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This is a example of why . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 636 reads

many (but not all) indies should have a booker/assistant.  Many escorts are good at their job, but when it comes to paperwork/details, they suck.  This has happened to me a few times.  I will give them 24 hours, and if I don't hear back, I will request an appointment with someone else.  Then its whoever responds first.  I always hope that the original lady that did not respond has a learning moment when she gets back to me several days later, and I have to tell her, "You didn't respond in a timely manner, so I booked with someone else.  I always keep my appointments, which I'm sure is a trait you value in your customers.  I will try again sometime and hopefully, you will be in a position to confirm the appointment sooner  Thanks anyway."

It runs about 50/50 on getting a more timely response the next time.  Fortunately, there are plenty of providers, so no single provider is a "must-see" for me who doesn't run their business professionally.

Good morning everyone!  If I schedule a date with a provider with whom I've already been screened with how long should I wait to hear back with a confirmation.  I scheduled a day during the first week of June and made the appt the middle of last week.  I know there are other activities that can be going on on her side such as vacation, touring out of state, time off, family stuff, illness, etc.   I'm just getting a bit anxious here.

Thanks in advance.


Posted By: Demcc3
Good morning everyone!  If I schedule a date with a provider with whom I've already been screened with how long should I wait to hear back with a confirmation.  I scheduled a day during the first week of June and made the appt the middle of last week.  I know there are other activities that can be going on on her side such as vacation, touring out of state, time off, family stuff, illness, etc.   I'm just getting a bit anxious here.  
 Thanks in advance.  

I was visiting particular city the end of April so I started writing ladies two weeks prior. My first choice, a fav, wrote back quickly saying she was leaving for a two month vacation in Europe. My second choice, another fav, said she had family commitments that weekend. My third choice, a new elite lady, tried to upsell the session, so my trip suddenly got cancelled (not).  

Then my fourth through seventh choices didn't return my inquiries. With each one I waited 24 hours before sending the next invitation. After the seventh didn't write back, I decided my hobbying was going to take a different form, and stopped sending inquiries. But then out of the blue three ladies wrote back saying they were available. I accepted the one who wrote first, and told the others that since they took longer than 24 hours to reply, I had already accepted another invitation. They seemed to understand perfectly, so I would say that 24 hours is a fair amount of time to wait for a reply.  

Now what do you do if you wake up horny, and want a same day date? How long do you wait for a reply? 30 minutes? An hour? Send out ten invitations, and whoever writes first gets the nod?

GaGambler478 reads

and at least a couple of times a week I want a "same day" date.  

I usually head straight to P 411, check out who I am interested and see if they are either online or have been in the last few hours, send a PM to the first girl on my list, wait 15-20 minutes to see if she gets the message as P 411 will tell you if the message has been read. If I know she hasn't gotten my message after 15-20 minutes, I move on to the next lady on my list.

Now occasionally when doing this I will get multiple responses, but for me that's not a problem as I simply say my plans have changed for that day and set something up for the next. After all, I am pretty sure I am going to be horny tomorrow as well. I don't suppose this wouldn't work so well for a guy who only sees one lady every couple of weeks, but it works just fine for me.

same-day appointments because of the nature of my work, but I think, and I could be wrong here, but I don't think so, that many guys will be driving around, look down and notice they have a boner, so they check the CV ads on their phone to see who is "available NOW."  

This I where having a booker/assistant comes in handy in reducing the time lag between when you get your wood, and when you get to put it somewhere warm.

GaGambler316 reads

and it also helps to have a roster of women you have already seen, so in some cases they can see me within the hour if my timing is good. I will admit some days it just doesn't work and I simply have to do without, but those days are the exception not the rule

It sounds like you are saying you've submitted a request for an appointment for a day still two weeks out. Sounds like semantics but really , nothing's scheduled until both parties have agreed on a day & time.

If this is a lady you're hot for and has a positive review history  I don't think I'd get all puffed up and pissed because you've not had an immediate response. Lots of factors might be in play. However , it's perfectly understandable that you want to get this thing on the books or move on to another possibility.

Most ladies I see regularly respond quickly to my appt inquiries. Immediately or at least within 24 hrs. However there are a few that I adore that I know tend to take a couple days.  Might be due to hectic life's syndrome , organizational skills , routine of checking emails just on certain days ( some are very low volume UTR types ).

If I was you and this is someone you definitely want to meet I think I'd send another email today beginning with the sentence
" I don't want to be a pest , but would love to see you on June * at *. Pretty sure you've already screened me , but let me know if additional info is needed . I won't make any other plans today in hopes of hearing back from you".

If you don't receive a response today then move on.
BTW....in my experience ladies that are not good at responding to contacts are also the types that tend to NS.

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 8:05:02 AM

many (but not all) indies should have a booker/assistant.  Many escorts are good at their job, but when it comes to paperwork/details, they suck.  This has happened to me a few times.  I will give them 24 hours, and if I don't hear back, I will request an appointment with someone else.  Then its whoever responds first.  I always hope that the original lady that did not respond has a learning moment when she gets back to me several days later, and I have to tell her, "You didn't respond in a timely manner, so I booked with someone else.  I always keep my appointments, which I'm sure is a trait you value in your customers.  I will try again sometime and hopefully, you will be in a position to confirm the appointment sooner  Thanks anyway."

It runs about 50/50 on getting a more timely response the next time.  Fortunately, there are plenty of providers, so no single provider is a "must-see" for me who doesn't run their business professionally.

el.dude492 reads

in most instances.  It is fairly effortless to acknowledge the receipt of an email, even if you cannot yet confirm your availability. This is basic customer service.

There is cell service or WiFi in most places, making it highly unlikely that the lack of response is truly due to lack of signal.

I respond to emails on weekends and holidays, although I enable an "Out of Office" auto response on long vacations.  I will always get around to responding, but this will indicate that it might take more time. It is not unrealistic to expect people in most businesses, including this one, to handle it similarly.

That said, I will typically give a new Introduction/Appointment Request 48 hours before reaching out again.  I will then wait 24 hour hours before crossing that person off the list and moving on.

The above timeframe is sufficient for a provider to respond 95% of the time.

To the extent circumstances are such that it was impossible to respond within the requested timeframe, a follow up email saying, "Hey, thanks for your interest, I regret not being able to get back to you in time, I hope we can connect next time" from a provider will likely have me approach that person again.

Honestly, I have been extremely lucky during my years in this game, as the overwhelming number of providers I have approached have been super responsive and accommodating.

el dude

I only say 72 hours since you are contacting her 2 weeks in advance. Typically when its someone I am seeing for the first time, I will say something like "If I do not hear back from you by XYZ date, I will assume you are not interested and I will consider myself free to make other plans".

Either way, I would move on seeing as you made the appt last week.

I would follow up. I am very quick to respond to appointment requests but there have been emails that slipped through the cracks. Sometimes your email could end up in spam or there might be a contact form that has a glitch in the process that doesn't end up in the inbox.  
Recently I got an email from a guy that was upset that I never responded to a request a month ago. he attached the note to the previous email so no doubt he sent it but I honestly never saw it. I don't know if it was in spam or just hidden.  
I have also had the occasion where i saw the preview to an email on my phone but then couldn't open it. I went to my desktop and it did not exist at all anywhere not even with a search.  
Also, sometimes when someone fills out my contact form there will be a typo in his email address. I may respond to the wrong person or my response may not be delivered at all.  
I am just saying that everyone assumes the worst in everybody. Why not assume the best and follow up with a "Hi. Just following up to make sure you got my email from yesterday."?

24 hours is a reasonable time to wait. There's nothing wrong with a polite follow-up email.

I've had things go to my spam folder, too. It happens.

Good providers do an auto response to let you know they got your message and that they will reply to you soon. Most email programs have a "away or vacation" notification built in, and yes I know many providers don't use it. I just don't have an answer as to why they don't.  

Many ladies won't get admin help either and I really don't understand that as well. Providers can't do it all, but many try. I can understand the logic behind not wanting someone else to do your screening, but surely there are other time consuming tasks that can be outsourced. I know I couldn't have functioned at work without a secretary and other admin people and my job was a boring one. I guess you have to experience administrative assistance to realize that the help is really nice to have AND there are people who are much better at it than I (or you) could ever be. Of course this "get some help" only applies to a small number of providers, but I wonder how many appointments could have been salvaged just in my history? A major complaint that I hear from guys is, "she's really hard to get ahold of. " I've heard that about many popular providers. It's almost like they take the first few appointments and delete the rest of the emails-unopened. I'll try to contact a desireable provider a couple of times, but that's it. I then put them on my mental DNS list if I get crickets and I'm sure many guys here do the same. Ask yourself, would you pay someone $300 an hour to do your Admin work? So why are you doing it then?

She could be traveling and focusing on clients that are in he city she is i

it depends on the timing.  In your case I would follow up today or within the exit day if you have not done so already.  Depending on the provider's schedule I have found that providers sometimes forget to respond to voicemails or texts.  Some providers are better than others at communicating.  I share your frustration and wish that more providers were considerate with prompt and courteous communication.  This should be a field in the review section, such as "Does the provider communicate timely" or a similar like question.  My advice is not to stress unless this provider is worth the angst. If not, find another provider.

Wait 24 hrs then move on quickly to another. The first week of June is right around the corner. now if she's someone you aren't dying to see, move on now, you waited too long for a response already.

48 hours seems reasonable to expect to hear back from a lady that you are booking in advance.

Steph xoxo

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