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Tom Cruise's overzealousness for latest gal. Gag me. Closet Queer!!! Why does...........angry_smile
SmellySmegma 5813 reads

the press not tell the truth about this homo???   His whole career is a lie.  Posed for gay mags etc.  Fine, but don't PRETEND to be hetero.   That appearance on Oprah was embarrassing by anyone's standards.  He makes Richard Simmoms seem like a temple of testoterone.  SAD, (you'd think his handler's, pun intended would enlighten him)!

I would be down on one knee, too...thanking God.

Second, I didn't know he posed for gay mags...how do you?  

If Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman haven't gone there, what makes you qualified?  Is he such a hot property that he could get three totally hot good actresses to capitulate into a marraige of convenience with him, and put up with all that goes along with it?  Please. Methinks thou dost protest too much.

Oh, and BTW, Cruise fucking rocked in "Collateral".

ashleelala2835 reads

the Hollywood machine is a powerful thing...I guess we'll never know the truth. Maybe he is maybe he isn't. You don't think its possible the women were trying to get their names out there?
And as a fan of TC, he was good in Collateral, not sure about rocked.....muwhahaahahahah

Does it matter if he's gay or not?  I really couldn't care less.

Wish I'd seen the Oprah interview, sounds like he was quite barking on it.

Bizzaro Superdude3477 reads

Last good movie he made....   Risky Business.

Since then?  hummmmmmmm....   Let me think....  Maybe Rainman - but then again - that was Mr Hoffman's masterpiece....

notice that he never plays a superdude...!?   like me.  Imagine if he had to go aginst Lex Leuthor... or Martin Luthor - or Luthor VanDross or Martin Scheen or any of a number of super villians.... catwoman comes to mind for the ever grinnin Mr Cruise....   Best woman he let get away...?   Ms. Rogers!  Hands down.

So, cruise on Mr. Cruise...  cause ya know what - your not all that good....

I am not a "Cruise fan".  I cannot even watch his "action fests".  However, give credit where credit is deserved.  He has done a few very good roles.  His portrayal of Ron Kovic in "Born On The Fourth Of July" was excellent as well as moving, and his recent turn in "Collateral" was much better, IMO, than the over-lauded performance of his co-star in that movie, Jamie Foxx.  Cruise dusted Foxx.  He also was excellent in "Magnolia".

Albeit, he hasn't played against type anywhere near as much as Brad Pitt did in "Kalifornia", but if nothing else, these three roles to me were all excellent efforts.  

but I have to agree that he was brilliant in Magnolia.

I'd love to know a lot more (truth) about his childhood.  The Oprah performance was screened here last night and it was fascinating.  He's so incredibly guarded in his behaviour, even when he's being, ahem, spontaneously overcome with emotion.  If there's a real person in there, it's well hidden.

performance, especially not one seen on Oprah, and especially not used by YOU, Emma.  My lord, the guy is wooden as a cricket bat, ESPECIALLY when he screws up his little face in an imitation of intense consideration about something.  As for his childhood, his touchingly robotic religious beliefs and whether he likes boys or girls, who cares?  You're going SOFT on us, Emma!    

-- Modified on 6/8/2005 5:25:33 PM

I was just getting ready to commit to going to the prep school that the Army sends all its active enlisted who qualify to go to West Point to when that movie came out.  It was an interesting comparison for me.  Lots of similarities.  I eventually resigned from the school because I was too much like Sean Penn's charachter in "Taps".

RehabRob2597 reads

I am not sure what everyone else seems to see in this guy and I have seen clips of the Okra show where he apparently was going ape-shit over Katie who to me appears like she's being led around on a leash. If looks and money are the criteria, well I guess most of the Hollywood types have us beat down to where we should climb in a hole? Or if you take a good listen you'll find that they say absolutely nothing. Let me say it this way, bashing the rich and soon to be un-famous is like shooting fish in a barrel. If you take away their so-called "art," could any of them add something of meaning to the universe?

SmellySmegma2311 reads

was interviewed and said she'd never slept with him. It was all a publicity stunt. LOL  Why doesn't he just come out of the closet and fess up. Kevin Spacey, Richard Gere and others should do the same.

Captain Oblivious2150 reads

why don't you feel that way about me??? If she could make me feel that way then I certainly wouldn't be here....

Bizzaro Superdude3283 reads

So, what does this say?  And to think that most of the people in the entertainment (NOT ALL) are the least educated among us.... and yet we hang on their every opinion and word as if they had "special" insight.  How else can you explain the pay that they get for what they do...

See the link and then review my take on all this below...  argh....   would move to Canada, but they are more $#$#%% than we are....  Australia - but then again, Bond, Miss Emma Bond would probably bar my immigration....   I'm green ya know! lol, I crack me up.

1) That we as a governed people, who choose our leaders, certainly do not choose the best and brightest amongst us to lead...?
2) That Really smart guys and gals, don't "do politics" (too dirty, too little honest reward, too much busy work, etc..), they actually get a job where they can accomplish something...
3) Even the C students from an Ivy-League school are really something?  Nah, even I don't buy that one....
4) Bush and Kerry, both feel inferior, and are trying to make up for a poor academic performance...
5) Yale is embarrassed....  Kerry and Bush - well, lets just say their thought would be, "hey, we at least graduated..."
6) Do they Really, really need to understand geology, astronomy, history and polisci??  After all, it is just governing the WORLD!
7)  If your physician got a D in infectious disease, would you want him/her writing a script for amoxicillin?  For anything?  For your kid?
8)  We know Bush's excuse, What was Kerry's?
9)  They really are smart - they just don't work well under pressure... AND my favorite thought....
10) Fortunately, the collective thought, as opposed to an individual opinion often governs the country...  Let us hope that there will never be the "man on the white horse," as FDR almost was...

Hi Carrie,

I agree!!!The phrase that I live by is "live and let live."  What a great world this would be if we all followe that motto!!!!!

sexxygirrl3107 reads

I used to like Tom Cruise--now he's looking unbalanced and brainwashed.

Apparently he made several interviewers go through 4-6 hour tours of Scientology facilities before they could interview him.

You don't see Jewish, Catholic or Protestant actors or directors forcing interviewers to walk through synagogues and churches or make them study the Bible.

It says a lot about the wackiness of Scientology that he has to try so hard to force people to "understand" his beliefs. If it works for him, great, but why force it down anyone else's throat (and apparently Katie is thinking about converting)?

Because of his Oprah antics and the Scientology force-feedings, I heard that studio execs are scratching their heads and cutting back his personal appearances before he turns off the entire US population.

Bizzaro Superdude3334 reads

Precisely that we listen to the hollywood drival as if it were important....

Anyone ever wonder why we pay $7-15 for a stupid movie ticket...  to say nothing of the concession stand wonders...   So, we support these clowns and their really whacky behaviour....  At least the Brits get royalty!! lol....

2sense3030 reads

...couldn't you at least go with a better one.

Isaac Asimov (Foundation series), Arthur C. Clarke (Childhood's End), Robert Heinlein (Puppet Masters, Starship Troopers, no not the movie), or our own Jack Vance (Demon Princes) would be better choices than L. Ron Hubbard (yuck!)

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 4:48:15 AM

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