TER General Board

This is my new jam
TaylorMorgan1 See my TER Reviews 2205 reads
1 / 77

Happy Halloween everyone! :) In honor of the day.. let's talk about fears.

My greatest fear is that my life won't end up the way I'd like it to. I want to get married at some point, and have a child (or two), and I'd like to have a successful career. But I'm not seriously dating anyone, and I've changed my major twice in school.. so sometimes it feels like things just aren't going to work out.

I also have a pretty bad fear of the dark..  being alone in the dark specifically, more specifically being alone in the dark while it's quiet. Before bed, I put my phone and my nightstand and turn on my Netflix app. I'll usually have a cartoon of some sort playing, the bright lights and sound make it much easier for me to go to bed.

So, what are you afraid of?

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 669 reads
2 / 77

I'm afraid that my maids will find a misplaced sex toy, condom wrapper, or my restraints left attached to my bed ( that happened already) I even dream about it, but I do have a lot of toys to keep track of. I keep them in a locked tool box (don't laugh it's perfect)

I guess that's my only fear (for now)

GaGambler 553 reads
3 / 77

and even worse that my junk will stop working before my mind and the rest of me have lost interest in sex.

I had a brief scare well over a decade ago where for some still unknown reason I experienced equipment malfunction for about a month or so,  I went and got checked out, he gave me a trial prescription for the blue pill that had no effect and for about a month I had several episodes where my junk would not function on command. Scared the dogshit out of me. Fortunately my "cure" was as inexplicable as my problem, one day after several weeks of misery, everything went back to normal. I made doubly sure by fucking at least two girls a day for a couple of weeks just to make sure, but knock on wood, the problem cured itself.

I know someday it's going to happen for good, I just hope I am at least 90 before that eventually happens to me.

Actually, I really don't have a lot of fears, in general I am pretty happy with my life.

russbbj 89 Reviews 503 reads
4 / 77

you retiring before I get the chance to get down to A to spend time with you.

Don't be afraid that your life won't turn out the way you'd like it to. Based upon what you told us a while ago, that you basically raised your siblings, you have an inner strength that will ensure you succeed at your life's ambitions. You'll change your mind about many things in this thing called life, just always be true to yourself. I was told this by my Mentor very early in my career and it has helped me through many trials "Be yourself, no matter what happens, no one can take that away from you".

I don't recall which movie I heard this in, but to paraphrase, "there's no perfect life, there's just life", "go live it".

cspatz 67 Reviews 525 reads
5 / 77

...wiping out or at least vastly reducing my savings right when I need them most. Now is not the time to switch to bonds. Interest rates are way too low. Plus I have some time before that day arrives. The market is still my best bet.

-- Modified on 10/31/2015 3:48:13 PM

bbfs4ever 591 reads
6 / 77

I love to be needed and hate when anyone for any reason rejects me.

But if someone does reject me I just blame them for being stupid.  I'm a great guy and I know it.
Posted By: TaylorMorgan1
Happy Halloween everyone! :) In honor of the day.. let's talk about fears.  
 My greatest fear is that my life won't end up the way I'd like it to. I want to get married at some point, and have a child (or two), and I'd like to have a successful career. But I'm not seriously dating anyone, and I've changed my major twice in school.. so sometimes it feels like things just aren't going to work out.  
 I also have a pretty bad fear of the dark..  being alone in the dark specifically, more specifically being alone in the dark while it's quiet. Before bed, I put my phone and my nightstand and turn on my Netflix app. I'll usually have a cartoon of some sort playing, the bright lights and sound make it much easier for me to go to bed.  
 So, what are you afraid of?

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 447 reads
7 / 77

A long, draw out death. I have no desire to live a half life. That scares me.

I've been through life's grinder, so much else worries me. I just refuse to linger around unable to have a fulfilling life.

LoboGris 3 Reviews 442 reads
8 / 77

while sitting on the pot grunting out a big one..

(try getting that visual out of your head)

Alan_Nimm 644 reads
9 / 77
dallas4u1969 See my TER Reviews 424 reads
10 / 77

I detest frogs more than ANYTHING in this life!!!

russbbj 89 Reviews 426 reads
11 / 77

If my junk stopped working, I'd have to put a .45 cal bullet in my head. What else is there to live for?  

Glad to hear things went back to normal for you, that is scary.

GaGambler 655 reads
12 / 77

We had an extended foreplay going on, lots of kissing, lots of BBBJ (where my shit worked fine) and a lot of DATY, I must have spent half an hour down there as she would let me stop. When I finally did finish with the foreplay and was ready to move on to the main event I suppose an hour had gone by, and shock of all shocks my fucking dick wouldn't work. I chalked it up to all the drinking we had been doing, (but it never had that effect before), but then the very next day the same thing happened with a HOTTT civvie chick I was seeing. Yes, it scared the fuck out of me. Fortunately it never happened again, except for a few isolated incidents where a couple of bottles of tequila were involved, but even then I could get erect.

Yes, I suppose that someday all of our dicks are going to fall off, but I hope mine doesn't fall off until long after I am dead.

scb19 10 Reviews 398 reads
13 / 77

living past the time I can take care of myself....

Posted By: TaylorMorgan1
Happy Halloween everyone! :) In honor of the day.. let's talk about fears.  
 My greatest fear is that my life won't end up the way I'd like it to. I want to get married at some point, and have a child (or two), and I'd like to have a successful career. But I'm not seriously dating anyone, and I've changed my major twice in school.. so sometimes it feels like things just aren't going to work out.  
 I also have a pretty bad fear of the dark..  being alone in the dark specifically, more specifically being alone in the dark while it's quiet. Before bed, I put my phone and my nightstand and turn on my Netflix app. I'll usually have a cartoon of some sort playing, the bright lights and sound make it much easier for me to go to bed.  
 So, what are you afraid of?

scb19 10 Reviews 373 reads
14 / 77

it was good enough for Elvis....

Posted By: LoboGris
 while sitting on the pot grunting out a big one..  
 (try getting that visual out of your head)

jelloman42 10 Reviews 512 reads
15 / 77
1705218 10 Reviews 452 reads
16 / 77

Having something happen to my health that renders me incapable of caring for myself. I would seek a way to end it all.

GaGambler 437 reads
17 / 77

but I would be a bear to get along with, God save the waitress who spilled my coffee or the clerk who made me wait. I guarantee you I would be a world class prick with no outlet, much different than my normal, sunny disposition. lol

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 398 reads
18 / 77

I'm afraid that. When I die? I won't go anywhere...
No Heaven, no Hell.. Simply nothing. No existence...
A fate far worse than eternal damnation....

So tonight? I stare into the void, and remember that I'm alive

jelloman42 10 Reviews 485 reads
19 / 77

I probably spent the majority of those 5 years being a world class prick myself...

...it's hard to tell, though, I'm grumpy by nature...

donbecker54 19 Reviews 396 reads
20 / 77

Smoking and/or heavy drinking  make ED more likely. 40 years of abusing my body took a toll on me. Now it's time for surgery. :(

TheGovernor 110 Reviews 411 reads
21 / 77

Our parents passed away, I would be devastated if anything happened to my older brothers!

GaGambler 435 reads
22 / 77

Drinking??? well, one out of two aint bad, right?

I will admit to still drinking like a fish, and I thoroughly enjoy a good old fashioned "lets get drunk and screw" but I do know I won't be able to do this forever.

Oh yeah, I also quit all my illicit drug use, no pot (well maybe just a little on special occasions with a special girl) no coke, no uppers, downers or anything else besides good old fashioned booze. Getting "coke dick" a couple of times cured me quickly from doing any more cocaine for the rest of my life.

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 456 reads
23 / 77

Live burial, attack by a shark, stroked out and helplessly at the mercy of uncaring paid attendants:

I would fear being seized by jealousy.  I am not jealous by nature (if my wife or the lady I was crazy about for four years wanted to have a fling with someone else, the thought does not upset me) but just once I was crazy jealous and in retrospect I can't figure out why.  She was physically gorgeous, but not too bright and boring and I was just finishing up a bad marriage and I was crazy jealous of her sleeping with others.  It felt terrible and I never want to feel that again. Better than buried alive though

GaGambler 475 reads
24 / 77

If you had just said  "but if someone does reject me I just blame them for "ME" being stupid"  

You would have nailed it but for the lack of that one key word. lol

leevalley8 12 Reviews 452 reads
25 / 77

There are so many other things in life that are so much fun. Sex is only one of them.  I can easily fill my time with other hobbies that I enjoy if I can't enjoy sex any more.     I am afraid other things in my body that stops working one day. For example, my brain, my eyes, my hands, can't walk any more.  I enjoy sex a lot.  But my junk is never going to be on top of my list.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 468 reads
26 / 77

or that I'll run out of money before my dick gives out.  

I am hoping they give out at the same moment.  

Tough situation, eh?

Demcc3 27 Reviews 406 reads
29 / 77

I have to say I fear rejection the most.  I have ever since I was a little kid.  I had two older siblings who were always excelling in school and sports, etc.  I didn't do as well because I marched to my own beat, I guess...and my father criticized me for that.  I had no problem making friends in fact I could adapt to any crowd and make friends and be comfortable.

Speaking of junk not working, I've had that happen too lol.  No biggie...I usually ask for a massage, and one thing leads to another and I recover.  During this past dummer I was diagnosed with Peyronie's disease and it came out of the blue.  No pain is involved, it just gives a minor unique curvature thst some girls gave actually liked and commented upon.

I guess those are my only fears.....for now


leevalley8 12 Reviews 404 reads
31 / 77

You can try penile implantation instead of ending your life.  People said it feels good and have tons of fun.

Posted By: russbbj
If my junk stopped working, I'd have to put a .45 cal bullet in my head. What else is there to live for?  
 Glad to hear things went back to normal for you, that is scary.

kimosabe 5 Reviews 398 reads
32 / 77

My biggest fear is that there is a God and he's pissed

kimosabe 5 Reviews 410 reads
33 / 77

Absolutely correct. By the way, I am the Boogie Man so no fears

cspatz 67 Reviews 483 reads
34 / 77

..he has a lot of explaining to do.

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 365 reads
35 / 77

Mais pourquoi ma cherie?


leevalley8 12 Reviews 440 reads
36 / 77

I fear this too.

Posted By: kimosabe
My biggest fear is that there is a God and he's pissed

GaGambler 461 reads
37 / 77

Then I too have a few choice words for him after I check out of this life.

"Mysterious ways" my ass, someone is sleeping on the fucking job IMO.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 496 reads
38 / 77

Um no you are a major douche bag and we all hate you.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 430 reads
39 / 77

You might be a little late on calling the brain not working ...

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 423 reads
40 / 77

Not too much to worry about. ...

RroseSelavy 427 reads
42 / 77
some-guy 6 Reviews 425 reads
44 / 77

Posted By: cspatz
 ...he has a lot of explaining to do.

some-guy 6 Reviews 554 reads
45 / 77

[paraphrased from article in the Economist]

"CONGRATULATIONS: if you are reading this then you are not one of the 437,000 people whose lives ended as statistics in a grisly report on murder published on April 10th by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime ... "

 ....  How can you shorten your odds of making it through (the year)?

First, don’t live in the Americas or Africa, where murder rates (one in 6,100 and one in 8,000 respectively) are more than four times as high as the rest of the world.  

- Be a woman. Your chance of being murdered will be barely a quarter what it would be were you a man.  

- Don't have a family. :-) Nearly half of all female murder-victims are killed by their partner or another (usually male) family member.

- Be older. From the age of 30 onwards, murder rates fall steadily in most places. But not everywhere. Europeans are more at risk in middle age than in youth.

- Don't drink or be around drunk people. Other studies have found that alcohol featured in half of murders in Australia, Finland and Sweden, making it a more common factor than any weapon

jelloman42 10 Reviews 310 reads
46 / 77

One day I'll have to tell you the story of the great possum hunt...INSIDE my house...

donbecker54 19 Reviews 388 reads
47 / 77

Posted By: some-guy
[paraphrased from article in the Economist]  
 "CONGRATULATIONS: if you are reading this then you are not one of the 437,000 people whose lives ended as statistics in a grisly report on murder published on April 10th by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime ... "  
  ....  How can you shorten your odds of making it through (the year)?  
 First, don’t live in the Americas or Africa, where murder rates (one in 6,100 and one in 8,000 respectively) are more than four times as high as the rest of the world.  
 - Be a woman. Your chance of being murdered will be barely a quarter what it would be were you a man.  
 - Don't have a family. :-) Nearly half of all female murder-victims are killed by their partner or another (usually male) family member.  
 - Be older. From the age of 30 onwards, murder rates fall steadily in most places. But not everywhere. Europeans are more at risk in middle age than in youth.  
 - Don't drink or be around drunk people. Other studies have found that alcohol featured in half of murders in Australia, Finland and Sweden, making it a more common factor than any weapon.  
80% to 90% of homicide victims have criminal records, and a majority of homicides involve criminal interactions, usually drug-related. So, the best way to avoid being murdered is to not be a criminal.

African Americans have the highest homicide victim rate, 50.6 per 100,000 population, compared to 45.9 for whites and 2.6 for other races. Note that these are percentages of the total population, not the populations of those ethnic groups.  

It helps to be older, too. 53% of homicide victims are between the ages of 17 and 34

RroseSelavy 476 reads
48 / 77

...about the relative safety of frogs and clowns? Preferably with statistical factoids? Because the folks upthread desperately need your help, Captain Save-a-Ho.

Meanwhile, the source material for that article, the UNODC Global Study on Homicide 2013, isn't particularly granular, so doesn't provide any statistics on the murder rate among prostitutes. However, it didn't take me long to find the study linked below, which finds prostitutes 17.7% more likely to be murdered than women of similar age and race who are not prostitutes. Further, the vast majority of the murder victims recorded in the study were killed "on the job", lest there be any confusion.

I HATE that this seems to confirm the legitimacy of my fears. I hadn't investigated the statistics before because I didn't want that confirmation. Now I know, FANTASTIC. Many thanks for the article that really doesn't apply.

GaGambler 348 reads
49 / 77

I don't mean this in a flippant manner, but if getting killed at work is your BIGGEST fear, why don't you just quit? I mean it's not like someone is forcing you to be a hooker, are they?

and not to be picky, but a 17.7% increased risk of being murdered doesn't seem like a number that would paralyze me with fear. I can only imagine what the odds of being robbed and/or murdered for liquor store clerks must be. I bet you that's a more dangerous job than being a hooker and the pay sucks.

missariarocchi See my TER Reviews 429 reads
50 / 77

I'm afraid of commitment and running out of scotch.  

Posted By: TaylorMorgan1
Happy Halloween everyone! :) In honor of the day.. let's talk about fears.  
 My greatest fear is that my life won't end up the way I'd like it to. I want to get married at some point, and have a child (or two), and I'd like to have a successful career. But I'm not seriously dating anyone, and I've changed my major twice in school.. so sometimes it feels like things just aren't going to work out.  
 I also have a pretty bad fear of the dark..  being alone in the dark specifically, more specifically being alone in the dark while it's quiet. Before bed, I put my phone and my nightstand and turn on my Netflix app. I'll usually have a cartoon of some sort playing, the bright lights and sound make it much easier for me to go to bed.  
 So, what are you afraid of?

RroseSelavy 490 reads
51 / 77

A very vanilla one. And my second biggest fear is being raped or murdered while working that job.  

Of course you're being flippant GaG, but that's cool. I don't think it unreasonable to be anxious at the real potential for danger, even while opting to do the work. I think you're underestimating the deep and primal terror that comes with realizing that the person you're "servicing" is a few marbles short, a sensation that most hookers are very familiar with. The acknowledgement of this reality certainly doesn't keep me from enjoying this career and my safe, sane clients.

And not to be picky, but the study I linked to explicitly mentions liquor store workers:

"The workplace homicide rate for prostitutes (204 per 100,000) is many times higher than that for women and men in the standard occupations that had the highest workplace homicide rates in the United States during the 1980s (4 per 100,000 for female liquor store workers and 29 per 100,000 for male taxicab drivers) (29)."  
Posted By: GaGambler
I don't mean this in a flippant manner, but if getting killed at work is your BIGGEST fear, why don't you just quit? I mean it's not like someone is forcing you to be a hooker, are they?  
 and not to be picky, but a 17.7% increased risk of being murdered doesn't seem like a number that would paralyze me with fear. I can only imagine what the odds of being robbed and/or murdered for liquor store clerks must be. I bet you that's a more dangerous job than being a hooker and the pay sucks.

Senator.Blutarsky 471 reads
52 / 77

...because I'm the scariest thing in the forest.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil... because I'm the meanest SOB in the valley... lol.

ronkini1234 2 Reviews 412 reads
53 / 77

I have always valued freedom more than anything so working a job is a bit of a nightmare. I do love helping people and my job is exactly that but my true motive lies in someday being in my early thirties having contributed so much to the economy that I am free from obligations. From there I want to revert myself back to childhood tendencies like creation and exploration.

To me having to work when you are 40+ is like a living nightmare. There is so much life has to offer and you are there working away missing out on it all. There are an infinite amount of worlds to create and explore.  

Another fear is retiring but not having a healthy enough body to enjoy life with afterwards.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 398 reads
54 / 77

I'm not following you around, GaGambler. Really. ;)

You brought up store clerks. A few years ago I got sick of hearing news anchors talk about "brave cops getting up every morning and facing danger", because I know it's a load of crap. So I did some research, and found that convenience store clerks are about 20 times more likely to be assaulted or murdered than cops.

I would think working in a 7-Eleven is much more dangerous than being a provider. I'd bet money on it, even, and I don't gamble.

GaGambler 411 reads
55 / 77

How often do you hear about a hooker getting murdered? Now contrast that with the almost nightly cases of 7-Eleven and other store clerks getting robbed and murdered.

As someone who is a gambling man I would say your bet is a safe one.

I don't mean to belittle the dangers of getting naked with strange men for a living, but facts are facts.

scoed 8 Reviews 450 reads
56 / 77

All or at least most of my life I have been plagued with dark thoughts of hurting myself and only myself. I never feel like I am enough. I always feel lacking. Nothing feels good enough. It is silly. I know better, but the feelings remains. I am afraid one day these thoughts will win.  

Now before people shout get help. I have gotten help. I am getting help. My only real fear is me and well,  heights. I am afraid of heights.

mojojo 1 Reviews 425 reads
57 / 77

I fear that when I go to the pearly gates St. Peter will have one question for me.

Now let's see mjj, you saw how many escorts in your lifetime?

some-guy 6 Reviews 429 reads
58 / 77

Various studies suggest that "street hookers" make up only 10% of the total population of prostitutes, but contribute a disproportionate share of homicides, estimated at roughly 80-90% of all prostitute homicides.

Statistics are really incomplete though, due the the difficulty in getting anything resembling an accurate count or even rough estimate on the number of street hookers versus those in massage parlors or brothels ... although they say the vast majority are massage parlor ... and they tend to be very low in the violent crime rate. As are those who work in places where prostitution is legal.

Interesting stuff though, and some good points you bring up.

russbbj 89 Reviews 410 reads
59 / 77

I mean let's be honest, if I cant fuck, or a least get sucked, then why bother. I like to cum, it dominates every aspect of my life, if I couldn't then they might just as well set me out to pasture and I'll check out.

MfSD 39 Reviews 381 reads
60 / 77

But I get one anyway just in case.


slappadebass 22 Reviews 403 reads
62 / 77

No contest. Even watching people in the movie or on TV doing stuff at great heights makes me nervous.

On the other hand, I'm quite content with my life. It's led me down a path that I never would have expected. I, too, switched majors in college, drastically, then later in life took a third direction. I don't even know if I'll stick with that one. The search for knowledge and variety never ends.

slappadebass 22 Reviews 377 reads
63 / 77
jc316 87 Reviews 397 reads
64 / 77
missariarocchi See my TER Reviews 451 reads
65 / 77

Science fiction.  

Posted By: slappadebass
Love the Dune reference.

lghtmyfire 2 Reviews 475 reads
67 / 77

…and I’d like to have lots of it to have the freedom to pursue my other hobbies in life, and even dabble in this one some more, although I don’t consider myself a hobbyist with just one review.  

Yet, I’m past the 50+ mark and see no end in sight, so maybe I’m living that nightmare you talk about? Lol! (Not from not working because I do like to work, but at something I like do, like creating and the arts—which I do in my spare time but would like more spare time to do it.) I work to pay the bills. Also, traveling is always a great teacher to experience other cultures, and I’d like to some more of that.

I guess I can be envious of those here who have so much more money that gives them so much more freedom, but it is also counter productive to compare; to keep up with the Jone’s mentality. Best to focus on the here and now and work with what you have to get what you want, even it the expectations are lowered. Knock on wood, I have still have my health.

With that said, I suppose the fear then is unfulfilled expectations. (Life is short)

"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."

--Henry David Thorea

jelloman42 10 Reviews 348 reads
68 / 77

I have a collection which includes 2 .45s and a box of the vilified Black Talon hollow points and I'm still here...

I'm sorry, but my life, with the exception of about a week in September, has never been ruled by my penis...yes, of course I enjoy sex and consider it an important part of my existence, but I also get fulfillment from other things...music, art, craftsmanship, family, friends, adventure...I can't imagine living a life without any if that...I was able to fill my downtime with all of that and more, having discovered a newly realized awareness of health and healthy living...

-- Modified on 11/1/2015 10:58:39 AM

skarphedin 475 reads
69 / 77
skarphedin 539 reads
70 / 77
GaGambler 384 reads
72 / 77

The business as we know it and as YOU practice it didn't even exist in the 1980's. Your report is about as useful as a study about how safe air travel is dated from the early 1900's.

It sounds like you are just worried about being raped or murdered and would be even if you were a stay at home mom.

Cardinal_Richelieu 2 Reviews 414 reads
73 / 77

Fear and surprise

Our TWO chief weapons......oh never min

slappadebass 22 Reviews 460 reads
74 / 77

The latest Neal Stephenson, Seveneves, is a great return to form. Highly recommended.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 474 reads
75 / 77
hbyist+truth=;( 435 reads
76 / 77

And there will be no rejection.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 233 reads
77 / 77

... but it involved my Marlin 30/30 and a flashlight.

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