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Today's email scam???
Sylvia Khalan 2913 reads

I received this just moments ago!!!
I was wondering if you might be interested in some travel work? Currently I am working with a girl from the Boston area (Samantha - [email protected] ).  I am looking for 2 to 3 providers that enjoy what they do, can handle themselves in an executive environment, and are dependable.

I have an established client list of about 250 men. I set up 2 to 3 day fantasy vacations for these clients. I set up air travel, 5 star hotel arrangements, and  tickets for shows or tours if the client wants.

Here is how it all works:

Notification – You let me know about 30 to 45 days before about what your availability is. I email the clients a time line that you would be available for travel. They in turn send me their interest. From there I confer with you and develop the trip.

Payment – Two days before travel you will get  a Western Union or an envelope in the mail with traveler’s checks that make up 50% of the trips total payment. Upon arrival at the vacation location there will be the other envelope with the other portion (50%) at the hotel desk under your name.

NYC - 2400 per day    Key West - 2000   New Orleans (We are now going to Bolder, CO instead) - 2200 *hope you like to snow ski...

Schedules – You can average about 2 to 3 trips per month, if you want to travel that much, but I work around your availability.

Getting your info to the client– I email the clients photos and an introduction video of you. They are properly advised of your “dating rules” and what to expect or not to expect. My clients are well off gents that are very discrete. I don't advertise on line other than by email to the client.

How we get started - I will have to have you visit Kansas City to interview, do a introduction video (2 to 5 min. of you telling them about you), develop a schedule that works for you and I, and develop your “dating rules”. The only investment of yours is the initial interview (flight and hotel) after that 100% is paid for by me.

How I get paid and my take of the rate – I make my money on the travel end. I have a contact that allows me to purchase travel packages 30 days in advance at a discounted rate.

I don’t take the normal 30% from the client’s fee like the other services. I do this for two reasons: subsidize my child support from the wicked witch of the northeast and companionship. I lieu of the 30% I spend 2 to 3 hrs before the trip in a “client” status with the girls that work with me.

The only investment on your part is the initial air fare and hotel for your 1 day stay for the interview. After the interview 100% of travel, lodging, and incidental expenses when they arise are covered. Currently I have 5 requests for trips in October and 1 request to go to Ireland for 5 days. If you are in agreement with my proposal I would love to set a date for you to come to meet me in Kansas City. If you are available to come here between now and the 28th I can get you set for the month of October. I am looking forward to talking to you soon.


Client Ref: [email protected]

fototaker2517 reads

hahahahaaaa!! perhaps i should give up being a PooR freelance artist/photographer and start being a pimp..  i mean, start managing providers!!!

"The only investment on your part is the initial air fare and hotel for your 1 day stay for the interview."


"I don’t take the normal 30% from the client’s fee like the other services. I do this for two reasons: subsidize my child support from the wicked witch of the northeast and companionship. I lieu of the 30% I spend 2 to 3 hrs before the trip in a “client” status with the girls that work with me."


You pay for your flight and hotel, and then he gets "2 to 3 hrs before the trip in a “client” status with the girls that work with me."


-- Modified on 9/25/2005 11:38:02 AM

Tester of idea2940 reads

the 2 or 3 hours of client time occurred AFTER he produced a bona fide trip where a provider got all the money promised?  I know there's still the initial outlay of air fare and hotel, but a good provider could post on EROS and possibly make this a "tour."

Would that change either of your minds?

This equals 1 airline ticket, one hotel bill, 2 - 3 hours of free box office. Unless you like getting f&%ked over, tell this guy to get lost. If he's got this many guys lined up, then if I were him, I would take the 30% off the top for really only minor output and feel like what a way to make a living.

ReticentMale2592 reads

I would play with this one. First, make contact with Samantha via email with a request for confirmation and legitimacy of the original senders offer. Ask for references of other known providers that are currently working this program or the references of clients that have used this service. I would even go as far as to ask for his personal information for security reasons - none of this would be too much to ask for IMHO.

After, I would enjoy reading the responses and consider the next step in play or let it go.

But, before doing this, I would be curious to see what came with this email such as header details of its origin and other information that can be used to investigate the sender.

Some here have already posted good suggestions such as booking a tour, and not committing those client services to him until after your first trip with outside client.

But none of this before investigating and getting references - safety first.

Good Luck

PS - [email protected] yahoo account was started 9/18/05 and has no information on the profile page.

Samantha's yahoo account was started 5/5/05 and also has not information on the profile page.

Just think, Sylvia, instead of taking 30% off the top, which would be $1,980 for a three day trip to Boulder ("hope you like to snow ski" - now wasn't that cute?), all he asks for is a free bonk.

My suggestion? Tell him that Mistress Sylvia Khalan would love to meet with him in KC. Tell him you'll bring yur whips and chains and make it the longest 2-3 hours of his life.

Anything that is;

Lure of big money + pay for costs upfront + they get freebie/value for promise of work = Big Fat Scam.

Virtually anything that follows this pattern - work from home! you won the lottery! my dad is the king of Nigeria! is a rip-off.

-- Modified on 9/25/2005 3:31:44 PM

-- Modified on 9/25/2005 3:32:23 PM

I just received the classic "I'm an agency in London" (with a registered physical address, wtf?) and "my well off client is flying in the US and want to meet you" shit.

The funny part of it is...I do have a very nice nigerian client, who is a young medical student in Philly. I know him for couple years and his family is really well off in his country. Because of these nigerian scams, he feels embarassed to tell girls where he is from or even give ANY info about himself at all. He uses me as his reference all the time, because I know who he is (for real) and he is one fine specimen :)~~~~~ He reminds me of that Eddie Murphy movie, lol, about the son of a rich african King living in the US.

-- Modified on 9/26/2005 1:03:06 AM

That would really suck...I'd tell people I was from Ghana or something; otherwise every time you let the cat out of the bag you'd get everybody in the room's  Nigerian scam story...which would take several hours ;)

sexxygirrl3734 reads

This guy gets the girl to pay her own way to see him, make an interview tape, and probably will convince her to have sex on the interview day.

Then she gets a (bogus) check in the mail two days before the "trip" and flies back out to have sex with him again. The morning of the trip he'll undoubtedly call to say the trip is cancelled.

Pretty clever scam, though, and I can possibly see a newbie provider falling for it.

Thanks for publicizing it!

Sylvia:  I got the same exact email earlier today.  Scam!!  Lisa of Boston

-- Modified on 9/25/2005 9:06:52 PM

IMHO if this was legit, he'd at least have a real e-mail address associated with a website, not a FREE yahoo account.



P.S. I still get e-mails once a week from those damn Nigerians.They just don't let up.

Seems to me that this guy is getting free sessions at the provider's expense (your time). If he thinks he can get 30% of the fee, he should get that 30%. If he wants to spend that money on sessions with a provider, then everyone wins. But he is proposing that you just give him 2-3 hours free because he made the match and the travel arrangements. Are you getting paid more for your service because your service includes the extra 2-3 hours of your time. I bet not. I bet the real client is getting a "discount" because the pimp is not charging a fee. So, you get a job, the client gets a good vacation escort service and this guy gets free sessions. In this case, the cost of the session is totally your burden since you don't get paid for it. The real client should be paying for all expense including the service fee to the matching service and travel agent. But, if you are not getting that 30% extra from the client's fees, you are the only one who is losing on the deal.

I deleted it after I got to the part about his receiving payment..."I spend 2 - 3 hours in a 'client' status with the girls that work for me".  Oh yeah, I'm going to jump right on that.  I LIKE giving it away to business partners... NOT!!!! ROFLMAO.  If he's making his money on the travel end of the deal... why does he need free companionship?  The only investment is the airfare and hotel for the initial interview?  Is that where he gets to talk you into 'checking out the merchandise' just to see if you measure up (all for free, of course)?  I really would like to know where this guy gets his 'clients'.  I don't know of a single travel agent who arranges for companionship on trips.  Amazing... I wonder how many unsuspecting ladies fell for this one?

fototaker3685 reads

as a photog who has worked with models, these two bizes aren't really too different. you would NOT believe how they SCAM women wanting tobe models, and tis the same dirty tricks used decades ago, but it's just NOW!! i know models who are STiLL paying past $3000 for "agency" representation and getting NO calls & work! if you pay for an agency, it's a SCAM. if they want you to use THEIR photog and you pay one cent, it's a SCAM. the same thing in being a provider; they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't get any aspiring women wanting to be a provider of such services...  you wouldn't believe the number of girls who fall for such tricks!!

be safe, take care, STAY saFe!!! if it sounds too good to be true, then it prob is!! there ARE idiots out there (like me) who will do like a foto shoot for free...  but i gotta eat. but if i can't get a paYing job then i'd rather be doing fotos so i'd settle for nothing...

foto below: you too can hold the sun AND the world in your hands, IF you dream and soar toward your stars....

Out of curiousity, I contacted Samatha, surposidly the woman who works with Tim on this "scam."   She answered with an interesting response to me.  See below

From:  "Samantha Taylor" [email protected]  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more
Subject: Re: Hi Its Lisa of Boston www.sweetsexyclassy.com  
To: "Lisa of Boston" [email protected]


I am sooo sorry it has taken me so long to respond back to you. After I returned from my last trip I have been running back and forth to the hospital and email has not been a big priority. My daughter has been very ill. Its nice to hear that you may be considering joining Tim. I have worked with Tim for about 2 1/2 years. I escort very part time because I have a little girl and I got to school full time. Its hard to get away allot. I met Tim when I was working for a local "service" here in the Philly area. The dead beat that my daughter calls Dad left us and I had to find a way to support us.I had been a dancer part time and guess I thought I needed to take the next step. A friend told me about Tim and his trip work and it sounded a hell of allot better than seeing 5 to 6 guys a night. The trips are nice and most of the men are fun to travel with. Some of the guys are a bit ...boring but you know how that goes. Anyway, I have done very well with Tim. I mostly like the way I pick my work days and how he screens his clients. I have to say I have not had one slob/rude client since I have been with Tim. The clients that Tim will introduce you to are very nice with no worries. As long as you have a fun personality and am sexual in nature you will do fine. Well enough about me, please e mail me any questions that you may have and I would be more than happy to answer any thing you have to ask. I will try my best to get back to you as sooner next time.



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