TER General Board

Unquestionably, it's jeopcon1, with 250 REVIEWS. (eom)
coochmeister 59 Reviews 2776 reads


junior4575387 reads

A funny thing happened to me this morning while perusing the Newbie Board. (nothing like flaming poor innocent Newbie's on a Friday morning, then of course the fire marshal a.k.a. Mr. Info ruins the fun)

Anywho....I was on the Newbie board when I noticed a post by MDL who has 101 reviews!!! So I decided to check some of them out and to my surprise they started in 7/03 just two years ago! Some quick math and I came up with that's an "appointment" every 10.8 days!!! Now let's consider that these are based on his reviews I'm sure that there are few that he didn't get to, a few with the same provider so how many times are you going to review the same girl...etc. So 10.8 can probably be shaved to one every 9 days.

What do you/we think about that. Could MDL be code for Michael Douglas (the only confirmed sex addict I know?) I haven't been laid every nine days for three years straight since the spring of 86 to the fall of 89(I'm from Jersey so the only reason I even made that stretch was the whole "yeah, my cousin lives next door to Bon Jovi's parents house and every Sunday he comes home for dinner with the family so if you sleep with me I'll bring you to my cousins house this Sunday and introduce you to Bon Jovi"....ah the 80's). And hell now I'm married, have/had girlfriends and still have to hobby sometimes when I want to get laid!!

So here is some food for thought......the last thing I was wondering since running into MDL's 101 is who is the "Grand-daddy" of TER? Do we know who the top reviewer is? There should be some form of recognition for them. I would like to see some post's even if there just Hi, from some more of the 100+ club members out there. I was pretty impressed with Enegizer's 50+ reviews....but my boy MDL leaves him in the dust.

Well that's my Friday Morning post/thread.......enjoy and have a great weekend everybody....stay well.

i have clients that see me every 7 days and don't consider them sex addicts and i know they probably see other women too.

Like Junior, I picked up on this guy when I saw his post, and I noticed that he had seen more than 100 providers, almost all in the Twin Cities.  My first impression was that I could not believe that there are so many providers worth seeing there.   But, live and learn.  LOL

how many of the providers has he seen more than once?   Yes, one provider every 10.8 days is fairly impressive, but it hardly makes him an addict.   If he likes to constantly try out new girls, then that would be his total, and, frankly, I see providers more often than that. I am 61 years old and married so the number alone proves very little to me.   Now, if he manages to average 5 per week with repeats--that is impressive!!!

When in two years, they have seen over 100 different providers..  Methinks there might be a few "fake" reviews there.  But of course I could be wrong.

Landem3833 reads

Certainly fake reviews do happen around here - and happen far too often. But numbers alone do not provide a fair basis for making such an accusation.

Different hobbyists have different patterns, as several posters to this thread have noted. As I have said before, I do not write reviews often, only when particularly moved to do so. Yet, my "provider count" is similar to MDL's - slightly over 100 in two years. And with repeat visits, well, I don't cross Kornlover's threshhold of impressiveness of averaging 5 per week - actually it's closer to 3.

And Korn, man, you've got 9 years on me - hope I can keep it up when I make it to your age :-)

karmacoma4214 reads

Trojan, Lifestyle...you listening?  I would even get a tattoo on my a$$ LOL.  I was also surprised that the twin cities had that many providers worth seeing!

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 7:14:09 PM

overclocked5567 reads

and who on here wouldn't?  that's a lot of money for most of us but surely some of us on this board can afford it?

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 10:50:51 AM

BILL183562908 reads

seems not only reasonable but more of a natural requirement. He's obviously into the hobby and enjoying one of the benefits of diversity. He obviously has even more as Im sure he's seen at least a few twice.

...I'm still an addict. As someone else said, were money not an issue I'd be hobbying every day.

They say, "Tell you what, hon. You don't call me anymore, and I won't charge you anything."

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 12:35:35 PM

JR...thanks for the heads up on your posting regarding me and my 101 reviews.  Yes there are more than than, and yes there are a number of repeats.

As far as fakes. HELL NO. I would never stoop that low and that I do take offense at.  If you read my reviews they are very consistant and to the point.  I have no need to fake a review and I see NO benefit to it.

BTW the Jedi master Jeopcon1 (251) reviews holds the offical Top record.  I look at it this way. There are a lot of FINE ladies out there out the since it is within my financial means...I enjoy.  Yes I work hard to enjoy this hobby/life style but I play even harder.

If I am classified as a sex addict...then I have a lot of fellow brethern by my side!

NO I am not Michael Douglas.

Hobby On!

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 1:47:22 PM

I have to ask...do you have a favorite?

Well my local favorites are Roxanne and Mandy J

As someone who lives in the Twin Cities I can say that MDL is a well known hobbiest around these parts.  He usually has the inside scoop on what is going on around here and is *usually* right.  I have always wondered how MDL makes his $s - even just his profession.

I can't imagine MDL posting fake reviews.  I believe at one time he posted that he paid for his membership on TER.  MDL is a lot of things but a guy who posts fake reviews - no way that is true.

DT I have NEVER paid for a member ship on TER or Big Doggie.

I guess I have paid my dues with the ladies...but what a way to go!

As someone that knows MDL, I can honestly say he is no addict...hot blooded yes but no addict lol. Yep, he has alot of reviews...the man loves diversity.  In his own words..."I am always looking for someone that will rock my world."

There are alot of ladies touring Minneapolis these days so the variety is there.  Long live diversity and a man with stamina :) Good sex beats the hell outta the gym :) :)
"A hard man is good to find"

Hey Sweetie..long time no here from.  Let me tell you Missy is one of my favorite traveling ladies. If you have not had the opportunity to see her, well your missing the boat.

She is a hot blooded Hot bodied Italian that will rock yor world. I have seen her a number of times and it just gets better all the time!

Missy you Rock...Come on back to Minnesota

InLA2555 reads

I have not been doing this for 2 years, butI try to budget for a visit twice a month--once with one of a couple of regulars and then one new. Occasionally if you of the newbies does not do the trick, I have to break the ol' piggy bank and go for another. If I had more $$, though, I would probably do it at least once a week.

Mpls and ST.Paul which border one another, each have populations of over 350,000. That's over 700,000 by themselves. Add in the populations of all the suburbs of both cities and your talking about a metropolitan area with a population close to 2 million. We're not L.A/NY/Chicago, but we're not bum fucked egypt either. Although I will say we're severly short on good Black/Asian/Hispanic providers. (Hint to all such providers reading this). If MDL don't get ya, someone else will!!!!

...that even with so many lovely ladies, STILL no twins in the twin cities!
 -- DH

I don't get it.  Having sex every seven days or so (or whatever it is) makes you an addict?  What about having sex every day?  What does that make you?  Or do you mean having frequent sex with a provider, but that would make you a provider addict, not a sex addict.  In any case, the more the better, is anyone going to argue with that?

You become an addict when you can not control yourself, and your actions have a negative impact on your day to day life.

Frequency is not part of that equation.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi

 Started a good thread, and the responses were excellent. I liked "Lights" definative answer re: quanity and addiction, so I thought I'd weigh in with my 2 cents.

 First off, IMHO, god did not create all men (or woman) equal. Some of us definately have stonger libidos than others. Generally, I'm inclined to think that most hobbyists fall into that category.They just can't imagine not having sex on a regular basis. If they have an SO and she won't meet their needs, they will find it elsewhere. Obviously, the more monetary wherewithal they possess, the more they will scratch their itch! The need for variety may factor into it for some, but I think that is probably an underlying issue vis-a-vis the libido in overdrive.

 That being said, before I started hobbying about a year ago, I had an SO. She was one of only a handful I've ever known whose libido matched mine. We were "involved" for 9 years, and during that period of time, we had FS sex on average of twice a week. That's not counting the quickie BJ's when the opportunity presented itself. Had we been able to live together, I'm sure we would have had sex every day. she was insatiable, especially when she was menstrating!

 Yes, if I had the money,(and I will soon), and lived in a more convienient venue for availability, I would probably see providers at least twice a week. Ultimately, I'd like to get laid at least once a day, and I know what you're thinking! Yes, I do flog the Bishop alot, but I do see enough woman to keep me on an even keel.

That's what I love about the boards. You can just be so F--k--g honest! LOL.

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