hours is a magical connection similar in kind, if not degree, to love itself.

skarphedin658 reads

Posted By: Bahamia
This may seem like a groveling question, but it's not. It just hit me this morning when I woke up, that it seems like I'll never be just seen as just a "woman" to many clients. But rather, I'll be made to feel like I'm being chosen specifically because Im black, and in the same vein, will never meet certain clients because of it.  
 In the PAST WEEK, I've been told by 4 clients how much they just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE black women. Although they may feel its a compliment, I don't feel the same way. To me, it just further reminds me that I'm different and that the only nonblack men I'll be able to please are the ones who have ran the gamut of black girls...including the stories of Pilate ball sized breasts, and asses being related to cabooses. Which as a girl of slightly above average measurements, it makes me feel like I have to live up to that image of having A RIDICULOUSLY FAT ASS AND TITS to further attract people.  
 May sound like I'm making a big deal out of it, but it makes me feel more different now, than all the years I spent in grade school being completely ignorant of the fact. I don't live in a state with tons of black people...so when I hear things like that, it makes me feel like EVERYONE is fetishizing me. I know as a prostitute (I have to use that word in the context), every woman is going to have something about them that men may fetishize of...but I believe it's so much different when you realize the main reason a client chooses me, is because they specifically love black women. It's like, I'm not good enough to compete with other white women...I'll just be looked right over. I have to get the ones who SPECIFICALLY like black women. Sobering huh?

-- Modified on 9/6/2014 7:06:23 AM

-- Modified on 9/6/2014 12:03:20 PM

You really are making a deal.

Who are who you are at birth. In this world, there are Africans, African-Americans, Latino, Spanish, South Asians, and Caucasians and all sort of mix in between. First of all, you have to comfortable and self-confident in whatever manifestation you project in this world. Once you have it, you are in control. .

Who in the hell cares? Are you trying to make yourself likable to every human on this planet? Good luck with that

The utopia you are looking for may happen in millions of years when evolution makes all humans look alike

Bahamia702 reads

I'm not trying to make myself like able to every person on the planet. But I'm getting so tired of meeting guys (talking interracial here) who once I get to know them, you find out you are just 1 of 50 million black girls they've hired (or even dated). I like guys who are kind of between curious for a black woman, but not so much to where the curiosity runs wild and they expect me to be some animae figure with massive parts. That's the stuff that makes me feel like I'm being fetishized, and if I don't have that, then it makes me feel they are on a quest to find that.

Now, with that said,..I will commend men who love black women as they 99% of the time give some SENSATIONAL daty (the one last night bought me to incredible orgasm and made me squirt), but he lost points afterwards by telling me about some bitch with bigger tits than me. He didn't say it derogatory, but I still don't care to hear about other bitches and their tits/ass and how humongous they were.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
You really are making a deal.  
 Who are who you are at birth. In this world, there are Africans, African-Americans, Latino, Spanish, South Asians, and Caucasians and all sort of mix in between. First of all, you have to comfortable and self-confident in whatever manifestation you project in this world. Once you have it, you are in control. .  
 Who in the hell cares? Are you trying to make yourself likable to every human on this planet? Good luck with that  
 The utopia you are looking for may happen in millions of years when evolution makes all humans look alike.  

Sooo...YouWanna664 reads

Do you think we are the only ones who sleep around? They have eyes. They might talk about other girls, but the simple fact that they are even there proves that whatever you've got going on is more than good enough.  

If you don't like guys who see a lot of girls, then just avoid the ones who do. Like the ladies, they'll have more stories, and some of them like to share. It's just pillow talk ;-)

He has dated and married women of color exclusively.


Some would consider it a fetish, but I see nothing wrong with liking certain characteristics on women even if one of those characteristics is race based. One of the things that I have learned is that sometimes you can not change how some people view you and if that person viewpoint of you make you uneasy, then it time to stop hanging around that person. Life is too short to get caught up in little things, when you can remove yourself from the situation with ease.

TheSkyFell744 reads

You're never going to get your emotional or self-esteem needs met in the sex industry.

Get paid, nod your head, roll your eyes when you leave and move on.

People in the real world will see you as the whole person that you are.
People in this business buy time with you to satisfy their emotional needs - not yours.

Oh and no offense but this is a bunch of garbage.  There are plenty of men in this biz who see women of color, not just the ones who fetishize them and feel like they're hitting on something by telling you how much they love black women.  Consider what you're putting out into the universe in terms of your advertising because there are a lot of black girls who would tell you that they don't have this experience with their clients, whether they work/advertise in other areas or with a different clientele at a different price point. What you experience is what you bring to yourself in terms of attraction.

Guys spend enough time thinking about their dicks, you should spend your time thinking of other stuff.
Use their ethnic fetish to your advantage when you feel like it and reject when you're not in the mood.
A lot of your posts have racial under or overtones and it'd be nice for you to talk about being black as a plus and not something to defend, complain or feel bad about.

If I could be reincarnated any race on this planet I'd be Ethiopian all over again in a heartbeat. I love my languages my food by people my culture and my looks. If you don't feel the same be glad these men are feeling that way for you. Make your money and let their therapists figure them out.

PS unless there was a 5 8" busty loving Asian slot available hahah.

You gals are like the flavors at Haagen Dazs.  Sometimes I want chocolate, sometimes vanilla and sometimes coffee.  Then there's green tea ice cream.  Variety is the spice of life.  If your look pushes my buttons I'll taste you.  
To put it more plainly, I don't love black women.  I love WOMEN!  It's just on some days I have a yen for a specific flavor.  It ain't complicated.

Skyfyre694 reads

Unless you really have a thing for white men it shouldn't matter much. Afterall the same question can be asked by asian women or hispanic women about white men.  

Then again like somebody already mentioned it, if you're asking this question in the context of the hobby which is where you're looking from then it doesn't make much senses at all.

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