TER General Board

Usually a few days
ron56789 18 Reviews 1890 reads
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How long before your date with a provider do you decide to see her?  Are you the type of person who wakes up in the morning and sets something up for that day or do you plan a week or more beforehand?

GaGambler 470 reads
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I often don't even know what country I am going to be in from one day to the next, so planning and booking in advance would not be fair to the ladies involved as I would end up being a chronic canceller.

russbbj 89 Reviews 520 reads
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I don't see too many ladies that take same day date requests.  

Sometimes 4-6 weeks out, but that doesn't always work for them either. More often than not, I'm traveling to see them so it's mostly at least 2-3 weeks out.

Arovet 62 Reviews 417 reads
4 / 20

I can't even plan dinner until 6pm, sure as hell can't plan a provider weeks in advance. On the other hand, deciding that morning can limit choice - that's fine for dinner, not for being a sinner ;-)

scazdude 29 Reviews 459 reads
5 / 20

unless I see that a lady I would like to see has posted an ad that she will be in my area.  I'll try to set something up then before her time is booked up.  Now I have tried to set something up the same day with a provider I had seen before but those do not always work out.

lopaw 29 Reviews 355 reads
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to work out the kinks in my funky work/travel schedule. I can't even imagine the joy of being able to set something up for just a day or two away, much less something that same day. I am hoping that this year I am able to be more spontaneous.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 450 reads
7 / 20

Depends on my business schedule. With someone I've seen, I've done a same day date, but that's rare

nom_de_plume 454 reads
8 / 20

... how far out do you book an appointment?  So, thanks for that!

I have several providers on my Favorites list.  Those include favs I've already seen, and several providers I've decided I'm going to see... someday.  Since I haven't won the lotto yet, it will take me some time to work through that list.  Meanwhile, I may add more names to the will-see-someday list.

So the answer to your question is, it could be many months or even a year or more between the time I decide to see a provider and actually see her.  My longest time yet from decision to action is 18 months.  And she was well worth the wait.  I just wish I hadn't waited that long!
Posted By: ron56789
 How long before your date with a provider do you decide to see her?  Are you the type of person who wakes up in the morning and sets something up for that day or do you plan a week or more beforehand?

mojojo 1 Reviews 393 reads
9 / 20

Since I only have a finite amount of time to party in a year, I like to plan ahead. I've got one coming up I planned two months ago. I've got two more coming up that I planned last week. And a certain lady and I see each other on the same day every year, so that one is planned a year in advance. That's exactly why I look for extremely dependable ladies. Any hint of the opposite, and I'm gone.  

But of course, there are times when ladies get sick, or a family emergency arises, and your long range plan suddenly disappears. In those instances, since I have the free time already set up, obviously, I need a short range plan. To be honest, I'm not very good at short range, or same day plans. My first problem is deciding who my secondary lady is going to be. With each passing minute of indecision, I know my chances for success diminish. I chose the first lady for a very specific purpose. Sometimes the secondary ladies can't, or won't accomplish that purpose. It shouldn't be that hard, but it is. My next problem comes after I've decided the who, and try to make contact with her. How long should I give her to reply? Should I make contact with another lady? Would a new lady be possible, and could she check my references in time? I recently found myself in a similar situation. It wasn't a cancellation, nevertheless, I suddenly had some same day free time come available. After some thought, I made contact with the lady I wanted to see. But I didn't know how much time I should give her to reply. It turns out, or so she said, she was doing a 4 hour party, and couldn't get back to me until it was too late. After a couple of hours of no response from her, I finally had to make contact with a second lady. Luckily she was available. When the first lady finally wrote back saying she too was available, I had to tell her I already had a date. That's why I don't like last minute, or same day plans. Instead of doing that, more often than not, I'll just eat the free day, and not party at all. I'll just be patient, and wait on my first choice.

truu1 77 Reviews 359 reads
10 / 20

I rarely try same day, it limits the options to much. Usually a few days to a week is normal for me. If its a traveling lady, I'll schedule weeks/month in advance and hope it works out for both parties. I'll still know about a week in advance if I need to cancel, and if they end up canceling even the day before I understand. Shit happens.

J0e_Fella 34 Reviews 341 reads
11 / 20

It took days when I first started out. Now, between K-Girls, P411 and the regulars, it can be in a couple hours or less than 24 hours. Those days planning for days ahead ain't happening. I'm all for reliable and efficient! Sure, living in LA helps too. lol

A.Pismo.Clam 411 reads
12 / 20

A selekt fyoo no Y.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 285 reads
13 / 20

In LA, the day before or the morning of. When I go to Vegas, about4-5 days out. But if it's a new girl in Vegas then a week. A new girl in LA, 3 days or about. Anything longer then I'll lose interest.

shinobif3 12 Reviews 332 reads
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Usually the day before.  I almost always warn providers that i tend to make last minute appointments. Some are more accomodating than others.

abacus17 43 Reviews 385 reads
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shortest = 15 minutes, longest = 5 months

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 433 reads
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Someitimes a week or more in advance, especially with an upcoming visitor who may have caught my eye.
Or plenty of times I've awakened on a beautiful Saturday morning and the mood to play just hits me.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 513 reads
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If an overnight, then maybe a month or more. Otherwise a week or two works. Some gals don't want to go longer than a week, but others appreciate all the time they can get. I try to adjust to their desires on this score.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 354 reads
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I know who I like and who I'd like to meet. I don't plan it, I just know it.

Actually meeting is merely a matter of how far in advance both of our schedules are visible and whether they coincide. I have scheduled more than a month in advance for a visiting lady or for an extended date with a local favorite, and an hour in advance for a serendipitous encounter.  

More often than not, I will set something up a week or less in advance.

emorf4077 64 Reviews 331 reads
19 / 20

I mostly hobby on trips, so I'm usually setting things up a couple weeks ahead.  When I hobby in my own city, it's usually with visiting ladies and I set up dates when they first post their add on TER.  Making last minute dates can be more dangerous.  Loose ends are more likely.  I'm also pretty scrupulous about my research.

scb19 10 Reviews 517 reads
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Posted By: ron56789
 How long before your date with a provider do you decide to see her?  Are you the type of person who wakes up in the morning and sets something up for that day or do you plan a week or more beforehand?
My schedule is not a 9-5 thing, but rotates on a regular schedule, so I plan based on it.  I usually contact the provider a day or two in advance..very seldom do same day appts.

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