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To answer your initial question.
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2022 reads

We're gonna talka about it everytime it happens to someone!

Reminds me of that great Ani DiFranco song "Little Plastic Castle" about the goldfish swimming around the bowl and the Castle is new every time!

Oh man. So, I'm pretty new to this; I'd seen four or five SP's over the summer. Fine, good times, nice girls. Went back to my people feeling better, more in love with my wife, happier as a dad. Last week I saw a girl I'd been crazy to see for months. Beautiful beyond belief. Too good at what she does. It wasn't GFE. It seemed like GF, period. We talked and talked. On the intimate level, she blew my mind in the slowest, most luxuriant way imaginable. I just wanted to live there in the heated glow of her body; I'd never felt more at home than in that moment. Afterwards we talked more. There was no clock. She left sometime in the middle of the night, long after she was supposed to have.

Now I'm done for. Absolutely miserable. Nothing pleases me, not even my sweet children. There is no relief. I wrote her a long letter which I didn't send. Every minute I think of her, miserably depressed and despondent. I feel like a total idiot. All the facts of the situation prove it, I know. But I'm breaking down in the freakin grocery store. My God, what have I done?

Anybody been here and lived to tell the tale?

nanchunger3380 reads

As someone said below, this is sex for money.  Forget it at your own peril.  It is her job to make you feel this way, just as its the job of any good salesperson to build a relationship.  As they say, sales reps are your professional friend.  Never confuse business associates with friends.

We're gonna talka about it everytime it happens to someone!

Reminds me of that great Ani DiFranco song "Little Plastic Castle" about the goldfish swimming around the bowl and the Castle is new every time!


Hey wake up.  If you are not careful you are going to lose your entire life.  Wife.  Children.  Assets.  Everything.  And why?!?

All for an illusion.  You had an incredable time.  Great.  Keep the memory (which will get better over time).  That moment will never happen again (even if you stay with wonder provider for the rest of your lives). So again...

(Sound of 2x4 against your head).

This message was provided as a personal service as requested by the original poster.  Thank you ;-).

Mara said this once. It's the time spent with each other that you fall in love with. Not the person who you are with.

Just me, 1dogg12

junior4572269 reads

O.k. you do realize you've created this whole thing in your head. She doesn't love you nor does she want you to run away with her. This is going nowhere and we have to burst this illusion you have created.

Here's the plan....we hang out a bit, you take me to some dinners, ball games, few rounds of golf. We become "friends". Once this is established......I will set up an appointment with her...without your knowledge of course (since you won't have advanced knowledge of this you will repay me for the cost of the session afterward...since we are friends at this point I'll trust your good for it.)

Now about a week after my session you are going to take me golfing again during which I am going to tell you in casual conversation about this "date" I had last week with this wonderful woman...and all the great things she said to me that made me feel so special....how she performed her sevices on me unlike anyone else ever has......

You will then realize like alot of women in this cruel world that she cheated on you!! She didn't mean all those things she said to you because she said them to me too & I'm fat & ugly!!

Oh my God what to do with such heartache but go home...to your loving wife....your beautiful children and relish the love they have for you....and forget about that cheating woman you thought you were in love with.

How's that sound? It works for me....I'm free this Sunday for our first round of golf.

-- Modified on 8/12/2005 3:24:45 PM

sicnarf2384 reads

I have pondered this on many more than one occasion - and let it play to completion in my mind... but I also very realistically come to understand that most of the providers that I see are at a different point in their life than I am in mine... they also have different goals - and although we share some problems (ex's, how to get your kid to do homework, issues with travel etc.) we also have problems that are not similar...  

again, play the scenario out... this does not mean that the providers are not nice people - they are - but me falling for one, well lets just say it is not something that I can see happening with a good conclusion.  Would I like it - you bet.  but...  Can it happen and have a good conclusion ?  yes - but is rare...

can I be Junior 4582300 reads

Jingle, most of us have been there, caught staring into blindingly bright light.  Unless you jump off the bridge, those light spots eventually fade out.  There's a high liklihood that while you're pining for her, she's taking another appointment, giving some other guy (Junior perhaps) that same experience.  Don't get mad...she's GREAT at what she does, and that's what draws her to you.  Enjoy her, again and again if you can handle it.  Call her your ATF, as I do mine.  But recognize that it's a wonderful illusion, and enjoy it for what it is.

I hadn't thought of that one.  I thought if I were falling in love I could try to interfere with with the process by seeing other providers.  Getting a buddy to see her... I'll keep that one in mind.  

Then again, that probably wouldn't work on me.  Good idea anyway, I'll keep it in mind for buddies who need the deprogramming.

...then a day or two passes, my balls replenish their cargo, and I'm good to go! Off looking for the next one.

Give it time. It will pass.

well guys,

Thanks for the golf and the 2x4's! I think I'm mainly over it.....feeling much more like myself. Alot of times when you come out of an experience like this, you feel like you were temporarily insane. I don't feel that way, but I do feel much more detached and objective about the situation.

One more question-do I see her again? (God I want to!)

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