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This week's word-of-mouth best movie is "I Heart Huckabees", and turkey is...
Film Fan 3224 reads

"Raise Your Voice"

The top five, with their numbers:

I Heart Huckabees           14.1
The Motorcycle Diaries       7.0
Shark Tale                   5.6
What the Bleep Do We Know?   2.8
Ladder 49                    2.6

Film Fan thanks for the updates. They are quite valuable to me. One question about I heart Huckabees: Does your formula take into account that this movie is being slow released and they are adding theaters and cities each week? I was actually looking to see this yesterday - boy oh boy am I hot for Naomi Watts - (Mulholland Drive, The Ring), but its not out in south florida yet.

Film Fan3583 reads

the films:

The rankings are based on average dollars per screen, in thousands of dollars.  To be considered, a film has to be out for at least three weeks, and be in the top 50 films in last week's weekend gross.  Three weeks so that the initial opening week splash has settled down, and top 50 so that it is not in such small release that it is virtually "invisible".

This tends to identify the really good films, often small films which do not get wide release, which are getting good "word-of-mouth" because friends are recommending them to friends.

The "Turkey" is the film with the highest gross for the week which has fallen to at least $0.5k per screen less than the film ranked number 5 by the above method.  In other words, bad word-of-mouth is happening, and a film that people were initially hot to see is sinking fast once people actually saw it.

Numbers are based on rottentomatoes.com, my favorite movie review site.  I'll try to put these up on a weekly basis.

I have to say Huckabees and What the Bleep - two films with reasonably serious approaches to the existential and spiritual aspects of being human that were also fun to watch - are welcomed relief in tbe often otherwise utterly dispiriting public media. They aren't everyone's cup of tea, and they are easy marks to poke fun at, if that's your thing, but I thought they were really, really good.

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