TER General Board

U should be bashed for not knowing it's WIMP, not whimp! lol eom
sexyjenny 5202 reads
1 / 40

I've seen some reviews on here that are utterly disgusting and nasty.  In addition to be crude enough to talk about every detail of the woman's body and every little sex act, some of them are  nit picking on the girl's appearance and bashing their personalities behind their backs.  I don't understand why these whimps can't just be men and tell these women to their faces what they really think.  Furthermore, most of the guys on that I've see off TER are no prize catch in the looks department or in terms of performance(believe me).  And is it really the provider's fault that they have to pay for it?  It's like some of these men have to bash women to feel better about having to pay for it without realizing that it's that very attitude that makes women not want to be with them in the first place.

tampavolt 1 Reviews 3853 reads
2 / 40

for the amount of money being charged the details should be correct...not a pic that shows a 115 lb. hottie  and when you get there they may weigh 170 and smell like tuna spread,or maybe they say they provide greek and then want to skim you for another 100 or so..thats why if your up front and honest you will not have no problems like what your saying the truth is the truth..

Hardwood469 18 Reviews 2978 reads
3 / 40

Let 'em have it, hon! Somebody give you a bad review?

BBrain 55 Reviews 2497 reads
4 / 40

I don't bash providers merely because the service is not up to expectation, but I do not tolerate rudeness to their clients. The biggest bashing I gave was the time when the provider got all dressed in her street clothes 15 minutes into the session to get her nails done while I was still sitting on the bed with my penis hanging out. I was an invited guest and she tried to push me out!

FreedomRider225 1678 reads
7 / 40

TER and it's reviewing system was not created to embellish and aggrandize every woman who chose to embark in a career in the worlds oldest profession. For centuries providers have gone pretty much without any system of accountability for the monies they collect for their service. Men have had to until now rely near solely on the word of a ladies pimp or shill(s) in regards to what service they can expect and treatment they might receive.

  It is quite true that many of the men serviced in the hobby are anything but attractive, physically fit or sexually potent. It is they however who are paying handsomely for the service and not the other way around. Quite often it is the provider’s loss of sight in regards to this dynamic that earns them a less than favorable review and although some men do take this as an opportunity to vent their latent misogyny the system has safeguards against reviews written with cruel and malicious intent. More often in fact our review system is rife with inflated scoring and robust romanticizing.

  Sexyjenny please don’t read this response as insensitivity to the challenges, job dangers or generally unpleasant/negative aspects to the profession for I know there are many. In fairness though there are very few jobs that offer the flexibility of hours and the monetary compensation while requiring only a rudimentary formal education and pragmatic work ethic.


OCSIR 219 Reviews 2022 reads
8 / 40

The truth often hurts and it appears that someone hurt poor Jenny. Vicious remarks are not necessary in a review but the reviews were designed to comment on “every sex act” and the condition of the women’s body. Why would someone mention these things directly to the provider? That would just be cruel. There is a big difference between bashing a provider and expressing one’s opinion in a review. Yes, this can be one tough business.

LostInBush 11 Reviews 2283 reads
9 / 40

were "way out of reality", then I would mention that clearly. It's not my fault but hers. We can't see providers' attitude in the pictures so I appreciate any inputs from my fellow hobbyists. The same goes to their service.

Sure, you have a tough job

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 2544 reads
10 / 40

the mess from freebies.
From your post, looks like you either perform poorly during sessions or have met a few jerks. If the former is the case, get out of the business and find another line of work. If the later is the case, use more discretion in your screening and start verifying guys before you meet them.

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 2692 reads
11 / 40

I write reviews that I would tolerate reading if the ladies that I have seen wrote reviews of me. So I leave out intimate details that add nothing to explain how well or poorly the session went.

HandsFree 61 Reviews 2495 reads
12 / 40

When you see a review in a sea of mostly good to excellent then you are likely to look at the outliar with a suspect eye. The alias didn't help her cause because even some of the best ladies have off nights and sometimes the review is less than kind because the chemistry sucked; it happens. Having a bad review only shows she is human, but having more than a few points to something that might be amiss and warns the hobbyist about her "peculiarities" Since SexyJ posts no evidence to the charge then she probably has a had a few missteps and thinks her biz may suffer from the notoriety. It's often that when a lady is bashed wrongly, her phones rings off the hook. Now thats a good problem to have unless, her goal is to retire poor.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 2981 reads
13 / 40

Yelp the review world can be pretty tough. I have been accused of being a tough reviewer. Sometimes things little things that we don't think that are important are so important to the provider.

MsColdHeartedBitch 2305 reads
14 / 40

I've seem many reviews that are like totally disgusting too. Guys who cannot think of anything to say other than how far their fingers can go into a girls yoni need to get a life. wait, they need to be killed, sorry. Evidence suggests that there are nice guys out there, ewwww I can't believe I said that.

It is indeed very interesting how many of the guys aren't anything at all in the looks department as you said. They can't even pick the right matching shirt to the pants they are wearing. It's a dilemma.

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 2327 reads
15 / 40

there is a shoe for every foot and what one man finds attractive may mot appeal to the next...IMHO a description w/o personalization is fine but too many men add less than kind adjectives to their descriptions....if a man likes BBWs he may rate a big girl a 9 in looks,the next guy may rate the same girl a 5...I am older and will certainly get higher marks from a mature lover than a man who prefers 22 y/o tight bodies the issue here is not the grade but how he describes her...derogatory adjectives are cruel

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 1847 reads
16 / 40

...I wear all black. Matching my shirt to pants becomes less of an issue.

Welcome to the Jungle 2494 reads
17 / 40

I read reviews to help me decide on whom to see. As far as I am concerned, the more detailed the review, the better. Keep in mind, the reviews are written by men, for men.

On the other hand, reviews are a marketing tool for the providers. So a negative review can severely impact one's business. A bad experience should be reported, but not exaggerated.

Sexyjenny, if the reviews bother you that much, just have Staff take down your profile.

Welcome to the Jungle 2700 reads
18 / 40

Why is it a dilemma if the guys are ugly and don't have a woman to pick out their clothes for them?

YO-YO-MAMA 2518 reads
19 / 40

not matter as long as he unveils an attractive birthday suit when taking off his shirt & pants.Right sweetie?

-- Modified on 11/26/2005 12:19:55 PM

WebTerrorist 2085 reads
20 / 40

This may be a bit disjointed and confusing as I am replying to a number of things read in both the original post and the replies.

To the statements which indicate a belief that Miss Jenny is speaking about her own reviews and a problem with a new review of hers, and that if she can't handle it she needs to find a new line of work.
This is actually kind of funny to me, that everyone assumes she is speaking about her own reviews and herself and couldn't possibly be making a general statement or that it was at the review of another which gave her reason to post this, you may all be correct but it still strikes me as funny, especially because of the second reason I find it funny.  

Two reasons I find this funny; one, the apparent assumption that she could only have an issue if it directly effected her, that it would be out of the realm of possibility for her to see something happen to someone else and speak out about it.  

The second reason I find this funny, is because, the replies that are telling her to find a new job if she doesn't like it are so much like the replies I got to the first two posts "WebTerrorist" ever made.  I got replies telling me that I was in the wrong business, that I was angry at some client that did me wrong and the like.
"If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen"...
I have always had a thing with this phrase when it is applied not to a task or job itself but the periphery stuff that comes along with a task/job. I think it interesting that the implication, in this case, is: "if you don't like people being cruel, insulting demeaning, harsh, etc. then that's your problem and not the problem of the people doing those things"...nothing like protecting the offender by blaming the one offended.
As to the types of reviews that Miss Jenny seems to be refering to in the original post of this thread, I've seen them. I have also seen posts on the boards,generally without the woman's name, that do much of the same thing.

The query as to why the guy doesn't tell the lady to her face...
Just recently there was a post on a regional board where a guy said that a lady "wasn't fresh" so he restricted certain activities, but that he didn't say anything, paid her, and even gave her tip.
Some replies to that were from guys telling him to write a review.

OK, see how that could be a bit odd for a lady?
First, the human body is constructed in such a way that most of us are not flexible enough to smell ot taste our own genitalia in the manner another could, so what he might encounter may be something she is unaware of, but he can go and write a review where, if he choses to he can use the most vulgar terms to describe her odor issue, that she may not have even known she had...he can write a review stating what a bad time he had (that even if the problem is quickly resolved will remain in her reviews), that leaves her wondering "then why the hell did he give me a tip?".

There can be a disaprity between what happens in a session and what is written, and between what each perceives as having had happened in a session.
The issue of blaming the lady for what the reviewer may lack...such as the reviews where one writes that she doesn't give good oral service but he doesn't mention that he declined a shower or that perhaps he is so overweight she had to actually hold his stomach up out of the way to even get at what she was supposed to be giving oral to, nope her problem she doesn't do it well.

What about the reviews where the guy will say she isn't good because she "wouldn't allow herself to enjoy it and have an orgasm" this is usually prefaced by a statement of how good he is at oral or another activity...but it is her who fails in her job because she couldn't sqirt like a fountain while he pokes at her urethra with his jagged, untrimmed fingernails.

I have actually even seen reviews where the reviewer blames the lady for not "getting wet" or at least not wet enough, or having to use lube...huh?
Miniscule detail, not talking about whether or not she was the lady in the pictures, or if the pictures were old, or if she has a scar or rash or scarey birthmark that looks like Charles Nelson Riley, but things like her labia were too meaty, not meaty enough, her nipples aren't 1/2" long, her clitoris is small or large or whatever seems to have bothered the reviewer...damn is their nothing that can be left for the encounter? I mean so long as it is a clitoris and not a penis, and that it actually looks like a vagina and not something built from deli meats, toothpicks and duct tape is that much detail required?
The idea put forth by Mr Freedomrider is correct, for a very long time men had no information or recourse when engaging in this hobby, and it is good that the women that are rip offs or give bad service are held accountable, and a majority of the reviewers do seem to understand that this is a place for the sharing of information to aviod the unpleasant possiblities that can be encountered, but there are also those that do not simply see this as a leveling of the playing field, but instead see it as the men having the power.

I actually read post on a regional board awhile back where a guy wrote about how the hobby helped him to realise how powerful he was as a man...that the hobby was about men having power, so that he can feel like a man and not worry about the woman (see what I didn't know?  I had no idea feeling like a man meant not worrying about women. *smirk*), that if a man worries about the ladies feelings at all he is pussy whipped and should just get married. To not worry about the woman at all is to stop seeing her as a woman, to see as an object that sole purpose is to get a man off.

I had once asked on a regional board, in reply to a post, if the guy couldn't see the ladies as human beings and equals, he came back by saying "no man that pays a woman for sex can see women as human beings or an equals", those are the kinds of guys (thankfully few) who write cruel reviews and seem to harbor a certain disdain for the woman he has to pay to be with.

One shouldn't lie in reviews to spare the feelings of a woman that was not good in the session, or not mention something negative so as to court favor with a lady (though why one would want to court favor with someone that did not please them is beyond me), but to go to a place of crude and vulagar debasement is wrong, to treat the ladies as "thing" not deserving respect or basic decency is beyond the pale. To review a person in colder harsher terms than one would review car or a meal, and that it is just accepted and the person being reviewed is told to accept it or find a new line of work...that's a bit scarey.

Lone Haranguer 3518 reads
21 / 40

(1) Not every writer is Shakespeare;
(2) Even if he was, there's limited time and space;
(3) He's writing for other men;
(4) He may be overcome with a fit of assholeness;
(5) He has no way of knowing (or responsibility for or to) the sensitivity of an unexpected or unintended reader.
(6)  In the end, commercial free speech is the purpose of the board.  The provider doesn't have to see anybody she chooses not to, including anybody she suspects might offend her at an indefinite future time and way.

I think there's a cultural discontinuity built into this board, because boys and girls expect to tell each other that they love each other forever, until death do us part; but this board is all about describing the limits:  we only love each other under very limited circumstances, and nobody wants to hear exactly what those limits are, eg that she has some, uh, poor attributes.

Of course, anybody's mileage may vary.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2455 reads
22 / 40
energizer bunny 2566 reads
23 / 40

I completely agree with you that the client should discuss the bad session or whatever they did not like about the session with the provider first before they put up a review which may be damaging to a provider's future income. The provider should be given a chance to correct the wrong that was done.

BBrain 55 Reviews 2113 reads
24 / 40

. . . to the point of my complaining, even if she offers make-up sex (which is unlikely), I would not accept.

WebTerrorist 1568 reads
25 / 40

I am an admitted romantic idealist.
I don't believe in the notion that just because "that's the way something is" that I must accept it.
From my experience accepting the staus quo never maintains the staus quo, it instead allows for further degradation.

Critical, honest reviews are not an issue, one can be critical and honest without being cruel.
One can make negative statemnts about someone with out demeaning or dehumanising them.

I find it interesting the forums here all have the rule about not making posts that are simply mean, but there is no such caveat against cruel reviews.  That there would be a rule, though not always enforced, about being mean to other members on a discussion board, but allow as much tearing down as one choses for the ladies being reviewed.

I don't think it too much to ask that some restraint in crude and derogatory writing when reviewing another human being be maintained.  I think it is even a reasonable expectation to remember the ladies being reviewed are human beings, and to have the reveiws reflect that.

I'm not talking about the average review by the average client that may say the session was bad, or that the lady failed to perform as expected, that certain items that were assured to be on the menu were not or were contingent on upselling or anything of the sort, I would hope that is the nature of this beast. Honesty but with decency.

What I am talking about are the reviews where the ladies are refered to by vulager terms not even as women, where the writing indicates a concerted effort to hurt the lady if she reads it, that is written in way that makes it obvious the aim was to offend....if that is the nature of the beast; then best the beast be destroyed.

I do apologise for misinterpreting your kitchen staement, though telling a lady to accept crude reviews because of a few (again thankfully very few) clients masquerading as men must be cruel and devalue her, still seems wrong to me...to my mind better to deny cruel reviews with the chance for the person to be less offensive and attempt reposting than to tell a lady she should either accept it or not read it. Is expecting decency even in criticism really so much to ask and so difficult to for some to do?

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 2594 reads
26 / 40
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 3820 reads
27 / 40

posted before thinking, so I can understand. However, I'll take all of you tongue-bashing (Oh,my!), gutless, beer-guzzling but wine-tasting preferred uglies any day. Wink!


courtneyhottie2 See my TER Reviews 3187 reads
28 / 40

Girl I hear ya!!
I just posted something to a similar effect which deals with reviews. I was a little less blunt as I tend to walk on rice paper with my background of where I've been raised. But I totally agree! Where do some of these guys get off on saying such crapy things & lies about us as well. 75 % of them are "NOT LOOKERS"! Yet we take the energy & time to arrange the meeting in a "safe place" (more or less) for them to get off. Now the gentelmen that I do see on a regular basis in LA/SF, well they are the acception & know how to treat a lady. Especially the ones that bring me my Victorias Secret perfume & Teuscher Chocolates. Ain't that the truth. :)
Aloha, Courtney

trustno20 2269 reads
29 / 40
trustno20 3049 reads
30 / 40

Reviews cut both ways. Good reviews help a ladies business while bad reviews will let her know what she did wrong.

In the end, consider it a report card. In my business we have a saying "it's the customer who complains who's doing you a favor". You can look at a complaint as an opportunity to fix something. Or you can simply say "oh poor me" and wallow in misery.

The choice is yours.

-- Modified on 11/26/2005 10:37:16 PM

trustno20 2597 reads
31 / 40

When cash transacts for a service, it's not the service provider who get's to pick the customer. Within reason of course. Nobody expects you to do BBBJ on a guy with genital warts.

But in the end, we are paying for a service. In my case, I'm considered average. But average doesn't get you a woman of the caliber of a Pam Anderson. For that you need money.

Would I ever slam a provider? Only under specific circumstances. She either has to lie about her services, be rude or simply have misrepresented herself. Under those circumstances, the hobbyist community deserves to know the truth and that's what TER is about.

AliciaMichelle 2327 reads
33 / 40

Sexyjenny, will you marry me??
J/k....great minds think alike though, right?

When I tell acquaintances not "in this hobby" on what I have to go through, including the mere fact clients are talking about my intimate acts on a public forum, they are awe-struck; simply every time. They always say- well then don't belong to that site! Yeah right- it's the only way you can have business nowadays. I was never so consumed with my looks until TER. I was never distrustful of men until some bad reviews on TER. I was never a perfectionist until TER. I'm happy with my job and my mature clients, but it seems you'll always get that one- who says he's a certain age but acts about 20 years your junior- during or even after the session by a review, surprise surprise. There's lying as well as hypocrisy with many of these hobbyists.

And many of these "basher" hobbyists seem to forget what we go through- having to worry about the LE on a daily basis, social out casting, physical harm, even down to beauty maintenance that could considerably be viewed as weekly overhead, and dieting of course.

I just have to tell myself sometimes- and you should too- the men in OUR lives would never even consider seeing an escort, let alone bashing her afterwards. The majority of men have never even HEARD of TER. There is a normal world out there Jenny- where we don't have to worry about every pimple, or gum wrapper on our hotel room floor.
I wish some of these "hypocrite" hobbyists would see us as human beings, not Stepford Wife Robots. I bet "even" supermodels have a bad hair day, to say the least.

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 2087 reads
34 / 40
sexyjenny 2725 reads
35 / 40

Ummm, actually. No one bashed me on a board.  I was commenting on the some of the reviews I've seen on other women in the business.  It's true you don't need much education to get in the business, but you do need to be appropriately dressed, to look good (no easy task) and your hours are not your own.  You have to work around their schedule not the other way around.  Either way it is a degrading way to have a make a living in the first place.  Why make it any worse on them?  Also, to the other guy, I don't care how wimp, whimp is spelled.  I'm not a dictionary, so there.

sexyjenny 2144 reads
36 / 40

I don't see where I should have to "perform" anything illegal for you other than a strip dance or a massage.

jrebel 1528 reads
37 / 40

Cold-hearted, you got my vote.  I don't think escorts, strippers or massage women should have to rely on the opinions of reviews in general to conduct their business.

jrebel 3465 reads
38 / 40

I agree totally, webterrorist.  Some of these guys can't even get it up or reach an O and that's our problem?  It's not me who can't handle it.  It's men ridiculous need to control every aspect of our lives including the way we make a living that irks me the most.

sexyjenny 3990 reads
39 / 40

You don't need to be on public review boards to make a living in this business, Alicia.  And I wouldn't worry about your looks.  They should be happy to be around a woman like you, and if they aren't, then tell them to take a hike.  Remind them of how easy it is to get laid in a bar or how they can't get laid anywhere for that matter, and that's why they come to you.  But that you don't need to put up with their abuse and black mailing.

1woody 18 Reviews 2607 reads
40 / 40

for the woman who demands high compensation that it is for the gent who has to pay it?  It takes two. I allways thought the gents performance was judged on how well he handed over the $$$. If you truly feel this way then you should go out and try the corp. world.

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