TER General Board

they still have a tap for chat i think we just cant from a phometeeth_smile
mtdewking2015 304 reads


Who remembers how much fun the chat room used to be?  Who wants to help me get people interested again?  

Sandra Alexander

GaGambler671 reads

Was Chat a fun place back in '03??? lol

Things do seem to have changed,  It may be because I have not had as much free time the past five years, but there seemed to be more friendship and social contact.  I have made some real friends from this days which whom I stay in touch and see from time to time.  I got very involved in some of the health questions of people on th sites. I even met and helped get appropriate consults and contacts for someone who turns rout to be quite a sick and i kept int ouch with hiim over the few years it took him to succumb to his cancer after a long and heroic battle.  
It is probably my fault for not staying in closer contact

Back in '06-'08 the chat room was full every night. Both gals and guys. Met a lot of nice people on there. I'm not sure if we had the same problem back then as there is now, but for some reason the room was always packed. The problem now is if you are trying to type something and someone else is posting, your cursor is knocked out of the box. It's really hard to get more than a few words written if there are more than a couple people in the room. I asked TER to fix it months ago and they said they would look at it, but nothing has been done. To me it's very frustrating to try and post anything.

It died down since then..

It was fun at times, and at times nothing but drama..

Perhaps TER Admin can do something to resurrect chat...

-- Modified on 12/21/2014 8:53:02 PM

There is only one char room that I know now that still is very busy and a lot of fun. this particular chat room is filled with people from Texas. I am so shocked that more people from Chicago are never in the Chat room.

I've never been a spender. I was a poster and a chatter. I was a trouble maker but in a nice way, not a troll or anything LOL.

Yeah the drama and the train wrecks as they used to call them.  

It's been over for a long time

I would love a chat room. helps with networking.

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