TER General Board

This southerner disagrees.
Lea_ThePrivAsst See my TER Reviews 598 reads

We're progressing forward with marijuana legislation and, as with anything else in this world, don't act like an idiot and you'll reduce your chances of running into trouble.  I believe in disclosure as some hobbyists want nothing to do with any kind of 'drugs'.  It's subtly mentioned but it's on my website and most ads.

As with everything else in the hobby I'm sure the self-description "420 friendly" means different things to different providers. Sometimes it seems a lady will mime a toke and sometimes they'll sit down and out smoke you.

I'd be curious to hear what some of the differing experiences or practices people have had.

Pass to the left.

ValuedCustomer494 reads

Some states - not an issue.  But in my part of the country (the South) - good way to get busted.  Prosecutors love the whole two-fer thing - allows you to confiscate vehicles, property whatever.  Turns a misdemeanor into a felony - which gives great leverage to trade the felony for the money and property when it gets time for the lawyers to start dickering.    And - who knows - if you aren't willing to cross the right palms with "campaign contributions" maybe they'll still get both.  Getting embarrassed and spending the night in jail is one thing - going to prison, another.

While I don't smoke (tobacco or whatever), I don't mind it.   Whatever gets you moving.  Hey - I went to college...

But advertising it outside the few recreational-use states is just beyond stupid - and I really won't see someone who is so dim witted that they would advertise it.  As far as I am concerned - BE "420 friendly" all you like - just don't put it out there...

Also in my area - "420 friendly" has been used in sting advertisements

We're progressing forward with marijuana legislation and, as with anything else in this world, don't act like an idiot and you'll reduce your chances of running into trouble.  I believe in disclosure as some hobbyists want nothing to do with any kind of 'drugs'.  It's subtly mentioned but it's on my website and most ads.

Do some clients assume that 420-friendly means that you'll be high (or get high) when he gets there? Or perhaps that you'll be supplying the bud? Because otherwise it's none of his business if you partake in your private time. If you don't bring it up, then how will he know?

To me, 420-friendly simply means that the provider will allow it and maybe join in with the client

GaGambler259 reads

I don't suppose I am really a southerner having been born and raised in California, but I have lived in the south for decades and I agree announcing to the world in an ad that you do drugs of any kind is simply not wise, especially in the south where in many jurisdictions simple possession of pot is still a felony.

I guess your idea of "acting like an idiot" and mine are two different things.

Advertising it....?

Sheer stupidity.

FYI, where I am,  outside Raleigh, it is only a misdemeanor to have up to a Quarter Ounce, anything more is an automatic felony.
(It is also a felony to have it in separate bags, as this will get you a "distribution" charge.)  

I do wish they would go ahead & make it legal.  
Alcohol is worse IMO....


Just as long as she doesn't look like Cheech or Chong

Posted By: TamarindSpice
As with everything else in the hobby I'm sure the self-description "420 friendly" means different things to different providers. Sometimes it seems a lady will mime a toke and sometimes they'll sit down and out smoke you.  
 I'd be curious to hear what some of the differing experiences or practices people have had.  
 Pass to the left.

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