TER General Board

This thread backfired badly for this trick. e.
hbyist+truth=;( 1137 reads


JohnHooker3165 reads

.....Providers not wanting us to just expect to go for the FULL TIME that we are with them. I must be missing something ( other than common sense or why would I be posting here). If we wanted to only go for let's say 1/4 to 1/2 the time and talk and cuddle ( HMMM sounds like being home except it would be 5-10 min and then talk and cuddle). WHY would we do this ?? We could go for coffee or a drink after Jerking Off and just hang with lady friends...wouldn't it be cheaper and less stressful on everyone ? I mean do the Providers really think that the numbers they are quoting and we are willing to supply are for something that we already get for the most part. Granted most of the ladies I have seen are very attractive BUT I for one want something I am not getting at home and that would be TRUE RAW UNADULTERATED HOT PASSION !!! Why does that make us so wrong. I saw a prior post where it seemed we were WRONG for expecting to enjoy ourselves for the whole time ( JACKHAMMERING for the bulk of the time was frowned upon). So I am just curious do the Providers really think that they are worth Twice what we are paying them ?? Since in theory if you think of it, doing it for only 1/4 to 1/2 the time is what that amounts to. I have no problems with paying it's just what the end product is . Yes this is a very cut and dry way of looking at it but when you are paying for ANY service you should expect to get what you pay for. We as Hobbyists for the most part ( not speaking for the guys who actually want to just talk or do whatever it is they do during their time ) are paying with the full intention of YES, GOING FOR THE BULK OF THE TIME ( or as long as our little soldiers can muster ). I expect to get all kinds of grief for this but I truly am amazed that the posts on this issue don't get more backing by fellow hobbyists or is everyone just worried about the backlash ( yes I'm using an alias as compared to my ALIAS to avoid too much drama). Yes I am not very good at grammar or writing but I believe the point is covered, and NO IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH $$$$$$$ for someone who LOVES to ENJOY her time as much as me Price is not an object !! ( as the ones who know and enjoy me will attest )  FIRE AWAY

Sooo...YouWanna1272 reads

Now, some girls can get pounded for three hours straight, but most cannot. If you have a problem with anatomy, by all means take it up with your god or whatever scientists you may know.  

Most of us (not all, but the vast majority) are well aware of what we are charging, and want to send the guy out the door feeling like his fantasies were totally fulfilled. If you're too much, or smell like ass, or treat us like some subhuman fuck toy, though... No matter how much you're paying, you're going to get kicked out at least on the hour. The best way to get good customer service, is to be a good customer, no? You certainly wouldn't stand for this kind of insensitive treatment, we are no different.  

I did not realize you had fucked as many guys as we have though, and I would like to thank you for setting us straight on the average mans p4p desires. It's good to know that after hundreds of hours of practice and observation, and all the guys coming back for more, we still haven't figured it out ;-)

Indeed, you would love the post if you are for more money and lazy service

No one is talking about pounding for three hours but there are other things you can do besides cuddling. Cuddling is something you do when both parties are satiated not before.

Another PR campaign to establish substandard service as a norm.

Sooo...YouWanna1295 reads

First of all, what is extreme about my view? That a woman would have the NERVE to have standards of treatment even when you're paying her? The thought that she may have actual physical limitations like the rest of the world? :-O!!!!! The HORROR!!!

The fact that you can shoot yourself in the foot as a customer is not an opinion either, that's a fact. And please don't let your head explode, but it applies in all walks of life.

And cuddling? Pretty much every woman here has said that there is the extreme that they're not ok with, there is a niche that they are, and there are the lazy girls. Where do you see myself or anyone else here advocating for the lazybones? Nooooo where. This is only a PR scheme to the guys like you who have way more issues than whether a woman will let you go the entire time.  

Try to learn words before you use them, yeah?

A 60-minute is not 59:59; it's 60 minutes and then time to clean up and part ways with a DFK good bye kiss, similar to what happens at the door when I initially open it to greet you!  Love how you ended this post with FIRE AWAY.  I feel the same way in my post; I'm probably going to receive some not so positive responses either.   I cannot attest to what other providers do nor would I begin to tell them how to conduct their consultations.  I can however AGREE 150% WITH YOU and for those clients who have seen me know that I'm often purposefully keeping them over their allotted time because our hot passion is still oozing :)  I'm multi-orgasmic so when I'm erupting 5, 6, 7, 8....times in a session it's only fair that I go all out to give them as many shots on goal as they can possibly handle.  Don't get me wrong I love the cuddle time post HOT PASSION where I listen to some of my client's erotic fantasies and/or tales.  This helps me craft future creative sessions to keep the HOT PASSION alive during our consultations.

Don't be in the companionship career if you do not enjoy the mutual pleasure that can be achieved if you have both a giving and receiving attitude, not just a business attitude!

Sooo...YouWanna1410 reads

Mostly kidding, lol

I do agree that if a woman isn't inclined to "do work", she should just get out. Even we ladies think some girls do take it too far. There is a happy medium between denying that second pop in an hour and getting pounded like a piece of sidewalk for 59 minutes of it.

Posted By: JohnHooker
.....Providers not wanting us to just expect to go for the FULL TIME that we are with them. I must be missing something ( other than common sense or why would I be posting here). If we wanted to only go for let's say 1/4 to 1/2 the time and talk and cuddle ( HMMM sounds like being home except it would be 5-10 min and then talk and cuddle). WHY would we do this ?? We could go for coffee or a drink after Jerking Off and just hang with lady friends...wouldn't it be cheaper and less stressful on everyone ? I mean do the Providers really think that the numbers they are quoting and we are willing to supply are for something that we already get for the most part. Granted most of the ladies I have seen are very attractive BUT I for one want something I am not getting at home and that would be TRUE RAW UNADULTERATED HOT PASSION !!! Why does that make us so wrong. I saw a prior post where it seemed we were WRONG for expecting to enjoy ourselves for the whole time ( JACKHAMMERING for the bulk of the time was frowned upon). So I am just curious do the Providers really think that they are worth Twice what we are paying them ?? Since in theory if you think of it, doing it for only 1/4 to 1/2 the time is what that amounts to. I have no problems with paying it's just what the end product is . Yes this is a very cut and dry way of looking at it but when you are paying for ANY service you should expect to get what you pay for. We as Hobbyists for the most part ( not speaking for the guys who actually want to just talk or do whatever it is they do during their time ) are paying with the full intention of YES, GOING FOR THE BULK OF THE TIME ( or as long as our little soldiers can muster ). I expect to get all kinds of grief for this but I truly am amazed that the posts on this issue don't get more backing by fellow hobbyists or is everyone just worried about the backlash ( yes I'm using an alias as compared to my ALIAS to avoid too much drama). Yes I am not very good at grammar or writing but I believe the point is covered, and NO IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH $$$$$$$ for someone who LOVES to ENJOY her time as much as me Price is not an object !! ( as the ones who know and enjoy me will attest )  FIRE AWAY  

It would also be gentlemanly for you to notify her that you plan on popping a handful of Viagra for a wall-to-wall poundfest. Do your research - there's a wide variety of services offered in this biz. It would be unreasonable and idiotic to expect the same level of performance from everyone.  

Another tip: she might be more amenable to a slamfest if you could bother to get to know her a little. This is as much a mental game as a physical one.

You my dear, are my kind of man....
It is the subtleties that most are apt to miss...

"here's a wide variety of services offered in this biz. It would be unreasonable and idiotic to expect the same level of performance from everyone. "  

I can't understand how some guys just don't get this. Not all hookers are PSE, not all hookers offer Greek, and not all hookers are up for a pound fest.  

I would very discreetly mention the need for non stop action so a lady can either welcome a john with open legs or refuse to see him.  

Example: ...blah blah, when I play a contact sport I am a guy that likes to be "in play" for the entire time at quite a vigorous level. Is this something that fits with your style? Please be honest as this is important me."

I would answer this email. That way the guy could then set about finding some-one else. And he gets his full time with someone who either can take it or enjoys it.

Why a guy who wants this and is not sure of the reviews, and does not mention it somehow if it is that important is beyond me. No acronyms need be mentioned. Everyone leaves happy

Hard to believe I know. Most ladies do this because they can. Most ladies see longer appointments as "freebies" because they can fill the time with other junk and provide minimal action. I can't speak in all generals for sure, but I have heard most of this before. Your best bet it to find a lady that is high energy, maybe more mature, maybe less high volume, and get what you want. It is easier to mention this in the first meeting or after you have been screened via email as long as you are discreet. Or check with her reviewers and see what kinda gal she is. Never hurts to know what you are getting into before you fork over your $$$. GFE tends to imply a little more affection and less action. I like my GFE to be more like new lovers that can't get enough of each other... Now that is PASSION!!!

Dear Jaye:
I noted that you said that every provider does not enjoy P4P sex.  With that said would you say since the economic downturn and the advent of the internet and other review sites such as this one, that this is a better bridge job for most or is it a job that would pay them more than there primary source of employment? Also would you say that most master the art of compartmentalization to a large extent psychologically that permits them to participate in this for an extended period of time? Finally would you say that this eschelon of the hobby would appeal to the working and middle class women more than the traditional conceptualizations of the game that we tend to identify with?

Skyfyre1082 reads

EXACTLY why I never dated for more than 30min. a session. I already KNEW the real action was going to take around 20min. to complete so any kind of time left after that is pure fluff and filler.

It's more cost-efficient to save the money for another 30min. session.

I can tell you I would be very reluctant to keep a client that "ONLY" does 30 mins. I am not a rusher, so to have the pressure of the clock to spring into action and get grinding isn't really my thing. Sure, it may only take you 10 mins or maybe 5 good pumps, to get you there, but seriously, there is more to life than quick pop offs! Actually get to like and know the girl you are humping just a little! LOL!!!

Any multi hour I have had has been action packed. I can't and wouldn't want to just talk for that long. A little convo in between orgasms is ok. And, if I haven't gotten there, yet, then I am going to be a playful vixen and need more, possibly begging for more. Some guys do find value in being drained properly.

..."Any multi hour I have had has been action packed."...

Because you will get the guys that want non stop action the whole time.  A great marketing niche that will net you some very loyal and happy johns.

An example...Hi guys blah blah. If you are the type of guy who loves his contact sport non stop action from start to finish, I am your girl.  

And watch the big bucks roll in

Like-minded providers will put you on their YES list, and the unlike-minded will DNS you, saving everyone involved from wasted time.

Rather than superimpose your Energizer Bunny sensibilities on everyone, do your homework and choose a provider that offers the non-stop action you seek.  

You sound like the vegetarian who insists on eating at a steakhouse just for the satisfaction of complaining about the menu

As well as give dudes a heads (pun intended) up about how quickly a gal will have her first O....many seem to discuss that first one upon entering the room.  I particularly like those gals...as I always know that it's my mission to get her off no less than 20 times in the hour.  

Of course sometimes those reviews will give me a small insight into the reviewer's perception of himself as well.  Narcissism seems to be abundant her in TERland.

I rarely see the reviews discussing that the guy likes to just sit around and chat...cuddle and watch TV for the hour or so.

Are you also suggesting that a good steakhouse can't make up a mean Caesar's salad?

Posted By: rrasha88
Rather than superimpose your Energizer Bunny sensibilities on everyone, do your homework and choose a provider that offers the non-stop action you seek.  
 You sound like the vegetarian who insists on eating at a steakhouse just for the satisfaction of complaining about the menu.  

Provider score inflation is hardly a blip compared to the wagon loads of manure guys write about themselves. Reading such fairytales of sexual prowess would only lead to my profound disappointment when they can’t live up to the expectations created by their reviews.

And a true vegetarian would eschew (as opposed to chew) the anchovies in a Caesar salad

Sooo...YouWanna1202 reads

A number of guys I know have tried to be discreet, saying simply "all activities were performed" or something to that effect, and then talk about all the little things in between that made the session so much better (let's face it, doggy is kinda just doggy, so is mish. It's the other stuff that makes it more or less exciting). They were told that there needed to be more of a blow-by-blow for it to be posted. It's just not what the masses want to read, but it does put those at a disadvantage that do care about the woman's ability to create a connection, or present an upscale environment, or in general be multi-dimensional in her work.  

That's probably why you don't see a lot of multi-hour or multi day reviews. It's not that they don't happen, TER just isn't interested in something that doesn't sound like a penthouse letter.

JustAnotherOpinion1173 reads

....funny thing is the juicy details stuff is juicier if there is a nice warm up with a little get to know you chat but no one wants to read about that or the chit chat between rounds.  A well reviewed escort's bed is the only place in town where you get an update on what is really going on locally as well as getting laid.  Oh, and the fact that she knows all this stuff is because - you guessed it - someone else was chit chatting in bed.

Skyfyre933 reads

Your analogy is WAY OFF. Try this: you go into a steakhouse to order a steak. When the steak comes out the waiter says that you can only eat 75% of it even though you paid for 100% of the steak.

...jackhammering, pounding and so on. It's not the expectation of getting the full time they are commenting on it's the expectation of hammering, pounding, what have you for the full time. I've read some say they are up for it though so do your research, find the ones that are good with it and hammer away.

I have yet to read comments from or have a session with a provider that wasn't willing to give me the full time.

-- Modified on 9/11/2014 4:03:23 PM

Skyfyre878 reads

While it's technically and legally right the way you said it it's also kind of Not-So-PC.

In reality I can't imagine anyone who can hump away for 60min. straight. Either he'd cum way before that or give up from exhaustion (and heat).  

OTH the providers made it sound much more dramas than it actually is. Again I don't see any guy capable to "jackhammering" at full-throttle for 60min. If he can manage to keep it up for the hour he'd probably alternate between going soft/slow with hard/fast

earthshined1294 reads

that a client made her sore from too much non stop action?

I'd be mortified if  I ever did that to a provider.

Posted By: Skyfyre
While it's technically and legally right the way you said it it's also kind of Not-So-PC.  
 In reality I can't imagine anyone who can hump away for 60min. straight. Either he'd cum way before that or give up from exhaustion (and heat).  
 OTH the providers made it sound much more dramas than it actually is. Again I don't see any guy capable to "jackhammering" at full-throttle for 60min. If he can manage to keep it up for the hour he'd probably alternate between going soft/slow with hard/fast.  

Sooo...YouWanna1349 reads

and luckily only have your imagination, lol!

These guys are out there. A 30 year old that pops a handful of Viagra will most certainly pound away for hours, not just one. Even a reasonably fit middle aged guy with a sense of determination can manage a tough hour if he wants. I've personally been in 6 hour long tag teams where we literally just tapped out when we were tired, and he never once stopped or came. I've watched guys eyes glaze over as they stop even having any fun, trying to "get his money's worth" by never achieving an orgasm and giving himself a very special version of rug burn. It's real and it's weird and it's really not fun for anyone.  

Do you boys really think we're being dramatic, after never spending a day putting in a little work?? Lemme tell you, we WISH we could make this shit up!

JohnHooker1339 reads

Some got the point of the post, some, well...let's just say the ball is rolling around in the outfield somewhere.....S.Y.W. I never said I had or intended to sleep with all your clients ( G-d you must be busy ), I was just stating that I felt that MOST players would rather enjoy the time doing what they PAID for and not having the Provider Sidestep the action by finding every way under the sun to waste time NOT doing what was paid for. I also know that there are a LOT of providers who do like to ENJOY themselves. I just don't understand why if a Hobbyist WANTS to try and GO for as long as he can ( The JACK HAMMERING reference,  wasn't the Point, it was however mentioned in an earlier post and that was what I was referring to ) and enjoy himself and hopefully please his companion that the provider would have a problem with that. If they don't want to that is fine but a LOT don't mind taking the $$$$$$ and then do whatever they can to dance around the hour.
  As for Viagra or the like , hey guess what not everyone needs it and some people actually just LIKE to F'ck !!! Trying to go by the reviews, REALLY ??!!! Do we really think that even 60 % of the reviews aren't loaded with more FLUFF than a pillow ?!! " She met me at the door and after a DFK dropped to her knees and shoved her tongue up my rectum !! "" SSTTTOOPPPPP !!!! REALLY ??!!! It's fine to embellish a bit but it's also not going to be an exact science using the reviews. They are only a guide. We still have to go on instinct sometimes and all we can expect is that if a women is going to be in this business and get PAID VERY WELL for her time then she should either provide what we PAY for or lay it on the line up front that this is what I charge and there is no way you are going to get more than half the time you pay for filled with action.  

  And just for the record NO I DO NOT MISTREAT ANYONE !! I am always very attentive to my hygiene and yes even I have to alternate speeds. I truly do appreciate that there are many women who actually LOVE what they do and look forward to someone who can get them off as well as themselves.  

  Lastly if anyone actually paid attention I did say writing wasn't my forte and neither was grammar so the comments on my writing skills were already addressed, BY ME !! .......ok....RELOAD and Fire at Will. ( or JOHN )....

CubaGooding_Sr1044 reads

Drive an uber expensive car, has those custom made suits, is in great shape, loves to tie up young thangs and boss them around. He love "high performance" sex.

Where IS he?

It has now become a mission to get men to look at this as a sport and to fuck the daylights out of the hookers they see because that's the way he sees it. And to try and convince hookers to drop the GFE "choreography" and allow this to happen regardless of personal limitations.  

He can try as much as he wants but the ladies that don't want or like this just won't do it.  

What's next? Any hooker that can't should leave the business? Oh dear hookers have never  heard that out of the mouth of some trick.  

JH = M

Sooo...YouWanna888 reads

Jerking it to Fifty Shades fan fiction while simultaneously googling weight loss tricks....

Sooo...YouWanna928 reads

Get an answer, don't even read it for comprehension (or at all, it seems), and wanna get all offended about literally nothing?  

Lots of people answered your questions in lots of different and valid ways. Why are you here acting all defensive? Did you think that the guys were going to come running and be all "yeah buddy! You're right!!"? Cause you're not. YOU may want to go the whole time, but you are in the vast minority, even the guys have said so. You asked why girls are averse, and it was explained to you. Not only were you told what makes girls complain, but you were also given very good pointers on how to actually get what you want. Either don't ask questions you don't want answers to, learn to read for comprehension, or if you really just wanna bitch write it in your diary because we do not care. Life will be much easier that way.  

For example, you won't look like such a fucking retard trying to call me high volume for pointing out that the women know what the average hobbyist wants and how he behaves better than you do

JohnHooker1285 reads

...my bad I guess I misread your words  

" I did not realize you had fucked as many guys as we have though, and I would like to thank you for setting us straight on the average mans p4p desires. It's good to know that after hundreds of hours of practice and observation, and all the guys coming back for more, we still haven't figured it out "........

...clearly stating how many guys you have f'cked and the amount of hours logged had some other meaning.....I Apologize....

oh...and the OP did get valuable insight.....

Sooo...YouWanna1319 reads

You really are retarded :-(
Perhaps this is why you can't afford the PSE you're looking for.

-- Modified on 9/12/2014 9:24:31 AM

ie girlfriend experience -   anyone here had a girlfriend before?    it's not long before it becomes more about talking and cuddling than about sex....    and that seems to be what a lot of them really want to offer -  and honestly there does seem to be a strong market for that approach

it's truth in advertising is what it is -    

now I'm all for time spent slowly making out and building anticipation,  lots of good foreplay...  

but reading the posts from some of the GFE advocating SWs here and thoughtfully considering their criticisms of my position as I have made it clear on this board,  I honestly do believe that their business strategy is to take as little "wear and tear" as they can possibly get away with - from their perspective -  they seem to become both threatened and angered by someone like me saying that I donate for measurable  performance....    

I call it the "ass in motion index"

so if you as a client consider that your donation is for *sex*  you are going to be disappointed with a lot of them I think....  if on the other hand you are okay with half or more of the time you purchased being spent being "romantic"  (uh - but don't forget - it's a service lol)    then you'll be fine....

that's why I have taken to primarily seeing agency girls.   They are ready to make out and rock and roll.   Even though they are high volume in many cases.   Maybe it's their youthfulness......

YOU stay with k-girls and work them over for your  experience  and let other men decide how and with whom to spend their money.  

You admit there is a strong market yet you continue to bash away at it. It is not going to go away because you feel it is a waste of time.

I have no issue with any guy wanting his fair share of action, but I do get irritated at a trick downing the way a hooker provides  it is not his cup of tea. Find a hooker that offers what you need, how hard is that?

You do K-girls exclusively so what do you care what the rest does? Stick to your MPE (mattress pounding experience), you have every right to get what YOU want. And others, both hooker and john have every right to their preferences even if they are not yours.

JohnHooker1259 reads

..so John-Hooker wanting a girl to not try and talk and primp her way around a date or doing anything else to avoid the main event till the last minute, instead of actually Providing is to you DOWNING the way a hoker provides ? ...Uh YEAH IT IS....because if that's what they want to do then feel free to but make that CLEAR from the outset !! Just say I'm going to charge you to watch me get ready and talk for most of the time and then if " THE TRICK " still wants to stay then there is no complaint ..... and if your comprehension is as great as you think, then you would realize noone was bashing just trying to have a different POV than the rest........

There's an opinion and then there is you,  bemoaning any hooker who does not offer the MPE. The very way you deliver the words smacks of contempt. And yeah I have contempt for you because you just fail to see that others may like the chit chat and the hand holding and the eye blazing and not care about getting his monies worth as to those guys they are with what they need from a session, NOT what you need from the session.

So why don't you or any other trick make it CLEAR from the get go what you want so the ladies who are not into MPE can refuse? If it is that important to you and it clearly is say so.  

And why don't you announce, "I am going to work your pussy into the mattress to get my monies worth out of you for the entire time"?

Works both ways MK Greg12 Walmart Willy, Buffet Bob

earthshined1112 reads

another way? So what?

from what I've read of MK, or you, neither has said anything that isn't true.  

I have experienced this myself.

Posted By: JohnHooker
..so John-Hooker wanting a girl to not try and talk and primp her way around a date or doing anything else to avoid the main event till the last minute, instead of actually Providing is to you DOWNING the way a hoker provides ? ...Uh YEAH IT IS....because if that's what they want to do then feel free to but make that CLEAR from the outset !! Just say I'm going to charge you to watch me get ready and talk for most of the time and then if " THE TRICK " still wants to stay then there is no complaint ..... and if your comprehension is as great as you think, then you would realize noone was bashing just trying to have a different POV than the rest........

first if you read any of my reviews you would see how drastically you are mis-characterizing my point of view - but I honestly don't care - it's your privilege

and second - just FYI -

I review a *tiny fraction* of the providers I see - I have way too many reviews and too high a profile.    Quite a number - a distinct majority of late -  of the providers I see are indies and most bill themselves as GFE.   You've talked about my having some sort of bad reputation with indies in my market or having "burned my bridges" lol - nothing could be further from the truth...  a lot of indies actually enjoy sex and do not employ a strategy of wasting the first 30 minutes or more of a 1hr date on choreography designed to run out the clock -  

*not* saying that you do this - I don't know since I'm not booking you I don't care  -   but that is the very common situation that a lot of guys face and that I am addressing with my line of thinking.....

As more of us are realizing your inability to accept that there are other ways to hook and monger.

So if you are not getting the non stop fuck fest you are after with GFE...go PSE and leave the GFE ladies alone. It will stop you crying about the "GFE choreography" that others actually like and quite happily pay for which just burns your ass black.  

So you think that any hooker that does not accept a fuck fest type scene is not enjoying the sex? Wow how ignorant can you get? "Sex" is more than the in and out, it is touching, caressing, erotic massaging, making out...you know those things you think are designed to prevent a full hour of slamming your penis into a ladies vagina,mouth or ass.

earthshined1050 reads

provider websites that mention " I prefer longer dates..."  

i'm sure they do. If the impetus for that is "getting to know you" then-to give one example- I should  be able to see this type of provider the first time for 3- 4 hours the first time then every subsequent visit can be only one hour.

and you both know what you should be able to expect and are happy with what you get then it is a win-win

what amazes me is some of the gals who are acting as though what I am saying here is unfair - they want their point of view or providing style to be respected - and I have never said that I do not do so -

but they want to label / criticize or hopefully to suppress my point of view that there are also gents who like to be sure that they are getting some *quantity* of service for the $

I have read tons of reviews and spoken with many hobbyists who have experienced the kind of session where you can't get the SW of the day to stop talking and start doing anything for half the date - and then the narrative reads about "running out of time"  - and often "such and such was on the menu - maybe on the next date" etc....

running out the clock is a strategy employed by some if not many gals out there...

that's not GFE -  it's a rip-off

Even when I book a 1hr date I like to take the first 10 minutes or so (no I'm not really counting) to talk a bit, to flirt, to touch,   to ease into foreplay....

investing time to relate and taking it slow is a good thing in my book and leads to a  better experience -

but if she's going to stall until there is little time left,   the client is simply not getting his monies worth - of course that assessment is up to him -

to make ¼ to ½ the norm. Anyone falling for that crap deserves ¼ to ½ for full prize. There are lots of providers who likes to go the whole time and beyond. It is just matter of finding the right one

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