TER General Board

Uh ya thanks but.... murderers don't discriminate
Fashion Police 2134 reads

You think you're protected from this crap just by working for an agency? lol... half the time agencies aren't screening well enough to even avoid sending your own girls to LE officers. PLEASE

This link was on the Boston board and I thought it was important enough to share. They caught the guy but its sad that this young woman lost her life.  Ladies please be careful.

Fashion Police2135 reads

You think you're protected from this crap just by working for an agency? lol... half the time agencies aren't screening well enough to even avoid sending your own girls to LE officers. PLEASE

Are to make sure their credit card transactions go through.

When you are face with death, you have to do everything to survive ... some skills in self defense may come in handy. It's good to develop the instinct to defend our survival. Even hobbyist are at risk from scammers who have bouncers/thug boyfriends. There's no harm if ladies learn the art of self-defense .. kick him in the nut!

3ofus2990 reads

Worked for a few who didn't care, but a few--the ones we, obviously, stayed with--who did screen and did care about their girls to the point of coming to rescue us when our car broke down once.  
Sorry your own personal experience was bad, but ours hasn't been and the added safety is worth it to us.

jax042759 reads

I'm sorry that apparently so many people have given agencies a bad rap.  Being a phone op for a high profile agency in Phoenix, I am keenly aware that my first priority is to make sure the girls are safe.  I work for them, not the other way around.  Yes, it is important to make sure the credit card goes through, not only for financial purposes, but to make sure the client is who he says he is, and if anything were to happen to the provider, I know who she was last with and how to get a hold of him.  Yes we do want the girl to call at the beginning and end of each date, not only because we want her to be aware of the passing time, but because we want to make sure everything is going smoothly.  Whenever possible, we check at least two provider references for new clients, and if there is any question, that gentleman is encouraged to look elsewhere. Say what you want about agencies, but the girls that I work for are with us because they feel safer knowing that we know their whereabouts, and we do our best to make sure the gentlemen they are spending time with are on the up and up.  All this is of the utmost importance to me because if anything were to happen to any of our providers, it would be on my conscience for the rest of my life.  It is articles like the above that let me know the importance of doing my job to the best of my ability.  My 2 cents.

Provider12631 reads

Meeting guys we don't know and might not be attracted to, guys who seem weird, dangerous, perverted, etc (and in those cases, few there have been, thankfully -- I just leave!!!)  Danger of meeting someone you happen to know personally in other work/ personal ways, danger of getting caught by LE, risk of contracting something, though I screen well, am careful and see few, and this could as easily happen meeting a guy through a friend or elsewhere....

We also spend hours a day screening..... so there are plenty of risks and downsides.  Upsides, however, are terrific, ecp when you meet some unbelievable, fascinating men who are so interesting and admirable!!!

sometimes, justice is best served with a chill to it..... What kind of an animal harms a woman most likely less then half his size?

I wish they could award him some of the visciousness he's meted out, but at least a rabid dog is off the streets now. Too bad he couldn't be caught before he struck once.

How agonized her family must feel.


NO griping about a Lady's need to screen.

NO griping about her right to walk away just because it "doesn't feel right"

Every one of these precious Ladies has an inalienable right to be safe.

none of that would have helped in this case.  Let's see.  We know she had his home address because she went there.  It's reasonable to suppose she had his phone no. and name.  She had talked to him on the phone and no alarm bells went off.

Trivial to get references.  Just have one or two sessions with reputable providers to set up a reputation.  And if anyone can tell me how knowing his place of employment could have helped, I'm all ears.

This is NOT a rant against screening, rather I'm just trying to indicate its limitations.

The police arrested him within hours of discovering the body.  One must presume that his identity was obtained from her possessions and/or information left with a friend, family, or some such.

The problem with psycho killers is that none of the standard screening technicques are likely to detect them.  They're delusional, they think they can never be caught.  They're never nervous or hesitant because they see nothing wrong in what they're doing.

Outwardly they're usually the 'nicest guy you'd ever meet'.  Or does anyone still think they all look like Norman Bates and sinister background music comes on whenever they enter a room?

I could be totally off base on this next one.  But I have the impression that what gives most ladies a "bad feeling" are things like careless grooming, a less than upscale rendevous location, inconvenient parking.  All the triva.

It's tragic that people like this exist.  It's good that at least one will now be permanently out of circulation.  But if anyone thinks (s)he has a reliable way of spotting them in advance I suggest filing it with the belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

I think a "during the time" safety system is probably more important than screening.  A check-in system of some kind is wonderful, but it only protects the lady's safety if the guy knows about it.  And I'd much rather see a crime deterred than a crime avenged.

I still say that even this wouldn't deter a true psycho, but there are others, no less evil, who don't have the true psychopath's defense mechanisms.  Particularly their lack of fear.

"I think a "during the time" safety system is probably more important than screening"
This is important as well, however, screening is vital for many reasons.  It may not work for detecting ALL the psychopaths, but it can certainly help, and screening is a valuable tool for weeding out many other types of threats to us.

As the original poster requested:
stop complaining about screening (go to someone else if you don't like a ladies policies), allow a lady to terminate an appointment at ANY time if it feels off.

My apologies to anyone who has ever had an appointment cut short for no apparent reason.  BUT our bodies wisdom, and our gut instincts are the ONLY things that can accurately tell us if we are in danger... and even if we misread the signals, we need the space and the right to honor this.

Thank you.

I completely agree, unfortunately, that screening and references and gut feel don't work all the time.  I didn't mean to imply that they do and I'm sorry if it came across that way.

I was referring to our need as men to realize that the Ladies risk more in our meetings, and that any reasonable precautions they take are an unfortunate necessity.

3ofus3246 reads

Be careful of the nicest guy in the world.  We found out the hard way they are often hiding some deep dark secret.  Good advice from you.  Thanks.

This is just a reminder that we must all work together to ensure the safety for all who are involved.

Be safe girls!  ~CarleeofArizona

This is a horrible, tragic incident, which each of us mourns in our own way.  That it might inconvenience your hobbying temporarily is, um, shall I say less important.

heywouldjablowme2978 reads

no words can ease the pain to her family ...but they will take good care of him where he's going..word is he's the new bitch in town.

Although there are many professions where the chance of losings ones life is a distinct possibility it deeply troubles me when the loss is attributed to a homicidal preditor targeting the most benigne and vulnerable of professionals. Realisticly the temporary spike in screening scrutiny will pay poor tribute to the tragic loss our community has to once again endure. I truly wish our prison system was a lot tougher on the animals that prey on other human beings in this way.

And that the Ladies here could count on the police and legal system to protect them instead of harrasing them too often.

Nothing Gold can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost

for pulling us back to what's really important.  We all need to learn that there are times when simple human considerations take precedence over our own agendas.

Anyone disagree?  Then imagine yourself as a family member or friend reading this thread.  Wouldn't it look to you as though people were using the death of your loved one as a political football?  Hey, I'm as guilty as anyone this time.

A young life has been cut short.  The fact that she was a provider brings it closer to home.  The screening debate should continue on a separate thread.  That's what I SHOULD have posted.

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