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"...too damn bad I can't live with one." LMAO (e)
ronkini1234 2 Reviews 173 reads


Of every other species on Earth, the male of the species is the beautiful.  

There is no question in our species that women are the beautiful. I am surprised that there aren't more bi women or lesbians.

I absolutely adore women, too damn bad I can't live with one.

No questions or inquiry today, just a declaration of my appreciation of the beauty of women.

And no I'm not drinking, yet.

I am a big fan of Darwin, but yeah it was Ancient Aliens which got me thinking along these lines.

You are yummy, by the way.

"........ I am surprised that there aren't more bi women or lesbians."

I know, right?
I'm doing my best to get the word out......one woman at a time :D

We have at least one thing in common, we both really, really like pussy.

Too funny, there is a woman at my work who is a Lesbian, and she tries so hard dropping hints as if she wants me to ask her directly. I get the feeling she thinks it'll have shock value, guess I look like and act like a conservative. I wish she'd come right out and tell me, because even though it's a work environment I think I might just tell her "well, we have something in common" and leave it there.

Rock on lopaw, remember if we should ever meet, I owe you a drink. You are definitely one of my favorite posters. So I've got that going for me, lol.

Alan_Nimm199 reads

I'd be bi. I mean, who could pass all THAT up??  :)

WildJimmy!194 reads

....and that's wonderful, yeah? But maybe a peacock or a white tail buck looks at these hot women running around and goes, Meh.

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