TER General Board

Those aren't boobs, they're pecs.
roleplayer 2223 reads
1 / 38

I meet an out of country provider visiting the USA for the first time a few months ago. I truly had a wonderful wonderful time with her. She is suppose to come back in a month or so. I am planning to see her again her and during our session this time, I was thinking of proposing to take her out on a multi-hour date on her off days here while she is visiting. She did tell me last time that she did not get to see much of NYC because she was working, and no I am not falling in love with this girl and I am not touring NYC with her. I would like to spend the a few hrs at the jersey shore with her because I think it would be a lot of fun for both of us.  

Her agency rate is 400/hr, I was going to offer her 1600. I would pick her up at 10am the drive would be about 2hrs, so we should get there around 12pm, hit the hotel room then grab lunch and spend the next few hours at the amusement park, shops, etc and maybe hit the hotel room before we have dinner and leave at around 4pm. I should have her back in NYC at 6pm. So minus the 4hrs traveling in the car she would spend 4hrs with me enjoying the shore and at most hit the hotel room twice. I was going to let her decide, weather she want this to go through the agency or on her own time but I am not spending more then 1600.

The only worry that I can think of from her point of view would be her safety. But I have meet her before and she seems to be very comfortable with me (but that was at her incall). To put her at ease I was going to pay her in full when I pick her up in the morning and she can bring the money up to her hotel room safe then we can start our trip. I might give her a copy of my driver's license to calm her fears (if she has any because she can tell her friends where/who she is going to be with for the next few hrs). Do you gals (providers) think this is workable? I am also planning to post this on the reviewers only board to get the guys input. Thanks in advance for the ladies point of view

GaGambler 1063 reads
2 / 38

If she is a strictly business type, she won't see it that way.

There is no "one size fits all" answer to this question. The "acceptable rate" could be anywhere from free if she really likes you and does this on her "day off" just remember "free" usually means "sex optional". She could want $400 hr times how ever many hours you are together, but that seems unlikely as well, even the most mercenary hookers have some kind of hourly discount for extended dates.  

Personally, I think your offer is quite fair, but only her opinion really matters.

ValuedCustomer 759 reads
3 / 38

That rate is probably the reasonable rate to go with for something like this.  I have no idea whether $1600 is a reasonable daily rate in your area.  Just ask..

JackDunphy 685 reads
4 / 38

Especially, if it is a day she was looking for work and had none.  

Even so, that's $200/hr net for her with no major expenses of hotel, travel/cab, food, etc. That can be a weeks hall for some of these girls.

Not knowing the girl and all the other details, I would be fairly shocked if she turned you down, provided she feels safe with you, of course.

impposter 49 Reviews 913 reads
5 / 38

If the roles were reversed and "roleplayer" was the tourist and you really wanted to see the Big Apple, would you want to spend the day at the beach, any beach?  I'm no beach expert, but when you're sunscreened-up, lying on a towel, eyes closed, soaking up the rays, I don't see how the sea, sun and sand differ that much from "home" (European Atlantic, Mediterranean or lakeshore).  

(Beach experts: yeah, if you're swimming or snorkeling or jet-skiing or ... there are big differences.  And the ambiance while you're stuck in traffic arriving, leaving and looking for a place to park.)

If I was traveling to some major Euro city and I only had one free day, I would want to see the UNIQUE sites: architecture, museums with some famous one-of-a-kind artworks, ride the subway (Metro, Underground, whatever), even visit a tourist trap or two.  

Did she say she wants a "relaxing day at the beach" or did she say she wants to see what she missed on her previous trips?  You said: "She did tell me last time that she did not get to see much of NYC because she was working."   Jersey ain't NYC.

If I was the guest, I'd ask for something in the city, not the beach, wasting 2x2 hrs there and back.  If I was the host, I'd rather show her the stuff that NY is made of

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 811 reads
6 / 38

a nice lunch at a nice restaurant. maybe go to some nice areas of nyc (perhaps a little shopping to spoil her a bit). and back to her hotel for a nice time until your 1600$ time runs out. I wouldn't push with the time. Yes you're being generous but to go past the allowed time might not sit well with the agency. I have never worked with an agency before so I wouldn't know much about how that works.  
4 hours is more than enough time for you to spoil her and show her a good time in my opinion. Going to the Jersey shore... I think you gonna spend way too much time just getting to the beach. You can use that time for other activities within NYC.  

Hope she has the time when she comes back to spend with you. You sound like a nice guy who really wants to spoil that girl. That's awesome.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 765 reads
7 / 38

I don't particularly see the generosity of that offer but wish you the best of luck.

A couple thoughts.....
Agencies tend to consider it a breach of contract when ladies start booking stuff on their own . Even on their " off days". Depending on the agency this might actually be risky.  

Plus the Jersey Shore sounds like it might be more of your deal than hers. At the very least you might consider giving her an option. A day at the shore or a day of sightseeing in Manhattan.  

You might have a better chance of some off the clock time to enjoy a nice meal with her....a couple drinks or  the theater.

At any rate.....good luck!

roleplayer 822 reads
8 / 38

Since it was her first time in NYC, I asked if she seen any major tourist attractions here and she said no "not much because she was working and her girl friend has been here before and did not want to do the tourist thing again." I don't want to do the tourist thing either. I am taking her to an island resort town in NJ because I had a lot of fond memories there. No we will not be laying on the beach. I was planing on some light shopping, claw game amusement park fun, great local sea food ( we only have a few hours ). I guess I can spend a few hours doing what she would like to do in NYC, but if that was the case - shouldn't she be the one paying me? Or at the very least, I would pay for all the visits and I am not paying her ( no sex of course ). But it kind of blurr the lines of what we are doing ? No?

roleplayer 627 reads
9 / 38

I have had agency girls offer me to be their private client all the time. But I have never ask them for it. I think this would be a good deal for this girl if she did not go through her agency and pocket the whole thing. If she goes through the agency, they probably would want the full 8hrs ( eventhough at least 4hrs would be on the road. which I am not willing to pay). Not to sound selfish, this is really more for me and I think she would have a great time and also get paid. Also not sure how the agency would view me if she decide to go with the agency and I declined. Hmmmm

impposter 49 Reviews 718 reads
10 / 38

One more thing ... trapped in a car with your date for 2 hrs there and 2 hrs back.  The first 10 minutes should be easy.  Maybe even 30 minutes.  YOU might think you can keep things going for 4 hrs plus the 4 hours of shopping and playtime.  What if she can't?  That'll be an enjoyable ride.  

Bring a blanket so she can curl up on the back seat and snooze for the ride while you chauffeur her back to her hotel.  

(This is an entirely personal thing, not a "right - wrong" thing.  You see many more positives than I do.  I'm just sayin' that I wouldn't do the beach thing as a host or a guest.

GaGambler 761 reads
11 / 38

She has an agency, not a pimp. If she feels it's necessary to go through them on her "off day" that's up to her and of course you need to respect her wishes even if it blows your trip.  

As I said earlier, the only people who's opinions count here are hers and yours. I would simply ask her the next time you see her and see what she has to say. Personally I would not make the suggestion and the "offer" for compensation concurrently. I would test the waters first, that she is even interested in spending an entire day with you, and then secondly how to work out the logistics, Who knows, if she likes you she might want to make it an overnight trip on her "day off" at a similar price to what you are offering for a day trip. I would put the ball in her court and just see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 673 reads
12 / 38

If you want to drive out to the shore and hang out there, go for it! You don't need to pay her for things you don't enjoy doing too, and you're right that it may blur lines, especially if the money and the intentions aren't thoroughly understood by everyone involved. So, I also agree with you that you should expect to pay if it is about you to keep things cleaner for (hopeful) good times to come with each other. Mostly a side note, I've been seeing the same guys for years without a hitch because like you they're always aware of our mutual boundaries, and I hope you can have such a healthy and happy experience here too :-)

Anyways, back to you two... While your offer seems nice, I would be prepared for the agency to veto it, or for her to turn it down after calculating what she'll be paying the agency while giving you a discount. Agencies are good for introducing clients and providers, but they aren't going to have the same interests as an independent provider, and they're not going to make the same decisions that an independent lady might. She may be willing, but they're probably not going to give her a discount to match yours even if she wants to meet you, so you've got a lot going against you, if you decide to book her through the agency.  

If she does turn you down, it never hurts to keep your eyes open. Lots of girls go Indy and are very appreciative of the guys who left them with good memories while with an agency ;-)

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 741 reads
13 / 38

why you had to let us all know that you aren't falling in love?

who are you trying to convince? :)

roleplayer 662 reads
14 / 38

a lot easier with an indie. Anyway just haven't found one that I want to spend that much time with. Thks for all the inputs...

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 829 reads
15 / 38

Regardless of his feelings he may or may not have for the chick. A NJ trip is just easily half the time he plans to spend with her. Id stay in NYC and he doesnt need to do the "tourist thing". He can take her to chelsea market or the highline or whatever and then to eat, then spoil her with some shopping then back to the hotel for some intimate fun.  

Stay within the allocated time 1600$ get you, treat her with respect and make the most of the 4 hours you plan to spend with her and you will have a blast. Your generosity is only generous is you respect her time. If she decides time is not an issue, let her bring it up, but otherwise proceed as if 4 hours is all you have. Plenty of things to do in NYC.  

And make sure you dont fall in love :-P

JackDunphy 684 reads
16 / 38

You look at it as a 50% discount, many girls would look at it as them losing $1600 if they didn't take it.

Would you rather get 50% of a large number or 100% of nothing?

In a gals reality, these are the choices many face, so it's easy for any John on here to say what is, or what isn't, "generous".

GaG is dead on here. It only matters what the girl thinks and many high end girls would leap at that offer.

Many can walk away from a $300 or $400 offer. But $1600, in this economy, is serious money. That can be her rent for an entire month gained by "working" one day and in the process being doted on, fed, and transported

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 646 reads
17 / 38

No offense. But you are so specific? You sound like a cop.
Don't go into a date with your paperwork handy.. Pig.
That's creepy..

Remember. You are purchasing time with a Person!
Not a computer, or a vending machine...

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 616 reads
18 / 38

he just sounds like someone who "isn't falling in love... "

wiyd21 652 reads
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L.Guapo 758 reads
20 / 38

It means to give advice.  What you want is some advice.  It's a noun.
Next time I'll smack you wrist with a ruler.

LoboGris 3 Reviews 690 reads
21 / 38

Posted By: L.Guapo
It means to give advice.  What you want is some advice.  It's a noun.  
 Next time I'll smack you wrist with a ruler.
Conan is hanging his head and shaking it in dismay.

Bob.Sugar 627 reads
22 / 38

your and not you?

I have a friend here who may have to introduce you to a rather large sausage appendage.
Posted By: L.Guapo
It means to give advice.  What you want is some advice.  It's a noun.  
 Next time I'll smack you wrist with a ruler.

L.Guapo 700 reads
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Beating his meat in the corner.

L.Guapo 655 reads
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Bob.Sugar 736 reads
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L.Guapo 721 reads
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Bob.Sugar 673 reads
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I just hired a new head of security...do you like her..him..whatever?

L.Guapo 738 reads
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CU_next_weds 654 reads
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I think it's just elaborate roleplay...  
A dentist (IRL) playing a cop pretending to be a john pretending not to be in love.

Provider4U 637 reads
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Exactly: Unless she is dying to get to know you and loves making small talk, four hours in the car would suck for her.

She would also miss out on other work, for those four hours that she's not being compensated for.

wrps07 617 reads
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MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 561 reads
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I would no way take the deal.  

I dare say that sitting alone, with nothing really going on, is when we're working the hardest.  After only one other date, she's at best 60% character, 40% real. Ad libbing for that long is hard work.  Plus if she's coming from another country she's probably sick to death of travel period.

Also, "enjoying the beach" is a pretty hard working show as well.  Would you be ok with her wearing a sloppy outfit, ear buds with her fave music, maybe get sloppy drunk, maybe take a nap?  If not, she's still staying in character for you and that's work.

I'd suggest offering her the same amount for a six hour date in the city, with a couple of fun things, maybe even letting her pick from a few- play? Ellis Island? 5th Ave? and so forth.

hbyist+truth=;( 517 reads
33 / 38

Yeah and being paid 50%...what a deal...no way in the world would I sit for 4 hours of travel in the car with a john that I don't really know...I couldn't do it with one I do know...well to be truthful I hate car trips. I would want to paid for that hell alone....lol

Poundtrish See my TER Reviews 677 reads
34 / 38

I would do it happily with a trusted client .

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 513 reads
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Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 582 reads
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There are a lot of guys who drive like maniacs, and I'm strongly considering taking road trips off of my services. By the time we're done, I am ready to pass out from constant fear for my life - or limbs.  

Car drives can be very exhausting. Anyone who commutes knows this.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 439 reads
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TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 461 reads
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Maybe I'll let you look at what I do.

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