TER General Board

This is the problem, what's wrong with 8's?
HangingwithBears 911 reads

You make a good point - now 8's are considered average? No, I don't feel like a poor bastard for giving 8's and if some provider wants to beat me up over 8's, go right ahead. It won't happen because I don't see providers with pages and pages of 10/10 reviews. They're overpriced and no way in hell are they on their 10/10 game with every reviewer. Experienced guys know those pages of 10/10's are BS even though, yes, there are a few (very few) providers that are 10/10 quality. It's a big red flag when those high scores keep appearing. You have to do a lot of research into the reviewers giving those scores and determine if they're inflating everyone or if they're legitimately picking the cream of the crop every time.

I'm not losing sleep over 8's and 9's and for the record, no provider has every complained about my 8's and 9's. I choose to see above average providers, not the cream of the crop which I couldn't afford even if I was inclined to believe those high scores.

The pressure providers apply for higher scores should be brought to TER's attention. If you receive a nasty PM about your scores and you believe them to be accurate, forward her PM to Admin and let them deal with it. Providers who routinely complain about their scores eventually get timeouts and in some cases, possibly banned.
Posted By: lbll

 As for the OP, the other point is that I would not want to be the poor bastard who ends up giving 8s, or *gulp* lower to somebody who has a streak of mostly 10s and some 9s going.   I have already seen a couple of guys take a ton of shit in public for publishing reviews that were not mean-spirited, they just gave their thoughts and they got crucified.

magicsam2220 reads

Over the last couple of months I have met with 2 providers that had mostly 10/10s and 10/9s, but when I finally saw them it was clear that they were highly over rated. I thought initially that it was a case of YMMV, but when I discussed this with my ATF she told me that there are agencies out there who will provide several 10/10 reviews for a price or a reduced rate for certain clients. Has anyone else ever heard of this practice?  
I assume that some providers are understandably very "review conscious"  and lobby for high reviews during the session. I am not talking about that aspect?

did they read (at least performance-wise) like a 10 performance, of just a pretty good time (8-9) type of performance?
I'm going to hazard a guess it was the later, but I will stand corrected if indeed the performance described was over the top and worthy of a 10.

My point is:  Forget the number, read the review.

magicsam888 reads

I am an avid reader of reviews and will try to read all of the reviews for a potential provider. In fact, I will not only read the review for the specific provider but I will read the guy's other reviews to see if he is a high grader. If I see a lot of single review 10s for a provider, I will steer clear. Just wondering whether there is a review "black market" out there.

djddla742 reads

There IS a market for 10/10s out there and it takes guts to turn down hypothetically  
2 free hours in exchange. The key is to read the emotion in the reviewer's review or
his enthusiasm esp if he reviews ladies you wish to see or have seen. Sometimes numbers
are inflated to not hurt the provider and often no review is left for that reason. For some
a 9/10 is insufficient and others are sweet and grateful. So yes there is a fake 10 market
for several reasons and some who leave many 10s genuinely had a gorgeous and 10 experience.

Good point. Do you think the region has anything to do with it?

djddla747 reads

I think the coasts are most competitive and Las Vegas receives the most scrutiny ( underrated ladies )
Rents are high in NYC & LA and a few top nationwide providers from those cities are absolutely psychotic and paranoid about their review ratings. It is best to sometimes not leave any number

Yes, I have heard. I do think some areas are harder on the scoring-from what I have seen.

For writing me a 10/10 review. (Usually guys I've never met are the ones who PM that BS lol.) Lol, it's like hey, you know you're talking to the girl he reviewed, right?

FWIW, if a lady clearly advertises she's a specific type, she will get a guy who likes that type. If the ladies you're talking about are 10/10's and 9/10's to the clients they specifically advertise to, (assuming they accurately advertise,) the guys will review as such.  

I.e. I happen to make jokes about my phat azz and my "you gotta try this" attitude about my smokin hot curvy body, which has attracted guys who are looking for just that. I simply ignore the PM's and emails correcting the guys reviews lol. Like thanks a lot buddy.  

So my suggestion to you is to just move on. If you feel you're looking for 10's and only getting 7's, give up and choose 7/7 providers. Save some money. (Nothing wrong with a 7/7 provider, but they are usually less expensive than the top 100.)

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 12:40:01 PM

the reason why you may have received PM was because of the poor reputation of the person reviewing you. If the person's 90% of reviews are 10/10 then of course everything he posts in the review is fair subject of criticism.  

I bet you if I were to review you and say give you 9/9, you would not get emails making fun of the reviewer..

And I'm not complaining lol.

But PM's personally sent to a lady a guy has never seen implying she's not a 10/10 by making fun of the score isn't very smooth in the dating department. ;)

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 1:54:23 PM

hurtful to a lady.   Since joining P411 and TERland, I have only written two reviews but I have seen seven ladies.  If I can write a review that affirms the general opinion and if it will not hurt the lady's averages, I will do it (they will not be novels anymore either, I learned that too).    So, some day somebody will look at my X number of reviews and they will say "shit, this dude is a moron, everybody is a 9 or a 10 in his book," when that is not true.

I do feel a little bit guilty about not "contributing" by sharing my experiences with everybody but I am not going to mess with somebody's ability to make a living and I also have come to the realization that everybody's mileage will vary.    Perhaps my session ended up being what I considered a 4 because of something I did, the lady had a bad day, whatever.

As for the OP, the other point is that I would not want to be the poor bastard who ends up giving 8s, or *gulp* lower to somebody who has a streak of mostly 10s and some 9s going.   I have already seen a couple of guys take a ton of shit in public for publishing reviews that were not mean-spirited, they just gave their thoughts and they got crucified.

The other point, made by the lady with the phat azz, is also right on, as usual (I am a BSU), and it closely resembles something else that another lady said a couple of months ago.  If you are looking at photos, if the photos are good, there is no way you should end up seeing a 6 or a 7, whatever the fuck that means, because then it is on you.  Presumably, you want to see whomever you think would tickle your fancy the most at that particular time and if you pick a 6 or a 7, then you are a moron

You make a good point - now 8's are considered average? No, I don't feel like a poor bastard for giving 8's and if some provider wants to beat me up over 8's, go right ahead. It won't happen because I don't see providers with pages and pages of 10/10 reviews. They're overpriced and no way in hell are they on their 10/10 game with every reviewer. Experienced guys know those pages of 10/10's are BS even though, yes, there are a few (very few) providers that are 10/10 quality. It's a big red flag when those high scores keep appearing. You have to do a lot of research into the reviewers giving those scores and determine if they're inflating everyone or if they're legitimately picking the cream of the crop every time.

I'm not losing sleep over 8's and 9's and for the record, no provider has every complained about my 8's and 9's. I choose to see above average providers, not the cream of the crop which I couldn't afford even if I was inclined to believe those high scores.

The pressure providers apply for higher scores should be brought to TER's attention. If you receive a nasty PM about your scores and you believe them to be accurate, forward her PM to Admin and let them deal with it. Providers who routinely complain about their scores eventually get timeouts and in some cases, possibly banned.

Posted By: lbll

 As for the OP, the other point is that I would not want to be the poor bastard who ends up giving 8s, or *gulp* lower to somebody who has a streak of mostly 10s and some 9s going.   I have already seen a couple of guys take a ton of shit in public for publishing reviews that were not mean-spirited, they just gave their thoughts and they got crucified.

It is based on the same principle as the old Ford Motor Company.

That way no one is disappointed.

You do want it in black...right?

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
You make a good point - now 8's are considered average? No, I don't feel like a poor bastard for giving 8's and if some provider wants to beat me up over 8's, go right ahead. It won't happen because I don't see providers with pages and pages of 10/10 reviews. They're overpriced and no way in hell are they on their 10/10 game with every reviewer. Experienced guys know those pages of 10/10's are BS even though, yes, there are a few (very few) providers that are 10/10 quality. It's a big red flag when those high scores keep appearing. You have to do a lot of research into the reviewers giving those scores and determine if they're inflating everyone or if they're legitimately picking the cream of the crop every time.  
 I'm not losing sleep over 8's and 9's and for the record, no provider has every complained about my 8's and 9's. I choose to see above average providers, not the cream of the crop which I couldn't afford even if I was inclined to believe those high scores.  
 The pressure providers apply for higher scores should be brought to TER's attention. If you receive a nasty PM about your scores and you believe them to be accurate, forward her PM to Admin and let them deal with it. Providers who routinely complain about their scores eventually get timeouts and in some cases, possibly banned.  
Posted By: lbll
  As for the OP, the other point is that I would not want to be the poor bastard who ends up giving 8s, or *gulp* lower to somebody who has a streak of mostly 10s and some 9s going.   I have already seen a couple of guys take a ton of shit in public for publishing reviews that were not mean-spirited, they just gave their thoughts and they got crucified.  

Now we have to figure out which providers are on TER? I don't have time for that nonsense. See my suggestion above.

That is so true from what I have heard. Nothing wrong with an 8.

djddla611 reads

I think you take a 10/10 review as a one time or two shot experience. Many 10/10s receive those scores after multiple sessions with the reviewer. I can't think of a 10/10 I've seen without a follow up and in a few instances multiple YEARS of sessions. Stick to your 8s and 7s if that's what you like and can afford. I appreciate beauty, performance, sweet personalities and ladies young and into their late 30s who try to be the world's best GFE and PSE. Do you know how nice it is to share time with those that love what they do and provide every aesthetic pleasure along the way? If you answer yes then you owe someone a 10!

89Springer1072 reads

I didn't want to give low scores to someone with 9's or 10's, so I just didn't review them. Or I caved and gave a 9.

That doesn't do anyone any good. My former favorite-to-date, who's all 9's and 10's, had a review from a guy who gave her a 7 on performance. She was too sore to have intercourse, and so just gave him BJ's. She was also out of condoms, and had to run to the store. Should he have not written that, or given her a 9 just to keep up her average?

I gave an agency provider an 8. She was good looking, but her body wasn't the tight package she was billed as. Her performance was lacking. She was ticked off about the 8, even though in hindsight I think it should have been lower.  

The last two agency providers I saw were lackluster, and I didn't write reviews because I didn't want the drama I got from the previous agency provider.  

I'll continue to write reviews, but I'll stand by principle and write them as they should be. It serves nobody to give high scores when they're not merited, even if the girl is having a bad day (like the one who couldn't find a sitter for her dog, and brought it to bed with us).

Wow. Good point. Especially if the senior reviewers have a following, which some do.

magicsam1009 reads

I actually select a lot of providers based not just on the numbers but whether they are my type and do some of the things I like. My ATFs are all 8s and my very first provider was 7/7 and I have seen her 8 times.

Appreciate your modesty, but you are NOT a 7/7 provider. I read your reviews. You are obviously very good at what your do and obviously hot.

trying to put numbers against a person's performance and looks..  

Aside from the obvious outliers, more so on unattractive side of the equation, for most part the looks are subjective and performance is even more personal experience..  What the hell is a 7/7 provider anyway... In the world outside of TER's system the numbers 7/7 don't mean shit...

Of course, since you are playing by the system that was created for you, your views can't be more asinine than the system itself.

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 2:17:13 PM

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
trying to put numbers against a person's performance and looks..  

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 2:17:13 PM

I couldn't agree more.

magicsam810 reads

Asinine?? At least you know how to spell it but your logic is nonsensical. You sound like an idiot who was responding to another thread. What the hell are we doing if not putting "numbers against a person's performance and looks.." That is exactly what you have been doing sense you started writing reviews in 2004. Maybe you should put the booze down.

to post a review without giving scores, please let me know as I would love to sit and learn from you..

Just because my reviews have numbers against them, doesn't mean I agree with the system.. I am just playing along..

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