TER General Board

Until I've had my fill
wildhorse78 77 Reviews 2066 reads
1 / 51

Fellas how often do u visit your ATF girl b4 calling it quits? I have seen my atf a few times and I feel like the novelty wore off, the first few times were awesome but after some time it is becoming mundane, do u fellas take a long break between your favorites or do u stop seeing her after u had your fill. Your thoughts

ROGM 1119 reads
2 / 51

After over a year she's still great. I see her at least once a week. (last week I saw her twice) I haven't seen any other girl. The Novelty with her is still there. Will I get tired of seeing her? As of now, No. I've been seeing her for well over a year and she's still Awesome.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1107 reads
3 / 51

I seldom see the same gal more than once every 8 - 10 weeks, and often less often that that.

This way every time I see them it's like reconnecting all over again, with the delights that come from that.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1208 reads
4 / 51

I've seen her only three times, each session three wonderful hours in length. I expect I'll visit her quite a few times more. So far, it has been a better experience each visit. I have felt the need to take a couple shorter excursions. I enjoy role-play and elaborate fantasies, which doesn't seem to be her forte, and sometimes I like to have a CMT trained provider or Tantra, and that too is more fulfilling elsewhere. But my CF is a 10/10 dream, and the only woman I can imagine spending a full evening with right now.

I also need to explore others just to avoid developing feelings for her--not really like me--and there are so many sweet women around. But she is my favorite...as of...late!
Posted By: wildhorse78
Fellas how often do u visit your ATF girl b4 calling it quits? I have seen my atf a few times and I feel like the novelty wore off, the first few times were awesome but after some time it is becoming mundane, do u fellas take a long break between your favorites or do u stop seeing her after u had your fill. Your thoughts

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 997 reads
5 / 51

I am a big believer in keeping it fresh, and keeping it real, not going down that gfe primrose path.....

inicky46 61 Reviews 1065 reads
6 / 51
ROGM 1207 reads
7 / 51

She's out of state. But an Awesome Provider. She's retired from the Business. She's sees very few Regs. Me being one of them. Will drive out to see her this Fall. If she still lived in Chicago I would see her only.

Arovet 62 Reviews 891 reads
8 / 51

to get tired of a fantasy.  Don't they think it's weird when you check into Sybaris alone, talking to the air?

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 1184 reads
9 / 51

8 months, but she fucked it up good so I'm back to having fun by enjoying all 31 flavors. And ya know what ... this is better!

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 867 reads
10 / 51

i have had 3 ATF's and lost every one of them to a guy with a big bankroll..Money does all the talking in this business..

JohnyComeAlready 1101 reads
11 / 51

but that's about all you will do with them.  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i have had 3 ATF's and lost every one of them to a guy with a big bankroll..Money does all the talking in this business..

ROGM 1063 reads
12 / 51

Money is the way to keep these Girls or any other Girl around. You have to spend Money on them . No Girl is going to stay with or see a guy with no Money.

89Springer 823 reads
13 / 51
Skyfyre 835 reads
14 / 51

It vaired. Generally speaking a few months to almost a year.

A girl became my ATF because not only we clicked chemistry wise she also provided me the best bang-for-the-buck. I look at it as a win-win partnership. So I keep repeating not only because of enjoyment but also a sense of loyalty: I'd like to reward people who does right by me.  

Unfortunately more than a few times after a while the ATFs either became complacent or bored or both. When I sensed that I knew it was time to move on. While technically I'm not opposed to see them again after a break I kept making more new ATFs than I can keep up with. So the ex-ATFs are SOL I guess. LOL.

Ladies, take that as a lesson: never ever be complacent and take it for granted that your regulars will ALWAYS come back no matter how you treat them.

Arovet 62 Reviews 869 reads
15 / 51

Air is The way to Keep alive.  You have to Breathe air.  Nobody is going to stay Alive or be Not Dead with no Air

VOO-doo 696 reads
16 / 51

Posted By: thehumanist
Air is The way to Keep alive.  You have to Breathe air.  Nobody is going to stay Alive or be Not Dead with no Air.  

HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil 908 reads
18 / 51

The other day, I almost made a snide response to the following post, saying that her remarks would have been better if she had written them as a Haiku. Then I looked at her profile and realized she is in fact Asian, though Thai instead of Japanese! Lest my remarks be taken as a racial comment as opposed to a linguistic critic, I bite my tongue. I am basically PC-policing my own attack-poetry. Lol. Where is Ridgetucky when we need him? I feel a Shakespearian sonnet about disgruntled, black bank employees who pay to urinate on white women, forming in my fevered mind. Then again, ever Chaucer wrote about "pisse," I mean, "SQUIRT!" Lol.

Posted By: GFE-Massage
I know I am a whore. I love the action of this game and the money too. My play schedule is limited and a few guys have tried to get on it by offering double my posted rate.  
 That made me feel like a dirty, cheap whore. I am a cheap, dirty and a whore. Why then did I not like that offer?

GaGambler 815 reads
20 / 51
inicky46 61 Reviews 1009 reads
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macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 1171 reads
22 / 51

nope..3 separate high rollers..they always flatten the everyday hobbyist.

inicky46 61 Reviews 709 reads
23 / 51

What a tragedy!  Is there any chance she will return?

Robert_BadenPowell 964 reads
24 / 51

... because she's not just sexy and beautiful.  She's smart as a whip, clever, witty, fun, imaginative, versatile, and laser-focused on her clients' satisfaction.  I'm not sure I'll ever "have my fill" of her.  But I know her career plans and that someday in the not too-distant future she'll leave the hobby.  And I'll be very happy for her.

cocktail-party 1023 reads
25 / 51
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 845 reads
26 / 51

I still see the lady I first hobbyed with over a decade ago, and maintain years long relationships with several other other special ladies, and see them with various frequency.  Works for me.

In your case, it sounds like it's time you moved on.  Maybe the lady you're referring to is not really your ATF after all...  

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 10:36:10 AM

GhostWriteroftheDamned 1071 reads
27 / 51

Even the best and wildest sex with the hottest looking lady often becomes rote when visited too often and the intangibles of mutual compatibility, friendship, and/or genuine caring are not present.  

I don't mean to sound moralistic; but when the "intangibles" aren't there, and a monetary donation is required each time; the sex no matter how good can often degenerate into something resembling an expensive workout at the gym.

Call them ‘favorites’ and rotate them accordingly so that the visits and experiences stay fresh. If you find one that you’d fancy sharing much more of your time with you might add the prefix of “All Time”; but then you’re dealing on a whole other, and historically problematic level.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1093 reads
28 / 51
ROGM 802 reads
29 / 51

omen will never ever get Bored of Money.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 934 reads
30 / 51

used a bit rather too loosely amongst you gentlemen. A Favorite is a Favorite...meaning she's the Best and quite frankly you have no need or desire to see any other women here. At least that's my take on it. Now if it means something different, I would coin another phrase for those of you who still fuck other women whilst still seeing your All Time Favorite (which is really what is going on here in most cases). But if she is your true ATF, maybe call it something a bit different like 'Exclusive Favorite' or something to be a lil more clear. It can be quite confusing to us women to be honest otherwise. I would suggest hold those words in and don't use them whatsoever, or at least 'define' it to her what it means to you before you start throwing the word around while racking up the reviews yourself like a $2 ho lol. Just like 'GFE', it can mean 100 different things to 100 different people. Just my take on this silly term....or simply don't bother to use it at all. That's a better idea if you ask me. Silly, silly, silly.

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 12:49:15 PM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 1079 reads
31 / 51

I agreed. Just wish I knew that a few months ago. It's sooo much better when you keep it fresh.

liqq63 19 Reviews 1092 reads
32 / 51

When I find a provider that to me is beautiful, sexy, sensuous, turns me on, makes me feel like I'm the only guy in the world when I'm with her, is in tune with my wants and desires, has me leaving with a smile on my face and wanting to hurry back for more, then I'm on an ATF ride.  Take away any of the above, then I'll have had my fill and move on.  I've pretty much always favored this type of hobby experience over pursuit of variety.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 892 reads
33 / 51

It's sort of like when I learned the phrase 'best friend' as a kid from someone who claimed to have like 20 best friends

Robert_BadenPowell 855 reads
34 / 51

... but I also enjoy several other brands and flavors of ice cream.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 910 reads
35 / 51

Without a doubt the best flavor ever created... which leads to the question,can two people have the same ATF?

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 990 reads
36 / 51

PM's I have received regarding this lil here post in the short time it's been visible...I'd say I deff struck a chord. Good to know. Lemme spell it out again. If she's your ATF, she's your ATF, and NO other woman comes into play. If there are OTHER women involved, she's NOT your ATF so leave it be and you're not an ATF kinda guy. If you're not an ATF kinda guy, that's cool, just don't CLAIM to be one. So in plain ingles...CIO (cut it out). I and the other women who play in the ATF arena, thank you.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1009 reads
37 / 51

I would put you in the 'other' bucket of understanding what an ATF is then. Need I remind you, we're talking about 'women' here not 'ice cream' I'm afraid. If that's how you view this phenomena (imparticular your ATF) I suggest you make sure she's not reading this then.......unless of course you explained to her 'your' definition of that silly 3 letter abbreviation, just so she's crystal clear, ya know?  ;)

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 2:41:36 PM

Robert_BadenPowell 935 reads
38 / 51

I was trying to explain in a light-hearted way that a provider can be an "ATF", but it doesn't necessarily mean it's an exclusive relationship.

Consider the definition of "favorite":  a person or thing that is especially popular or particularly well liked by someone.

Thus, if I have an "all time favorite" provider, does that mean I can't like any other provider?  No.  But I *particularly* like my ATF.  I also have met many other providers whom I like very much--all fine ladies, all excellent providers.  I just don't like them in quite the same way as my ATF.

My "ATF" knows what I think about her.  She's been clear with me what she thinks about me.  She even appreciates my (sometimes silly) sense of humor.  So we're good.

But thank you for your concern!

P.S.  To respond to another post above... I think that one provider can certainly be an ATF for more than one client.  I know for certain that is the case with my ATF.  In fact I'd be surprised if she wasn't the ATF for *many* of her clients.

Just as I now know at least one other person who loves Haagen Dazs chocolate chocolate chip as much as I do.  :)

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 808 reads
39 / 51

now isn't there? LOL. My argument is the term ATF...it's stupid and corny and thrown around here like it actually means something, when it doesn't. 'All Time' means 'One', to me that is. Define it as you like, label it as you like, I simply don't agree with yet another term used here in the 'hobby' (another ridiculous word if you ask me LOL). Who coined all this stupidity is what I wanna know. Good lordie.

Anyhow, let's be brutally honest, shall we? 99.8% of gentlemen are NOT true to their ATF's here and rightfully so. Exclusive means 'One', an SO, a wife, which could equate to 'monogamy' in the sense of the word. This place is the biggest faux pas of that word there is. This is by far the Largest Ice Cream store of every flavor you can imagine on the planet, hence why most of you are here (not satisfied with that one flavor). Why in the hell would you want Exclusivity? Exactly. If you're licking 10 other flavors, your 'favorite' flavor is bound to change. That's inevitable I'm afraid, especially with you boys here. You may come back to it from time to time to savor the nostalgia, but ya still gotta try the other flavors. It's in your physical makeup or you wouldn't be here to begin with. My point? ATF's and the term are not meant to exist in this world IMO. I'm putting my foot down on that one lol. It's just downright silly and should be stopped immediately at all costs LOL.  

But there is some good news Robert. We can agree on something. Women here can most certainly be the Favorite Flavor of a few gentlemen at the same time, it happens all the time. That's of course only if your Favorite Flavor is still available the next time you have that hankering to savor it. I would hate to have to think you'd have to substitute it for something a lil less savory lol in case she ever did go out of stock. She could (afterall) become the 'Exclusive Flavor' of one gentleman only (which could happen ya know). If that were to happen, perhaps you should ask yourself, just where does that leave you?

You're still not an ATF kinda guy IMO. Less than 1% are I'm afraid. I am sorry, you know I like you.  

And, this, was just a metaphor too, Robert.   ;)

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 5:49:35 PM

Skyfyre 1078 reads
41 / 51

Methinks thou doest protest too much, LOL. I will NEVER understand what part of All Time Favorite denotes, insinuates, obligates... "exclusivity" the way you made it out to be. First off a person can have more than one favorite of anything, cars, watches, ice creams etc... does not mean that he's stuck by obligation to stay with one in particular.

You don't seem to grasp the concept that ATF really means "ranking" as in grading only. So if a guy calls a girl his ATF then let say she's not available for some reasons or another, he's morally obligated to suffer from blue-ball and cannot see his plan B girls for relief?

Usedtobebetter 866 reads
42 / 51

I'm going on about 8 months of weekly visits to my ATF (only saw another lady once early on for something not on my ATFs menu).  I keep seeing her because of chemistry mostly; the spark is still there.  She is really a part-time amateur, without a facade or usual P4P tradecraft.  She is also a wonderful human being who has been extremely understanding and acted as a sounding board/female advisor.  We stay in touch during the week.

We both reward loyalty and she sees only about 4-5 other regulars, I don't see other ladies any more.  I "help her with her bills" with a set (pretty low) envelope each week.  The clock is not relevant during our day and we typically spend 3.5 to 6 hours together each session.   I help her out where I can, but not much in addition financially - mostly presents of things she really enjoys but can't cost-justify.  She can depend on the steady revenue from me and values that as she is UTR and doesn't want to see any new guys.  I get lots of OTC and some other perks and services that aren't available anywhere else but a RL girlfriend. (Not talking about BBFS)  

I would think that any provider would love to have as many regulars as possible to even out the income stream and be able to de-emphasize marketing.  But maybe not.  I've not read much about how providers try to "acquire" and retain regulars here on the boards.

We've both strayed from the emotional "rules" of P4P and talk about it from time to time, but neither one of us wants to change things.  I do admit that being in a relationship that is closer than provider/client but will never be GF/BF, we do have disagreements once in a while, but nothing that has been a serious problem.  We're trying to tread a line between keeping it real and something else.

I am more a comfort guy than a novelty or adrenaline guy, so this arrangement suits me.  I like the idea of being more than an envelope deliveryman.  No idea when or if I'll move on.   YMMV.

2labman 26 Reviews 700 reads
43 / 51

That's something I've seen in providers sometimes - to my surprise.  I would think that it would be difficult for a provider to keep regulars for extended periods without increasing the menu selection, working hard to keep the enthusiasm up, varying the sessions to keep them novel or becoming emotionally involved.  From what I can gather, most of the mongers have variety as a major motivation, deterring them from seeing the same lady too often.  I assume financials are the overwhelming driving force for providers, once the safety hurdle is cleared.

I would guess that providers (once they know a client is safe and reasonable) would prefer to see as few men as possible as often as possible to minimize risk as long as their financial goals were met.  Logically, that should drive providers to try to get and keep regulars, but logic often play little part in this world

Robert_BadenPowell 845 reads
44 / 51

Allow me to illustrate with another example. This time I'll use people, so you won't jump all over me for comparing providers to ice cream (which I wasn't, but whatever).

I have an all-time-favorite professional athlete.  A baseball player.  Who it is is not important.  But he is far and away my favorite baseball player or professional athlete of any kind, in any sport, of all time.  Thus he is clearly "one".

Therefore, I only attend (or watch) games in which he's playing, right?  If we follow your train of thought on this subject, that would be the case, as "ATF" means an exclusive relationship in your opinion.  But I do attend and watch other baseball games, and other sporting events.  I enjoy watching other athletes, and other sports.  In fact there's several athletes I really enjoy watching, due to their skill, professionalism, personality, etc.  But they don't quite measure up to my ATF athlete.  I think he's one in a million.  I got to meet him in person a couple of times.  A class act, a true gentleman, and one of the greatest men to play the game IMO.  Yes, he has been and probably always will be my ATF athlete.  

But I'll keep paying lots of money to see other sporting events, and keep spending many hours watching other sporting events.  Because "ATF" doesn't mean "exclusive".  There's other terms for exclusive relationships between providers and clients, e.g. "sugar daddy."

If you don't like the term "ATF", because you think it's stupid and corny and don't think it means anything, don't use it.  There's a lot of terms I don't particularly like.  I don't use them, or at least I try to avoid using them.

As for my ATF becoming the "Exclusive Flavor" of one gentleman only... I am quite sure that will happen, when my ATF stops providing.  She already has an SO.  Where does that leave me?  Giving her a big hug and wishing her and her man happiness... with many great memories.  

And as the great philosopher Forrest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that."  :)

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 980 reads
45 / 51

Ranking?????????? And Relief???????????? What???? Who, what, where am I LOL

Ok. Nuff said. I'll be sure to remember that the next time I'm 'performing' to make sure I get a terrific ranking so you can be relieved hahaha LOL. Wow. This really is a man's world isn't it hahaha. I think I grasp the concept quite well but thanks for setting me straight. Freakin hilarious alright. Here's 3 lil letters for ya .... OMG followed with LOL. I think I almost pee'd my pants a lil with this one. This takes the cake for sure.
Posted By: Skyfyre
Methinks thou doest protest too much, LOL. I will NEVER understand what part of All Time Favorite denotes, insinuates, obligates... "exclusivity" the way you made it out to be. First off a person can have more than one favorite of anything, cars, watches, ice creams etc... does not mean that he's stuck by obligation to stay with one in particular.  
 You don't seem to grasp the concept that ATF really means "ranking" as in grading only. So if a guy calls a girl his ATF then let say she's not available for some reasons or another, he's morally obligated to suffer from blue-ball and cannot see his plan B girls for relief?
-- Modified on 8/6/2014 9:54:49 PM

Arovet 62 Reviews 852 reads
46 / 51
wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 977 reads
47 / 51

really were comparing the two but whatever. ;) I didn't strike a chord did I?  

I'd like to hear your thoughts on Mr. Skyfryes explanation of the novelty of an ATF...apparently youre in the same boat. How do you feel about that? I found his post quite amusing.  

Your thoughts? If any?

Jake45owens 13 Reviews 836 reads
48 / 51

Blonde all day everyday if I could but I'd go broke and my tongue/dick would go broke after the third night sadly.

Arovet 62 Reviews 750 reads
49 / 51
Skyfyre 930 reads
50 / 51

Glad to hear I was able to amuse and entertain you. Gladder still that fortunately you didn't pee on your pant on my account.


Arovet 62 Reviews 755 reads
51 / 51

They didn't need to "leave me behind."  Live your fantasy if you want...doesn't sound too healthy.

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