TER General Board

Twin Cities Talking
THFKAM 6310 reads

On the NYC problem our biggest problem is that there's a lot of sophomoric humor.  This morning I learned to my dismay that on the Twin Cities board it's fair game for posters to go beyond reviews and make judgments about providers' lives and who deserves to make a living.  Some of this may be legitimate banter -- for example if Emma Bond or another provider posts a strongly held opinion about the "profession" it's OK to respond in kind.  But listen to this from one of Galt's posts on the TC Board:  
"I've been thinking about [name deleted].  She has great reviews and great pictures.  However, she has 14 pages of reviews.  I can't help but think that field has been overplowed and is a little tired."  Who is this guy -- judge and jury??  This kind of post -- personal and judgmental and unrelated to performance -- should IMO be banned.

THFKAM2844 reads

I've been reading the TC board more carefully.  On reflection, I dont think the problem is Twin Cities (which is different than NY but it's a different place).  I think the problem is WhosJohnGalt, for all the reasons I've stated.

By the way, the post you reference was approved by the moderator of the TC board, Girl Next Door.  She is also the moderator of the national board.  

I'm sure if you look, you can find far worse posts than mine.  I can think of several, but no point getting into it.  Where were you in defense of this provider in the link below?

You're right.  My post on this provider was insensitive.  Until yesterday I didn't really think of them as human.  Somehow now I realize how pompous it is for an overweight middle aged man to nitpick the appearance and performance of another human being who is trying to do the best they can.  I thought of them as playthings for my pleasure.

I've been voted off the island.  Time for me to go on my self imposed exile.

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 4:51:20 AM

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 5:11:31 AM

THFKAM2571 reads

I appreciate that you've taken mine and others' reactions to heart.  Yeah, you're right that you're not the only hobbyist who has ever put up an offensive post, but the hostility towards providers you displayed on the national board and in your comments on the TC board were really (IMO based on more than a year as a TER member) in a league of its own.  To your credit, you seem to recognize that.  

As for the point that your posts were moderated, one of the privileges of being a TER member is to be able to give feedback to the moderator, including objecting to a post that the moderator has approved.  

Good luck, WJG.  My strong feelings about your posts were not intended as a personal attack; they reflect personal views about this hobby that have evolved over many years. In a nutshell, my opinion is that the decision to participate in this hobby is a personal choice, which carries with it the responsibility to treat providers with respect, especially in a public forum such as TER.

Your sins are no greater than many here and among what are found on the regional boards everyday. You 'fessed up to poor taste and that's good enough for me. Whether these ladies are here from their own choosing or some other reason, we only owe them respect and courtesy for the time spent together and  of course that should be reciprocated. If there is an un-written contract, that's it, no more or less. The only time that a provider should be mentioned negatively IMHO is when poor performance occurs and that should always be in the context of a review. What we think about their personal plight cannot be discerned in an hour or two even when it comes from her lips to your ears. Like most things in life, people take their own roads to these venues; you and I are passer-bys. If you decide to take an interest in anyone, fine, there is morbid curiosity in all facets of life.

As people though, who may be experiencing a dark period in their lives, who among us cannot relate to the demons that at one time or another seek us all? So when her looks fade and her pages of reviews multiply, ask yourself what do you really know of that history, of those moments in time? You and I can only guess, and it's that supposition that often crosses the line that you have been so severely scolded. I have never written or discussed half of the people I have met in these pages and along the way. You won't either. So stick around because you have learned what all must learn and that is one man(or woman) can live only in the skin that they were assigned, no matter how troubled our days may appear,  So learn it now. "No man (woman) has ever yet lived out any life, but one, and that one, his (her) chosen own, and most of that alone".

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 6:31:29 AM

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 6:34:51 AM

Thank you sir.  Hats off to you for a superbly well thought out and constructed post.

Ben Dover2955 reads

since it started! You are doing us proud Mr.Galt! - excellent positions you've taken! I wish I was there in the trenches with you, but I'd probably only get in your way! Press on, and hold the battle lines! - I hope to join the fight on monday - unless you've single-handedly defeated your agressors by then.......or this thread has rolled on to page two by and cooled off!

"She has great reviews and great pictures.  However, she has 14 pages of reviews.  I can't help but think that field has been overplowed and is a little tired."  His apology for all this vile behaviour is that until recently he "didn't think of providers at human"?

Whether he damms them with faint praise or simply damms them, is irrelevent.  The intent is still the same.  He needs moderating and an extensive period in a re-education camp, preferably with me as warden.

Be afraid ladies, be very afraid.  Here is a dude with some serious problems.

Read my reviews and see if their is any evidence of anyone being mistreated.  Everyone was treated with respect.  As for thinking of people as humans, I don't think of the personal aspects of many of the people I do business with.  Do you? After all, it has been said many times by providers on this board, this is strictly business. We're commodities, don't let emotions enter into it.  

You didn't answer my question.  Where were you in defense of the provider on the ex-wife experience?  I bet her rep was hurt more than saying someone tried hard, did everything right, but was sad.

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 6:22:42 AM

Bizzaro Superdude2668 reads

Cause, quite frankly one of the ladies that I really do enjoy has more pages than that!  and still she provides an excellent experience - so my comment to the pages of execelent service would be "who and where is she?"  Again, ya don't know what will happen!

Yes, you have been chastised - I would suggest that you be quiet for a bit, I know your feelings are hurt - but really, is cyber wet noodle lashing soo bad that you have to comment as people get this out of their systems!?  


My most-favoritist lady is at 18 pages and counting.  Many of us have seen her multiple times.  She may be "well-plowed", but she's got plenty of nutrients left in her fertile crescent.

Spare him the beat down that you have in mind. I think, he's quite contrite and even if he is never watching, you'll be and BSuperdude will be watching you. Can't we all just get along?

Well damn!  She must have a hole bigger than the Grand Canyon, gaping between her legs. Obviously.

Prefacing this post, I want to say it is not my intention to jump on the John Galt Ass Whoopin bandwagon (you all seem to have that under good control), but I've always wanted to address this ridiculous type of comment, that he previously made.  I would also like to add that anyone can click on that little link in the upper right hand corner of my post, and clearly see that I also have 14 pages of reviews.  Pretty damn good ones, too.  And I just keep getting better and better.

But I digress...

I've heard this same totally unfounded comment coming from other mindless men, in the past.  And my first thought is 1.)  Does this guy not realize he just paid (and had a great time with) another lady, who also has several pages of reviews?? ... and 2.)  Does he really believe that girls, with only 2 or 3 pages of reviews, just started having sex a year ago??

Get a clue already.  Just because a girl only has 2-3 pages of reviews, that doesn't mean she has only been having sex for that long.  Chances are good she's *always* enjoyed sex, probably at least since the age of 15 or 16, and was likely a promiscuous "civilian", before going pro.  Not that this is a bad thing, in *my* opinion.  A woman with a healthy libido is a great thing, if you ask me.  But that should NEVER be the basis for deciding whether or not she takes care of her body and heeds her own body's needs for rest and TLC!

It also pisses me off, when I hear this same ridiculous kind of generalization about ladies who tour.  You know the one...seeing ladies who tour is like being on an assembly line, and they see 10 men a day.  Yeah, baby, I just lay there on the bed with my legs wide open and yell "Next!!"  (Oh, sweetie, would you mind leaving the door cracked open for the next guy?  Thanks!  You're a doll!)

Whatever.  Don't you think that kind of stuff would be evident in a lady's reviews, if that's truly the way she operates?  ESPECIALLY if she has 14 pages of them, I think *somebody* would have said something about it by now.

With some men, it seems women will never be able to embrace and enjoy their sexuality, in the same way men do, and not be considered a nasty, unworthy whore.  But then, those men have issues that go far and beyond double standards about sex.

You're right in everything you wrote except, I think, in your conclusions about WJG.

Isn't is obvious how much this guy has learned in a few days about treating people better?

Isn't that one of the truly valuable things about TER - that it warns people in this world how to stay safe and it teaches them how to understand and respect one another better?

Hasn't WJG just shown that he is very able to improve himself because he is open to criticism and thoughtful enough to listen and try to understand?  Isn't that what makes for a decent human being?

Yes, I have read some of his posts and been appalled.  But the beauty is that he is learning and learning amazingly fast.  He is honest here about himself and his less lovely thoughts because at some level he knew enough to question them and, perhaps unknowingly, outed his demons so he could be seen for that unpleasant part of himself and have those things addressed in a forum in which it was safe for that to happen.  A lot cheaper and quicker and more effective than therapy (perhaps)!

Of course, I was not the subject of his less noble thoughts...either directly or by implications.  Someone with many reviews would, of course, take his comments as a personal attack and be justified in doing so.  Someone who is a provider...or for that matter, a woman, would naturally feel threatened and violated by the comment that he did not regard them as human.  But there are MANY people who feel this way, they just don't post about it here.  The fact that he did shows, not that he is total scum; rather, that he finally recognizes those thoughts as scum.  I think he always knew it in his soul but hid the knowledge from himself.  I think he posted about it in an effort to cleanse himself of his own more vile side.  It would be a better world if we could all do that - the ancient Greeks invented tragedy as a way to do so and those works of art have managed to survive with respect and admiration for many centuries because there is something innately beneficial about them and their use in improving our lives.

Ironically, not only do I think he would be a good poster to have around TER as long as he thinks he might benefit from it...I also think what he has learned here will help him hugely in his other life, with family and friends and business relations, and that he may ultimately find that he got out of this world what he most needed and has raised himself to a higher place than where he was when he started.

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 12:10:45 PM

you turn the knife on men with your generalizations about how we see women and sex. Yes, some men will always be complete assholes about the women who are free with their sexual activities. NetMichele seems to be one who gets it right in that we are all sluts if you are participating. Let's leave it at WJGs post was indeed wrong and shameful, but let's not use it as  a bandwagon approach.

I believe I did say SOME men...just like you did, HandsFree.  And with THOSE men, the double standards don't end with sex.  Why did you feel I was referring to all men in general (including you)?  If I have such a strong dislike for men in general, I'm definitely in the wrong business!

Again, as I said in my first post, my intention was not to jump on any lynch mob bandwagon, but rather to address a comment that I have heard from MANY men - not just John- in the past, both on the boards and in personal discussion.   For all intents and purposes, John's name didn't even need to be mentioned in this thread, for me to address that particular issue.  But it just so happens that he was the reason this thread was created.

As for John personally, I don't know the man.  I'm not here to point fingers at any one person, but rather a faceless category of people.  To John's credit, I do think he did the right thing by apologizing profusely, and he can only apologize so many times, so I'm certainly not here to beat him up further.  The real proof, for all those who want to give him another chance, will be to see how he chooses to express himself, in the future.

Bizzaro Superdude2165 reads

I liked your web-site-  You ARE HOT! indeed!  Would not mind seeing you... how do you feel about green?! Does constant phone ringing to right the wrongs of the world disturb you?  And most importantly, do you have any Kryptonite around where it could hurt me?!

Clearly, I enjoy women who enjoy their sexuality..., in or out of the hobby, and clearly you are such a woman.

starzineyes2812 reads

Vile behavior?  You can hear worse on network television.  
There was an episode of Family Guy recently in which "seven prostitutes" (Fox's word, not mine) were in Peter's living room.  Stuie, the baby boy with a head shaped like a football, said to one of them, "So tell me, is there any tread left on the tires at all, hmm?  Or at this point is it like throwing a hotdog down a hallway?"  LMAO! Give WJG a break.  He's obviously not the only one who has had such a thought, and we all have to live in this world of double standards.  Are you going to write a scathing letter to Fox about their insensitvity to providers?

BrownStreet1993 reads

Agree or disagree, this was much more interesting than the usual fare of 1-how can we improve verification procedures 2-Will my dick fall off after bbbj? 3-I've repented and am going back to my wife.  4-Why I named my penis Willie Stargell.

The board is for entertainment purposes.  Let's not run off the people who make it entertaining!

Willie Stargell was a very great ball player for the Pirates, but, personally, I gave my penis the Roberto Clemente Award for public service.

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 2:56:31 PM

Let's just presume this guy hit the send button before he had a chance to think twice about his post.  As I keep reminding myself, it is just a hobby.  The moment we start treating it as anything else, it's time for a break.  Or at least that's the advice I try to live by.

While we're on the Twin Cities board the worst posts came from providers.  Here's one where a provider accuses a very respectable hobbiest of wearing women's clothes.

Posted by HOTMAMI5477  , 7/20/2005 10:47:59 AM  

I Suggest you if you all have something to say, give me a call. Dont say it on some corny message board.Best believe I have plenty of regulars and they all seem to love me.___ dont you have some pathetic habit of dressing up like a women? Iam hot and I have no reason to be jealous of anyone.The provider who is spreading this around likes to tell lies and ruin peoples relationshiops. She got what she deserves.

The other post was a provider who posted the cell phone of a hobbiest who criticized her.

There are plenty of posts worse than the one from WJG.  Twin Cities Guy constantly berates a very reputable provider based upon something that happened in the mid 1990's.  

Where was your outrage at these posts?

My point is that we have spent a lot of time whomping on someone for the unforgiveable sin of caring that someone was sad.  Somedays I love being a provider.  Sometimes I'm sad and depressed about my choice.  I'm impressed that this guy even noticed.  Most are only interested in their needs and what they get out of it.  If I'm sad, they don't want it to show.

As for 14 pages of reviews, some guys like them fresh, some don't.  The provider he questioned is perhaps the best and most popular in Minneapolis.  We position ourselves as commodities and act surprised when people treat us this way.  We're graded and reviewed from every angle.  What do we expect?

Remember ladies, we're not blameless.  I've read WJG's reviews and think he sounds like a sweetie.  I hope he calls me soon.

THFKAM1900 reads

I obviously don't know the history of the TC board.  However, to quote the oldest cliche in the book, two wrongs don't make a right.  For the record, the only time I ever got as agitated as I did about WJG was in response to a provider who outed a hobbyist, which I thought was outrageous.  Finally, I don't claim to omniscient on the subject of human affairs generally or this hobby in particular.  I simply expressed my strongly felt opinion that WJG crossed a line which should not be crossed.  Beyond that, it's nothing personal.

While you self righteous people were bashing him, the reaction in the Twin Cities was different!

It says a lot coming from the people who know the situation!

In this thread a provider is referred to as fat, and later as a farm animal.

You guys have the market on sensitivity cornered!

THFKAM2813 reads

For the record, I often object to these posts when I see them on the NY board and have on at least one occasion gotten such a post deleted by the moderator under the anti-flame rule.

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