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Unless, of course, they've got a thick wallet. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 459 reads


Women: "men need sex more; that's why they have to pay."
Men: "I don't know who need more; I know I need sex."

sense of humor or perhaps He / She dictates the biological imperatives through the medieval sciences of the 'four humours',  which may have more to do with the OP's original thoughts.  

     I.e.: Sanguine, one of the humours,  - presenting with HOT and MOIST body conditions; a red-cheeked completion; and an amorous, optimistic, generous, but irresponsible personality traits

ROGM504 reads

Women need Sex when they need money.  

Men need Sex for fun.

VOO-doo438 reads

You do realize that sometimes, women need sex for fun, too..

....those who don't help to make the experience much fun for their partners.

ROGM512 reads

Posted By: VOO-doo
You do realize that sometimes, women need sex for fun, too...  
Absolutely Correct. But these ocassions are rare.

Posted By: ROGM
Women need Sex when they need money.  
 Men need Sex for fun.

Women love sex!
Men have to have sex!

Posted By: ROGM
Women need Sex when they need money.  
 Men need Sex for fun.

Its an interesting question when you think about it.  Women need more emotionally than men which usually, not always cultivates into sex, while men actually have a need to orgasm to replenish their little swimmers.  Its a cosmic joke IMO.  I think it comes down to why one gender likes sex.  Women can get emotional needs met without sex.  Ive known plenty of women I think could go on forever without sex.  So sex is good, but not essential.  Men on the other hand, like I said have a need to ejaculate or orgasm.  Its also hard-wired into our makeup to 'breed'  Its who we are.  If every fiber of your being is screaming "put your penis in her" 90% of the day well it sure seems essential.  Just an added bonus it feels amazing.  That being said I think men do need sex more than women.  We could get into supply-demand and all of that, but thats beside the point.  I think at the core of it Men need it more, even if its just a little and because of our other makeup as problem solvers we solve the problem any way we can.

Seafood345 reads

Well said

...one of the realities today is that the younger women (and to me younger means 18-35) are much more into sensuality and eroticism and just love sex.  I have had several sugar babies in their late 20s/early 30s who have voracious sexual appetites.  I think it is also more common today for young women to be bisexual and enjoy playing with other women.  In fact I have had some of these women claim that men their age just couldn't keep up with them, sexually.  

As an “older guy” I am enjoying this trend a lot.  I have also met many women in P4P that really enjoy the intimacy and sex and for them it is much more than just a money making business.  If you look at my reviews you will see some FFM sessions and I will tell you that the play between the women was just red hot and not an act.  The old stereotypes on this topic just don't apply anymore, imho.

Posted By: Leon3798
Its an interesting question when you think about it.  Women need more emotionally than men which usually, not always cultivates into sex, while men actually have a need to orgasm to replenish their little swimmers.  Its a cosmic joke IMO.  I think it comes down to why one gender likes sex.  Women can get emotional needs met without sex.  Ive known plenty of women I think could go on forever without sex.  So sex is good, but not essential.  Men on the other hand, like I said have a need to ejaculate or orgasm.  Its also hard-wired into our makeup to 'breed'  Its who we are.  If every fiber of your being is screaming "put your penis in her" 90% of the day well it sure seems essential.  Just an added bonus it feels amazing.  That being said I think men do need sex more than women.  We could get into supply-demand and all of that, but thats beside the point.  I think at the core of it Men need it more, even if its just a little and because of our other makeup as problem solvers we solve the problem any way we can.

.....me & all of my lez gal pals are complete horndogs, while my straight gal pals don't seem to share our lust.  
Lol I drew my own conclusion.  ;)

Interesting observation! Thanks for sharing.

Going out on a limb and thinking out loud here:

I think that over the millennia women have been socialized to avoid sex for various reasons, ranging from unwanted children for which they'd be responsible, to the whore stigma which meant social exclusion (which, of course, stems from the prego thing). So any physical urges came to be associated with a deep sense of dread and trouble, making it an undesirable thing that should be quashed. Even once married, women were taught to just close their eyes and think of something else. Most women can do this quite easily, because this long-term conditioning has to have become somehow imbued in our psyche. However, physically the urges are still there as a biological imperative- likely buried very deeply for many- but there nonetheless. And historically, women have always had less disposable income, so paying for it hasn't usually been an option until lately. I wonder if the conditioning hasn't affected gay women's desire for two reasons: the first being that there is no danger of unwanted pregnancy, the second is that the whore stigma might not apply to women who don't do men in the first place.  


Do you think it would be different for young ladies who haven't "come out" yet, or haven't yet decided their sexual orientation? Would the challenges of a heteronormative society (albeit less so these days) be enough to quash desire? I imagine this might have been the case for women in bygone years, for whom such a situation might have proved dangerous for completely different reasons.  

I'd love to read a book on lesbianism in history. I've started with this web page for now (haven't read all the way through it yet, but pretty interesting so far. It's fascinating how humans insist on labels):

For us gay gals, simply put I think it has way less to do with pregnancy or "whore" syndrome and more to do with having partners who genuinely care about their partners needs and desires. I have been with both men & women (now only women) and I can honestly say that I have never had a selfish female lover, but I have had several selfish male lovers. Now of course that's not to say that all men are selfish and all women are not - but that has been my experience. And I totally agree that a lot of that stems from our socialization.  

And let's not rule out that anyone attracted to women just requires & enjoys sex more! :D

Of the lesbian community have mentioned that they feel like they became more sexually oriented and as you put it "horndogs" when they switched teams.  One commented that before she had sex with women she felt she could never "let go and enjoy" with a man due to inner fears and insecurities re: pregnancy, wanting the guys approval, etc.  She said she simply can relax and be comfortable with women the way she never was with men.  Her partner kinda agreed but said it was the "judgement free" part that got her into it.  She said she was really bi and only chose lesbianism as a choice whereas the first gal said she felt she had finally "come home" in her own mind when she finally stopped struggling to be straight and accepted that she was only attracted to women from then on.  Those two opened my eyes a lot on the subject.  Both had "converted" to their alternative preferences in their late teens and early 20s after having several "straight" relationships each.  One even has kids with her ex husband.  Both of them say that their sex life has gone from 0 to 100 in frequency and intensity since switching over.  Good for them I say.  Its a loss for us guys because they are both pretty damn cute.

Personally I think women love having sex as much as men but I think that they think about it less than we do.  Since they have the power of the pussy to give, many of them are more in control of when where hiw and with whom as opposed to guys.  Even the ugliest gal can get laid as long as she's not picky about a partner.  Guys not so much

Men and women can both have tremendous sex drives and desire. There are times when both have very little such drive.  

Sometimes a certain man, in a certain situation, brings out that passion and desire in a woman; sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes a certain woman in a certain situation brings out that hunger in a man; sometimes she doesn't.  

It is the variability of our drives, often in conflict with the routines and stresses of life, that desynchronizes our libidos and can cool our ardor. No one is horny all the time (although it can seem so). I do believe that societal factors have historically driven men to be more free about expressing and acting upon those desires... but that does not mean that women do not have them. Perhaps it is just that focused pursuit that can unlock a woman's passions?

As for whether we "have to pay"... ridiculous. That is merely your choice. There ARE in fact other options. I'd not project resentment of my own choices, of another woman, onto ALL women. Especially the women here, who in essence satisfy your "needs" where others ostensibly have not.

ROGM376 reads

Posted By: MasterZen

 As for whether we "have to pay"... ridiculous. That is merely your choice.
I hate to burst the bubble on this. But all us guys pay for Sex in some form. No woman willl be with a guy that has no money. No denying this fact. Try letting a lady you're seeing spend her money on you and see how long she stays with you. Women would rather spend a guy's money rather than her own

still don't believe it. Both have to step up in a real partnership.

hotplants313 reads

If you insist on dating/marrying women with very traditional expectations of relationships/marriage---- or your preference is to go after those Housewives of: fill in the blank types?  Well....what did you expect? When you wake-up from the dream and realize her primary concern is your money? It's not like this wasn't obvious from the start.  

But plenty of women, in fact, quite likely the overwhelming majority of women, date/marry guys they like...dare I say?...love. Money is not THE driving factor.

Out of all of the heterosexual couples I know, a significant number of these relationships/marriages are ones in which she actually makes more money that he does---and, she's easily as likely---if not more likely, to be picking-up the check.

It's not 1960 anymore.

I used to notice that long time ago. Like maybe when I got a job. Maybe when I get a car. All while noticing homeless bum couples and couples on the bus. But then I got into this and stopped noticing that.  

Posted By: hotplants
If you insist on dating/marrying women with very traditional expectations of relationships/marriage---- or your preference is to go after those Housewives of: fill in the blank types?  Well....what did you expect? When you wake-up from the dream and realize her primary concern is your money? It's not like this wasn't obvious from the start.  
 But plenty of women, in fact, quite likely the overwhelming majority of women, date/marry guys they like...dare I say?...love. Money is not THE driving factor.  
 Out of all of the heterosexual couples I know, a significant number of these relationships/marriages are ones in which she actually makes more money that he does---and, she's easily as likely---if not more likely, to be picking-up the check.  
 It's not 1960 anymore.

Then, corrections to my original post:

women: "pussy always gets paid; dicks are free.  You tell me who need sex more."
men:"I don't know who need sex more; I know I need sex."

hotplants409 reads

They exist.  

After that....well...when it comes to dick.....gay men. Sooooo much not free dick in that market.....lol.

Which encompasses probably 85% of the guys who p4p.  The markets just don't align.

hotplants347 reads

You're not paying for avg/overweight/old.....right? The ladies who pay aren't paying the guys who p4p.

GaGambler475 reads

From reading the reviews and reading thousands of posts, I would have to disagree that avg/overweight/old women don't still get a LOT of action here.

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