TER General Board

To anyone who has ever had any questions they would like to ask a lady of leisure, please...
danielle dubois 5078 reads

...send them to me in an email at [email protected], or you may post them here if you like. I am currently writing a book, and I will have a categorized "questions and answers" section with all the questions I can ever remember being asked in my career so far, and any that you lovely TER members wish to add...

my only guidelines are that if you wish to have a name published along with your question, please use an AKA or a nickname not related to your real name or your TER handle, for your safety... and please do make the questions vulgar or raunchy of course, or they will not be considered... and try to make them interesting and original-- something you dont imagine has been asked often...

thanks for your input!


When a client you've never met shows up at your door and he's...like completely bald, what do you think of to keep from laughing? I've always admired the way providers, unlike civvies, could stifle their snickers when they meet a total doofus, but I've never been able to figure out how they do it.

-- Modified on 4/5/2005 2:01:42 AM

Bizzaro Superdude2170 reads

Lex, while I too am bald, it doesn't seem to be a problem when I drop my shorts and uh...  it is obvious that I got carried away with the razor....  But they don't laugh, maybe it's like you stand outside the door with your pants down!? They too are not prepared for the Bold statement that you have been known to make....

Lust To Love2670 reads

Given the opportunity to see men from a wide spectrum of backgrounds, be it social-eco, age, ethnic, occupational, geographical, etc. Were you able to dispel any stereotypes or myths about any particular group?

-- Modified on 4/4/2005 6:27:45 PM

Has anyone ever spent an entire appointment just looking at, touching, caressing, kissing, and anything else that doesn't involve penetration, your beautiful behind?

If they did, I want to shake their hand.  If not, someone should.

You take care, and good luck with your book.

...I did actually, was kind of odd-- but very refreshing! He was actually an older gentlemen and he gave me a story on how he had been married for 47 years and never cheated, and never planned on it-- but he couldnt resist me, and just wanted to look and maybe touch but no sex! I said, hey, why the hell not! He was such a cute lil old man too! The sad part is he had never had oral sex-- I guess his generation and where he came from thought it was a huge no-no, so I felt bad for him on that... seeing as how that is apparently one of my best skills! (sigh)

Thanks for the compliment babe!


Questioner2504 reads

Some answers I have heard from providers already:

I'm not a victim.

I'm not after your man.

...why come to me about your marital/relationship problems? When you catch your guy-- confront him, because I surely did not approach him with this arrangement... look at the problem within what you do, and how you conduct yourself... if youre in a rut, and he is looking for something else-- civvie or provider-- deal with him, not the other woamn, especially if that other woman requires payment for her company...



Candace Of ATL3223 reads

TWO things I always have to stiffle my urge to comment & question:

The first one is a question to females that are so angry to find that their S/O is doing things "behind her back"
I just have to ask her: Why do you think he feels the need to hide it.

Also, if women who are non-providers get: Comfortable, lazy, apathetic, etc then how do they possibly muster all of the energy to spy, research and interogate their man when they think he is enjoying himself else where. Spend the energy in a positive way and the problems will be reduced....  kisses  Candace

What personal fantasy/scenario has NOT been fulfilled yet, but you want to do ?

Bizzaro Superdude4001 reads

Of all the acts and places you have been and done, what is the most memorable, and do  you fantacize about anyone (perhaps from another planet?)

for the question about a guy not penetrating throughout the whole session...there was a guy who just wanted to work his magic with his tongue the whole hour...and did so...and left a $100 buck tip.

TheCunningLinquist4621 reads


From the movie "10" - from a scene between Dudley Moore, Bo Derek.

Have you ever set up an appointment, and the guy turns out to be very fat, but very friendly?  The reason why I ask is I knew a provider who had a 500 lb regular that she always looked forward to seeing.  Just curious

seen a hobbiest who you recognized from civvie life.(i.e.: neighbor, coworker, the guy at the dry cleaners, etc.) and what was your reaction? did you continue with the appointment?

...I had a guy that was a friend and co-worker of my father! very awkward whenI opened the door of the hotel to find him on the other side! Especially since I have known him since I was about 11!

That, was a very odd day, and I think of it so often...


both recognized each other, probably neither being sure if others were present which made it unsafe to speak -- and if so, how did you handle it?

Candace Of ATL3134 reads

I am very "public" in my home town. I have also bumped into clients at theaters & resturants in New York.
My hard set rule is: I never, ever acknowledge or even indicate that I know a client unless he first speaks to me.
I also make this policy very well known with my clients when I first meet them, this avoids any misunderstandings should an accidental bumping occur.....   kisses  Candace

-- Modified on 4/6/2005 7:06:22 AM

...I run into people, and even peoples wives who have seen me or recognize me from the computer and approach me, either saying they know me from somewhere, or outright asking if I am an adult model or entertainer! Days when that happens are the best, because it makes me feel like a star!

But seriously, I have run into guys when they are out with SOs, one guy even with his dad; sometimes they even speak when they are with family, sometimes they ignore me-- I ran into a guy out here who was from CA and saw me frequently when I lived there; he hadn't seen me in years but still remembered me, I was shocked! he was vacationing with his entire family, mom, dad, wife, kids-- and came up to me and said hi! played it off like I was the daughter of an old friend! It was hilarious, the look on my face must have been priceless...

I have seen people that are/were clients run form me like the plague as well when they are out with their friends and family... and even a few that obviously couldn't quite tell where they had seen me before... all of which amuses me immensely!


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