TER General Board

Turn it around.teeth_smile
The E Ticket 4094 reads

Let's say you have a lady you have seen a dozen times. You have a regular same day and time set up.  The day comes and something happens where you are short the donation, the bank was closed or something, the ATM wouldn't accept your card...whatever.

Would the lady let you pay her the next time you see her?

-- Modified on 12/22/2004 11:32:15 PM

LVP3471 reads

A provider has advertised on her site that if you pay for 4 visits up front you get the 5th session for free. Have all of us got sucker stamped on our forehead? Saw the same deal a couple of months ago by another provider and guess what Her website went off line and she vanished. Go figure

Jadie5018 reads

This hobby requires a lot of trust especially on the part of the lady.  In ladies I have develop a trust with I will reciprocate in a small way by going the prepay route.  I have yet to be taken but I have heard of some who have.  In any case I never prepay with an amount I not willing to lose.

DK62906 reads

Big mistake.  Even if her intentions are good, when it comes to following through, you tend to become the absolute lowest priority to her.  Very frustrating experience that ruined what had been a very good relationship.

There is a significant discount to my friends when they pay me in advance for future sessions.  It assures me that they are really coming to see *me*, it helps with my financial management and planning, it has saved my butt come tax time!  Additionally it then removes the donation entirely from those future sessions allowing a truely natural flow of the time and my focus.

That said... before you hand over ANY cash to a lady make sure that she is reputable, has been around a while, takes her profession seriously and is not a fly-by-night sort of lady.  She should also be level headed and fiscally responsible.  I've seen ladies offer this package who then felt unable to honor them because they need to make $$$ instead.  SHAME on them!

I've offered prepay packages for well over a year now and have yet to have a single problem... other than the gentleman who paid then just disappeared!


withoutguilt3510 reads

Understand your point but, one will have to know a lot more information about the provider before I for one would part with $

Better safer option would be to give regular's discounts based on the number of times they see a provider.

I know this has been thrown around few times.

Please don't say the lady is free to whatever she wish.

We all know about our choices and freedom to make those choices

-- Modified on 12/22/2004 6:31:33 PM

What's with all the choices talk?
My post was simply in response to the statement "Have all of us got sucker stamped on our forehead?"  SOMEtimes it is a true win-win.  Yes, it can be risky, and like eveything else there are ways to mitigate our risk. (shrug)

I agree with Jadie - do NOT do this with funds you would be hurt to lose.  Actually I would say that for ANY session you schedule.

Also JP is right - prepays are simply an option for some of my good friends, not a requirement.  I actually limit the number of pre-paid engagements that I accept so that I can ensure it will not interfere with my week-to-week cashflow needs (I always was a natural accountant LOL!).

One other important consideration for anyone thinking of this option... just like overnights and vacation bookings it is good to make *sure* you really do enjoy their company.  I WILL NOT make such arrangements with someone that I have not met.  If *I* do not want to spend that much time with you... I do NOT want your money.

Ok, more than enough said.

Play safe, have fun!

I tired this option with a local here in my area....I was a regular, and she has very good references.....

Got my butt kicked but good.

I would love to trust people at there word....but everytime I've done it.....I have been on the dirty end of the stick. No matter what happens I get on the losing end of the stick everytime. So much for that 'free call' at the end. Ho Ho Ho said the HO as she left town with my cash......

Fistfuck3025 reads

has 50+ reviews from "known/reputable" reviewers. Even then, there are thousands of providers that don't do prepay.  Why take the chance???

You hit the nail on the head, why take chance's? A local girl around here was advertising on eros.com about a month ago. If the picture's were actually her she was drop dead gorgeous, definitely an attention getter. She had a website set up and everything. I certainly planned to make contact with her eventually but didn't get around to it immediately. I happened to be checking out the review section and saw her listed so I took a look. It seem's she was asking that $150 be sent to her via PayPal as a deposit, the rest to be paid upon arrival, $300 total gift. Two unfortunate guy's, at least that's all that left review's, fell for it. Both said after sending the deposit they never heard from her again. Shortly after the website was gone. A specialty girl, bodybuilder/fitness competitor that I had seen about a year ago was in town a few weeks ago. I'd been waiting all year for her to make a return. When she finally got here she started with the required deposit to be paid ahead of time also. I questioned her about when she started that practice, and that she didn't require one the last time I saw her but never got an answer. She's been around a while and probably wasn't that much of a threat to worry about but it just rubbed me the wrong way, plus you never know. As much as I wanted to see her there was no reason for me to have to pay her up front via PayPal so I passed.

Why not, pay at the end of the month then never have to worry. Never been a problem, if fact prepaying has resulted in some wonderful additional benefits not commonly offered.

St. Croix3009 reads

Prepaying? That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Never never never let anyone make money on your money, or in the worst case, stiff you. You need an hour with Suze Orman. OK, I take that back.

The E Ticket4095 reads

Let's say you have a lady you have seen a dozen times. You have a regular same day and time set up.  The day comes and something happens where you are short the donation, the bank was closed or something, the ATM wouldn't accept your card...whatever.

Would the lady let you pay her the next time you see her?

-- Modified on 12/22/2004 11:32:15 PM

CarlaBrazil3335 reads

It is very different. If a provide is well known she can't get away with it but a guy he can. We cannot post his name and # if he rip us off. Myself, I am thinking of working some deals like since I want to reduce the number of clients I see.

Carla Brazil

Actually I have done it before where we were hanging out as friends and I happened to get horny but did not have the total amount to cover it.  She agreed to trust me with the balance and I paid her back on my next visit.

The real reason for the lady to want anyone to prepay would be to have a means of generating income quickly.  Why she would get into a situation like that is beyond my comprehension, but its not my place to judge.  My gut feeling is not to do it unless you are willing to take the risk of never seeing the service.

I agree that some ladies offer this as a way to make quick cash, some do this then disappear.  *I* do this as a way to even out my cash flow... as a former accountant I DO work carefully with personal cash-flow projections and investments on a regular basis.  I intend to be around for some time and most of my friends *are* regulars... might as well offer them a nice discount for helping me manage my funds.

How can you tell one type of lady from the other?
How long has she been around?  How good is the reputation?
Is this listed as a one-time special offer?
Is the net discount over the course of appointments too good to be true?

I certainly understand those who feel it is fool-hardy to prepay.  I'd hesitate a great deal myself.  But please do not judge all (including myself) as just offering the option for quick income generation, or assume that it is only offered because the lady has herself in some sort of bind.


Point well taken, Sola.  I have, in fact, loaned money to a lady that I trusted and she did NOT let me down.  However, my point is that I was willing to say goodbye to that amount if she wished to flake out on me.  I'm glad it didn't happen.

But I also know a friend who was taken to the cleaners by a well respected provider just before she decided to retire.  It was the prepaid deal with a good discount.  A few months later she tried to get back in the business, but she was unwilling to honor her past debts.  I refuse to do business with anyone I don't trust.

-- Modified on 12/22/2004 7:45:41 PM

was offering an exceptional special, but I couldn't make it in her time frame. But I figured she needed money now, so I called and asked if I sent the donation now, would she see me later at my convenience. She said yes and we both won.

There was a woman here in philly that did prepay only. I think there wasnt a man who didnt think that this might be a ripoff that first time, but based on her reviews she was golden with her word.

I never had any trouble with her arrangement. There was a time her payment system did not give her my money, but she honored the money as if it were collected.

My advise is to check out her reviews to see what's up. PM someone who has seen her. In this ladies case I would have taken that deal any day all day long.

She is no longer here on TER. I don't know why and I wish her all the happiness a human can have. So do your homework and enjoy!

jHammrLoo3412 reads

I got screwed two times (about 2G)without getting my pecker wet by a Vegas provider. Lesson well learned. But I pity her. She is always running from me and other gents, except she can't run away from herself.

seem to pop up everywhere in your life.

A rip off here and a rip off there usually means there is a disaster waiting to happen. And when it does it always amazes me that the first reaction is "those dirty bastards!" Never, who am I being that people would want to do me harm?

Sorry for the 2g, but like I said in another forum, what kind of provider do you think she would have been if you had actually seen her?

A little rip off here a little rip off there?

Screen away! please!

LVP, on the Sucker stamp, I have often wondered that not only in the hobby but also in my other businesses. As Jadie and Singer have stated I have to agree that to pre pay anything over and above what you are willing and able to light a match to and kiss goodbye is let's say just down right silly (I also use that phylosophy on those few times when i gamble) Fistfuck, think of this, every time one of us ladies go out to meet with a gentleman we are taking a much greater chance. Eticket and Singer, I have had times with a regular when it was for the most part last minute and he would be a bit short, thus far I have been lucky you might say in that he has been honerable and either sent the balance or provided it at the next session. St Croix, does your response mean that you do not have a savings account at your bank for if you do you can be sure they are making $$ off of yours. denverdon and r_bear11 in cases of pre-pay that is how it should work. Ozzy335 frankly it hurts all of us when such happens and I appoligize for said provider's total lack of class and good business sence. Carla, yes i agree that it stinks especialy as we girls have no private forum here to warn others of purported hobbiests whom are in trueth just ripoffs.
Now my personal policies regarding pre-pay:
1. As I am willing to travel apon request I do insist on 1/2 half my fee and actual travel expenses upfront for the simple fact that airfare, hotel, airport parking at home airport, rental car (if needed), and house sitter are all expenses that for the most part I have to pay upfront well before i start packing my baggs for his pleasure.
the way I have things set up also protects the client for if I fail to deliver the artistry contracted for he has a reciept etc. Also as I have run my a small business for over 20 yrs with my main form of advertising being word of mouth I know just how powerful that cashfree advertising can be.
As Sola has stated from an accounting stand point there are definate advantages.
As I prefer to stay at a very low volume so as to have plenty of time for my other passion, art, for me the advantage, and this is something I have been considering suggesting to a regular whom like Singer and Gakie has been short on last minute sesions that we set up x$ the first part of each month and I come by (I always see him at his home) x times for a minimum of x hrs (I have to admit i tend to overstay the agreed time with this gentleman) give or take at his convience. From an accounting standpoint it would help in budgeting for I would know that ammount is coming in each month on x day.
As far as the rest of my revenue from the hobby, frankly when I started this I decided that it is best for me to never count on a single penny coming in. Rather I treat all income as found money for extras. In those rare occasions when I have to raise a bit of extra cash... that is what credit unions are made for.

Jadie2746 reads

“I have things set up also protects the client for if I fail to deliver the artistry contracted for he has a reciept etc.”

As I said it is a matter of trust.  I would never enter a prepay arrangement if I felt I needed some sort of protection.  A handshake is all I need to seal a prepay agreement.  Although I have never been rip off, if I was, I would not pursue any remedial action and just assume she must have needed the money more than I do.  As I said, I play with expendable money and not the house food money.  Finally most of us are aware of the ladies upfront cost you list and that is the reason some of us voluntarily prepay even when it is not required by the lady.

I would never pre-pay someone I hadn't seen before.

However, I have done this with one of my regulars and would do it with any of them.  All of the providers I see on a regular basis (it's only 3) know who I am.  They all needed my name before they would see me the first time.  I am trusting them with the biggest secret of my life.  I certainly can trust them with a thousand bucks in advance if it saves me a couple hundred in the long run.

Now my only issue is that I have gotten used to that pricing with the one I do it with and I need to scrape together enough money for 3 visits before I can see her again, or else I gotta pay full.  :-)

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