TER General Board

They've had those for years. You can buy 'em at Home Depot.
JosephineBelle See my TER Reviews 549 reads
3 / 12

Now I'll have something to send all those guys who ask for pussy pics to "see what they're getting" (aka to jerk off to). Get up close and personal with it!

Posted By: numpty88
Endoscopic vibrator with video output.  

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 461 reads
5 / 12

when she sees her OB/GYN

balljointnut 23 Reviews 396 reads
6 / 12

They do. It's called your smart phone. 1)Insert 2)Take pictures 3)Post online for free comments/diagnosis.

TheLabyrinth 448 reads
7 / 12
rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 558 reads
9 / 12

“She didn’t feel like she should have felt from her pictures.”

random133 117 Reviews 552 reads
10 / 12

Its consumers would want to see X-Rays of women.  I guess this is a step in that direction.  

I think the problem with porn is not that the pictures aren't intimate enough it's that they're too intimate.  Half the time it's just body parts slapping together.  The good porn directors understand many of us want to see the whole woman or at least angles that allow us to see her face at all times. When I see lesbian porn with nothing more than a tongue and labia on the  screen--or nothing but the strap on penetrating an unidentified vagina--I feel like I'm watching a video on anatomy, not sex.
Posted By: numpty88
Endoscopic vibrator with video output.  

GhostWriteroftheDamned 498 reads
11 / 12
balljointnut 23 Reviews 449 reads
12 / 12
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