TER General Board

Umm not very clever Nick.
Jackbenimble17 153 Reviews 2385 reads
1 / 25

They looked at 190,000 ads and interviewed many for this in depth report.  Interesting that TER wasn't mentioned and wondered if any of the ladies or Johns on here were interviewed as they would know better what sells!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 737 reads
2 / 25

And TER is not mentioned because TER asked them not to mention their name.
From the article you linked:

We have analysed 190,000 profiles of sex workers on an international review site. (Since it is active in America, it was not willing to be identified for this article. A disclaimer on the site says the contents are fictional; we make the assumption that they are informative all the same.) Each profile includes customers’ reviews of the worker’s physical characteristics, the services they offer and the price they charge.
Just what site did you think they were talking about?

inicky46 61 Reviews 704 reads
3 / 25

Such deals are struck all the time with the media. The resulting article is well done but contains no new information for anyone who's spent much time in this world and has a pulse.

GhostWriteroftheDamned 739 reads
4 / 25

I've noted a quantifiable RISE in prices in the LA region, and it hasn't been any modest $25 or $50. Since 2006 I've seen the commonly accepted median rate of $300/h for a GFE jump $100 to $200+. And the high priced divas who once advertised from $500 to $600/h are now commonly priced from $700/h up to ridiculous.

 Maybe in Europe or some mid-west States some ladies have lowered their prices; but in LA, SD, SF and Vegas you'd think we were still in a Bill Clinton economy.

inicky46 61 Reviews 546 reads
5 / 25
BlueeyeJack 781 reads
6 / 25

Posted By: johnpgood123
They looked at 190,000 ads and interviewed many for this in depth report.  Interesting that TER wasn't mentioned and wondered if any of the ladies or Johns on here were interviewed as they would know better what sells!
More like a Benjamin.

Skyfyre 594 reads
7 / 25
wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 786 reads
8 / 25

Your name calling is closing branches everywhere. Geezj, CIO. I highly suggest you get a grip on that and soon. Btw, aren't you way overdue for a review? I certainly hope you haven't stopped rackin'em up because of lil ol me...that would be preposterous. I'd hate for the wonderful TER viewers to think I'm right.....AGAIN.


Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 644 reads
9 / 25

You've got to do your duty and pay a Benji for some booty. That's the only way that you can really satisfy the cutie.

inicky46 61 Reviews 571 reads
10 / 25

I am almost speechless.  Almost.  You really don't get it, do you? Hint: that was a rhetorical question. As to reviews, you'll just have to remain ignorant, as usual.  Poor lil' 'ol me still has way more than you.  Then again, you've only fucked 20 guys.  Nice way to make a living. Not.

-- Modified on 8/7/2014 9:46:06 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 518 reads
11 / 25

-- Modified on 8/7/2014 10:07:55 PM

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 437 reads
12 / 25


Many ladies start at the lower end of the scale and move themselves up when they feel their skills, professionalism, reputation, the demand for their services justify it.

That $300/hr in 2006 is about $360 of todays dollars.  That $500 is $591 in todays dollars.  That $600 is $709.  The later two increases are right on par with inflation.  The "median" you mention?  I would think it not unreasonable for someone to give themselves a $40 true raise for doing a great job over eight years time.  If the demand is not there, it is not sustainable.  If the demand is, then is it far from "ridiculous."

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
I've noted a quantifiable RISE in prices in the LA region, and it hasn't been any modest $25 or $50. Since 2006 I've seen the commonly accepted median rate of $300/h for a GFE jump $100 to $200+. And the high priced divas who once advertised from $500 to $600/h are now commonly priced from $700/h up to ridiculous.  
  Maybe in Europe or some mid-west States some ladies have lowered their prices; but in LA, SD, SF and Vegas you'd think we were still in a Bill Clinton economy.  

Bahamia 616 reads
13 / 25

All I can say is, I wish I was living in Denver in 2008 when the republic and democrat conventions were here in 2008, per that article. They say there was a 74% increase in ads at the time.  

But at the moment, Denver is slow as all fuck right now. Can't seem to save up any money to leave! :-(
Posted By: johnpgood123
They looked at 190,000 ads and interviewed many for this in depth report.  Interesting that TER wasn't mentioned and wondered if any of the ladies or Johns on here were interviewed as they would know better what sells!

Bahamia 490 reads
14 / 25

I've had to lower my prices a bit in the midwest. But, I changed advertising mediums also. I still get the higher rates sometimes, but guys seem more drawn to the lower rates. What I can't deal with, is the double-digit offers. Some guy emailed me, and had the cheek to tell me he'll pay $60 for full service. He was a senior citizen and was SERIOUS about it.  

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned

Maybe in Europe or some mid-west States some ladies have lowered their prices; but in LA, SD, SF and Vegas you'd think we were still in a Bill Clinton economy.  

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 682 reads
15 / 25

strike a chord. Especially with you, though of course you'll deny it. Try and be happy Nick and stop competing. You'll lose every time. You're just no match I'm afraid, when it comes to the 'mind' that is. But fucking and #'s? Sure, you got me beat, by a landslide. I'm pretty sure Jack is on that same boat with ya in that regard. ;)

So...did you book the gorgeous Melaniee Benson, or just ogle her enjoying your free viddles at the Meat & Greet lol. That's cheesy if you ask me and not very gentlemanly of you. I highly suggest doing so, turning over 60 reviews is a landmark and may ensue a party, whatever are you waiting for? She really is quite beautiful, my guess, she must be 'I'talian. We all know how you love those Italian women, they keep you on your tippy toes lol. ;)

Anyhow, as far as moi at an M&G, thank you for the lame invite (everyone knows you're dying for me to walk into one to match the persona with the words here). Truth is, I guess you'd just never know, now would you? And maybe, just maybe, I already have? lol And maybe, just maybe, I've already walked right............by............you (hehehe) ;)

PS. Melaniee, I apologize for not spelling your name correctly.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 583 reads
16 / 25

Cute hair btw ;)  A lil wild for my taste but cute nonetheless. Have you ever heard of a comb?

inicky46 61 Reviews 730 reads
17 / 25

So you can stop your futile efforts to pat yourself on the back about how smart you are.  You might dislocate your shoulder.
As for me and "Melaniee," you'll just have to wonder because you will never, ever be rewarded by me in your relentless search for information.  As for your wild imaginings about what an M&G looks like, well, let's just say you have a rich fantasy life.
Say, my little Bundt Cake, you never did answer my question about how the "fight of your life" turned out. You know, the one you told us you'd been practicing for by doing battle on the boards with all the bad boys? When you melted down the last time?
The world wonders.
Actually, it doesn't.
And, don't worry, we know the answer to that question as well.  The "fight of your life" was another lie from our favorite BSC hooker.
PS: It is so beautiful where I am you have no idea.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 755 reads
18 / 25

Well, yes I did answer your question (but it got pulled by someone, gee I wonder who) and yes to answer your question again.....I am smiling!!!!! That should answer your question. Went rather smoothly surprisingly. I got what I wanted in the end and yes, my firmness helped indeed in arguing the argument. So thank you for asking. Very sweet ;)

Anyhow, grumpypants, I see I struck yet ANOTHER chord with you. Tis fun indeed when that happens but ya know what Nick? How bout this...how bout you finally book with me already to see what I'm 'really' like to end this lil hooraa between us. What do'ya'say lol. Ya know, I'm good at keeping secrets, no one would have to know......... Just me and you ......... you're not cheap are ya? (that could pose a teeny problem)

And for the record, I don't think the 'world' wonders.....only 'you'.   ;)

PS..if what mean by your morning being 'beautiful' is a lovely lady laying beside you right now, gosh I sure hope not as your typing your lil heart away to me, of all people. That just wouldn't be right. Now stop typing and pay attn to 'her' please.

-- Modified on 8/8/2014 7:51:57 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 734 reads
19 / 25

And, no, I'm not grumpy at all.  Sorry, but you also won't get any info whatsoever about why things are beautiful with me.  I know that, as usual, you are desperate for any info about me, but you'll just have to live without it.  I do appreciate your continued fascination about me, as well as your apparent burning desire to see me.
Sadly, that, too, will go unrequited.  I know far more about you than you're aware.  More than enough to keep me far, far away from you.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 613 reads
20 / 25
wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 615 reads
21 / 25

Geezk Nick, you're not very nice making sound like a complete monster or something, my goodness. I don't think gentlemen would want to see me if I'm really all that bad now, do you? Boy you sure know how to make a woman swoon LOL.  

I do have a question though, if you're not concerned with me at all, then what is all this info you 'know so much about me' and why have you asked is what I don't understand. Don't you have better things to do with your precious time than concern yourself with lil ol' yukky me????  

Anyhow, you're not afraid of 'falling' for a provider, are you?

JohnyComeAlready 711 reads
22 / 25
inicky46 61 Reviews 669 reads
23 / 25

Do you really think I'm going to tell you what I know?  And how I know it?  And from whom? Not a chance.  What really amazes me is why you have yet to figure out that the way you present yourself here drives business away.  And, please, don't tell me you don't want business from guys who read this site (and there are plenty who do, but don't post).  How do I know this?  Because I know for a fact you've solicited for business from several.  You do want to be reviewed here, don't you?  If you deny that one, well, let's just say we all know from long experience about your lack of familiarity with the truth.
PS: I didn't reach out and "ask" anyone for information about you.  And yet it arrived at my door.  Do you get how that works?  After all, you know everything about everything.

BlueeyeJack 757 reads
24 / 25
Jackbenimble17 153 Reviews 559 reads
25 / 25

It's also the only publication that doesn't take a political side and is one I read cover to cover.  You should read it sometime - it may open your mind to the Geo-political economy and how it affects our everyday life.

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