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Posting ads on social increasing demand.
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 448 reads

Every time I go on social for the past month or so I have noticed about 20 to 30 new posts a day from providers I have never seen with ads before.

It must be working to get more potential customers interested.  I have to watch myself because it can take up a lot of time looking at the social media profiles and the providers websites, etc.

My new client this morning found me on twitter. As always though be careful. Make sure to cross reference other ad sites, their personal website, etc. Like anything else there are a ton of scammers out there and you need to make sure you are conversing with an actual provider and not just an AI generated spam scam account.

I paid to advertise for the first time in years & I get more booking off Twitter, than any paid site. I’m not going to continue to pay to advertise when it’s not worth it. TER is #1 for me personally & #2 is Twitter for my personal account on website traffic + actual bookings.

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