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This pisses me off.
andrewww12 6 Reviews 2595 reads
1 / 50

mine was when a girl convinced me to let her peg me. she was pretty much my ATF at the time and i had seen her on several different occasions. we had a strong bond and she was so beautiful that during the different times i spent with her she almost made me forget about the unavoidable anguish and eventual burden of self-creating freedom that is inherent in man's existence. our last time together i went over to her incall for a pleasant session as usual and she welcomed me to stay a while longer and so i did, as we lie sprawled out in bed holding each other and sharing a couple drinks (with me admittedly drinking a lot more) and somehow we got on the topic of prostate stimulation and i volunteered to try it because i've never experimented with that sort of thing before. well once things got going it ended up being pretty terrible. in her attempt at alleviating her freedom by making me an object through sexual sadism (ie. freedom made objective flesh to control and transcend) she forgot how to actually have good healthy anal sex (lube, preparation). no need to go into too many details as i'm assuming you get the gist of what happened but needless to say i was distressed for quite a while after this, especially after she admitted to having psychological problems. it was somewhat my fault for placing my freedom into her hands (the masochist) so it is what it is. what sucks is several months later i still can't even watch anything anal in straight porn without being repulsed.

JohnyComeAlready 1104 reads
2 / 50

Who offer anal stimulation via a strapon.  

Do guys just let any ole twenty something fuck them up the ass with some dirty toy the provider pulls out of her night stand?  

Posted By: andrewww12
mine was when a girl convinced me to let her peg me. she was pretty much my ATF at the time and i had seen her on several different occasions. we had a strong bond and she was so beautiful that during the different times i spent with her she almost made me forget about the unavoidable anguish and eventual burden of self-creating freedom that is inherent in man's existence. our last time together i went over to her incall for a pleasant session as usual and she welcomed me to stay a while longer and so i did, as we lie sprawled out in bed holding each other and sharing a couple drinks (with me admittedly drinking a lot more) and somehow we got on the topic of prostate stimulation and i volunteered to try it because i've never experimented with that sort of thing before. well once things got going it ended up being pretty terrible. in her attempt at alleviating her freedom by making me an object through sexual sadism (ie. freedom made objective flesh to control and transcend) she forgot how to actually have good healthy anal sex (lube, preparation). no need to go into too many details as i'm assuming you get the gist of what happened but needless to say i was distressed for quite a while after this, especially after she admitted to having psychological problems. it was somewhat my fault for placing my freedom into her hands (the masochist) so it is what it is. what sucks is several months later i still can't even watch anything anal in straight porn without being repulsed.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 1412 reads
3 / 50

Sorry, but she was not skilled in this field & should not have used you for practice.

hbyist+truth=;( 1331 reads
4 / 50

hookers just let any ole 50 something fuck them up the ass with some dirty fingers the trick forgot to wash?

hbyist+truth=;( 921 reads
5 / 50

With inexperienced johns trying Greek.

hbyist+truth=;( 867 reads
6 / 50

And did the hooker pour the drinks down your throat? I am sorry your ass hurt for a few days after, but you need to take some responsibility for your complicity in this act.  

I would be saying the same to a hooker who got drunk and allowed, due to impaired judgement, a john to roughly penetrate her ass with a toy or his dick.

JohnyComeAlready 1344 reads
7 / 50

Given the direction of the financial transaction? (I think that's a fair debate)

... if a lady wants me to throw it back, she will have to throw back a portion of her donation.

Stay on topic babe

JohnyComeAlready 1232 reads
8 / 50

Ladies reserve the right to put the brakes on anything at any given time.

JohnyComeAlready 939 reads
9 / 50

to see who are professionally trained in the sex industry?  


You want to do discuss common sense hygiene issues. I was questioning what guy would just submit to a lady he dose not know, who pulls a strapon from her night stand?

 I find that the provider who does that really isn't thinking in a professional manner.  

Why would I the customer say yes to that offer?  

I know it's actually an up-sell technique, that doses not follow the laws of logic.

DeLaine See my TER Reviews 1085 reads
11 / 50

...and I often caution my kink callers who seem inexperienced about visiting someone who hasn't had any sort of mentoring in the fetish universe. I usually tell them that if the lady can't explain to them the difference between how to leave marks or how not to leave marks during CP, or the risks of using metal handcuffs as restraints, then it's time to run for the hills.  
You can seriously injure someone if you don't know what you're doing... and she shouldn't have used you for practice.
When it comes to personal responsibility, we all have to take it... that's what safe words are for. You can't expect someone to read your mind, and you shouldn't go ahead with something that you're not comfortable with. Power exchanges are all about communication.

That all being said, as a Domme it's my role to make sure that someone is safe... and that means not having someone agree to something while they're intoxicated, and certainly not without a proper warmup. Sometimes that even means refusing certain scenes or activities.  

And sharing toys = yuck. Just my own personal preference there LOL. Call me uptight.  

I hope your next experience is one that you look back on fondly... rather than not ;)

andrewww12 6 Reviews 1113 reads
12 / 50

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And did the hooker pour the drinks down your throat? I am sorry your ass hurt for a few days after, but you need to take some responsibility for your complicity in this act.  
 I would be saying the same to a hooker who got drunk and allowed, due to impaired judgement, a john to roughly penetrate her ass with a toy or his dick.
i am by nature very sensitive and petite, spiritually and physically. so yes, although i was not intoxicated to the point of being unable to say "no", it was essentially impossible to do so. i believe i was "raped", as hard as it is to admit this. how was someone like me supposed to fight the masochist, when my self-creation was denied despite it being a necessity in man's authentic existence? not when the sadist views me as disembodied flesh and fragmented parts instead of in totality.

JohnyComeAlready 745 reads
13 / 50

I mean I like a BJ - and I like a BJ more if it's from pretty woman - but if the BJ is not that good - I'd rather have a better BJ from an less attractive lady... Got the picture?

How is appearance a factor here?

Maybe I just can't relate because I'm not into receiving anal penetration. maybe if the hardware was an actual part of her... like a real penis?

 I could see the reasoning behind your logic, but it's not it's an inanimate sex toy. Attached to a pretty lady.

... so, explain your logic

hbyist+truth=;( 934 reads
14 / 50

Her skill set might have been a bit to be desired but I don't see where she anally raped him...oops there goes your fave word.

To address the equality etc of terms, I feel some men think that when the money hits the table ANYTHING can be done to the hooker. If a hooker suggests something to the john he does not want to do, all he has to do is say NO, same way any hooker can say NO to something she does not want to do regardless of the money.

hbyist+truth=;( 932 reads
15 / 50

But many do not for fear or review retribution. Sad but true. The smart say no.

hbyist+truth=;( 883 reads
16 / 50

In fact it is a fetish for many. And there are many ladies who have had a john show up with unopened toys and expect her to have him use them on her. Is the trick thinking in a respectful manner asking a hooker to use toys he may have used on multiple women?

We are all adults and have the capacity to say no. So this poor soul got his ass fucked and could not say no? Or stop? Was he rendered mute? And he does not have to deal with a bad review if he did have the guts to stay no.

You would not, but there are many men who would accept an offer like that.

-- Modified on 8/2/2014 9:34:21 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 1198 reads
17 / 50

I am just not understanding why you could not utter please stop or no?

How did she restrain you in order to rape you? How big and strong is this amazon who seemingly overpowered you enough to render you powerless enough to "rape" you? Were you that afraid of her physically? And if you feel you were raped why not go to the authorities and have her charged?

Could this be a case of post sexual act dissidence

hbyist+truth=;( 915 reads
18 / 50

I am not sure we are getting the entire story as it actually happened. Personally I would like to hear from the hooker who did this but that is not going to happen.

Maybe this is a case where a poor defenseless guy got taken advantage of by a large powerful woman with sadistic tendencies OR this guy is trolling.

-- Modified on 8/2/2014 9:35:13 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 787 reads
19 / 50

I don't do anal and if the guy was attractive still would make no difference, tha answer is still no.

DeLaine See my TER Reviews 1025 reads
20 / 50

LOL "poor defenseless guy" isn't how I see it. Responsibility is a two-way street. They both carry responsibility to how this turned out IMO.

JohnyComeAlready 1038 reads
21 / 50

I am canceling my communications with you.

JohnyComeAlready 1112 reads
22 / 50

This goes for the most mundane of activities as well.  

 I don't like making decisions when my judgment is impaired

JohnyComeAlready 969 reads
23 / 50

... or just an immature drunk fucktard.

I tried to have an adult conversation regarding the post.

hbyist+truth=;( 1297 reads
24 / 50

You blathering at me I would have done it sooner. Have a nice day! LOL

hbyist+truth=;( 989 reads
25 / 50
JohnyComeAlready 1100 reads
26 / 50

Was she the OP's hooker?

Posted By: DeLaine
LOL "poor defenseless guy" isn't how I see it. Responsibility is a two-way street. They both carry responsibility to how this turned out IMO.

hbyist+truth=;( 1399 reads
27 / 50

Yeah I see myself as a victim. Where do you get this tripe? It's you who sees the poor wittle guy as the victim, when in reality he was just as much the participant.  

Hang on, rape is serious when it's a dude but a woman, heck no.

CubaGooding_Sr 918 reads
28 / 50

Totally different writing style here! Me thinks you are totally full of it Mr. very sensitive and petite.

Stick to foot jobs!

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 760 reads
29 / 50

though of course it would be her job to prepare in advance and direct... in which case it should turn out fine -

but on occasion,   the session is hot, the mood strikes, and the lady just wants it up the tail...  she is not prepared for it,   it is not an offered service.....

in that case it behooves a gentleman to know what he is doing and to make sure that, even though it might break the mood,  proper preparations are taken.....

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1271 reads
30 / 50

it is also the case that even without intoxicants sometimes people do get carried away.....

but in his case it sounds as though there was a bit of a predatory edge to what happened....

nonetheless we area (supposedly)  adults here - so nothing comes of bitching about it afterward....

scoed 8 Reviews 963 reads
31 / 50

That should be an automatic no go for anything they haven't consented to sober. I things need to be kept safe, sane, and consensual in sex. Short of that it comes close to rape. Please note I am not saying he was raped, but that knowing he didn't have his full facilities should not have proceeded. Yes he put himself there but still drunk consent is not full consent.  

That is why I don't allow ladies to drink on the time I am paying for. It is why if she shows signs of intoxication I will send her away at the door. It is why I will not ever show up drunk to a date nor drink on one. Consent is extremely important and I don't feel you can fully give it impaired.  

Still getting drunk on a paid date is pretty stupid and maybe his sore ass will wake him up.

scoed 8 Reviews 1060 reads
32 / 50

Rape is rape. Men can be raped by women. It happens. Rape is always serious regardless of the victim or the preps sex.  

Now do I by this story as rape, no. It sounds like they both way drunk he consented as much as anyone can drunk, both behaved poorly and stupidly, he feel stupid so he is trying to push all the blame on her. That is not rape but stupidity.  He never said no. If he never asked for it to stop, and he said yes, it isn't rape. But that does not mean it couldn't have been with just a few changes, like he used the safe word or said stop lacking that.  

But rape is very serious. 3% of men report having unconsented, unwanted sexual contact by women. Women can and do rape men and it is serious. Rape is rape! Rape is never a joke and is always serious.

-- Modified on 8/2/2014 2:16:41 PM

scoed 8 Reviews 1010 reads
33 / 50

Unless she gave the green light why the hell would she owe you a dime? Ladies and men alloway has the right to set limits on what is happening to their bodies. Of course you support beating then raping a woman who had enough if it means money for the pimp. I souldn't be surprised. You sicken me.

JohnyComeAlready 907 reads
34 / 50

and read them in the order I wrote them.

Posted By: scoed
Unless she gave the green light why the hell would she owe you a dime? Ladies and men alloway has the right to set limits on what is happening to their bodies. Of course you support beating then raping a woman who had enough if it means money for the pimp. I souldn't be surprised. You sicken me.

GaGambler 986 reads
35 / 50

This was drunk and stupid and a story meant to entertain, not take seriously.

Honestly, SOME of you have your buttons pushed WAY too fucking easily. The OP posted his little story, not looking for sympathy, but hoping others would share in their painful, but funny stories of their own. Once again, something funny, or at least fun has been corrupted and hijacked by people who took seriously something never meant to be taken seriously.

This thread is like watching The Three Stooges with someone who constantly makes remarks about how mean Moe is and how poking someone in the eye is dangerous. Maybe the OP is just horrible at writing "amusing anecdotes" but nothing in his OP suggested that he was looking for anything but to start a thread that would get other people to share their stories. I guess he certainly struck out in that endeavor, didn't he?

GaGambler 883 reads
36 / 50

OTOH, I fuck drunk all the time, and I have NEVER ended up with anything stuck up my ass.

I do have a bunch of "drunk fucking" stories to share, but somehow this thread looks like it's moved well beyond where it started, Nice hijack assholes.

DeLaine See my TER Reviews 2250 reads
37 / 50

...and I'd say the same thing to any female who got drunk, fucked the college football team & then cried about the embarrassing rumors on the university campus later.  


Still, your responsibility as a dominant partner is to make sure that your submissive partner is safe... and it's your responsibility to yourself as a submissive player to make sure your dominant partner isn't a fucking idiot without your best interest at heart.

JohnyComeAlready 960 reads
38 / 50

What's that mean?

Posted By: GaGambler
OTOH, I fuck drunk all the time, and I have NEVER ended up with anything stuck up my ass.  

I do have a bunch of "drunk fucking" stories to share, but somehow this thread looks like it's moved well beyond where it started, Nice hijack assholes.

scoed 8 Reviews 1022 reads
39 / 50

I know I said it wasn't. It is the comment about men being raped being a joke that pissed me off. That and JCA feeling entitled to ram his finger in a providers ass or get a refund. None of that was funny. Don't misrepresent what I said and to who.

GaGambler 1081 reads
40 / 50

and that was my point. you guys let dumber than dumb hijack the thread that was about "uncomfortable sessions" and turn it into a thread about rape.

I don't know how much if anything I believe about the OP to begin with, but HE is not the one talking about rape here. As I said earlier, some of you allow your buttons to be pushed all too easily by a guy with an IQ barely room temperature.

GaGambler 1189 reads
41 / 50
GaGambler 1313 reads
43 / 50

I am sorry, but his OP was written so badly I never saw or read his second post.

My point remains though, I seriously doubt he made this OP to "cry rape" I think it was supposed to be a lighthearted thread about stupid situations we get into in the hobby. The kind of shit you laugh about afterwards.

When threads get hijacked by people engaging board trolls like JCA this is what can happen to a thread. Tip for the day, Don't feed the troll.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 960 reads
45 / 50

Posted By: GaGambler
This thread is like watching The Three Stooges with someone who constantly makes remarks about how mean Moe is and how poking someone in the eye is dangerous.
That's what my mother always said... so ok, this is now like reading a about my mother?!  Uh oh, I think there's a whole other thread buried deep inside my upcoming therapy bill

-- Modified on 8/2/2014 5:31:34 PM

JohnyComeAlready 1035 reads
46 / 50

I did exactly what you are describing. Minus the up-sell.  

That's the kick in the head... it costs extra!
Posted By: GaGambler
I am sorry, but his OP was written so badly I never saw or read his second post.

My point remains though, I seriously doubt he made this OP to "cry rape" I think it was supposed to be a lighthearted thread about stupid situations we get into in the hobby. The kind of shit you laugh about afterwards.

When threads get hijacked by people engaging board trolls like JCA this is what can happen to a thread. Tip for the day, Don't feed the troll.

GaGambler 965 reads
47 / 50

You are truly TSTTT now please fuck off now. I'll respond to you again in another week or so.

2labman 26 Reviews 862 reads
48 / 50

Even if you were gagged, you could have fought back and let her clearly know that you didn't want to do this.  If you agreed and then passively let her anal-ize you, then it's your responsibility, not hers.  Drunk or not has no bearing.  Even if bound (not mentioned), you should have had a safe word or safe gesture.
I'm not a huge guy and I'm older, but I've never seen a provider that I couldn't physically defend myself from if I needed to.
You get no pity points from me.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 695 reads
49 / 50

There's only a linguistic similarity, but:

[~ Oh they called her Peg
And I wounded why
Till I came home
With a sliver in me thigh~]
Posted By: andrewww12
mine was when a girl convinced me to let her peg me. she was pretty much my ATF at the time and i had seen her on several different occasions. we had a strong bond and she was so beautiful that during the different times i spent with her she almost made me forget about the unavoidable anguish and eventual burden of self-creating freedom that is inherent in man's existence. our last time together i went over to her incall for a pleasant session as usual and she welcomed me to stay a while longer and so i did, as we lie sprawled out in bed holding each other and sharing a couple drinks (with me admittedly drinking a lot more) and somehow we got on the topic of prostate stimulation and i volunteered to try it because i've never experimented with that sort of thing before. well once things got going it ended up being pretty terrible. in her attempt at alleviating her freedom by making me an object through sexual sadism (ie. freedom made objective flesh to control and transcend) she forgot how to actually have good healthy anal sex (lube, preparation). no need to go into too many details as i'm assuming you get the gist of what happened but needless to say i was distressed for quite a while after this, especially after she admitted to having psychological problems. it was somewhat my fault for placing my freedom into her hands (the masochist) so it is what it is. what sucks is several months later i still can't even watch anything anal in straight porn without being repulsed.

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