TER General Board

Those of you who are MODERATED, here's one suggestion
sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3516 reads

and it's only a suggestion. PM Girl Next Door and ask that the moderation be lifted (depending on the reason, how long it's been, etc.). Sometimes, they will do that.

Hope she doesn't mind me saying so...

Don't you find it odd that many posts have over 200 reads, but it seems that the posters are really only a handful of the same ones, over and over. Why aren't all these readers joing in as posters? Just curious.

What I often find (by the time that I get around to reading the board) is that there is nothing I can add to a thread. We have a great group of intelligent and articulate people here, and nine times out of ten, there are several well written responses to a post by the time I see it.

So I read and enjoy.

Scorpion383225 reads

I don't post as much as alot of the other people here mainly because I don't get the chance to check out the board that often.
Most of the time,everything that needs to be said is already there and I find no reason to post something like..."Ditto."

I got tired of the moderation - with some posts being delayed in appearing for a day or more and some never making it to the board. So fuck it, I stopped posting.

sailed7seas3101 reads

why did you just post?

welcome back to posting!!!!!!!!!

1) Constructive conversation. Personally, I don't post if I don't feel I have something constructive to add to the conversation. If someone else has more or less stated my position then there's no sense chiming in with "me too".

2) Interest in the subject. Although I may read a thread (or at least the start of it), I generally don't respond if the subject holds no interest for me.

3) Apathy. Writing a response takes at least a little effort, even if it's just a flame. Responding with something meaningful takes a fair amount of effort. Perhaps a lot of folks don't want to make the time.

4) Posts are a reflection of the poster. Whatever you post is now associated with your handle or alias. Over time, your personality is established on this board through what you say and how you say it. In a way, posts are like herpes, they follow you around forever B^D. There are probably people who want to reveal as little of themselves as possible.

I post with frequency just because I spend too much time on this board and because I have never been shy about expressing my opinion (probably too much so for some :P.  However, I also do it to encourage others to join in the debate, as the more views get posted, the broader the discussion gets, and I feel that is a good thing for both entertainment and for enlightenment.

I don't mind getting "known" by my posts, because I yam what I yam and the people I have become friends with through this board like who I yam.  Most of the providers I have seen have been of like mind as I, and some I have seen have specifically been aware of me through my posts and were already favorably inclined towards me because of them.  Hard to beat that.

Also, God knows someone needs to be a counterpoint to Net Michelle at times, eh, Mich? :)

DoctorDoAlot3147 reads

I use to post all the time. I have noticed posts being about a particular subject and half way through talking about another subject.  I wish that more posts just stay true to what they were originally about.

GLisHJ2251 reads

If people want to change the subject, why don't they start their own thread.  Must frustrate the hell out of the original poster.

Ci Ci2605 reads

is don't take advantage of someone who is willing to be extra nice to you.


I'm just lazy.  I hate to type and I really have trouble saying what I mean when I have to type - I'd rather talk live.

and it's only a suggestion. PM Girl Next Door and ask that the moderation be lifted (depending on the reason, how long it's been, etc.). Sometimes, they will do that.

Hope she doesn't mind me saying so...

Lots of good insights, but i especially agree with Meph. Usually by the time my responses get posted, the thread has reached -or passed- the bottom of the page and regular readers have gone on to other posts. Let's see how long it takes this one to get up.

Probably many reasons!!!
which may include:
1) apparent wish to stay incognito
2) not wishing to get flamed
3) not sure of, or not having command of the written word (some folks are just embarrassed)
4) some folks simply don't wish to be attacked as I have seen several posters do - and for obviously little reason.

The sad part of this is that there are many very intelligent people on this board who have taught me much! and I thank them for it... :):)

They're busy trying to figure out what the hell 'joing' means.


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