TER General Board

Two separate issues here;
LasVegan 527 reads

1) your personal information on the Internet;  do you want all your personal info available on the Internet?  If not, you can google yourself, go to the websites that list you, and "opt out" of their service.

2) to use or not to use a burner phone;  I do not use a burner phone.  Have had all my personal information taken off the Internet and google my number from time to time to make sure no new sites have pulled my info into their databases.  While I choose to remain private, I have complete control over my phone and if a provider called me, it would not affect me in the least.

Each individual may have their own preference/circumstances and decide differently.  But IMHO there are two issues here.

I recently got a text from a favorite that has "retired" over a year back. Looks like she is getting back in the game - I still don't see any ads, so might be reaching out to her existing clientele to get going.

She actually had my private cell number as we were on close to sugarbaby/daddy relation (yeah, stupid me...she is one of may be three providers who has my real number, I was stupid when I gave out my real number to some of my earlier favorites and did not use a burner phone during my initial days in USA - I lived in legal prostitution countries before moving here and did not take a lot of precautions).

Anyway, I am going to meet her soon - but politely requested her to delete my number and add in my burner number for future contact. Even though I am single, I really do not want any providers to have a number that can easily identify me. She was cool about it, but felt a bit sad that I asked her to remove my real number.

I know most/all of the smart ones have a separate burner number, but if you know that your real number is out with some providers from many years back - do you reach out to the provider and get the number removed? What is their number is no longer active? The escort who reached out to me sent a message from a new number, not her old one - so she had ported all her client numbers to her new phone.

 When I google my real number, it links to a lot of personal information about who I am, where I work, what I do etc...looks like a case of I left the barn door open and horse is bolted.

Looks like the only option is to change the number and start over with a new personal number to be 100% sure. Even then the old number clearly links to me. May be I am worrying to much about nothing, but really don't want escort messages during a bad time..

Answered your own question:  Start over with a new personal number.  

However, I would just do it and not mention it to the girl now that she has the number you want her to have.

GaGambler519 reads

Not to minimize the need for most johns to use a burner phone, but to hopefully give you some peace of mind, I can't remember the last time I got an unsolicited text or call from a pro except those who are friends of mine. It does happen, but it happens so rarely I don't think I would bother "starting over" with a new personal number especially if you are single.  

If there are only three hookers who have your private number, I think getting a new personal number is a bit of overkill, but using a burner phone in the future is of course highly recommended for all but the laziest and most Teflon among us.

LasVegan528 reads

1) your personal information on the Internet;  do you want all your personal info available on the Internet?  If not, you can google yourself, go to the websites that list you, and "opt out" of their service.

2) to use or not to use a burner phone;  I do not use a burner phone.  Have had all my personal information taken off the Internet and google my number from time to time to make sure no new sites have pulled my info into their databases.  While I choose to remain private, I have complete control over my phone and if a provider called me, it would not affect me in the least.

Each individual may have their own preference/circumstances and decide differently.  But IMHO there are two issues here.

Great points, will look into "opt out" services...

Posted By: LasVegan
1) your personal information on the Internet;  do you want all your personal info available on the Internet?  If not, you can google yourself, go to the websites that list you, and "opt out" of their service.  
 2) to use or not to use a burner phone;  I do not use a burner phone.  Have had all my personal information taken off the Internet and google my number from time to time to make sure no new sites have pulled my info into their databases.  While I choose to remain private, I have complete control over my phone and if a provider called me, it would not affect me in the least.  
 Each individual may have their own preference/circumstances and decide differently.  But IMHO there are two issues here.

Why go thru the hassle of getting a new number when u can block numbers in this age of technology! I bet if you ask all the ladies you gave ur number to not to use that specific number they will grant your wishes!!!  I only have numbers my clients have given me & given thumbs up to use!!!

providers coming out of retirement. And like you some have my real number others have my burner app number. I don't let it bother me. For those that have my personal info, Inusually have their info as well.  I just roll with it and there's plenty of info on the internet about me. Do what makes you comfortable.  

Btw, I always chuckle when I read how escorts throw away contact info after seeing you. While I'm sure some do, plenty keep your info.

....and I have never been pinged by any provider using those numbers. They have all used either email or a PM here to contact me to let me know that they are in town, which is fine by me. I'd like to think that most ladies are cognizant enough not to use a hobbyist's phone to advertise and instead use either email or PM's.

ROGM317 reads

So what if she has your main cell phone number. If she had your number this long and just recently called to see you again, what's the problem?  You're worried about your single life privacy being outed? A married guy would be worried. But being single you have nothing to worry about.

Got a lot of family that live near me and whenever my niece and nephew are at my place they monopolize my phone. Would not be good to get some escort messages when they are in control...

Posted By: ROGM
So what if she has your main cell phone number. If she had your number this long and just recently called to see you again, what's the problem?  You're worried about your single life privacy being outed? A married guy would be worried. But being single you have nothing to worry about.  

ROGM244 reads

Posted By: gaylemeyers
I highly doubt have escorts sexting your phone
A new girl I'm seeing doesn't send me any sexting messages. But she does get flirty with her messages.

Zzbottom2341 reads

Text apps are free and give you a different phone # with no connection to you. You just "sign up" with a fake name and fake email. You can even make local calls on them.  

If you have a SO I understand a completely different phone but if its just you around your phone, use an app. I have two separate text apps with two numbers from different states. Im a ghost:)

There is only one provider I know who will refuse your "background" check because you use a text number. No clue whats up with her.

one of those "perfect clients" if after that long she still contact you :)

but I suspect providers have civi friends so it might matter more if she has it on her burner phone or a personal phone. But in either case it's not illegal to have you phone number on someone else's phone and unless she's doing contract killing or spying for a foreign power I suspect that alone will increase your risk very little.

That said, everyone has their own standards.

Guess, I am bit paranoid. The escorts generally pick the best of the best in mankind when it comes to their personal life boyfriends. Had a wonderful time with one of them sometime back (different story for another thread)  and hope to not go through it again.

But good suggestions on removing my number in Google searches. Have to figure out the best way to get it out. I own a LLC and my personal number is associated with it and hence showing up in the results along with my home address as its the same as my business address.

Anyways, for escorts who have significant others/boyfriends/girlfriends - please ensure the confidentiality of your clients and make sure you keep your working phone away from your SO's...

I have to tell you; that goes BOTH ways. I had a long term client who was lax about hiding our communications from his live-in gf of several years and had to endure her nasty phone messages to me from a blocked number AND worry that she would try to involve LE. She knows most of my real info. Scary.

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